\\.f\. lA ..J.,,
JUbrarp of £>lo Mfyovs.
IHeliqutae ©earnianae :
ScconH ©ttftfon, ffinlatgeB.
1715. May 11.
AST Munday came to Oxford one Henry
Wild, a taylor of Norwich. He came
on foot, and brought with him letters of
recommendation from Dr. Tanner, chan-
cellor of Norwich, to Dr. Charlett, mas-
ter of University college, and to one or two other
persons ; and as he came along he called upon Browne
Willis, esq. at Whaddon hall, near Fenny Stratford,
who delivered him a letter to me, in which letter
there is this passage relating to this taylor : " Since
' I wrote this, which was to have gone by this post
' to Mr. Anstis in order to be frankt to you, here is
• come in, one Henry Wild, a taylor of Norwich, a
' person that Dr. Tanner gives me this character of
' in his letter : / have ordered this bearer to call upon
' you, toho is a very extraordinary person, and I believe
' will appear so to you, when you shall know that being
' only taught English, and apprenticed to a country
' taylor, and forced to work for his bread, has by his
' industry and application attained good knowledge in
' Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Samaritan, Chaldee, Arabic,
- Syriac, and Ethiopic. He has hitherto lived in great
" obscurity. He has a mighty inclination to goe among
" the booty, and is now footing it to Oxford, where I
'• should be glad if he might meet with encouragement;
"for by the helj) of books, SfC. 1 don't know but he might
" be as eminent as Master Stow ivas in our way. How-
" ever he is . . mul disposed to return to his trade,
•■ if nothing better offers." This taylor is now about
thirty years of age, and was sometime agoe examined
by Sim. Okely, the professor of Arabic in Oxford, who
gave him a testimonium under his own hand, which I
saw and read, signifying that this person had attained
a competent skill in those languages before mentioned ;
and Dr. Prideaux, dean of Norwich, set his hand to
two or three lines in the same paper, signifying, that
he thought he might deserve encouragement upon
account of his genius to the orientals, though he did
not go so far as to vouch for a good or competent
skill. Nor do I believe Okely a good judge in any
but Arabick. Nor do I think that Okely 's probity is
so great as to be relyed upon in the case, tho' he were
as great a judge as he would fain be taken to be.
However allowing that this taylor hath a competent
skill, then I think that 'tis a very great reproach upon
the dignifyed clergy, particularly those of Norwich,
to let him continue without their particular care; but
if he hath not these qualifications, then 'tis withall a
reproach to them to characterize him for them.1
May 28. This being the duke of Brunswick, com-
monly called king George's birth-day, some of the
bells were jamblcd in Oxford, by the care of some of
the whiggish fanatical crew ; but as I did not observe
the day in the least myself, so it was little taken
1 See- under the year 17 21.
1 7i 5] UEARNIANjE. 3
notice of (unless by way of ridicule) by other honest
people, who are for king James Hid. who is the un-
doubted king of these kingdoms, and 'tis heartily
wished by them that he may be restored.
May 29. Last night a good part of the presbyterian
meeting-house in Oxford was pulled down. There
was such a concourse of people going up and down,
and putting a stop to the least sign of rejoycing, as
can not be described. But then the rejoicing this day
(notwithstanding Sunday) was so very great and pub-
lick in Oxford, as hath not been known hardly since
the restauration. There was not an house next the
street but was illuminated. For if any disrespect was
shewn, the windows were certainly broke. The people
run up and down, crying King James the third ! The
true kin//! No usurper! The duke of Ormond ! &c. and
healths were every where drank suitable to the occa-
sion, and every one at the same time drank to a new
restauration, which I heartily wish may speedily
In the evening they pulled a good part of the
quakers' and anabaptists' meeting houses down. This
rejoicing hath caused great consternation at court.
The heads of houses have represented that it was
begun by the whiggs, who met at the King's Head
Tavern on Saturday night, under the denomination of
the constitution club, and being about to carry on ex-
travagant designs, they were prevented by an honest
party that were in an adjoyning room, and forced to
sneak away. Some of these fanatical persons shot off
guns in some places, and had like to have killed many.
Two or three were wounded.
June 5. King George being informed of the pro-
cecdings of the cavaliers at Oxford, on Saturday and
Sunday, (May 28, 29,) he is very angry, and by his
order, Townshend, one of the secretaries of state, hath
sent rattling letters to Dr. Charlett, pro-vice-chan-
cellor, and the mayor. Dr. Charlett shewed me his
this morning. This lord Townshend says, his majesty
(for so they will stile this silly usurper) hath been
fully assured that the riots both nights were began by
scholars, and that scholars promoted them, and that he
(Dr. Charlett) was so far from discountenancing them.
that he did not endeavour in the least to suppress them.
He likewise observes, that his majesty was as well
informed that the other magistrates were not less
remiss on these occasions. The heads have had seve-
ral meetings upon this affair, and they have drawn up
a programma, (for they are obliged to do something.)
to prevent the like hereafter ; and this morning very
early, old Sherwin the yeoman beadle was sent to
London to represent the truth of the matter.
June 1". This being king James the Illd's birth-
day, he being now compleat 27 years of age, it was
given out that there would be the same rejoycings in
Oxford as there were on the 29th of May. And 'tis
probable there had been very great publick rejoycings
here amongst some people, had not Dr. Charlett, who
is pro-vice-chancellor, and the proctors and others,
been very industrious to hinder them. Several new
officers were made upon this occasion. So that all
honest men were obliged to drink king James's health,
and to shew other tokens of loyalty, very privately in
their own houses, or else in their own chambers, or
else out of town. Fur my own part I walked out of
town to Foxcomb, with honest Will. Fullerton, and
Mr. Sterling, and Mr. Eccles, all three non-juring
1715] HEARNIANjE. 5
civilians of Balliol college, and with honest Mr. John
Leake, formerly of Hart hall, and Rich. Clements,
(son to old Harry Clements the bookseller,) he being
a cavalier. We were very merry at Foxcombe, and
came home between nine and ten. Honest Will.
Fullerton and myself (it being very near ten o'clock)
were taken to by the proctor (Dod of Braz-nose) just
on this side Christ Church, as we were coming to
Cairfax. The proctor was very civil to Will, and did
not pretend to say any thing to me. No sooner had
we got from him, but we met Dr. Charlett, with Will.
Rawlins, the yeoman beadle, before him. He appre-
hends Will. Fullerton, but soon dismissed him, as soon
as he understood I wras with him. But notwith-
standing this diligence, there was illuminating at
Wadham, tho' 'twas soon stopped by Charlett's order
and contrivance. The bishop of Bristol (Smalridge)
invited all the noblemen and gent, commoners of his
house to a supper, and kept them in his own lodgings ;
he being one of the sneakers, and terribly afraid of
disobliging the debauched court of king George.
July 1. Last night, between seven and eight o'clock,
a fellow who goes by the name of Cornish Tom, who
was lately a soldier, pretended to fly from Cairfax
tower, but had like to have broke his neck.
July 24. There is just come over a very fine large
print of king James Hid. which I have purchased
for half a guinea, besides half a crown I gave for the
1 A copy of verses spoken by a young lady on the sight of a
What Briton can survey that heavenly face,
And doubt its being of the martyr's race ?
Last week we were alarmed with the news of king
James's landing in Scotland. All good men, and
such as are guided by principles of loyalty, were ex-
tremely well pleased at the news, tho' 'tis feared that
'tis false.
Aug. 1. This being the day on which the late queen
Anne died, and on which George, duke and elector of
Brunswick, usurped the English throne, there Mas
very little rejoicing in Oxford. For tho' it be ap-
pointed a publick thanksgiving, and tho' Dr. Gardiner,
our present pharisaical vice-chancellor, in a silly pro-
gramma he bath published, calls it a just occasion of
rejoycing, yet the generality of people turned it rather
into a day of mourning. The bells only jambled,
being pulled by a parcel of children and silly people;
but there was not so much as one good peal rung in
Oxford. Many shops were opened, and such as kept
them shut (excepting the puritans) did it more out of
sorrow than joy. There was a sermon at St. Marie's
by Dr. Panting, master of Pembroke ; but few people
were at the thanksgiving service. For my own part.
I did not stir out, but kept in a mourning condition
Sure every feature doth his birth declare,
The monarch and the saint are reigning there.
His looks would sure the blood-thirst whigs convince,
And shew at once the Stuart and the prince.
O, glorious youth ! 'tis evidently plaine
By thy majestick eye thou'rt borne to reign 1
My heart bleeds even as it views the shade,
And grieves it cannot bring thee better aid.
I on noe other terms a man would be,
But to defend thy glorious cause and thee:
For both, my life I'de bravely chose to lose,
But now can only stive thee with my muse.
Oh! were my pen a sword, thy foes I'de meet,
And lay the conquer'd world beneath thy feet.
Vol. liv. 28.
1 7i 5] HEARNIANjE. 7
at home. Dr. Panting is an honest gent. His ser-
mon took no notice, at most very little, of the duke of
Aug. 11. Mr. Tyrrell being intimately acquainted
with Hen. Neville, of Barks, (uncle to the present
Mr. Nevile, of Billingbear,) informs me, that he had
heard the said Mr. Nevile more than once in conver-
sation relate, that he had received it from very good
hands, that king Charles the first's body was never
put into that coffin that was buried at Windsor, but
that this coffin was filled with stones and other trum-
pery, and that the body was really buried under a
dunghill in Scotland-yard, near to the place where
his body was opened.1 The said Mr. Tyrrell farther
informs me, that Dr. Walter Charleton, the famous
physitian, was one of those physitians that were pre-
sent at the opening of king Charles the first's body,
and that the doctor affirmed that all his vitals were
so very intire, that he might have lived in all proba-
bility to an extreme old age, (perhaps an 100 years.)
but that his features and hair were much decayed and
altered by reason of his great afflictions. The doctor
also told him, that he was credibly informed that the
room where the said operation was performed was very
much haunted, for some considerable time after, in so
much that nobody would venture to lye in it.
Mr. Cherry, of Barks, (I mean my great friend Mr.
Francis Cherry,) died in the 48th year of his age,
1 This is sufficiently refuted by the examination which took
place by order, and in the presence, of his present Majesty king
George the fourth, in the year 1813. See a very interesting
account drawn up by sir Henry Halford, bart. 4to. 1813, and
Wood's Athena Oxon. vol. iv. p. 40.
8 RELIQULJ. [1715
which was the same age that king Charles the first
died in. I remember that his afflictions had made a
strange alteration both in his hair, which was turned
grey, (tho' he wore a wig,) and in his countenance)
tho' before he had been a very brisk, vigorous man.
Nor did he shew any discontent to the last. But he
was in a perfect concern for the good of the nation,
and of his family, and 'twas this concern that brought
the change.
Communicated by Mr. Richard Rawlinson, of St.
Whilst you, C'adwallo, most supinely great,
Art loosened from the sour fatigues of state ;
While all your wishes center in delight,
By day inventing what may please at night :
While in theatric action you are lost,
And love to hear the mimick heroes boast,
Where you appear majestically dull,
(For nothing dares to pierce thy royall skull) —
Tis well, 'tis well, thick ignorance conceals
Those sad examples which the stage reveals.
What anxious thoughts, what labrings of the mind.
Would you, if known, from Shakespear's story
find !
When curs'd MACKnETn, in sad variety,
Discovers an ursurpers misery.
Mean-while young Malcolm, far in distant shores
Lives banish'd. and his scepter'd right deploi
For this, the miserable tyrant groans,
For this he weeps, lor this he often moans.
Not all the pleasing banquets can asswage
The sudden gusts of overruling rage ;
But often anxious thoughts and strange surprize
Hurry the monarch from his subjects' eyes.
i7i5] EEARNIANjE. o
But when, 0 when ! young Malcolm does return,
And captive Scotland lays aside her moan ;
When, back'd with strong alliance, he appears
More glorious, and dispells his countrie's fears ;
When the loud din of unresisted arms
Frightens the tyrant, and dissolves the charms.
Charms which had kept the unwary ruler blind,
And thus emboldened his deluded mind ;
Fain would he rest ; but, ah ! no rest can be
When usurpation claims the misery !
Hence timely think, how transient glory flies
Like empty clouds, that skim along the skies.
Think, when you see mock majesty appear,
When states are ruled within a theatre,
Think, thus you reign the monarch of an hour,
And, as the curtain falls, so falls your power.
Shakespear basely abuses sir John Falstaffe, who
was a brave and a good man.
Aug. 15. The verses lately printed at Oxford, at
the Clarendon press, as they are pleased to style the
new printing-house, upon Dr. Radcliffe are most of
them looked upon as vile, poor stuff, and they are
generally laughed at. And altho' a very small num-
ber were printed, (under two hundred,) yet they lye as
a drug upon the booksellers' hands, who curse them,
especially Mr. Clements, who with two others bought
the whole impression, and now complains that the
vice-chancellor hath been too hard for them by draw-
ing them in to buy them, and to pay ready money
for them, which he, Mr. Clements, did very readily,
thinking that the book would have sold extremely.
But, alas ! Radcliffe was looked upon as a whimsical,
humoursome man, and therefore people do not give
any credit to the encomiums in it.
10 RELIQUIAE [1715
Aiuj. 1G. We have had of late great expectation of
king James's coming over. And what hath raised
people's wishes is this, that the elector of Brunswick
hath acted altogether according to the direction of the
whiggs. He hath turned the tories out. and rilled all
places with those of the whiggish party. This hath
justly caused abundance of discontent, and 'tis from
hence that we have heard of so many tumults and
riots. Those that were before against king James are
now zealous in his behalf. The song called The king
slut// enjoy his own again is in the mouths of all, not
excepting even women and children, I mean of all
those that are enemies to the tyrannical proceedings
of the whiggs. It is thought that Marlborough' hat li
been the occasion chiefly of the duke of Brunswick's
following this method. Be this as it will, 'tis certain
that we had had much better times had it not been
for the late lord treasurer Harley, who is a villain,
and 'tis thought will suffer as he deserves, though
people do not like the method of proceeding against
Avg. 17. On Friday last, (Aug. 12,) about a quar-
ter before six of the clock in the evening, died sir
Hen. St. George, kt. garter principal king at arms,
being about 01 or 92 years of age. He is succeeded
by John Anstis, esq. b}r virtue of a patent in reversion
from her late majesty queen Anne. As for old sir
Henry, I have heard very great and very bitter com-
plaints against him, he being not only a very incom-
municative, sordid man, but of very little learning;
at least he had very little besides what qualifyed him
to act as herald. But as for Mr. Anstis, who is my
jreat friend and acquaintance, he is a man of very
sweet temper, very modest, and of excellent learning,
1 7i 5] HEARNIANJE. 11
and so well versed in heraldry, that he is hardly ex-
celled by any one in that profession. He hath pub-
lished two or three things about earl marsb.aU, and
designs many other things for the publick.
General Monk married very mean, no better a wo-
man, it seems, than one that had been a sort of laun-
dress to him. Nor was she a woman of any beauty,
but was a nasty slut. In so much, that when one
heard that he was married ; Is he so? (said he;) I
pray what is she that he hath married ? I know not
(replied the other) what she is ; but I am sure, that
he that will come to what she hath, must go through
abundance of dirt and mire.
When king Charles lid. entered London, on the
29th of May, upon his restoration, it was a most
lovely fine day, and there was a prodigious number of
people that flocked to see the entrance from all parts.
The king rid upon an horse, and as he passed along he
was very complaisant and pleasant to all people, and
pulled off his hat to all, but especially to the ladies, to
whom he bowed in a very courteous manner, shewing
a particular regard to that sex, which gained him
much esteem likewise from them.
Aug. 18. Last night the officer being beating up in
Oxford for volunteer dragoons, he was hissed all round
the town. When he came against Balliol- college, and
was making his proclamation, a vast crowd of people
surrounded him, amongst which were many scholars
of Balliol-college, and some too of other colleges, who
hissed him, and cryed out, an Ormond, an Ormond.
Down ivith the Round-heads, doicn with the Round-heads,
Down ivith them, down uith them, down to the (/round.
12 UELIQUIjE [171 5
This made the poor fellow, and his drummer to look
very sillily. However they went forward, and after
some time when they came against the Angel Inn in
St. Peter's parish in the east in High street, the south
side of the way, a gentleman that was in the inn came
out with a naked sword, and challenged the officer,
and forced him to cry an Ormond, God bless tkeduke
qfOrmond. Which the fellow did, tho' in a sheepish,
poor-spirited manner, adding, Sir, I am for the duke
of Ormond. I believe, as much us you are. This occa-
sioned a great crowd and throng of people, all crying
out an Ormond, an Ormond. Down with the Round-
lands. At which a certain noted Roundhead, com-
monly called my lord Shaftsbury, came out of his
shop, under pretence of inquiring into the occasion
of the matter, and under that pretence to get infor-
mation against honest people. As soon as he came up
they fell a-buffeting of him, and as they were thrust-
ing him down the street, just as they came to East-
gate two gentlemen upon horses (who were strangers)
came into the town, and this Shaftsbury to secure
himself from falling catched hold of one of their
bridles. 117/*// a devil, says the gentleman, is the
matter here? Can't one ridt along the highway without
being stopt? At which both of them began to whip
Shaftsbury very eagerly, and when the people said he
was a Round-head, pray lay mi sirs, they up with the
other ends of their whips, crying is he a Round-head?
then by God we will whip him the more. Accordingly
they did so, to the great satisfaction of all honest men,
and much to the discontent of the whiggs; and he
had suffered much worse had lie nut got into a mercer's
shop. This Shaftsbury, by the way, is a poor, sorry
tailor by trade, of a crooked deformed body (which
occasioned his name, by way of allusion to the late
i7i5] IIEARNIANjE. 13
deformed earl of Shaftsbury, sir Anthony Ashley
Cooper,) and of a terrible factious temper.
I hear four of the fellows of New college, amongst
which is Dr. John Ayliffe, who is degraded and ex-
pelled the university (tho' not the college) have sold
their fellowships, which is a custom here, under pre-
tence of resignation, and so will go off.
Aug. 22. Thomas Britton, the famous small-coal-
man, was born near to Wellingborough, in Northamp-
tonshire. He went from thence to London, where he
bound himself apprentice to a small-coal-man, in St.
John Baptist's street. After he had served his full time
of seven years, his master gave him a sum of money
not to set up. Upon this Thorn went into Northamp-
tonshire again, and after he had spent his money, he
returned again to London, set up the small-coal trade,
(notwithstanding his master was still living,) and
withall he took a stable, and turned it into a house,
which stood the next door to the little gate of St.
John's of Jerusalem, next Clerkenwell-green. Some
time after he had settled here, he became acquainted
with Dr. Garenciers, his near neighbour, by which
means he became an excellent chymist, and perhaps
he performed such things in that profession as had
never been done before, with little cost and charge,
by the help of an amazing elaboratory that was con-
trived and built by himself, which was much admired
by all of that faculty that happened to see it ; inso-
much that a certain gentleman of Wales was so much
taken with it, that he was at the expense of carrying
him down into that country, on purpose to build him
such an other, which Thorn performed to the gentle-
man's very great satisfaction, and for the same he
14 BELIQUIuE [1715
received from him a very handsome and generous
gratuity. Besides his great skill in chemistry, he was
as famous for his knowledge in the theory of musick ;
in the praetick part of which faculty he was likewise
very considerable. lie was so much addicted to it,
that he pricked with his own hand, (very neatly and
accurately,) and left behind him a valuable collection
of musick, mostly pricked by himself, which was sold
upon his death for near an hundred pounds. Not to
mention the excellent collection of printed books that
he also left behind him, both of chemistry and musick.
Besides these books that he left behind him, he had
some years before his death sold by auction a noble col-
lection of books, most of them in the Rosacrucian fa-
culty, (of which he was a great admirer,) whereof there
is a printed catalogue exstant, (as there is of those that
were sold after his death.) which catalogue I have by
me, (by the gift of my very good friend, Mr. Bagford. )
and have often looked over witli no small surprize and
wonder, and particularly for the great number of MSS.
in the before mentioned faculties that are specified in
it. He had moreover a considerable collection of
musical instruments, which were sold for fourscore
pounds upon his death, which happened (as I think
I have before noted) in the year 1714, being upwards
of threescore, and lyes buried in the church yard of
Clerkenwell, being attended to his grave in a very
.solemn and decent manner by a great concourse of
people, especially of such as frequented the musical
club that was kept up for many years at his own
charges, (he being a man of a very generous and
liberal spirit,) at his own little cell. He appears by
the picture that is done in mcttzotinto of him, (whereof
I have a copy hanging in my room amongst my old
things,) to have been a man of an ingenious counte-
1 7i 5] HEARNIANJE. 15
nance, and of a sprightly temper. It also represents
him as a comely person, as indeed he was, and withall
there is a modesty expressed in it every way agreeable
to him. In short, he was an extraordinary and a very
valuable man, much admired both by the gentry, even
of those of the best quality, and by all others of the
more inferior rank that had any manner of regard for
probity, ingenuity, diligence, and humility. I say
humility, because tho' he was so much famed for his
knowledge, and might therefore have lived very re-
putably without his trade, yet he continued it to his
death, not thinking it to be at all beneath him.
Aug. 23. To enquire particularly who was the
author of Majestas Intemerata, or the Immortality of
the King* which was printed in the year 1649, in
12mo. In page 8, he tells us, that Poncenac, a cap-
taine of the French rebells, fired an abbey of the
Clugniacs, so full of all manuscripts, the loss is never
to be repaired. In p. 27, he notes, that all pardons
of felony or treason are to be made by the king, and
that he may pardon any parliamentary attainder. In
page 34, he blames the forgeries of the monks, and
calls the book intitled Modus tenendi Parliamenta,
" larva antiquitatis."
Aug. 26. Perizonius is dead at Leyden. His cata-
' It is the general report that Jno. Cleaveland, the poet, was
the author. So Hearne, in a subsequent note. Of Cleaveland
the best account extant is to be found in Nichols's History of
Leicestershire, vol. iii. part 2, page 913: but neither does that
author nor Wood (Fasti Oxon. i. 499, edit. 4to.) appear to have
seen the tract in question, which is a small 12mo. containing
148 pages, besides the title, a quotation from Lidgate, 1. iv. c. 18,
and seven leaves of introduction : there is a copy in the Bodleian
library, [8vo. A. 29 Jur.]
16 J! ELI QUI JE [1715
logue of books is printed. He was a learned, but
very covetous, ill-natured man.
Mr. Xic. Rowe is made poet laureat in the room of
Mr. Tate, deceased. This Rowe is a great whig, and
but a mean poet.
Sept. 3. The king's house, called Non Such House,
in Surrey, was built by king Henry VIII. There is
a great character of it in Leland. It had three
courts; in the first whereof, in a verge under the
windows, was the whole story done in stone, in basse
relievo work, of Ovid's Metamorphosis, and between
each division was wonderful fine slat work, done in
the form of portcullises, roses, and flower-de-luces.
In the farther garden were formerly some very fine
statues of Diana, &c. This house was kept in pos-
sesion by an old woman during all the time of the
late civil wars. Slie could not be got out, pretending
that she had a title to it. She kept it till such time
as king Charles lid. gave it to the countess of Castle-
main, who sold it to be pulled down. Tbere is a
view of this house in Braunius's Then! rum. and another
in Speed. Quaro. whether Speed did not make use
of Bnumius's. The famous Mr. Hollar also took a view
of it, which view was much the best. But 'tis now
so scarse, that Mr. Bagford, who hath been very dili-
gent and succcssfull in collecting things of this nature,
hath not been able to meet with it as yet. He finds
it mentioned in the catalogue of his prints, sold by
Peter Stent.
Sept. 10. The duke of Ormond, chancellor of Ox-
ford, having been impeached of high treason, and of
crimes and misdemeanours by the Parliament, and he
being thereupon gone into Trance, and the Parliament
1 7i 5] HEARNIANjE. 17
having resolved that he should be looked upon as
guilty and as a traytor unless he surrendered himself
by the tenth of this month, which happens to be this
day, the university became sollicitous about a chan-
cellor. But there being no formal resignation that
appeared, they seemed to be very perplexed. They
seemed satisfyed that there was a resignation, but that
it was stopped by the government. However last
night a letter came from the duke's brother, Charles
Butler, baron Butler of Weston, in the county of
Huntingdon, and baron, viscount, and earl in Ireland,
by the name and stile of baron of Cloghream, viscount
Tullo, and earl of Arran, signifying that his brother
had resigned, and accordingly the university patent
was returned and put into the vice-chancellor's hands.
Hereupon a convocation was called to day at nine
clock for a new election. The vice-chancellor sig-
nifyed first the cause of it, then he specifyed that
there was a resignation, then the earl of Arran's letter
was read, then the patent of the duke of Ormond was
cancelled, by the senior proctor, who publiekly before
the convocation cut off the seal, then (the act of par-
liament and statutes being first read) they proceeded
to election. When the votes were cast up, the earl
of Arran appeared to have an hundred and fourty
votes, and the earl of Pembroke three only. So the
earl was pronounced by the senior proctor duly elected,
when there was a great noise, by way of rejoicing, in
the house. After this the patent was read, and a
letter was carried immediately to London by old
Sherwin the yeoman beadle of divinity.
Sept. 14. Mr. William Wright,1 of London, a famous
1 This account differs widely from that given by lord Orford
18 RELIQUIAE [1715
painter and antiquarie, was born in Shoe-lane, in the
parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn. In his youth he
was seduced and perswaded by a priest, as 'tis sup-
posed, to embrace the Romish religion, which priest
(if he was such) was a Scotch-man (as 'tis said) by
birth, and carried him with him into Scotland, where
he continued for a considerable time, to the no small
grief of his parents and other relations, who were not
privy to the intrigue. Afterwards he travelled into
several parts of Europe, but whether or no the priest
accompanyed him is uncertain. This however we may
venture to assert, that the priest went with him to
Rome, and took care that he should not fly back from
the catholick perswasion. Being settled at Rome, he
there learned the art of painting, but I cannot tell
whose disciple he was, tho' without doubt he was in-
structed in this art by some eminent man. After
this, he became acquainted with the best painters
in Rome, at the same time also cultivating his genius
to antiquities, and making himself known to the most
celebrated antiquaries of that place, who had a re-
spect for him, and were very ready and willing to
communicate their knowledge to him. What ren-
dered him the more acceptable to these famous men
was this, that he was not only a painter and a bare
antiquarie, (I mean so far an antiquarie as to know
no more than what he got by natural parts,) but was
very well versed in the Latin tongue, and was a great
master of the Italian and French. These qualifications
in his Anecdotes of Painting, who makes Wright a Scotchman by
birth, an Englishman by education, and says that he wrote him-
self Scotus, although lord Orford had a picture by him on which
he calls himself Jos. Michael Wright Anglus. I think it very
likely that he changed his Christian name with his religion, a
practice very usual with converts to the Romish church.
1 7i 5] HEARNIANsE. 19
made him so much taken notice of, that for that
reason he was recommended to the archduke of
Austria to be his antiquary, and to collect and pick
up for him medals and other curiosities in antiquity.
So that, upon this recommendation, he left Rome, and
went into Flanders, where the archduke then was.
After some years spent with the said archduke in
Flanders, he went into Ireland, (the archduke being
then dead,) and painted there the effigies of most of
the nobility and gentry of that kingdom. At length
he returned into England, and then began to paint
most of the judges of England in full length, on pur-
pose to adorn Guild Hall, where they now remain.
Upon the death of king Charles II. James duke of
York (by the name of James II.) ascending the throne,
Mr. Wright had an opportunity of going again to
Rome. For king James haveing a particular kindness
for him, recommended him to the earl of Castlemain,
whom he made embassador to Rome. The earl there-
fore received him very kindly, and made him his
major domo. Being now the second time in Rome,
he proved very usefull to the earl, and drew up an
account of all the whole entry, and of all the enter-
tainments that happened upon this solemn occasion
of the earl's embassage, which account is published in
folio, both in Italian and English, and is a great
curiosity. After his return from this embassage, king
James being forced away, and obliged by his rebell
subjects to leave his kingdoms, Mr. Wright fell into
misfortunes, as many other honest men did. For his
royal master being now gone, he soon found that he had
lost an extraordinary friend, and 'tis therefore from
that time that he dated his own ruin. However he
continued very chearfull, notwithstanding his pover-
ty, and would discourse very freely and facetiously
20 RELIQUIAE [1715
amongst his acquaintance of the former part of his
life, and particularly about the curiosities he had
happened to meet with. At last he was obliged, to
supply his necessities, to sell, not only his books,
(which were curious,) but his old medals and seals,
which were very valuable, by which means he got
enough to pay most, if not all, his debts, which was a
great satisfaction to him. Some time after the sale,
he fell sick, and continued in a languishing condition
at his house in James-street, in Covent-garden, till
his death, which happened in the year 168 .. . He
was buried in the church yard of St. Martin's in the
Fields, being attended to his grave by many of his
friends, who lamented his loss. He was of a middle
stature, free and open, and innocently merry in his
conversation, (especially amongst his friends,) of great
plainness and simplicity, and of a very easy temper.
Sept. 16. Lately come out an excellent pamphlett,
called The Church of England's Advice to her CkUdn n.
and to all Kings, Princes, and Potentates, dated Apr.
26, 1715. The place where printed not mentioned,
nor the printer's name.
P. 9. And thus these abused prelates (that were
sent to the Tower) were, by a strange paradox, made
instruments of mischief to me and their king ; tho' if
their lives had been required in mine or the king's
service, they would have resigned them chearfully.1
Ibid. The story (of the prince of Orange's being
invited over to settle the nation) being pretty plau-
sible, it obtained many hands to an instrument by
1 N. B. I am sure Dr. Lloyd, then bishop of St. Asaph, would
not have dyed for king James, he being his inveterate enemy.
Neither would sir Jonathan Trelawny, then bishop of Bristol.
T. II.
1 7i 5] HEARNIANjE. 21
which the prince was invited to you with a body of
military men ; but the inviting a foreigner into the
nation, with men in arms, without the sovereign's
leave, was one of the highest breaches of their duty
towards God and their king.1
Page 10. The lord Churchill, with other licentious
persons, took oaths of fidelity to the king, upon the
four gospels, over night, and deserted to the prince
the next morning.
Page 26. The prince of Orange was so regardless
of his future state, as to sign the abjuration act in the
very hour of his death. An instrument was found in
his strong-box, by which it appeared, that if he had
lived three weeks longer, the late queen had been
committed to the Tower of London, and her life taken
from her in a short time after, as the present John
How, esq. publickly affirmed, having seen the instru-
ment. The parliament that was then sitting appointed
a day for his coming to the bar of the commons' house,
to receive the sentence of that assembly, if he could
not prove the truth of this assertion ; but they found,
before the day came, that he was capable of making
his allegation good. All proceedings therefore were
dropped, that this very dark account of the prince
of Orange might not reach the ear of the publick.
Those who had the administration of affairs at that
time assured the queen that it would be her interest
that the utmost respect should be paid to the memory
of the prince of Orange, and advised her therefore to
require Mr. How's silence, and under that precaution
this black deed was smothered. It appears that these
abominable actions were to cut off king James for
1 N. B. The dean of Worcester, Dr. Hickes, is charged by
Burnet and others as one of those that signed this instrument.
22 RELIQUIAE [171 5
ever from his own inheritance, and to destroy the late
queen, that there might not remain a Stuart upon
earth to interpose between the throne and the foreign
family that now fills it.
Oct. 5. Last week a gentleman named Mr. Sefton,
who is a non-juror, called upon me, (at the request of
the Rev. Mr. Sam. Hawes, of London, a non-juror
also,) and talked many things with me about king
James Hid. We were together many hours, at dif-
ferent times. He was born at Chester, and was taken
care of by lord chief justice Herbert, wTith whom he
went as a servant beyond sea when king James the
lid. was driven away by his rebellious subjects. He
was with the king in Ireland, and was present at the
Boyn. Afterwards he lived at St. Germains, and
served at the royal table. The lord chief justice
Herbert died in 1699, and was buried in a cellar at
St. Germains very privately. As soon as the king
heard of it, he wept, and said, he had lost the very
best of his subjects, and that he must now keep the
great seal himself ; Herbert having been made keeper
of it by his majesty upon the death of Jeffrys. After
Herberts death, Mr. Sefton came into England, and
has lived there ever since very loyally, not complying
at all with the usurpers. He kissed the king's hand
before he came away, and the queen's. The king
spoke very affectionately to him, and bid him go into
England privately, and to live quietly 'till better times.
He said the king and queen and the young princes,
viz. the present king and his sister, who is since de-
ceased, were often very chearfull, and that they lived
very religiously. The lord Herbert left 500 libs, to
New college, (of which he had been a member,) and
500 libs, to Sefton, but neither could be recovered of
i7 1 5] HEARNIANJE. 23
his brother, who complyed with William's government,
and denied to pay any thing that Herbert left by will.
He added, that both the young king and his sister
were extreme handsome, and of a wonderful sweet
disposition : and that their mother (who had been an
extraordinary fine, beautifull lady) continued very
handsome still, tho' she is near three-score years of
Oct. 11. Out of a paper communicated to me by
Mr. Bagford.
In the Pall Mall, at London, lives one Clark, (called
the posture-master,) that has such an absolute com-
mand of all his muscles and joints, that he can dis-
joynt almost his whole body :l so that he imposed on
our famous Mullens, who looked on him in so miser-
able a condition, that he would not undertake his
cure. Tho' he is a well-grown fellow, yet he will
appear in all the deformitys that can be imagined, as
huncht-back'd, pott-bellyd, sharp-breasted. He will
disjoynt his arms, shoulders, legs, thighs, that he will
appear as great an object of pity as any; and he has
often imposed on the same company, where he has
been just before, to give him mony as a cripple, he
looking so much unlike himself that they could not
know him. I have seen him make his hips stand out
1 OfClark, there are two portraits in Tempest's Cryes of London,
folio 1711. The first is inscribed, " Josephus Clericus, posture
" raasterius," where he is represented exactly as described by
Bagford, with hump-back, distended belly, feet inverted, and his
tongue and eyes horribly distorted. In the second, he stands
upon one leg, with the heel of the other touching the back of his
head, and a monkey before him in the same position. The in-
scription to this second plate is, " Clark, the English posture
" master." In both the prints he has a key suspended by a
ribbon from his button, wliy, or for what purpose, I cannot
24 RELIQUIAE [1715
a considerable way from his loins, and so high, that
they seemed to invade the place of his back : in which
posture he has so large a belly, as though one of our
company had one of a considerable size, yet it seemed
lank compared with his. He turns his face into all
shapes, so that by himself he acts all the uncouth,
demure, odd faces of a quaker's meeting. I could not
have conceived it possible to have done what he did,
unless I had seen it ; and I am sensible how short I
am come to a full description of him. None certainly
can describe what he does but himself. He began
young to bring his body to it ; and there are several
instances of persons that can move several of their
bones out of their joints, using themselves to it from
Oct. 12. Dr. Charlett hath a curious Album, which
I have twice looked upon formerly, and this day he
lent me the book. At the beginning of it is king
Charles the first's own hand writing, viz.
27 Oct. 1648.
Si vis omnia subjicere, subjice te Rationi.1
Carolus R.
Underneath it is a drawing with the king's own
hand, viz. first, Victory standing, holding in her right
hand a palm branch, and in her left hand (which is
stretched out) a crown. 2ndly, there is our Saviour
rising from the dead, guarded with two angels. This
drawing is excellently well done, and shews the king
to be well skilled (as he hath been characterized to
be) in that art.
1 The same motto was written by him in the matriculation
book of the university, when he visited Oxford as prince of
i7i5] HEARNIANjE. 25
In page 3, we have the lady Elizabeth's hand-
writing, one of the daughters of that king, viz.
16 $$ 43.
In page 90.
There is noe maid so foul or old,
But shee's made f aire and young with gold.
Mart Gratiano.
In page 91.
Scepe evenit peregre agentibus, ut multa hospitia ha-
beant, nullas amicitias.
Antonio Gratiano.
In page 163.
Patvb yn y Aruer.
Peregrinacione per quamplurimas Europae, Africae,
Asiae majoris et Americas (Dei misericordia) superata,
D°. Hen°. Colthurst hoc amoris testimonium apposuit
Tho. Herbert.
27 Octo. 1648.
In page 115.
Intra fortunes sortem, extra imperium.
Gttlielmus Wallerxts.
Page 103.
Sola solus servire Deo,
Ccdera nuga?.
0 ! quatn multos dominos habet,
qui UNUM non habet.
Haec ornatissimo multorumque arcanorum experi-
entissimo domino Henrico Colthurst in benevolam
sui memoriam scripsit Fulco Grevile, serenissimo
Magnas Britaniae regi pocillator Londini Novembr.
2, An. Do. 1647.
Oct. 6. The famous Dr. Hammond was a red-haired
26 RELIQUIAE [1715
man. He was the first man in England that had copy
money. He was paid such a sum of money (I know
not how much) by Mr. Royston, the king's printer,
for his Annotations on the Testament.
Oct. 31. Mr. John Flamsteed, the astronomer, was
born at Darby. His father was a wealthy malster,
and this gentleman being deformed, and therefore the
outcast of the family, was imployed by his father to
carry out malt with the brewing pan ; but finding this
way of carrying very tiresome, he invented and made
with his own hands a wheel-barrow, by which he
thought to have eased the trouble and pains of carry-
ing it on his back; but instead of ease, he found
greater trouble, the burthen now being more consid-
erable than before, by reason he had a much larger
quantity to convey away at a time. This inconveni-
ence made him repent that ever he had made a wheel-
barrow, the thought of which he could never after-
wards endure. At leisure times he studied the art
of astronomy, and became eminent in it, insomuch
that at last he sent to Mr. William Lilly, the famous
figure-flinger, and took occasion to correct many of his
errors and mistakes. Upon which Lilly, sir Jonas
More, and sir George Wharton agreed to give him a
meeting, appointing the place for the conference to be
the middle way between London and Derby. Upon
this conference the said gentlemen were so well satis-
fied with Flamstced's skill in the art of astronomy,
that at their return to London they recommended him
to king Charles the Hd. as a man of great abilities in
the foresaid profession. Whereupon the king erected
him an observatory at Greenwich, upon the hill, where
he hath continued ever since to make observations,
and hath promised to publish a very large book in
i7 1 5] II EARN LAN Al. 27
folio, containing the remarks he hath made in astro-
nomy from the first beginning of his observations at
Greenwich : which book is all, or at least most of it,
already printed by the encouragement of prince George
of Denmark. It hath been revised by Dr. Halley, and
many mistakes found in it ; but I do not hear that 'tis
like to come out as yet, Mr. Flamsteed endeavouring
as much as he can to hinder it's publication, being
not thoroughly pleased that Dr. Halley should dis-
cover his errours ; and withall he thinks that he ought
to have more and better rewards then he hath yet
met with, before his works appear, tho' 'tis very cer-
tain that the encouragement he hath already found is
much beyond his merits, if we may credit divers in-
genious persons that know the man, and his principles,
(which are republican,) and his sniveling, covetous
temper. By the way, I must note, that he hath a
very great aversion to a wheele-barrow, occasioned by
this accident. At a certain time at Greenwich, he
happened, as he came out of the Ship tavern, in com-
pany with Mr. Le Peyper and Mr. Latham, the latter
a good carver in stone, and the former an excellent
painter for anticpies, being ceremonious, he happened,
in taking leave, to go backwards, and so to fall into
a wheele-barrow, which moved down the hill, with
Flamsteed in it, and caused much laughter amongst
the spectators, to the great regret of Flamsteed him-
self, who could not forbear to tell them the reason of
his aversion to a wheel-barrow. [He died in the latter
end of the year 1719. T. H.]
Dec. 18. Out of a letter I had from Mr. Bedford,
dated the loth instant.
" Dearest sir,
" I received yours, and was waiting an opportunity
28 RELIQUIAE [171 5-1 6
" to return the 16s. for the four subscriptions, when
" I was obliged, by very ill news, to write to you im-
" mediately, before I could get that little bill. It is,
" sir, to acquaint you, that, after a long indisposition,
" from which we hoped he was now rather recovering,
" our excellent friend the late dean of Worcester,1
" was, at about 12 last night, taken speechless, and
" dyed this morning soon after ten. I pray God
" support us under this great loss, and all our afflic-
" tions, and remove them, or us from them, when it
" is his blessed will."
1715-16. Jan. 8. Being to-night with Dr. Charlett,
he spoke upon occasion of Mr: Lock, of whom he gave
a very advantageous character, as to his conversation.
He said no man was more communicative, and that
no one was more fair in the way of disputation. He
said he would discourse upon any point of learning
without the least personal reflection, that he used to
come to the coffee-house, and that he never defended
any point stiffly and positively, and that he appeared
in disputes rather as a learner than a teacher.
Jan. 18. The lordeships and badges of the duke of
(From MS. Digby lxxxij.)
Thes ben the names of the lordeshipis w* the bages
that perteynyth to the duke of Yorke.
Ffurste the dukeship of Yorke w* the bages ben the
ffawcon and the ffetarlocke.
The bages that he beryth by Conysbrow ys a ffaucon
w« a maydcn ys hedde and hur here hangyng a bowte
here shuldris w* a crowne aboute hure nekke.
1 Dr. George Hickes.
1715-16] HEARNIANJE. 29
The bages that he beryth by the eastell of Clyfford
ys a whyte roose*
The bages that he beryth by the eerldom of the
March ys a whyte lyon.
The bages that he beryth by the eerldom of Voolsfys
a blacke dragon.
The bages that he beryth by kyng Edwarde ys a
blewe bore wl his tuskis and his cleis and his mebrys
of golde.
The bages that he beryth by kyng Ri(f . ys a whyte
hert and the sonne shynyng.
The bages that he beryth by the hono of Clare ys
a blacke bolle rowgh his homes and hs cleys and
mebrys of gold.
The bages that he beryth by the fayre mayde of
Kente ys a whyte hjmde.
Feb. 5. Being this morning at Dr. Charlett's, Mr.
Ayres, of Magdalen coll. came in, and amongst other
discourse Dr. Charlett happened to talk very much of
Dr. John Hough, formerly president of Magdalen coll.
and bishop of Oxford, and now bishop of Lichfield and
Coventry. He commended him for a nice carver, and
a man excellently skilled in secular affairs, but said
not a word either of his learning or piety. However,
as he run on. in his commendations of him, in affairs
of eating and drinking, I happened to say, that this
Dr. Hough, even when he was president of Magdalen
college and bishop of Oxford, used to make Friday
(which is a fast day by the church of England all the
year round, unless Christmas day happens to fall on
it,) his great day for treating strangers and others.
At which Mr. Ayres laughed, and turned himself to
me, " Ay, (says he,) this is one of your malicious ob-
'• servations." " And (says Dr. Charlett) this is no-
30 RELIQUIJE [1715-16
" thing but an ill-natured, malicious story, on pur-
" pose to bring a disgrace upon him. If Tony Wood
" had had this story, he would have put it down, and
" printed it." " Sir, (said I,) 'tis no malicious story.
" The person I had it from was Dr. Grabe, a man of
" no malice. He was then Mr. Grabe, and being in-
" vited one Friday to dine with the bishop, by the
" bishop himself, that day, which he told him was
" his day for treating, and that he was to have many
" dine with him that day. No, my lord, (says Mr.
" Grabe,) I must desire to be excused. I always fast
" upon Fridays." This story Dr. Grabe (then Mr.
Grabe) related to me himself, with no small concern,
that the prelates of the church of England, and other
dignified clergymen, should give such ill-examples.
When I mentioned Dr. Grabe, Dr. Charlett said no-
thing about him, only shewed some resentment, at
which Mr. Ayres laughed, and particularly when the
doctor said that other heads of houses might be re-
flected upon as justly ; which is very true, they being
generally great epicures and very illiterate. At the
same time Dr. Charlett happened to speak of Dr. John
Fitzwilliams, who was a non-juror, and had been for-
merly fellow of Magdalen college, and was a groat
benefactor to the college. Says Dr. Charlett, " This Dr.
" Fitzwilliams was a non-juror, and a very weak man."
I said nothing, tho' I could not but observe that this
proceeded from Dr. Charlett's hatred to non-jurors.
For as for Dr. Fitzwilliams, 'tis well known that he
was a very wise, and a very good, as well as a learned,
man. Dr. Charlett continued his venom against non-
jurors, and observed that Dr. Hickes endeavoured to
make as many as he could, on purpose to bring a dis-
grace upon others. His observation is true, that Dr.
Hickes did all he could to make men honest and loyal ;
171 5- 1 6] HEARNIANjE. 31
but not so, to say that 'twas with a design to disgrace
others. They disgrace themselves sufficiently by their
base, pittifull, sneaking complyance. Mr. Ayres struck
in with the doctor about Dr. Fitzwilliams, and ob-
served that he had ruined one whole family at Here-
ford by perswading them to be non-jurors, that is,
the family of the Philipps's. If the doctor perswaded
them to it, he did a very good and a very laudable
thing. I never heard before that it happened through
his perswasions. I am sure, however it happened, they
have obtained a very great and a very good character
by it, which cannot be said of any one of those that
have comply'd, who are ashamed that they have done
so, and are willing it should be kept as a secret, if it
could be done. Two of these Philipps's are now in
prison at Hereford, as is likewise Mr. Brome, for their
Feb. 19. This hath been such a severe winter, that
the like hath not been known since the year 168A.
In some respects it exceeded that. For tho' the frost
did not last so long as it did at that time, yet there
was a much greater and deeper snow. Indeed it was
the biggest snow that ever I knew : as it was also the
severest frost that ever I have been sensible of. It
began on Monday Dec. 5th, and continued till Friday,
Feb. 10th following, which is almost ten weeks, before
there was an intire thaw.1 Indeed it began to thaw
two or three times, but then the frost soon began
again with more violence, and there was withall a
very sharp and cold and high wind for some days.
When it first began to thaw, and afterwards to freeze
1 This exceeds the frost called " the great frost," of which
Holinshed gives us a description. That began on the 21st of
December 1564, and lasted till the 3d of January 1565.
32 RELIQUIAE [171 5-16
again, it made the ways extreme slippery and dan-
gerous, and divers sad accidents happened.1
Apiil 4. Cicero de Legg. 1. ii. p. 344, ed. Rob.
Steph. 1543, Svo. Hominem mortuum, inquit lex
in duodecim tabulis, in urbe ne sepelito, neve urito.
Credo vel propter ignis periculum. Quod autem
addit, neve urito, indicat, non qui uratur sepeliri, sed
qui humetur. I suppose the fires were very large
when the bodies were burnt, and that the streets be-
ing narrow withall, the danger of firing the city might,
iq>on that account, be so much the greater. From
Tully's words 'tis however certain, that sepeliri is pro-
perly to be understood of huma/ri. As sepeliri, there-
fore, is not to be understood of any bodies intra urbem,
so neither were there any sepulchres within the city.
Sed in urbe sepeliri lex vetat : sic decretum a ponti-
ficum collegio, non esse jus in loco publico fieri sepul-
crum. Ibid. p. 344.
Speeches used to be made at the funerals of ho-
nourable persons, and at the same time there were
musical instruments which plaid. These funeral
exercises were properly called Ncenioe, there being
mournfull songs at the same time : honoratorum vi-
rorum laudes in concione memorantur, easque etiam
ad cantus ad tibicinem prosequantur : cui nomen
N;enia3 : quo vocabulo etiam Gracos cantus lugubres
nominant. lb. p. 346.
A penalty upon such as violated or did any injury
to the busts or tumbs : pcenaque est, si quis bustum
(nam id puto appellari tymbon) aut monumentum.
1 For printing on the Thames, &c. at this period, see Nichols's
Literary Anecdotes, vol. i. 118, ii. 464, and Dihdin's Bibliogra-
phical Decameron, iii. p. 282. Bagford sent Hearne his name
printed on the frozen element as a present.
I7i6] HEAENIANjE. 33
inquit, aut columnam violarit, dejecerit, fregerit. lb.
p. 347.
May 3. The following letter of Theodore Beza's,
communicated to me to-day, by Mr. J. Bowles, of the
publick library.1
Brevis et vera ttarratio eorum, qua1, Genevce suntab
Hwjone Broughtkono Anglo patrata.
Broughthonus quidam, nobis ne de nomine quidem
antea cognitus, qualem scse Basileae praebuerit, nempe
qualem sese ipso vultu testatur ; malim ex alijs ocu-
latis testibus, quam ex me, istic intelligi. Is quum
eo venisset, literis quibusdam Graece conscriptis me
eompellavit, sermone quidem non inelegante, sed ar-
gument (quantum meminisse possum) plane futilis ;
hominis videlicet nescio quid de convertendis ad
Christum Judaeis, per Hebraeae lingua? non vulgarem
usum, et per nescio quem Judaeum Constantinopoli-
tanum, sibi pollicentis. Quid igitur ad ista respon-
derem, sane non habui. Offensus ille tamen meo
silentio, sive quod ad ilium esset (ut audivi) perlatum,
quod ipsum ut vanum hominem reprehendissem (quod
baud satis scio, an mihi literas ipsius legenti exciderit;
sed accidere merito potuit) alteras ad me expostula-
torias dedit, quae mihi occasionem amplius de ipso
quaerendi praebuerunt. Inde factum, singulari Dei
providentia, ut melius hie nobis innotuerit. Ipsemet
vero postea ad nos, nescio quorsum, adveniens, totum
sese nobis plus satis patefecit, nescio quae statim cum
quibusdam de Christi ad inferos descensu collocutus,
1 The original was in the possession of Mr. Jackson, a com-
moner of Hart hall, who gave it to the Bodleian library, a few
clays after, viz. May 5, 1716.
34 RELIQUIAE [1716
idque maxima cum intemperie; et mecum quoque
communicato ejus epistola? cxemplo, quam hae de re,
quum adlmc (ut opinor) esset in Anglia adipsos epis-
eopos dedisset, eo fortassis animo, ut aliquod inter
nos quoque fyidcg //.vihov spargeret, imprudenter id qui-
dem non minus, quam impudenter conatus, quum in
eo ipso scripto hrec etiam eeelesia Genevensis videri
possit accusata, et quidem falso. Nos vero illius epis-
tohe barbare et nimis arroganter scripts lectione
graviter (sicuti deeuit) offensi, ne verbum quidem de
hac aut ulla alia controversia cum homine isto, qui se
aperte phreneticum esse proderet, commutandum pu-
tavimus: sed additis, quae Basilea de eodem aceepe-
ramus testimoniis, et Uteris ejusdem ad quendam ex
nostro collegio, eodem plane spiritu scriptis, freti,
censuimus ipsum magistratum nostrum de hac re tota
interpellandum, quum ille prsesertim repente exorto
apud nos rumore de serenissima; reginse obitu (falsis-
simo quidem illo, per Dei gratiam) eo summopere
lajtatus fuisse, et quiddam etiam (sed de quo satis
constare non potuit) magis sinistre locutus fuisse, aut
etiam scripsisse diceretur. Vocatus igitur ille a ma-
gistratu, et sigillatim de istis interrogatus, ita re-
spondit, ut tergiversari quidem ilium appareret ; sed
magistratus tamen amplius de re tota inquirendum
censuerit : illo tamen graviter admonito, ut si adhuc
ad aliquod tempus, proficiendi gratia, sibi in hac
schola et eeelesia permanendum putaret, prudentius
se gcreret, et ne verbum quidem effutiret, quo cujus-
quam existimatio. nedum serenissimse reginse majestas
vel levissime offenderetur ; non minus graves alioqui
po3nas daturus, quam si in banc ipsam rempub. et
ecclesiam capitaliter peccasset. 111c vero testatus
sese mox discessurum, nee fortasse in urbem rever-
surum, vix in suum hospitium rcdierat, quum eo pro-
1716] HEARNIAN^E. 35
cessit impudentise, ut pro eo quod ipsum potius agere
nostro magistratui de hae lenitate gratias oportuerit,
literas in ipso abitu suo miserit magistratui nostro
inscriptas, quibus nihil turpi us, maledicentius, contu-
meliosius seribi a quoquam possit. Hac demum ergo
injuria provocatus senatus, unura ex ordine suo, sed
paulo quam oportuit, serius delegit, qui fugientem
ilium persequeretur, et in Bernensi ditione ubieunque
inveniretur, deprehensum statim curaret ipsius hujus
reipub. nomine aceusatum in eareerem detrudi. Quod
facturus etiam erat, si ante fugam a magistratu voca-
tus sese judicio stitisset. Ille igitur nusquam, utpote
fugam quantum potuit accelerans, deprehensus, sic
nobis quidem evasit ; sed gravius etiam aliquod for-
tasse judicium, quocunque pervenerit, subiturus. Rem
autem banc totam idcirco tibi perscribere visum est,
ut et quam mains vir iste sit, omnes istic melius
etiam, quam antea intelligant, et qua reverentia et
observantia turn ipsam serenissimaj reginaj majesta-
tem, turn Angliearum ecclesiarum religiosissimos an-
tistites, ipsam denique Angliam Genevenses prose-
quantur. Quod ni faciant, non modo omnis Chris-
tianse charitatis obliti ; verum etiam omnium homi-
nura maxime ingrati (quod absit) videri et haberi
merito possint.
Theodoeus Beza dictavi.1
1 This letter may be considered as a great curiosity, as it
throws much light upon Broughton's history, and discovers the
original foundation of his dislike to, and continual abuse of,
Beza. Of Broughton a full account will be found in Bayle, the
old Biographia Britannica, Chalmers's Dictionary, Strype's Life
of Whitgift, and Gilpin's Life of Bishop Gilpin". He was cer-
tainly a man of great learning, but of an ungovernable temper
and morose disposition. Archbishop Whitgift, who had reason
to know him well, (for no man could have been more rudely
treated, or borne such rudeness with greater mildness than he
36 RELIQUIAE [1716
June 25. Yesterday preached at Magdalen college
Mr. Lydall, batchelor of divinity, and fellow of that
college, and rector of Wightham, in Berks. It is
customary upon this day to preach in a stone pulpit
in the quadrangle, all beset with bows, by way of
allusion to St. John Baptist's preaching in the wil-
derness. But this being a damp morning, the sermon
was preached in the chapell, as "tis always when the
morning proves such.
June, 26. Upon news of the duke of Monmouth's
rebellion in the west of England, in the year 1685,
the university of Oxford, to their immortal honour,
shewed themselves on that occasion very loyal. The
chancellor at that time was the old duke of Ormond,
and the vice-chancellor was Dr. Lloyd, principal of
Jesus college. After several meetings of the heads
upon this important affair, they came at length to a
resolution of raising a troop of horse and a regiment
of foot to oppose the rebells. In order to carry on
this the better, a special commissioner was fixed upon
to pass to and from London, with information and
instructions to and from the duke of Ormond, at that
did,) gave it as his opinion, that if Broughton was ever preferred,
he never would submit to anything in the world. Bishop Morton
used often to converse with him whilst in Germany, and at times
when he did not readily comprehend, or could not implicitly sub-
scribe to, what Broughton advanced, he would call him dolt,
blockhead, and other reproachful names. Morton, at length,
when Broughton came to ask him any question, would say, " I
" pray you, whatsoever dolts and dullards I am to be called, call
" me so before we begin, that your discourse, and mine attention,
" be not interrupted." This was good naturedly said, and as
good naturedly taken. Broughton's first work was, A Concent
of Scripture, 1588, of which there are two curious copies in the
Bodleian; one, on vellum, formerly Dr. Rawlinson's; the other,
on large paper, purchased by Hearne a few weeks before his
i7i6] HEARNIANsE. 37
time in London. The person fixed upon was Mr. William
Sherwin, who was afterwards inferior beadle of divi-
nity. Mr. Sherwin was a brisk, active man, and he
performed his commission with that expedition and dis-
patch, that he went three times forwards and back-
wards in one and the same week. By this means
things were soon settled ; and by his grace the duke
of Ormond's care commissions were sent down to the
university, and his grace gave the said Mr. Sherwin
his Majestie's warrant to receive arms at Windsor
castle for furnishing the before-mentioned regiment
with arms. By virtue, therefore, of his warrant, arms
were delivered to Mr. Sherwin at Windsor, he giving
his hand at the same time put to an indenture for
the safe delivery of them again. The troop of horse
being first raised, Dr. Aylworth, who was lieutenant
of the said troop under the lord Norris, who was
collonell, came to Windsor (Mr. Sherwin having first
of all taken care to see all the arms put into waggons)
with the said troop, and took the arms under their
protection, and so guarding them to Oxford they de-
livered them into New college, where every company
were furnished with them. After which they entered
into discipline, and were daily mustered.
July 5. The glass in Fairford church was taken in
a ship as it was carrying to Rome. Either John, or
else sir Edm. Tame took it. These Tames were mer-
chants, as it is said. They were so very rich, that
there is a report current now at Fairford that their
money was brought thither in barrells. pitched up,
and that the barrells lay in the streets for a month
together, as if they had been filled with something
else. The church being then building when the ship
with the glass was taken, either John, or else his son
38 RELIQUIAE [1716
Edm. Tame, who finished the church, had it put up
in the windows. I cannot but admire Leland's ex-
actness. I found a strange accuracy about Fairford
and the places thereabouts ; yet he mentions nothing
about the painted glass at Fairford.
July 12, Thursday. On Tuesday night last, Christ
Church bell rung for the death of Dr. South, one of
their canons, a very old man. He was celebrated
for his learning and charity, and was looked upon as
pretty honest, considering he was a complyer. He
hath many publick works exstant. He hath founded
a school at Islip, and endowed it for ever. He was
rector of that place, as prebendary of Westminster,
and ever since he was rector, he spent the whole in-
come of that rectory (as I have been informed) in
charity. Dr. South died at Caversham or Causham,
near Reading, last Sunday morning, July 8th.
July 29. Dr. South was buried in Westminster
abbey, on Monday July 16, 1716. He made a very
imprudent will, leaving all he had, as well an estate
of at least three hundred pounds per an. as all his
money and effects, to a widow woman that lived with
him, who had been wife to one Hamond, a sot, com-
monly called Crony Hammond, who was his curate at
Islip. This b ... . insinuated herself into the favour
of the doctor, and so imposed upon him as to make
her his executrix. But after her death the estate is
to come to Christ Church ; which is well enough done
of the doctor.1
1 Though Dr. South made but a foolish will, yet he gave an
hundred pounds to the Bodleian library, which ivas paid yester-
day morning. It is for buying books. T. H. This legacy was
intended for the purchase of such modern books as the vice-chan-
i7i6] HEARNlANsE. 39
Aug. 18. Yesterday I walked over to Islip with
Mr. Whiteside, of the museum, on purpose to see Dr.
Atterbury, bishop of Rochester, who is there keeping
of court. We were received with abundance of kind-
ness. The bishop told me some Grub-street people
are reprinting my edition of Leland's Itin. But he
said it would only make mine still the more valuable.
Aug. 23. Sir Christopher Wren says the way of
making mortar with haire came into fashion in queen
Elizabeth's time. Sir Christ, says there were no ma-
sons in London when he was a young man. Sir Christ.
is about 85 years of age.
Sept. — . Out of Mr. Thomas Rawlinson's Note Book
R. Of Daniel Rawlinson, my grandfather, who kept
the Mitre tavern in Fenchurch street, and of whose
being sequestred in the Rump time I have heard much,
the whiggs tell this, that upon the king's murder he
hung his signe in mourning. He certainly judged
right. The honour of the mitre was much eclipsed
through the loss of so good a parent of the church of
England. Those rogues say, this endeared him so
much to the churchmen that he soon throve amain
and got a good estate.
Sept. 1. Mr. Hugh Thomas, being in town, tells
cellor and principal librarian should judge most useful and most
wanting. After leaving an estate, and several sums of money,
to the son and daughters of his half-brother, (which he affirms
to be more than they or their relations, so like one another for
their constant disregard of him, did or could pretend to deserve,)
the bulk of his property went to Margaret Hammond, his house-
keeper, the widow of "the Rev. Edward Hammond, partly in
trust for charitable purposes, and partly for her own use and
benefit, with remainder to the dean and chapter of Christ
40 RELIQUIJS [1716
me that he was sometime agoe a prisoner in France,
and that he saw king James Hid. at St. Germans.
He says the king spoke to him several times. He
says the king hath a very sharp look, and a very fine,
black, piercing eye ; that he is very thin, but hand-
some ; and that he is the finest spoken gent, he ever
heard, and that he is wonderfully mild and sweet in his
temper. He says that my lord Bullingbroke hath been
a great villain, and ruined all the measures for restor-
ing the king. Bullingbroke is out of favour with the
king for that reason. He says my lord Oxford is very
honest, and that he had managed things for the king's
restauration, but that Bullingbroke hindered every
thing, being resolved, if possible, to get Oxford out.
which was accordingly done, tho' with the loss of
queen Anne's life. He says that queen Anne was a
friend to her brother, but that she was not willing to
relinquish the crown during her life.
Sept. 7. On Tuesday morning last, very early in the
morning, I walked out of town. I stopt at Newnham,
where I breakfasted. Thence I went to Clifton, so
called from the church or chapell's standing on a cliff.
I walked thence by the river side till I came against
Long Witnam, w-here I waded over, the water being
very low and shallow. Thence I walked through
Didcote. Thence I walked to Church, or East Hack-
burn, where I dined. After dinner I went into the
church of East Hackburn. From Hagbourne I walked
to Blewbery, which is said to have been a market
town formerly. Thence I walked over the downs to
Aldworth, where I would have lain all night, but
could not. Thence I walked to West Compton, where
I lay all night. The next morning, being Wednesday,
I returned to Aldworth. and went with the clarke
i7i6] HEAENIANJE. 41
into the church, the oldest I ever yet saw, unless St.
Peter's in the East, Oxford, may be excepted. After
dinner I went to Stretely, and in the way found two
stones fastened in the ground of a prodigious bigness.
They are of red flint. The man that was with me
told me they were many yards within the ground, and
that they could not be got up. One of them is within
a mile of Stretely. I take them to be old mile stones,
or mercurial stones. The Ikeneld way came from
Goring on the other side the water to Stretely, which
took name from this way or street. Thence, as I
take it, went to Aid worth, so called by the Saxons
from its antiquity. From Stretely I went by Mouls-
ford to Wallingford, and so to Dorchester, where I lay
all night. Next morning I called at old Mr. Bannis-
ter's, just without Dorchester, and went with him up
to Sinnodun castle, and took a view of it, as I had
done formerly. Then I returned with old Mr. Ban-
nister, and dined at his house, and had much discourse
with him about antiquities, after which I went home
to Oxford.
Dec. 2. My lord Strathmore being now in Oxford,
I had the honour of being with his lordship last night.
He is about sixteen years of age, and of excellent
sense and wonderfull good nature. His elder brother,
whom he succeeded in honour and estate, was killed
last year in the battle of Dumblain, having received
about twenty wounds. It was done in a cowardly
way. He happened to be under age, and so the estate
was saved. My lord told me, that in this battle there
were above a thousand slain of the duke of Brunswick's
forces, and not above fifty or threescore of king James's.
My lord told me, that the king's picture, for which I
was prosecuted, is extremely like the king. He said,
42 RELIQUI^ [17.16
that the king lay at his house, and that he is very
pious and chearfull, and of great and uncommon un-
derstanding. He said, the king was a very fine gen-
tleman, and a lover of dancing. He said, the king
touched many for the evil in his lordship's own house,
and that they recovered.
Dec. 3. In Rudgwick church in Sussex.
This epitaph (communicated by Mr. Porter, S. T. B.
and fellow of Corpus) -is in the belfry of the church,
tho' the person be buried without side in the church
Without this wall
Lyeth the body of Crandly Dr., Edward Haines,
For to maintaine his family spared not for paines
To ride, and to run, to give releife
To those which were in pain and griefe.
Who the 30th of April enter'd death's straite gate,
From the birth of our Saviour 1708 ;
And about the age of 33 :
And had his fother's virtues in ev'ry degree.
And left behind him, when he left this life,
Two likely sons, and a loveing wife.
And about 36 weeks after
His wife and releck was brought a bed with a
daughter ;
Which 3 we desire may live,
Not to beg but to give.
His eldest son Edward was then 6 years and 10
months old,
And John about 3, both dapper and bold.
Amongst all the doctors, tho' there are man}-.
He is as much mised as any.
Like to most mortals, to his practise he was a slave,
He eatched the small-pox and died, and is here in
his grave.
1716-17] ITEARNIANJE. 43
In mortem Georgii Allen.
(At Horsham in Sussex.)
Quod fuit esse quod est, quod non fuit esse quod esse,
Esse quod est, non esse quod est, non est, erit esse.
Vita malis plena est, pia mors pretiosa corona est,
Post vitam mors est, post mortem vita beata est.
Dec. 13. I had this day a hint given me as if the
present vice-chancellor and some others (to be sure
some of our heads of houses) have a mind to force
open my chamber, and to seize upon my papers.
Dec. 14. I was in company last night with three
or four honest gentlemen, who advised me to take
great care to secure my MSS. books, such as those
that these remarks are contained in ; there being some
design, as they had good reason to think, of the vice-
chancellor's searching for them, as he is a justice of
1716-17. Last night I was in my lord Strathmore's
company several hours, with several other honest
gentlemen. My lord gave instances, which were very
remarkable ones, of the king's being religiously
punctual to his word. He gave instances of his mo-
desty and chastity. He said, that his very looks
shewed him to be a king.
There are just published some posthumous things
of Dr. South, in 8vo. They are printed by one Edm.
Curly1 an errant knave. This Curl was lately whipped
1 Curll printed two octavo volumes of Dr. South's posthumous
works in 1717 : the first containing (besides memoirs of his life
and writings, in which is included an account of his travels into
44 RELIQUIJE [171.7
by the Westminster school-boys, for printing the
speech that one of the school-boys made upon the
funeral of Dr. South.
April 24. On Sunday morning last, (being Easter-
day,) Dr. Charlett, master of University college, sent
his man to invite me to dinner that day. I sent him
word that I was engaged, as indeed I was. Yester-
day he sent again. I sent word I would wait upon
him. Accordingly I went at twelve a'elock. When
I came I found nobody with him but Mr. Collins, of
Magdalen coll. whom he had also invited. The master
was reading to him a passage out of one of the
volumes of sir Richard Blackmore's Essays, and thence
he took occasion to extoll sir Richard's writings in a
most extravagant manner, and to condemn that ex-
cellently good, and inched great, man, Mr. Jeremy
Collier, and to condemn his writings. The master
run him down as much, and said, he had just now
writ a little thing against Dr. Kennett's Letters about
bishop Merks. / wish, says the master, it be well done,
insinuating as if it was poor ; as indeed this malicious,
invidious prevaricator, Dr. Charlett, will not allow
any thing of the non-jurors to be well done ; tho'
Poland with the earl of Rochester, in the 3-ear 1674,) three ser-
mons; (1) on the martyrdom of king Charles, Judges xix. 30.
(2) Ecclesiastical constitutions to be strictly maintained, Gala-
tians ii. 5. (3) The certainty of a judgment after this life,
2 Cor. v. 10, and his last will: to all which is added, Oratio
funebris in obitum reverendissimi et clarissimi viri Roberti
South, S. T. P. with an English translation of the same. And
this I conjecture to have been the speech, for printing which the
Westminsters inflicted summary punishment upon the publisher.
The second consists of his Latin poems, various declamations,
addresses when public orator of the university of Oxford at pre-
sentations to degrees, and other small pieces of a similar nature.
The two volumes are now rarely to be met with. See page 365.
1717 \ HEARNIAN^E. 45
indeed it is of no moment what his opinion be, he
being one of the worst judges of learning in the world.
I told him it was excellently well written, and done
in a very genteel manner, and withall said, that an-
other gentleman, viz. Mr. Earbury, had also admirably
well confuted Dr. Kennett, and shewed him to be
an heretick, schismatick, prevaricator, and a meer
shuffler. I told him, that Mr. Earbury had discovered
withall his blunders and misrepresentation, as well as
false quotation, of authors. He is a furious writer,
says the master, and a non-juror, I am sure, said I,
he is not so furious a writer as Dr. Kennett, who in-
deed deserves such treatment. Then the master fell
upon Mr. Collier again, and said, his Church History
was mean, purely, I suppose, because done by a non-
juror. He said, Mr. Collier took all occasions to
speak against the reformation, and king Henry VIII.
king Edward VI. and queen Elizabeth. I replyed,
that Mr. Collier had spoke very well himself as to this
charge in his new tract. And truly the master suffi-
ciently betrayed his malice in this point, as if those
princes were altogether free from evil, when 'tis well
enough known that the first was one of the wickedest
princes that ever reigned, and that the last had a
great deal of her father's fury in her, which spurred
her to do many things against the true interest of the
clergy. I said, that Mr. Collier's History was very
well done, and that he was a clear-headed man.
He ivrites without records, says the master, and does
not understand them, whereas Dr. Kennett is a master
in these things. I said, that there was no comparison
between Dr. Kennett and Mr. Collier, the latter being
much superior to him in learning and judgment ; and
as to his History, I said it was compiled from records
and the best authorities. I said, that Dr. Aldrich,
46 RELIQUIjE [171 7
the late most excellent dean of Christ Church, had a
mean opinion of Dr. Kennett's writings ; that when
his Parochial Antiquities of Ambrosdm were brought
to him. he threw them aside as wast paper, and or-
dered it to be placed amongst his refuse-books, where
I found it lying upon the ground, and unbound, when
I looked over the said dean's books after his death.
Said the master, As for Dr. Aldrich, he was a desp
of antiquities. I told him, that I knew the contrary
to be true. For as soon as the first vol. of Leland's
Itinerary came out, he read it all over, both my im-
provements, as well as the text, and highly commended
it, and spent a whole afternoon with me, (when I
dined with him,) in discoursing for the most part
about this work and antiquities. I told the master,
that the dean was a truly learned man, and that he
must therefore be a lover of antiquity, learning being
nothing else but antiquity. He was only for polite
learning, says the master. Why, said I, that is anti-
quity. From this discourse I gathered, that the
master was one of those inveterate, malicious enemies,
that were against my edition of Roper's Life of Sir
Thomas More, tho' he be not willing to own it. After
this had passed between us, we went into the hall to
dinner, and when dinner was done, we retired to the
common-room, where the master stayed some time,
and then went to his lodgings, taking Mr. Collins
with him. But as for my own part, I staid in the
common-room with some of the fellows, one of which,
viz. Mr. Bayncs, took occasion to abuse me, purely
In cause I said that I did not believe that the pre-
tender (as he is called) is a papist. lie made extra-
vagant reflections upon this, and abused that unfor-
tunate gentleman in a most intollerable manner. I
bore all calmly. He seemed pacifyed at last, and
1 7i 7] HEARNIAN^E. 47
went off before I did, and shewed himself then civil
enough to me. After all, I look upon this invitation
to dinner as a premeditated design to insult and
affront me, upon no other account, that I know of,
but because I will not give up my conscience, and act
contrary to my understanding.
May 6. Mr. Jo. Addison, formerly fellow of Mag-
dalen coll. Oxon, being made one of the principal
secretaries of state, (the earl of Sunderland being the
other,) he hath made Mr. Tickel, fellow of Queen's
coll. Oxon, his under-secretarie.
May 29. I walked this day to Woodstocke, in
company of another person, and was met at Bladen
by a third Oxford man. I went into Begbrooke church
as I went along, and took what is there, tho' every
thing of antiquity is gone. It is a very small church.
It is said to be mother church to Yarnton. It is
dedicated to St. Michael. We viewed the old ruins
about Rosamund's well in Woodstocke park. These
are the ruins of the labyrinth for Rosamund. This
labyrinth was a vast thing. It joyned with the palace.
The workmen say, that the old palace and the ruins
of the labyrinth exceed the foundations of the present
Blenheim house. So that they very well conclude
that the old palace was a bigger thing than Blenheim
house. I was never in it before. It is grand, but a
sad, irregular, confused piece of work. The architect
(if a blockhead may deserve that name) was Vanbrug.
The hall is noble. The painting of the top was done
by Thornehill. It represents Marlborough's victory
at Blenheim. There is one room in which lye some
antiquities. There are two bustos in it, and two moors.
But the greatest piece of antiquity I saw in it is of
48 RELIQUIsE [1717
white marble, like your Parian marble, in which are
several figures of pleasure by a river. The duke of
Marlborough's misses are represented in figures (by
way of statues) on one side of the front of the house.
The new bridge (which hath cost about thirty thousand
pounds) over the rivulet below the house, is wonder-
full, particularly upon account of the arch, the biggest,
at least one of the biggest, in the world, and hath a
shew of antiquity. This arch is 103 yards. We
went into the gardens. The garden of pleasure con-
tains three-score acres. The kitchen garden contains
seven acres. These gardens are fine, and indeed
exceed (if we consider things as an}- thing perfect)
the house, in which we have nothing convenient, most
of the rooms being small, pitifull, dark things, as if
designed for panders, w — s, cl — e-st — s, p — p — ts,
and other things of that nature. By this work we
sufficiently see the genius of Vanbrugg.
June 10. This (Monday) being king James Illd.'s
birthday, I walked out very early in the morning,
and did not come back till Friday night following,
being June 14th. I viewed many antiquities, par-
ticularly the [ckneyway in Oxfordshire, and where it
passeth over at Goring. I also, amongst other re-
markable things, saw the ruins of the nunnery of
Goring, a little part of which is now remaining, tho'
new additions have been made. Mr. Taylour has it
now in possession, as lie hath the estate, being pur-
chased by him.
June 20. Memorand. That the princess of Hanover
very lately went on board one of the Oxford barges,
and eat of the barge meal and bread, and drank out
of their bowle, and gave each bargeman two guineas.
The said bargemen were yesterday in Oxford, with
tokens in their hats, and carrying their bowle to
Balliol college, were made drunk there by the care of
Dr. Baron, our vice-chancellor.
July 2. Yesterday my lord Oxford, notwithstanding-
all the noise about him, was set at liberty,1 not so much
as one appearing against him. The house of lords
insisted upon this, that matters of high-treason should
be proceeded on first. The commons dissented. But
at last they were forced to acquiesce. There were
present in the house of lords yesterday 106, and every
one for him. Not one of the commons appeared.
Never was such a tryal from the beginning of the world.
July 28. Sir Hans Sloane having two daughters,
Mrs. Jenny Sloane, which is one of them, and a vast
fortune, is married to collonell Cadogan, brother of
general Cadogan, a loose person, and of no great
Aug. 1. This being the inauguration of king George,
(as they call the duke of Brunswick,) the sermon was
preached at St. Marie's by Mr. Farringdon, of Queen's
college. It was, as I hear, a party per pale2 sermon,
viz. both for the whiggs and for the tories. The same;
day was the day for the assize sermon before baron
Price and Mr. Justice Blencowe. Accordingly, Mr.
Cotes, principal of Magdalen hall, and orator of the
university, was appointed to preach. But in the
1 After a confinement in the Tower from the 16th of Julv, 1715,
to July I, 1717.
2 An expression taken from heraldry, where the coat is bisected
from the chief to the base, each partition being of a different
50 RELIQTJIjE [1717
morning Mr. Justice Blencowe declared, upon men-
tioning the matter, that one sermon should do, and
that they would not, by any means, have two, that of
the day being sufficient.
Aug. 2. The bells rung a little yesterday morning
in Oxford, otherwise there appeared little or no manner
of rejoicing all day ; only in the evening the Consti-
tution club (a company of rank whiggs) got together
at the Three Inn Tavern, and had a bonfire and illu-
minations, which were the only bonfire and illumina-
tions I saw in High-street, tho' I suppose the whiggs
in other streets shewed the like tokens of joy.
Aug. 7. Mr. Pope, the poet, who is now publishing
Homer, in English verse, (three volumes of the Iliads
in 4to. being already come out.) was born in the parish
of Binfield, near Ockingham, in Berks. He is a papist,
as is also his father, who is a sort of a broken merchant .
The said Mr. Pope was patronized and encouraged by
the late sir William Trumbull. He lived in Binfield
parish till of late, when he removed to Chiswick, in
Surrey.1 He is most certainly a very ingenious man.
He is deformed.
Aug. 13. Going this day through Christ Church, I
took the opportunity to view distinctly the statue just
put up in one of the nitches within the college, by the
dean's lodgings, of bishop Fell. The statuary was at
work. All people, that knew the bishop, agree 'tis
not like him, he being a thin, grave man, whereas the
statue represents him plump and gay. I told the
statuary that it was unlike, and that he was made too
1 Middlesex.
1 7i7] HEARNIANJE. 51
plump. Oh, says he, we must make a handsome man.
Thus this fellow. Just as if we were to burlesque the
bishop, who is put in episcopal robes, and yet by the
statue is not represented above 20.
Aug. 16. Mr. John Bridges hath bought Pliny's
Epistles, in nine books, of Beroaldus's edition at
Bononia, 1498, with part of the 10th, published by
A van tins, anno 1502, (of which I have spoken in my
preface to my edition of Pliny.) He tells me he gave
thirty shillings for it. So that the copy I have, collated
with a MS. by Jucundus, and the 10th book, supplied
also from a MS. must be worth any money, though it
cost me about six shillings only.
Aug. 19. Jacobus Gronovius, I hear, hath been
dead some time. So hath Gisb. Cuperus. The cha-
racters of these men are well known. The former
was a learned, but a very ill-natured man, and his
stile so very intricate and obscure, that it is hard to
know what he drives at. The latter was a very learned
and candid man. The former hath a son now in
Oxford, a very forward, pert young man.
Aug. 23. Last week was published a sixpenny
pamphlett, written in verse, by one (as 'tis said) of
St. John's coll. called Merton Walks, or the Oxford
Beauties. Though it be but poor stuff, yet it was
mightily bought up. The characters are so far from
being different, that there is, as it were, but one and
the same character running throughout, and that is in
praise or commendation of the ladies. The society of
Merton college have since ordered the garden to be
kept close, and the steps to be pulled down. One of
the beauties in this pamphlett is one Mrs. Fiddes, that
52 RELIQUIM [1717
lodges against the Angel Inn at Shipwey's the bar-
ber's. She is daughter of Mr. Fiddes, S. T. B., and
she is often styled by the name of the Body of Divinity,
from her father's being now printing and publishing
a book in folio, which he calls a Body of Divinity.
This young lady is handsome, but very conceited and
void, as it were, of understanding. The said pam-
phlett was printed at the Theatre, and was looked
over by our vice-chancellor, Dr. Baron.
Sept. 4. From Mr. Tho. Rawlinson's note-book 0.
Penes me in 8vo. " Anglorum Proelia, &c. per Oclan-
" dum. Additur Nevelli Kettus, 15S2. cum privilegio
" Regiae Majestatis;" and, what is more, so vain was
this ambitious woman, that by order of her privy
councell, this book was to be read in all grammar and
free schooles, through England and Wales. Good
God ! that a piece of moderne stuff should be obtruded
upon poor scholemasters and boys, instead of the
correct Virgil, moral Horace, or ingenious Ovid. 'Twas
well young gentlemen early read English history, but
why tagg'd in verse, forsooth ? She ordered it, be-
cause she was the godess of the greatest part of the
work. If tliis was not vanity, what was ?
Sept. 8. Ancient exercises for degrees in Oxford. Out
of a 4to. book called " An Abstract of certain Acts of
" Parliament," page 56: "This maner of tryall can
" not better appeare, then by a comparison to the
" proceedinges and commcnecmentes in Oxenforde or
" Cambridge, familiarlie knowen to schoolemen in both
" .universities. Whosoever is to fake any degree in
•■ schoole, either bachelor, maister, or doctor in any
•■ facultie, lie must firste set uppon the schoole doores
" his questions where in he is to answere : he must
1 7i 7] HEARNIANJE. 53
•• publikely aunswere to every one that will oppose
" him : he must afterwarde in the universitie church
" submit himselfe privately to the examination of
•' every one of that degree, whereunto he dcsireth to
" be promoted : he must afterwards be brought by
" his presenter into the congregation house, to the
" judgement and tryall of the whole house, and if he
'; shall there have a sufficient number of his superiour's
" voyces allowing his maners, and pleased with his
■' learning, he is then presented by one of the house
" to the vice-chancellour and proctors, and by them,
" as judges, in the name of the whole house, admitted
" to his degree."
Mr. William Faithorne was an excellent engraver
for heads. His own was engraven very well by Mr.
John Fillian. I have it. Fillian was a disciple of
Wm. Faithorne, the graver, and is thought to have had
foule play from his jealous master. He graved The
7 Lib. Sciences, penes me.1
Sept. 26. Last night Dr. Walker, that writ the folio
book about the sufferings of the clergy, called upon
me, and, amongst other discourse, told me that there
have been dug up at Exeter, not long agoe, about half
a bushell of Roman coyns, most silver from Antoninus
Pius to Gallienus. He gave me one of them, a very
1 This from Mr. Tho. Eawlinson's note-book F. Of Fillian no
particulars have been hauded down to us. Strutt and Walpcle
suppose him to have died young, from the very few plates en-
graved by his hand ; the suspicion recorded by Mr. Rawlinson
(and which was probably only the vulgar report of the day) does
not seem to have reached them. Besides the head of Faithorne,
he engraved Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex ; and Paracelsus.
And his name appears on the frontispiece to a folio edition of
Heylin's Cosmography.
54 RELIQUIAE [1717
fair one of Trajanus Dccius, with dacia on it. He
says most of them are fair. He says Mr. Reynolds,
who is schoolmaster of Exeter, and hath them, designs
them for the university. This Dr. Walker is a worthy
and an honest man, tho' his book is not done with
that judgment which could be Avished.
Nov. 9. Mr. Jo. Addison, who was made, about
Easter last, secretary of state, is turned out of office?
and made one of the tellers of the exchequer. His
under-secretary was Mr. Tho. Tickell, that pretender
to poetry, of Queen's college. Mr. Addison was by no
means qualifyed for the office of secretary, being not
skilled in business, and not knowing how to speak.
This is what is commonly said.
Nov. 10. I was this evening at the chamber of
Dr. Peirce Dod, fellow of All-Soul's college, and a
very worthy, honest man. Several others were there,
amongst which Dr. Harrison, a very honest man,
and fellow of that college. Mrs. Dawson, one of those
that deposed for the birth of the prince of Wales, now
king James Hid. wras aunt to this Dr. Harrison. She
was a protestant. The Dr. hath her deposition, and
he says 'tis much fuller and more complete than what
is printed. He hath promised a sight of it. He says
Mrs. Dawson warmed the queen's bed, and that no-
body besides had the warming-pan.
Nov. 12. Last week began to be put up upon the
new printing-house in Oxford, a parcell of heavy leaden
statues, called the nine muses. The leaden statues bad
lain at the wharf above two years, having been first
1 Not true, of his being turned out. T. H.
1 7i 7] HEARNIAN^E. 55
of all refused. But Baskett at last prevailed with the
delegates to take them, and by that means he hath
got more money from them, these statues coming to
about six hundred pounds.
Dec. 14. Mr. Calvert,1 of Christ Church, (with whom
I walked to Headington to-day,) tells me, that countess
dowager my lady Litchfield hath a good collection of
original pictures, particularly of the court of king
Charles II. whose daughter2 she is by the dutchess of
Cleveland, and hath been a very great beauty. She
is a very good and virtuous lady. Mr. Calvert promises
to procure me a list of the curiosities in her posses-
sion, one of which is a large elbow chair, (now kept
at Dichley, near Woodstock,) in which king Charles II.
(her father) used constantly to sleep after dinner.
The said lady Lichfield herself (at that time very
j^oung) got this chair to be made for the king, which
pleased him mightily. The said king had a greater
value and love for this lady than he had for his other
children. Mr. Calvert (from whom I have this story)
is grandson to the said lady, who married sir Edward
Henry Lee. who thereupon was created earl of Lich-
field by king Charles the lid, and after the revolution
was a non -juror, and (to his honour be it said) died
so, anno 1716, aged 53, being (as it is reasonably
supposed) much grieved at the iniquity and distrac-
tion of the times. The foresaid dutchess of Cleveland
was a very cruel and austere mother, one instance of
which I learn from Mr. Calvert, who tells me, that
his grand-mother, the lady Lichfield, being in her
1 Benedict Leonard Calvert, gentleman commoner of Christ
Church, and brother to the lord Baltimore.
2 Her name is Charlott. T. H.
56 RELIQUIAE [1717
mother's coach in the park, happened to break the
glass of the coach, and thereupon her father the king-
passing by in another coach, happened to stop, and
asking his daughter what made her cry so, (for she
cryed as soon as the glass was broke,) she answered,
because she was afraid that her mother would beat
her soundly. Upon this the king took her into his
own coach, and shewed a particular dislike of the
dutchesses ill usage, by sending an express message
to her never to strike her more, under pain of loosing
his sight and favour for the future, if she should offer
any such thing. It must be here likewise remem-
bered, that the above mentioned lady Lichfield used
(at the request of his majesty) to scratch the king's
head, when he slept in the elbow chair. The king's
picture (I mean king Charles the lid's) is now in her
hands, and done in miniature admirably well, valued
at five hundred guineas. The dutchess of Portsmouth,
when she made a visit once to the lady Lichfield,
offered that sum for it, but the lady Lichfield would
not take it. The countess dowager of Lichfield was
one of those that deposed for the legitimacy of king
James III. She can tell many other things with
reference to that matter, she being one of the ladies
of the bed-chamber.
Dec. 18. My great friend, Dr. Richard Mead, hath
recovered the princess of Wales (as she is called ) when
the other physicians had certainly killed her, had their
prescriptions been followed. This hath gained Dr.
Mead a great reputation at prince George's court, and
Dr. Garth and Dr. Sloane are now out of favour, as
well as others.
1 717-18. Jan. 29. Tho' this winter was very mild
1717-1S] HEARNIAN^E. 57
till Christmass, yet since Christmass it hath been very
severe, and it was observed, that on Tuesday night,
the 21st instant, the cold was more violent than in
any one night of the great frost in 1683, and that
it froze five inches and a quarter of solid ice, between
eight of the clock that evening, and seven a'clock on
Wednesday morning. It continues freezing still, tho'
there hath been an intermission for a day or two since
the 21st. This frost hath very bad effects upon
human bodies, so that it increases the numbers of the
dead much more than before.
Feb. 5. Mr. Calvert tells me, that the occasion of
building my lord Lichfield's house, at Dichley, near
Woodstock, was this : sir Henry Lee being a great
favourite of Queen Elizabeth's, when he grew into age,
happened (as was usual with that queen, who loved
youth,) to decline her favour, and thereupon settling
in the country, he built this house on the side of a
hill. Mr. Calvert had this account from the present
dowager lady Lichfield, one of king Charles the lid's
Feb. 23. Last night was buried at Spelsbury, near
Woodstock, the right honourable Chariot countess
dowager of Litchfield, and natural daughter of king
Charles the lid. by Barbara, then countess of Castle-
maine, afterwards dutchess of Cleveland. She was a
lady of very great sense and virtue. She died at
London, on Monday last, Feb. 17.
Feb. 27. The present lord Baltimore hath an original
picture of the beautifull dutchess of Cleveland, Barbara
Villiers, done by sir Peter Lilly, who used to say, that
it was beyond the compass of art to give this lady her
58 RELIQUIAE [1717-18
due, as to her sweetness and exquisite beauty. King
Charles II. used to say of her, that if she had had
as much sense and wit as she had beauty, she had
certainly ruined mankind. By this king she had
several children, one of which was George cluke of
Northumberland, who died in July 1716, an honest,
brave man.
March 2. For these words Mr. William Shippen was
sent to the Tower :l
" I know these assertions interfere with what is laid
" down in the second paragraph of his majesty's speech.
" But we are to consider that speech as the composi-
" tion and advice of his ministry, and are therefore at
" liberty to debate every proposition in it, especially
" those which seem rather calculated for the meridian
" of German// than of Great Britain. 'Tis the only
" infelicity of his majesty's reign, that he is unac-
••' quainted with our language mid constitution ; and 'tis
" therefore the more incumbent on his British mini-
" sters to inform him, that our government does not
" stand on the same foundation with his German
" dominions, which (by reason of their scituation, and
1 Mr. Shippen was brother to Dr. Shippen, the principal of
Brasennose, and in parliament tor Newton. After speaking
against the motion for a standing army of sixteen thousand and
oild men during peace, and using the words given by Ilearne.
the solicitor-general, Mr. Lechmere, moved, that the words be
taken down, and that the member who spoke them should be
sent to the Tower. Several members spoke in behalf of Mr.
Shippen; amongst others, Mr. B. Walpole, in order to give him
an opportunity of explaining or retracting what he had said;
but Mr. S. refusing to do either, was, after a long debate, voted
to the Tower, by 175 voices against 81. A lesson this to such
gentlemen as BUppose they may consider the king's speech as the
composition of ministers, and treat it accordingly.
•i7 1 8] HEARNIANjE. 59
" the nature of their constitution,) are obliged to keep
" up standing armies in time of peace."
April 14. The Travells of Mr. Henry Maundrel,
from Aleppo to Jerusalem, which have been printed
several times at the Theatre in Oxford, is a very good
book, written in a good plain style, which shews the
author to have been a clear-headed, rational man, and
a very good scholar. He takes notice of very sub-
stantial things, such as will make his book esteemed
amongst all curious and learned men, and, unless I
am much mistaken, the longer it continues, the more
it will be admired.
April 18. Among Anthony a Wood's Ballads is A
lamentable Ballad of a, Comitate lately performed neer
London betwixt Sir James Steward and Sir George
Wharton, Knights, who were both slaine at that time.
The tune is, Downe Plumpton Parke.1 Mr. Wood notes
thus : " The much lamented sir James Stuart, one of
" the king's blood, and sir George Wharton, the prime
" branch of that noble family, for little worthless
" punctilioes of honour, (being intimate friends,) took
" the field, and fell together by each other's hand.
" Sir George AArharton, eldest son of Philip lord
" Wharton, was slaine in a duel by sir James Stewart,
" kt. 8 Nov. 1609, whereupon the estate came to sir
" Tho. Wharton, father of Philip lord Wharton, the
" eowardlie rebell."
April 19. The custom of hanging up the armour
of kings and nobles in churches came from Canute's
1 For an account of some other ballads in this curious collec-
tion, see Appendix, No. XI. See also page 226.
placing his crown upon the head of the crucifix at
Winchester, after he found that he could not make
the waters obey him.
There was slaine of Englishmen (in the battel be-
tween Harold and William the Conqueror) 67,974,
saith J. de Taylor, in his History of Normandy, or
47.04-1 after other. And of the Normans 6013, besides
such as were drowned.
King William the Conqueror's beard alwayes shaven,
for so was the custome of the Norman. Thus were
the Englishmen forced to imitate the Normans in
habit of apparell, shaving off their beards, service at
the table, and in all other outward gestures. The
English before did not use to shave their upper lips.
April 23. Mr. Bedford, who was tryed, fined, and
imprisoned in queen Anne's time, for the excellent
book called Hereditary Right,1 is freed, and his fine
1 The Hereditary Right of the Crown of England asserted ; the
History of the Succession cleared; ami the true English Constitution
vindicated from the Misrepresentations of Dr. Higden's Vien
Defence. Wherein some Mistakes also of our common Historians
are rectify ed\ and several Particulars relating to the Succession,
and to the Title oj tin House of Suffolk, are now first published from
ancient Becords and original MSS.; together with an authentick
Copy of King Henry I'lIInYs Will. By a Gentleman. Lond.
1713, folio.
In St. John's college library, Oxford, are two copies of this
volume, given by Dr. Rawlinson. In the first is the following
note in the doctor's own. and not to be mistaken, hand:
" In usura bibliotheeae coll. Di. Jo. Bapt. Oxon. obsequii
" tesseram Ric. Rawlinson olim ComVusalis D.D. D. anno 1731."
X. I'. The introduction to this book was wrote by the Rev.
Mr. Thcophilus Downes, M. A. fellow of Baliol college, ejected
from his fellowship in 1690. The book itself the labour of the
Rev. Mr. George Harbin, M. A. of college, in Cambridge,
i7i8] HEARNIANsE. 61
April 21. King George hath given 300 libs, to Mr.
Laurence Eaehard, for his History of England, which
and chaplain to Dr. Turner, the deprived bishop of Ely, with
whom he suffered, tho' the Rev. Mr. Hilkiah Bedford, foimerly
fellow of St. John's college, in Cambridge, and rector of Wittering,
in Northamptonshire, (of both which he was deprived,) corrected
the press, and suffered as editor and author.
In page 3 of Bishop Kennett's Letter to (Nicholson) Bishop
of Carlisle, Bond. 1713, oct.he is pleased to grant, that whoever
the author be, " he writes smoothly and artfully enough, with
" the air of a courtier, and all the appearance of a scholar;" a
full proof from this book, and an enemy, that the clergy are no
such bunglers in politicks, or so ignorant, as misrepresented. In
page 5 of his second Letter to Bp. Nicholson, Lond. 1716, oct.
he acquaints us, that one motive of writing was, " that he had
" more than ordinary indignation at the hearing from an eye-
" witness, that one of the first presents of this book, splendidly
" bound, was made to queen Anne, at Windsor, by the very
" gentleman who was supposed to have the greatest hand in it, a
" gentleman who had not taken the oaths to her, and who, at
" that time, would not have gone to chapell with her, and, by
" principle, could never pray for her."
The most part of this paragraph is false, as it is said to relate
to Mr. Nelson, who neither presented the book, nor, though a
non-juror, would have refused to have attended queen Anne to
chapell, as it is well known, that on the death of bishop Lloyd,
of Norwich, he returned to his parochial church.
In the blank leaf of the second copy is a note in the hand-
writing of Dr. Derham, president of St. John's, the eldest son of
the author of Astro and Physico-Theology.
" Liber coll. S. Joan. Bapt. ex dono Ric. Rawlinson, L. L. D.
" ejusdem sup. ord. commensalis 1751."
Dr. Rawlinson had formerly made a present of a copy of this
book to the college library, in the blank leaves of which there is
some account of the authors, &c. This copy he gave fur the
sake of a tract at the end, which was designed as a part of the
work, but is very rarely to be found with it.
The tract thus alluded to, is a thin folio of thirty-six pages,
besides the title-page, and one leaf of advertisement from the
bookseller to the reader. It is entitled, A Vindication of her
Majesty's Title and Government, from the dangerous Insinuations
of Dr. Higden's View of the English Constitution. By a true Lover
of his Country. London: Printed for Richard Smith, &c.
62 RELIQUIJS [1718
is dedicated to king George. I suppose 'tis a most
roguish, whiggish thing, much such as what Kennett
writes. I have not read it. Such writers ought to
be laid aside. Yet I hear that Dr. Prideaux, dean of
Norwich, mightily commends this Eachard's Church
History. But Prideaux is a great whig himself, tho'
a good scholar. Indeed Eachard hath a good pen,
but he does not look into, much less follow, original
May 7. The late duke of Northumberland (who
was one of king Charles the lid's natural sons, and
the only son who did not degenerate from good prin-
ciples) was created duke, not only upon account of his
birth, but his good parts and sense, which being taken
notice of by king Charles II. he not only settled all
his brother's titles on him in case of failure of issue,
(a favour not granted to any of the other children,)
but also, when dying, recommended him particularly
to his royal brother the duke of York, saying, I desire,
brother, that you will be land to George, as I am sure he
will be honest ami loyal. His virtues and loyally were
accordingly taken notice of, and made him courted
both by king James, and even by the prince of Orange,
and the princess Ann of Denmark ; but the duke of
Brunswick, (tin' present usurper,) as he hath in all
other respects acted the tyrant, so he was pleased to
shew his ill-nature to this great duke of Northumber-
land, and to dismiss him of all his places, viz. con-
stable of Windsor castle, collonell and commander of
the royal regiment of dragoons, and lord lieutenant of
the counties of Surrey, &c. and ranger of Windsor
forrcst, &c. It was whispered among friends, that,
among other things, the present court was much dis-
gusted at the following passage, viz. That the duke
1 7i 8] HEARNIANjE. 63
coming one day into court, happened to touch the
prince as he passed ; upon which the prince, turning,
said, What! cant a man stand still, for a bastard?
Upon which the said duke readily and aptly replyed,
Your highness is the son of no greater a king than my
father, and as for mothers — we will neither of us talk
upon that point.
May 8. Sir Christopher Wren is removed from his
post of surveyor general of king George's works, which
he has enjoyed for above 50 years past, upon account
of his known abilities. He is now near 00 years of
age, and is justly esteemed a great mathematician,
and the best architect of his time. When he was
young, he wrote a little tract concerning the laws of
motion, at the very same time that Mr. Huygens and
Dr. Wallis published theirs upon the same subject ;
and these three great men, without knowing any thing
of one another's thoughts, agreed exactly in the same
propositions. He had the good fortune (which no
architect ever had before) to begin and finish so vast
a work as the church of St. Paul. He built all the
churches in London after the great fire. These, with
Chelsea college, Hampton court, and the Theatre at
Oxford, will be perpetual instances of his skill and
mastery in building. He is now succeeded by one
Mr. Benson, who has writ a pamphlet about politicks,
and is a very ignorant fellow.
June 9. Being to-night with my ingenious friend,
the honourable Benedict Leonard Calvert, esq. and
another gentleman, I said that I designed to go out
of town early to-morrow morning. My design indeed
was to visit some churches and a piece of Roman
64 RELIQUIAE [1718
antiquity, and afterwards to call upon an ingenious
friend, who is well versed in antiquities. But Mr.
Calvert importuned me to go to Ditchley, (beyond
Woodstock,) the seat of his uncle, the earl of Lichfield.
He promised to shew me the place. The desire I had
to sec the place, and the respect I have (most de-
servedly) for this most hopefull young gentleman,
made me alter my design, and to defer my other
journey to another opportunity.
June 10. Accordingly therefore, early this morning,
(it being the birth-day of king James III. commonly
called the pretender, who now enters into the 31st
year of his age,) I walked out from Oxford, in order
to visit Ditchley.
It being a very fine morning, I walked gently on,
and made observations.
Aristotle s well is in the mid way between Oxford
and YVolvercote. Before we come to it, is another
way tailed Walton-well, from the old village of Walton,
now destroyed. I have mentioned both these wells
in my preface to John Rowse. Aristotle's well was
so called from the scholars, especially such as studied
his philosophy, going frequently to it. and refreshing1
themselves at it. there being an house for these occa-
sions, just by it. Frequenting wells was a thing-
much in vogue in former times. The well called St.
Edward's well, without St. Clement's, in the east
suburbs of Oxford, hath been stopt up many years.
80 hath Crowe, or St. Cross's well, in Hallywell. which
Hallywell was called from the water, which was looked
upon as holy, tho' the true name is St. Crosse's, the
1 Thev used to drink water and sugar there. T. II.
i7i8] HEARNIANjE. 65
church being dedicated to the holy cross, and, as I
take it, there was once a cross in Hallywell-street, by
Crowe or St. Crosse's well, the memory of which well
is still kept up by the inhabitants, the place where
the well was, being one of the bounds of the parish.
As for Aristotle's well, it was most of all frequented
when coursing was in practice, a custom put down by
the care and management of bishop Fell. After dis-
putations on Ash-Wednesdays, the scholars used to go
out into the fields and box it. The places chiefly used
for boxing were on the north side of the city, and
such as came off victors went away in triumph, and
were sure not to let Aristotle's well be unsaluted upon
those occasions, where trophies of their victories were
sometimes left. I think that this well was most of
all frequented in the time that the Carmelite friery
or the Beaumonts flourished.
From Aristotle's well I passed over pleasant meadows
and other ground between both Wolvercotes. The
right name of Wolvercote is Wolvescote, so called from
the vast number of wolves that were here formerly,
at which time the country was overrun with woods.
The legend of St. Frideswyde particularly mentions
Binsey or Busney to have been full of wood. The
place where her oratory was built was called Thorney,
from the number of thorns that were there. The pre-
sent church or chapell of Binsey stands on the right
hand of the old oratory, of which oratory there is
nothing now remaining. Binsey is a very small
church, and belongs to Christ Church. It is a con-
siderable distance north-west from the town. We
have a view of it as we go to Wolvercote, on this side
the river. I observed that it is called Busney as well
as Binsey. Busney I take to be the truer appellation.
It had its name from the oxen. The old town or city
u. f
of Oxford stood farther north-west than it does now,
and I believe reached almost to this place. Medley is
a single house,1 nearer the water than Binsey is, and
not so far quite up the river. This house is much
frequented in summer time by scholars and others,
there being good accommodations there, and it being
wonderfull pleasant. Both the Wolvercotes are plea-
sant, but lower Wolvcrcote is chiefly famous for the
nunnery of Godstowe, an account of which I have
given upon other occasions.2 and therefore shall not
mention it now. I also formerly gave an account of
the great fair that was kept here yearly till the nun-
nery was destroyed. I must now note, that fairs were
much more common during the monkish times than
they have been since, and they brought in a vast in-
come to the persons engaged to keep them up. who
employed much of it to the common uses of the re-
spective places, and a good part to the support of the
poor. I wish the same open sincerity as was shewn
then were restored.
From Wolvercofc I walked over low meadow ground
to Yarnton, a mile from Wolvcrcote, and three miles
from Oxford, and had the spire of Cassenton in view
on my left hand. These low meadows in winter-time
are often so much overflowed, that there is no passing
on foot either to Cassenton or Yarnton. Yarnton is
a corruption of Erdington or Herdington, so called from
herds of cattle. The great house on the west and
south sides of the church is in a ruinated condition.
The park hath lately been destroyed, and is now im-
ployed for woade, which thrives here mightily.
1 Since the writing hereof, Mr. Sweet hath purchased Medley,
and built a gentleman's seat here, but the old house still re-
mains. T. II.
2 See Notie et Spicilegium ad Guilielmi Neubrigensis Historian),
]>. 7'M, &c.
i7i8] HEARNIANjE. 67
From Yarnton a mile to Begbrooke or Beckbrooke,
being upon the beck of a brooke. It is a little church,
but very old. Thence I went through a barren place
to Bladon, a mile from Begbrooke, leaving Campsfield
on the right hand. In the horse way between Beg-
brooke and Bladon is an old camp, which I take to be
Roman. It is high, and commands a prospect over
the country. I have mentioned it in my preface to
Leland's Collectanea.
Campsfield, a large stony field, was so denominated
from the said camp. I believe there were other
camps also on this great field, which lies on the south
side of Woodstock.
From Bladon a mile to Woodstock. I went from
Bladon the horse-way, and stayed at Woodstock about
an hour, at the George inn, and refreshed myself.
My ingenious, excellent friend told me last night, that
he would ride to Ditchley, and stop at this inn, where,
if he met me, he would leave his horse, and walk
with me to Ditchley. I staid therefore and smoked
a pipe here. But he not coming, I went on before,
and left word that I was gone.
I went through the east part of Woodstock, and
came to Old Woodstock, just opposite to the old man-
nour house of Woodstock. This old Woodstock joyns
in a manner to New Woodstock. It hath been a
notable thing, and flourished I believe much even after
the park was made. It seems to have been fortified.
For ought I know it was Roman.
I left the horse way at old Woodstock, and got over
a stile on the left hand into the park, and walked
about a mile north-west over the park, and came to a
farm house, where I discovered the Akeman street,
which comes on this side Stunsfield. I was going to
keep that street, but upon inquiry I found that I
68 RELIQUIAE [1718
must leave it, and keep more upon the north. Then
I went by a ditch which is Roman, and comes out of
the Akeman street half a mile, and then I went over
the wall, and saw the said ditch run on for some dis-
tance on the other side of the wall, but Ditchley lying
more westerly from it, I was obliged to leave it, and
so I walked a mile and an half through a very pleasant
country, in a good measure adorned with marvellous
pleasant woods, till I came against Ditchley house,
about a furlong on the west hand of the road. As
soon as I entered in at the great gate, I observed an
old ditch, running directly by the house, and on each
side planted with trees, which are very thick. This
ditch goes through Ditchley park, and I was so
mightily pleased with it, that I designed to have layn
in it, till Mr. Calvert came, being not willing without
him to go into the house. As I was gazing at this
ditch, and admiring the situation of the house, which
is placed on the side of an hill, and on the right hand
of this ditch that I have been speaking of, I espyed
an elderly man going to work. I took the opportu-
nity to ask him the name of this ditch. Why master,
says he, this is Gryme's ditch, and it runs on through
the park, and so on to Cherlbury, Cornhury, and Rams-
den, where it joyns with the Akeman street. I was so
pleased with this account, that I began to enter into
other particulars with this elderly man ; but whilst I
was talking with him, I looked back, and spyed my
ingenious friend, Mr. Calvert, come riding up to us,
at which I was extremely glad. T then dismissed the
elderly man. and Mr. Calvert and I walked some little
time by the said ditch ; but a tempi st of thunder and
lightning, with a violent rain, arising, we wire forced
into the house sooner than we intended.
This old house is a very notable thing, and I think
i7i8] HEARNIANJE. 69
I was never better pleased with any sight whatsoever
than with this house, which hath been the seat of
persons of true loyalty and virtue. The front on the
south side is very pretty, considering the method of
building at that time.
We passed through the kitchen, and came into the
great hall, which is above nine yards in length, and
is eight yards and an half in breadth.
I was mightily delighted with the sight of this old
hall, and was pleased the more because it is adorned
with old stag's horns, under some of which are the
following inscriptions on brass plates, which are the
only inscriptions I ever saw of the kind.
1608. August 24. Satursday.
jfrom jfojcebolc coppice roujU, <S5rcat Contains king 1 Act) ;
33ut tofjat? in Iftiirtnngton ponu ije otocrto&e me Bean.
1608. August 26. Munday.
Ring James matie me to run for life, from Deathman's
31 ran to (Soreil pate, inhere Deatl) for me teas uttring.
1608. August 28. Tuesday.
'Sfje fting pursutie me fact from (Srange coppice Aging,
%\>t king tiiti ijunt me Jibing, ti;e queen's par&e i?a"D me
1610. August 22. Wednesday.
3(n E^enlj? Snap to f)unt me king Karnes, prince Ikenrp
founti me,
Corncburp par&e riber, to enb t|?eir hunting, tuotonU me.
ro eeliquIjE [i7is
1010. Augvst 24. Friday.
Zl)t Bine anti prince from (Srange matje me to ma&e tnp
33ut ueatf) neere tt>t qucenes par&e cjarje me a resting place.
1010. August 25. Satursday.
JFrom jfo^cijole Uribcn, tof?at coulo 31 Hoe, being lame ? J
33efore tfje Sing anu prince, neere SKojamono fjer toelf.
Mr. Calvert tells me, that the present park of
Ditchley was made by the late earl of Lichfield.
This park is two miles in cumpaee. However this be.
it appears to me that there had been a park before,
notwithstanding it might be destroyed. For we have
the Queen's park mentioned in these verses ; and I
take this Queen's park to have been nothing else but
this park of Ditchley. Queen Elizabeth had a par-
ticular delight in this place ; for which reason she
used to stay here weeks, nay months together. Here
she used to hunt, and to enjoy herself. During her
residence here once, her picture was drawn at full
length, and it is now remaining here in the fine long
gallery above stairs, which gallery is at least 20 yards
in length. It is placed at the north end, and it is a
very good picture for the time. The length is two
yards, which agrees with the accounts commonly given
of this princess, that she was very tall. This gallery
is full of other original pictures, and indeed the whole
house hath abundance of curious pictures in it, most
of which I look upon as originals. That of Archbishop
Warham in the gallery is excellent, and so is one that
i7i8] HEARNIANjE. 71
goes by the name of the king of Spain. Neither is
that of King Henry VIII. at all to be contemned,
though I cannot believe it to be any thing equal to
those done by Hans Holbein. For ought I know,
this of Henry VIII. was done by the same hand that
did Anne Bolein, which is at full length, as the king's
is, and is just by him. If we give any credit to this
picture of Anne Bolein, she was a lady of neither
spirit nor beauty. Yet she had both. I am apt to
think it is a burlesque upon her. It may be, 'twas done
at the expence and by the direction of a Roman
Catholic. We know Roman Catholics hate her mor-
tally, and therefore it is no wonder that she should
be represented as a woman of no beauty or accom-
plishments. The room in which Queen Elizabeth lay
when she used to be here, is still shewn. As I saw
all the rooms of the house, so I took especial notice
of this. It is far from being large. The bed is still
preserved, in which she lay; low, but decent, and
agreeable enough to the humour of this queen, who
affected popularity, and tho' proud and imperious,
yet would not seem to aim at high things. For which
reason it is (as I take it) that she would not make use
of a larger room in this house to lye in, and that is a
fine old room, in which we have the pictures most admi-
rably well clone of Sir Henry Lee and his four brothers.
I looked over and over upon these pictures of the five
brothers, and I look upon them (all things considered >
as equal to any thing I ever yet saw ; tho' if any
thing exceeds them here, it must be a picture of the
beautifull Dutchess of Cleveland, in one of the rooms
of this old house, with her daughter, the late countess
dowager of Lichfield, while an infant, in her arms.
This picture of the dutchess of Cleveland was done by
the famous sir Peter Lilly, and is certainly very
72 RELIQUIjE [1718
charming, tho' not so good as some other pictures of
her done by the same admirable hand. The dutchess
was certainly a lad}- of admirable beaut)*, and in all
other respects very fit for so accomplished a prince as
king Charles II. was, had her extract been equal to
his, and had her virtues been greater. Yet she writ
but a very bad hand, nor were the things she writ
done with much spirit. She was so little versed in
the art of inditing, that she could not spell. There
is a difference between discourse and writing. She
would talk as well as any body, and write, even at
best, as badly. Her thoughts were gone when she
came to take time to commit them to writing, but
nothing was more gay and pleasing as they came in
discourse from her mouth.
Not only queen Elizabeth, but some other princes,
used to come to this pleasant seat. King James and
Prince Henry particularly. There is the picture of
a young prince in the gallery, which we take to be
prince Henry, tho' there is no name to shew it to be
his. I take it to have been a present of king James's,
at a time he once lay, and was merry, here. The
king was mightily delighted with the place, as well
as he was with Woodstock, and to shew his delight
the more, he would often come a hunting (a sport he
delighted in) this way, and bring with him many
others of the court.
Now as I was pleased with the pictures that I saw
at this old house, so I was as much pleased with the
chair I saw here, in which king Charles II. used to
sit after dinner, of which I have given a particular
relation1 in a former part, as I had it from the mouth
of Mr. Calvert, who received it from the countess dow-
1 See page 56.
1 7i 8] HEARNIANJE. 73
ager of Lichfield herself, a lady of that great humility,
that she lay in one of the meanest rooms of this house,
which I was let into, and could not but look upon it
with great concern and admiration, especially when
I saw likewise in it her little, small bed, which to me
seemed an undenyable argument of the goodness of
that great lady. There is another bed I saw, and
that is one in which the present dutchess of Nor-
thumberland lay. But this is much richer than the
countess dowager of Lichfield's, tho' the dutchess her-
self is a lady of great virtues, and would be willing,
it may be, upon occasion, to shew her humility as
manifestly as the countess herself.
But is there nothing of learning here but pictures?
Are there no books, nor medals, or coyns here to
entertain such as are curious? This is a question fit
to be put by such as are studious of antiquity. Ac-
cordingly, I was very inquisitive after things of this
kind. I saw a chest which I was told is full of coyns
and medals. But the key was carried away either by
the present earl of Lichfield, or by somebody else that
he intrusts. I peeped thro' the key-hole of a certain
closet in the house, and I saw several books lying in
it, one of which seemed to be an old Chronicle.
One of the chiefest things I saw in this house is
an epitaph to the famous sir Thomas Wyat, in Hen.
Vlllth's time, who died in the 38th year of his age.
The tablet on which this epitaph is done, hangs in
the long gallery of this house, and the author of it
was sir John Mason. Mr. Wood mentions such an
epitaph in his Life of Sir Thomas,1 and he tells us,
that he had seen a copy of it, and that he followed it
in his account of Thomas as to some things. I have
1 Athenae Oxon. vol. i. col. 127, ed. 4to.
74 RELIQUIuK [1718
printed Mr. Wood's account in the second vol. of Le-
land's Itinerary, where I have also printed Leland's
Nenice upon the death of sir Thomas. Had I been
able then to have done it, I would have published a
copy of this epitaph upon sir Thomas by sir John
Mason. I must now reserve it for another opportu-
nity.1 In the mean time I will here subjoin a copy
of it, it being very remarkable, and much to the ho-
nour both of sir Thomas and the author of it, sir John
thomas wiatus ordinis eqeestris nobili ex il-
lestri in agro cantiano ortes familia, omnibes
cum anthi, teh corporis ac fortenie, dotibt7s
cemelatissihe ornates: ik qeo cum rerum use
ac rei militaris perttia, conjunct.^ erant fa-
cendia, hoxestissnrarum artiem scientia, et
variarum lingearejt literatera : et idea1,
(quod pat/cis contigit) consieio bones esset, et
mantj strenees : post meltas graves legationes
apud externos principes predenter et magna
1 I <!o not believe Hearne printed this epitaph : certain it is,
I was unable to discover it when the first volume of 1 he Athene
Oxoxienses was preparing for the press, although I made, as I
then fancied, a very diligent search. Nor was Dr. Nott more
fortunate for his edition of the works of Surrey and Wyatt,
printed in two volumes, London, 1816, 4to. He mentions the
epitaph at pages Ixxvi. and lxxxiij. of the Memoirs of Wyatt;
but had certainly never seen it, as he supposes it to be similar
with that on Thomas duke of Norfolk, preserved in VVeever's
Funeral Monuments. This, however, is rather a copious epitome
of the duke's life, and an enumeration of his services, than
an epitaph, and is besides in English prose, whereas sir John
Mason's composition is a concise and well written composition,
in elegant Latin. I have the greater pleasure in printing it in
these Rici.iqui.k, as it proves Anthony a Wood to have used
good authority in giving the name of the Spanish ambassador
differently from Leland, and it entirely confutes Lloyd and other
writers, who assert that Wyatt diet! as he was going ambassa-
dor into Spain.
i7i8] HEARNIAN^E. 75
Above the inscription is a death's head, with
The said inscription is intirely in capital letters.
I had forgot to mention, that sir Henry Lee is
painted with his right hand lying upon his dog's
head, and that the following, verses are inserted on
the same side :
Reason, in man can not effect such love,
As nature doth in them that reason wante ;
Ulisses true and hinds his dog did prove,
When faith in better frendes was very scante.
76 II ELI QUI J5 [1718
My travailes for my frendes have beene as true.
Though not as far as fortune did him heave;
No f vend my love and faith devided knew,
Though neither this nor that mice equal'd were.
Ont 11 my (I<ii/ whereof I made no dove,
I find move love, then them 1 tended more.
On the left side of the picture is
Move faithfuU tht n favoured.
It is reported, that sir Henry was saved by his
dog, and that this gave occasion to his being painted
with his dog.
Inquire when and how this accident happened.1
Over Cecil Lord Burleigh's picture, I saw these
verses :
Vol a Dei observans, Cecili, patrireque secundans,
Vive pie ut solitus, vive diu ut meritus.
I saw this date (1592) upon one of the leaden
spouts of the house. The house itself was built
before that year. But I cannot tell how old it is. It
seems to have been done in the time of king Henry
' The story connected with this picture bas been thus related :
A servant had formed a design to rob the house, and to murder
his master. But on the night this project was to have been
put in execution, the dog, although no favourite, nor indeed
ever before taken notice of by his master, accompanied him
up stairs, crept under the bed, nor could he be enticed or
driven from his post. Sir Henry at length consented to the
dog'B being suffered to remain; and in the dead of night, when
the treacherous servant entered the room to execute his design,
he was seized by the faithful and affectionate animal, and on
being secured, confessed his intention. See more of sir Henry
Lee, in Appendix No. XII.
2 Hearue had forgotten what Sir. Calvert told him. See
page 57.
i7i8] II EARN IAN jE. 77
In one of the out-houses I saw strange armour,
which belonged to the ancestors of the earl of Lich-
field : some of the armour was very odd. I wonder
how the heroes and warriors in old time could bear
such a weight as the armour certainly was. I saw
forked arrows or darts there. These were such as
were used in common exercise, when the art of ar-
chery was in practise.
After we had dined, we went into the park, and
traced another part of Gryme's Ditch, on the north
side of the house. This branch falls into the other
at some distance from it in the park. By Walling-
ford there is a long ditch called also Gryme's dike
or Gryme's ditch. The country people will tell you
that this Grymes was a gyant, and that he made the
ditches that goe under his name ; for my part, I
take these ditches to have been some of the ancient
grumce or gromce, which were boundaries of pro-
vinces. The nature of the ditches or dykes about
Ditchley confirms my notion : my opinion is likewise
confirmed from the accounts given of the ancient
grumce or gromce in the gromatical writers. Ditchley
was, without doubt, so called from these old ditches
or dikes.
About four o'clock. Mr. Calvert and I returned
home. I went on foot the horse way, Mr. Calvert
riding my pace, and sometimes walking with me.
As we returned, he shewed me, about a mile from
Ditchley house, a great ditch or trench, of a vast
extent, which he said parts the two mannors of
Ditchley and Woodstock. Mr. Calvert told me, that
my Lord Lichfield's estate of Ditchley is nine thou-
sand libs, per annum. We stopped and refreshed
ourselves at Woodstock, at the Bear Inn, which is
now the principal inn in Woodstock.
78 RELIQUIJ5 [i7i8.
June 11. Mr. Edward Prideaux Gwyn tells me,
that Mr. Bacon, alias Sclater,1 who is one of the sub-
scribers to the books I publish, is a very curious
man, and that he puts clown things in the same
manner that I do. Mr. Gwyn says, that the puri-
tanical possessor of Glastonbury is very busy in de-
stroying the goodlisome ruins of that place.
June 16. Whereas Mr. John Le Neve, gent, hath
published three vols. 8vo. of what he calls Monu-
menta Britannica, being a collection of inscriptions in
churches in England ; it must be noted, that this
collection is a very mean one, done without any toler-
able share of judgment. The publisher, Mr. Le
Neve, is a man, tho' an Eton scholar, and afterwards
for some time of Cambridge, of very little learning ;
and he depends upon stone-cutters, and mean autho-
rities, in great measure, for the copies of inscriptions
which he publishes ; not taking the pains to travell
himself. The right method had been to have tra-
1 Thomas Sclater Bacon was educated at St. Paul's school.
He became member of parliament for the town of Cambridge,
and died without a will, August 23, 1736, leaving an immense
fortune, (some said two hundred thousand pounds,) a consider-
able portion of which wa>-, I believe, derived from sir Thomas
Sclater. " Nemo nescit Thomas Bacon quantum in literarum
" bonarum .studio versat us, qua-m diffusa fuerit in libris cogno-
" scendis scientia, quam perspicaci in diligendis peritia, quam
"indefessa in iis andecunque conquirendis industria," says the
prefacer to his Sale Catalogue, 8vo. Loud. 1737. His books
were disposed of by Cock, the auctioneer, in evening sales, from
the 14th of March to the 29th of April 1737 ; when, as people
in those days left London to enjoy the spring at their country
residences, the sale was discontinued till their return to town.
It re-comineiieed on the 31st of January, and finished on the
30th of March, 1738. As a proof of his ardour in collecting,
he gave twenty guineas to Bateman, the bookseller, for the
castrated sheets of Holinshed's Chronicle. See under Aug. 30.
i7i8] HEARNIANA1. 79
veiled as Mr. Weever did, and to have taken the old
inscriptions, and only some of the modern ones, and
to have digested them according to the counties, so
as at one view one might have seen what there was
of value in any church in each distinct county. At
the same time, other monuments of antiquity, I mean
Roman inscriptions, or things of that nature, should
have been likewise taken notice of. This method
would have rendered the work of great use also to
foreigners, and to all antiquaries in general. Nor
should some short remarks about the antiquity of
each church have been passed by. Had this method
been followed, it would have required good learning
and judgment, and derived great credit upon the un-
dertaker ; whereas the method pursued by Mr. Le
Neve is what might have been followed by any one of
no learning. Even a common bookseller or school-
boy might have clone such a book as well as Mr. Le
June 17. Dr. Aldrich used to say, Claudius Pto-
lemy's Muslca, published by Dr. Wallis, was Dr.
Wallis's masterpiece. Yet Dr. Wallis understood
nothing of the practice of musick. A certain gentle-
man having read his Ptolemy, and believing that the
doctor was well skilled in the practice, as well as
theory, of musick, went one day and intreated the
doctor to assist him in obtaining the practice. The
doctor ingenuously confessed, he knew nothing of it.
In the same manner as another gentleman went to
Dr. Thomas Hyde, the famous orientalist, to be
directed in the game of chess. The doctor told him
he knew nothing of it, notwithstanding he had writ
a book about this game, as he had about other oriental
80 RELIQUIJE [1718
Aug. 10. Tho' my lord Clarendon excuses Mr. Ash-
burnham for delivering up king Charles I. to collonel
Hammond, which proved fatal to that excellent prince,
yet from an impartial and unprejudiced considera-
tion of the circumstances, I think that gentleman
mightily to blame ; it being in his power, when he
had conveyed the king off, in all probability, to have
saved his life. For tho' a ship was not at that time
ready, yet he might have had him concealed from his
enemies till such time as a passage over sea was
obtained : at least, he should have done all that pos-
sibly he could for his preservation, since he was very
apprehensive that his murther was designed ; and
'twas for that reason indeed that he got him off. It
looks to me, as if he designed at first to have him put
into colonel Hammond's hands, Hammond being sent
to the Isle of Wight but a very little time before the
king was delivered to him. Ashburnham indeed said,
that Hammond was honest ; but, alass! he was other-
wise, and he must needs know so. Nor can I excuse
him for advising the king to put himself into the
hands of the Scots, in which advice I am afraid Dr.
Mich. Hudson had also his share.
Aug. 12. On Thursday, the 31st of last month, in
a field near Old Sarum, called Hurcott field, about
two miles from Salisbury, there happened, about three
in the afternoon, a sad accident, occasioned by the
terrible thunder, viz. farmer Condick, with two ser-
vants, his wile, and a son, with two empty waggons,
viz. three horses in one waggon, and two horses in the
other, went up into the common fields of Hurcott
aforesaid, to fetch home two loads of oats, and the
land not being already in cocks or pooks, the two
waggons being set in the same field side by side, there
i7i8] HEARNIANJE. 81
happened a violent storm of thundringand lightning,
so that one of the servants run himself under one of
the waggons, the horses being all fixed to the two
waggons. All the five horses were in a moment
struck dead. The master and the other servant were
pooking in part of the land. The fellow under the
waggon first cried out, Lord I the horses are all down !
The master and the other servant, running through
the weather towards the houses, were both struck
dead. The master came just to a pook where his
wife and child were sitting under, and fell down dead
into his wive's lap ; and the servant following, he was
struck dead, and the wife and child not at all injured.
The horses were adjudged to be worth, one with an-
other, 201. each. The man who run under the wag-
gon, his sinews were so scorched, that he is quite
disabled. This is the account from the news-papers.
Mr. Davenant, gent. com. of Christ Church, is just
come from Salisbury, and tells me he saw the men
and horses, and that it is very true.
Aug. 23. Mr. John Murray, of London, among other
curiosities, hath got a very odd sermon upon the fu-
neral of Walter D'Evereux, earl of Essex, preached
in Wales, and printed in a black letter, with a large
genealogy of the family before it. It consists of
about three or four sheets of paper. It is, as Mr.
Murray and myself take it, a wonderfull curiosity.
Mr. Murray gave about 10s. for it.1
We (Mr. Murray and T. H.) were yesterday in the
1 Of this sermon there is a copy in St. John's college library,
with the autograph of Robert, the well-known earl of Essex,
son of him on whom the discourse was written.
82 RELIQUIAE [1718
afternoon at Antiquity Hall1 together. Antiquity hall
is a little house on the other side of High bridge, on
this side Rewley abbey. It is on the south side of
the rode. It is so called from antiquaries meeting
there. There are many young gentlemen of Christ
Church, with whom I have the honour of being
acquainted. They are studious of our antiquities,
and sometimes I meet them here. This house some-
time agoe belonged to one Geffery Ammon,2 since
deceased. He was a very ingenious man, and was
looked upon as the very best in England for ruling
books. He understood history, geography, and he-
raldry well. He was a merry companion, and his
conversation was much courted by gentlemen and
others. When I first came to Oxford, the said Geffery
happened to kill a gentleman (either a servitour or
battler) of Exeter college, by throwing a bottle at him,
which struck his temples. The gentleman imme-
1 The house which Hearne here calls Antiquity Hall, from
himself and other honest antiquaries meeting there to enjoy the
pipe and the pot, is still in existence, being the third house on
the left hand, after you have passed High bridge, going from
Worcester college. It is easily known from its resemblance to
the satirical print published afterwards by Rowe Mores and
Wise, the antiquaries, and since given by Mr. Skelton, in his
interesting and very elegant work, entituled, Oxonia Antiqua
Restaurata, to the merit and fidelity of which I am happy in
lending my testimony.
2 Jeffery Ammon lies buried on the west side of Binsey church-
yard, near to an old well called in ancient times St. Margaret's
well. He wras a humourist, with little or no sense of religion.
Jeffery fixed upon Binsey as the place of his interment, because
he had often shot abundance of snipes near that spot ; and in
order to moisten his clay, (as the song has it,) desired his friend
Will. Gardner, a boatman of Oxford, who was accustomed to
rowe him down the river, to put now and then a bottle of ale by
his grave, when he came that way: an injunction, Hearne tells
us in another place, which was punctually complied with.
i7i8] IIEARNIANjE. 83
diately went to the bog-house, where he died. The
difference arose about the reckoning. Geffery was
tryed at the following assizes : it was brought in man-
slaughter. When Mr. Murray and I were at Antiquity
Hall, I happened to tell him of a Hardyng's Chronicle,
which I had seen at Wilmot's, the bookseller's, and
would have bought, only I happened to be furnished
before. As soon as he heard this, he was uneasy 'till
we had been at the shop, where he got it, and said
'twas the perfectest he ever saw. This Hardyng's
Chronicle is wonderfull rare.
Aug. 29. Mr. Calvert tells me, that the late prin-
cess of Orange (wife of him that they call king Wil-
liam III.) had fifty thousand pounds per annum for
pin money, (as they commonly call ordinary pocket-
money,) out of which, he says, he was informed by
his grandmother, the late excellent countess dowager
of Lichfield, she used to send every year thirty thou-
sand pounds to her father king James II. whom she
and her wicked husband (to their immortal disgrace)
turned and kept out of his kingdoms. If this be true,
it deserves commendation, but still 'tis infinitely short
of making attonement for that most abhominable
wickedness of keeping him out of his undoubted
rights, which hath involved all Europe in a war
ever since, and ruined, as it were, this poor church
and nation. Yet there are a vast number that
applaud these proceedings, and think they can never
sufficiently commend the prince and princess of
Orange ; which will be no wonder to those who con-
sider that the proceedings against king Charles I.
were equally commended by a prodigious multitude,
and the arguments for such actions taken from Brad-
shaw's speech, and other wicked books and papers,
84 RELIQUIAE [1718
have been most industriously published and spread
about by the party.
Aug. 30. Mr. Thomas Rawlinson, when he was
here the other day, told me that he had sold his
HoUingshede (which hath the castrated sheets) for 25
libs, to Dr. Mead. The said copy of HoUingshede,
sold by Mr. Rawlinson to Dr. Mead, and that in Mr.
Bridges's hands, are the two only ones, with the cas-
trated sheets, that I ever yet saw. They both exactly
agree, only Mr. Bridges's hath four pages which he
got writ out of Dr. Moor's, at Cambridge, which are
wanting in Mr. Rawlinson's. Dr. Moor's seems in
other things to be worse than both these. Mr. Bridges
told me, that he would not part with his copy for 50
libs. Mr. Murray acknowledged to me that his copy
is incompleat.1
Sept. 21. Anno 1712 was printed at London, on
one side of a half sheet fol. A Hue and Cry after
Dismal; being a full mid true Account how a 117//'-/
L — d was taken at Dunkirk, in the habit of a chimney-
sweeper, and earryed before General Hill. N. B. The
lord Nottingham is called Dismal, by reason of his
dark and dismal countenance. Mr. Thomas Rawlinson
lent it me, who notes, that it is " a merry lye, and
" perhaps the first penny which ever any one made
" by the Finch family."
Sept.27. In Wolvercote, or rather Wolvescote church-
yard, are buried several of the children of John and
Elizabeth Beckford. The said John Beckford and his
1 See Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. i. p. 250, for the ac-
count of a third copy of these castrations purchased by Mr.
Sclater Bacon ; of whom see page 78 of the present volume.
1718] HEARNIAN^E. 85
wife are now living in Wolvercote paper-mill. He is
famous for making paper. Some of the best paper
made in England is made at Wolvercote mill.
Oct. 2. It is very remarkable to consider the methods
by which the ancients acquired their great learning.
Printing being not in use, they were forced very often
to travell into other countries, if they desired the
advantage of any book. And where there were no
books, they were obliged to make use of old stones,
on which inscriptions and figures were ingraved.
Pythagoras travelled into Egypt, and staid there many
years before he could be admitted to a knowledge of
their mysteries. But then he returned a most compleat
scholar and philosopher. For ought I know he might
understand all those inscriptions which are reported
to have been upon one of the pyramids. But then that
which made the ancients the more ready and expert
was the arts they used to strengthen their memories.
When they were particularly in love with any book,
they not only read him over and over, but would be
at the pains of transcribing it several times. Demos-
thenes was such an admirer of Thucydides, that he
writ him over eight times with his own hand. We
have other instances of the same nature. It was also
for this reason that the late Dr. Henry Aldrich used
often to transcribe the authors he read, especially
when he was to print any thing. Now such care being
taken by the ancients, it is heartily to be wished that
we had those transcripts of the books, which were
made by their own hands ; because those must cer-
tainly be correct, tho' it must be allowed, that other
transcripts, made by scribes, were in those times like-
wise correct, being examined by learned men them-
selves, just as the stones were by the 'ETrifis^rnai.
86 RELIQUIAE [1718
Oct. 8. The famous Mr. Henry Stubbe did not un-
derstand French, as himself confesseth in a letter I
have seen, under his own hand, dated Sept. 12, 1675,
in which he says, that his great uncle was he that
lost his right hand in queen Elizabeth's time. He
says, that he did not know rightly how to spell his
Oct. 10. Mr. Edward Prideaux Gwyn tells me, that
he saw lately at Poston court, the seat of lord Arthur
Somersett, the three volumes of Clarendons Histoiy,
with the heads of the heroes mentioned in that work.
Several of them are done by Hollar, and he believes
all were taken from original pictures. This collec-
tion was begun by the great lord Clarendon, and
finished by his son, who presented it to the old dut-
chess of Beaufort, and she bequeathed it to her son,
the present possessor. Several of them are done in
Indian ink.
I am informed, that the Britannia on king Charles
the second's money was taken from the dutchess of
Richmond, before Mrs. Stuart.
Oct. 15. Mr. Whiteside, of the museum, shewed
me, on Saturday last, certain letters from Dr. James
Garden, professor of theologie in the king's college at
Aberdeen, to Mr. John Aubrey, concerning the druids'
temples. They are learned ones. He observes, that
these temples (as he calls the monuments that have
any resemblance to Stone-Henge) in the high lands of
Scotland, where the Irish tongue is spoken, are called
caer, which signifies a throne, an oracle, or a place of
address. Some of them arc called chapells : for in-
stance, there is a place in the shire of Aberdcne and
parish of Ellon called Fochell, (?. e. below the chapell,)
from one of these monuments that stands near by on
1 7 1 8] HEAR NIA NJE. 87
a higher ground. Others are called temples. In the
parish of Strathawen, within 14 miles of Aberdeen,
there is a place called Temple town, from two or three
of this kind of monuments that stand upon the bounds
of it. And these two, whereof I have given you a
particular description, are called by the people who
live near by, law stones, (for what reason I know not,)
and temple stones. Some groves now in Scotland held
sacred : nor will they permitt the trees to be cut
down ; stones in some of them. Dra, alias Trou, in
the German and British tongue, signifies faith ; and
the old Germans called God Drutin or Trudin : hence
Drutin signifies a divine or faithful person.
Dec. 17. Mr. Robert Eyston tells me, that sir Robert
Throgmorton is a man of about 5000 libs, per annum
at least. This sir Robert Throgmorton, who hath
one seat at Bucklands, near Farindon, Berks, is a
Roman catholick, and a very worthy man. He hath
more than once sent for me to come over to him at
Bucklands. The person told him, that I could not
ride. " I will send (says he) a coach and six for
" him." But he can ride no way, says the person :
he always walks. " Why the duce is in it, (says
" sir Robert ;) so all antiquaries use to dp. I have
" known several, and they have all walked, Antony
" Wood not excepted. They are men that love to
" make remarks, and they prefer walking to riding
" upon that account."
Mr. Eyston mentioned Mr. Pope, the translator of
Homer, as a man of about 30 years of age, and of
about three or four hundred libs, per an. left by his
father, of Binfield, Berks.
Dec. 29. Out of a letter from Mr. Richard Furney,
dated Nov. 29 last :
88 RELIQUIAE [1718-19
On Tuesday last, as the workmen in the cathedral
(of Gloster) were pulling down a piece of the old
wainscote, they found a very ancient picture repre-
senting the day of judgment. The figures are at
length, and well drawn. I believe this was an altar-
piece, which was had a little before the dissolution of
the abbey. 'Tis in a very good condition considering
its age, and is speedily to be amended. 'Tis with
grief that I acquaint you with the great havock that
is already made, and will shortly be done, in our
cathedral. A very beautifull stone arch, with a little
chapel and a pretty altar, will be demolished within
few days.
1718-19. Jan. 15. Bacchus used to quaffe and
carowse in an home. Hence Nonnus, K.a) nspag ayuu-
/\ov fi'%£ /3o'oj, $£7ra,t;. He had an home crooked, for a
cup ; which was, saith the scholiast of Nieander, an
ancient eustome. Ol apx,caoi' HEpao-iv exp^vro 'BV TV
7rocreif avTt 7rorripiuv' oQsv xai to XEparai eipyitcxi. The
ancients, in their carowsings, used homes (as mad
Toms doe now) in stead of caps : and thence to powre
out, or to mingle wine, is called cerasai, of ceras, an
Jan. 27. I am told that Mr. Francis Tallents, who
writ the Chronological Tables (which are good ones)
and a short History of Schism, was a Jesuit, Avhereas
I thought he had been a sort of presbyterian. It
appeared, it seems, that he was a Jesuit, after his
death, when his study was broke open, and his papers
Jan. 31. Richard Lacey, Jesuit, whose true name
was Prince, was born at Oxford. He died in prison
171S-19] HEARNIANjE. 89
at Newport, 11th March, 1680, aat. 32, initae societatis
Jesu 12, otherwise he had been hanged. Quaere
whether Mr. Win. Prince, late mancipal of Edm. Hall,
and now living in Oxford, having lost his memory, be
not of the same family. This Mr. Wm, Prince was
first a papist, and I have heard him say several times
that he was converted by bishop Barlow. There are
of the Princes now papists, living at Clifton, near
Dorchester, in Oxfordshire, to whom Wm. Prince is
related. The book of Mr. E.'s where is an account
of Lacey, alias Prince, says, page 81, that he, Lacey,
was editus in lucem Oxonii per honestis parentibus.
Feb. 6. On Monday morning last, Mrs. Jenny White,
daughter of Alderman White of Oxford, was married
in Merton college chapell, to Mr. Willes, of Oriel
coll. who is king George's dccypherer, and hath lately
got a very good parsonage in Hertfordshire. This
gentleman is one of the Constitutioners, as they are
called, and is a very great whig, as is also Alderman
White, whose eldest daughter, Mrs. Mary White
(looked upon as a great beaut}', as Mrs. Jenny is also
handsome) married a gentleman of University coll. who
had little or nothing (though he hath got some prefer-
ment since), at the same time that she might have
had Mr. now Dr. Robert Clavering, who hath got about
a thousand a year, as her father would fain have had
her. There is a third daughter, who is the youngest,
and is about 14 years of age. Mr. Willes and Mrs.
Jenny took coach, and went out of town immediately
after they were married.
Feb. 26. On Tuesday last, being St. Matthias's
day, preached at St. Marie's, Mr. Cuthbert Ellison, of
Corpus Christi college, a sad, dull, heavy preacher, at
which time a very great disturbance happened in the
90 RELIQUI^ [1718-19
church. For some young scholars being in the street,
one of the proctors happened to see them into church,
which put them into such a fright, that they imme-
diately ran up into one of the galleries, but not that
which was agreeable to their gowns. This caused a
great noise, and some crying out the gallery, and
others, that the church, was falling, most of the con-
gregation was immediately dispersed, and was in a
strange confusion. Some leaped out of the galleries,
very many were trod on, &e. The preacher, however,
went on, and finished his sermon. I remember, that
about 16 years agoe, in the afternoon, on a Sunday, it
being Lent time, at which time the university sermons.
in the afternoons are always preached there, a much
greater disturbance happened at St. Peter's in the
East, occasioned by some unlucky boys, who got into
the tower, and threw stones down upon the church,
which made such a terrible noise, that the congrega-
tion presently cryed out that the church was falling,
and upon that, there was a most sad confusion, and
the preacher and all went out, and much damage was
done. The preacher was Mr. William Stradling, of
Christ Church, and he was got into about the middle
of his sermon, which was about the dissolution of the
world. This Mr. Stradling is student of Christ
Church, and is a very ingenious scholar, but very
rarely comes out.
March 13. There were fine walks about Osney
during its prosperity. Some of them may be traced
now. There is one particularly from the water by
the castle towards the abbey, and this I take to have
been that in which sir Robert D'Oiley's lady walked
when the pie chattered, which gave occasion to the
foundation of the abbey.
1 719] HEARNIAN^E. 91
March 14. There was never any picture done but
one of Dr. Henry Aldrich, dean of Christ Church,
and that was by sir Godfrey Kneller, and 'twas from
thence that the mezzotinto print was taken. The
said picture was done gratis by sir Godfrey, and was
given by Dr. Aldrich (who was with very great diffi-
culty prevailed with to let it be taken) to Dr. Rad-
eliffe. I am told Mr. Bromley is about purchasing
it with a design to give it to Christ Church.
March 25. There is just printed in fol. two vols,
a collection of Mr. Kettlewell's works, to which is
prefixed his Life, written by Dr. Hickes. I have
just looked upon the Life, as it lay in the shop,
and I perceived several material mistakes in it ;
as he makes Dr. Marsh to have been of Edmund
hall, whereas it should be Mr. March, Mr. John
March being vice-principal there, and author of se-
veral things. He makes also Dr. Mill to give a good
character of Mr. Kettlewell's behaviour while under
his government, whereas Mr. Kettlewell had left the
hall long before Dr. Mill became principal, and never
was under the government of Dr. Mill. There are
many remarkable things in this Life. The author
tells us, he went over to king James II. soon after
the revolution, and presented to him the names of
the non-juring clergy ; at least of as many as could
be got, and that himself and Mr. Thomas Wagstaffe
were suffragan bishops : himself (Hickes) of Thet-
ford, and Mr. Wagstaffe of Ipswich, and both con-
March 27. There is a paper come out, which I
am informed is a very good one, called The Plebeian.
It is to come out weekly. Some say Mr. Prior is
92 RELIQUIjE. [1719
author, and that the earl of Oxford puts him upon
it, on purpose to put a stop to the bill now on foot
about the peerage.
A fable, thought to be wrote by Mr. Prior.
The Old Woman and her Doctor.
Dame Briton, of the Grange, once fam'd
For spinning wool, and brewing ale,
Had both her eyes so much inflam'd,
She did no earthly thing but raile.
Patience was preach'd, but preach'd in vain,
Nothing could pacify her clack ;
So Molly, to relieve her paine,
Advis'd her to a foreign quack.
From quality and grand affairs,
At length the needy Galen came ;
Molly receiv'd him at the staires,
And whisper'd, Sir, let's duste my dame.
Agreed — a plaister straite is spread,
With anodynes and sleeping potions ;
He wraps a muffler round her head,
And leaves the maid to watch her motions.
Dame, like a hooded falcon, sat,
Thinking her peepers mended purely ;
Much in the doctor's praise they chat.
For Moll knew how to chatt demurely.
1719] HEARNIANjE. 93
He visits oft, renews his fees,
By Molly's kindly care inereas'd ;
When, doctor, may I dare to see ?
Dear madam, not this month at least.
Mean time, in full possession told,
And trusted with the master keys ;
Goods, chattels, silver, grandam's gold,
To keep all safe, they kindly seize.
Without her leave they leas'd the Grange,
The parson's starv'd, the tenant's fin'd ;
The neighbours cry, 'Tis nothing strange,
Alas ! poor gossyp Briton's blind !
By good Hutchin's grave advice,
The dame at last would view the day.
Molly, in much confusion, cryes —
'Tis death ! but if you'le dye, you may.
Then, looking round, the dame reply'd,
By living to your doctor's rule :
I see, what all may see beside —
Myself a beggar and a fool.1
April 18. A present hath been made me of a
1 Vol. lxix. p. 156. This ballad, which is much in Prior's
style, does not occur in any of the editions of his works. In
another place Heaine calls him " a man of excellent sense, and
good learning," and tells us that he was " deservedly admired
for his poetry."
94 RELIQUIAE [1719
book called The Antiquities of Berkshire, by Elias
Ashmole, esq. London, printed for E. Curll, in Fleet-
street, 1719, Svo. in three volumes. It was given
me by my good friend Thomas Rawlinson, esq. As
soon as I opened it, and looked into it, I was amazed
at the abominable impudence, ignorance, and care-
lessness of the publisher,1 and I can hardly ascribe
all this to any one else than to that villain Curll.
Mr. Ashmole is made to have written abundance of
things since his death. All is ascribed to him, and
yet a very great part of what is mentioned happened
since he died. For, as many of the persons died
after him, so the inscriptions mentioned in this book
were made and fixed since his death also. Besides,
what is taken from Mr. Ashmole is most fraudu-
lently done. The epitaphs are falsly printed, and
his words and sense most horridly perverted. What
Mr. Ashmole did was done very carefully, as appears
from the original in the museum, where also are his
exact draughts of the most considerable monuments,
of which there is no notice in this strange rhapsody.
I call it a rhapsody, because there is no method nor
judgment observed in it, nor one dram of true learn-
ing. Some things are taken from my edition of Le-
land, but falsely printed, and I cannot but complain
of the injury done me.
April 27. To-night I was at the lodgings in Christ
Church of the right honourable the lord George
Dowglass, who is brother to the duke of Queensbury,
and is about a fortnight's standing in the university.
He is a very pretty, ingenious, good-natured young
1 Hearne was little aware that this was his very good, and
notoriously honest, friend, Richard Rawlinson.
1 7ig] HEARNIANsE. 95
gentleman. I met there with Francis Gwyn, of
Ford-abbey in Devonshire, esq. whom I had never
seen before. The said Mr. Gwyn is a man of great
integrity and of an excellent understanding. His
two sons, Edward Prideaux Gwyn and Francis Gwyn,
(both gentlemen commoners of Christ Church,) were
with him. Mr. Gwyn told me that some years agoe
a certain gentleman had two or three volumes of
Cardinal Wolsey's letters and other papers, but that
he burnt them, for which he was afterwards sorry,
because another gentleman offered him fifty pounds
for them. We have very imperfect accounts of the
history of that great man. Abundance without doubt
might have been discovered from these papers.
Mr. Gwyn said that Ford-abbey is certainly one
of the most intire in England. He said the chapter-
house is above stairs. I asked him about it, upon
account of the monks being buried in some chapter-
houses, which could not be in this, since it was an
upper room. We talked of his leiger book of the
abbey. He had it at London, from whence he now
came, but returned it into the country another way.
He hath begun to make an index to it. He says
the family of Heyron often occurs in it, and that it
was a noted family in Devonshire.
May 7. This day I walked to Woodstock, and
took a fresh view of the old foundations of Rosa-
mund's bower, which are just by her poole. After-
wards I viewed the new house, and saw the lodgings
in it. There are two great rooms, the hall and an-
other, which are extreme fine and august. The first
was painted by Mr. Thornhill, whose work is exqui-
site. The other was painted by another, a Frenchman,
I think, and is daubed with abundance of persons of
96 RELIQUIAE [1719
different countries, atheists, infidels, and heathens
being mixt, on purpose to please buffoons and good
fellows ; whereas had the painting been historical, so
as to represent the history of Rosamund, and the
heads of many great persons, it would have answered
the nobleness of the room.
About Printing.
The Psalter, printed in Latin, at Mentz, by John
Faust and Peter Scheffer, of Gernshein, (his son-in-
law,) A" D"1 1457.
The old edition of Trithemiuss Chronicle, printed
at Mentz, 1515, says, this art was began] at Mentz,
anno 1450, by John Fust, and that it was brought
to perfection by him, A° 1452.
John Faust and Peter Scheffer printed a large
Latin Bible in folio, that was finished A° 1462. Some
of the copies in vellam.1 They were so near the
hand-writing of those times, that John Faust sold
some of them at Paris (printing at that time being
not known in any part of France) for MSS. at no
less than sixty crowns each. His copies fell after-
wards to half the price. This caused him to be pro-
secuted for a conjuror and necromancer. Thence he
fled to Strasburg. Faust the first inventor : Gut-
tenburg only his assistant. Some make Lawrence
Coster to have begun printing at Harlem, A° 1432.
Guttenburg printed a book at Harlem between
1462 and 1468, entitled, The Spiegel, or Looking Glass
of oar Salvation, or the Types of the Old and New
Testament, which had been first printed by John
Faust, at Mentz, about the year 1455, with blocks or
1 My lord Sunderland hath a copy of it on vellam, which
cost him an hundred and ten pounds. T. H. Now in the
library at Blenheim.
1719] IIEARNIANsE. 97
moulds of wood, much like those made use of by card-
makers, for stamping or printing court-cards. Lord
Pembroke hath a copy printed only on one side, and
two leaves pasted together. Faust's done with ex-
cellent black ink : but Guttenburg's was printed with
writing ink, very feint and whiter. Guttenburg con-
tinued printing at Harlem, for some time, first with
moulds or blocks, and afterwards with single types :
where he received Fred. Corsellis, a native of that
country, into his service ; who was the first typogra-
pher that brought this art into England, by the en-
couragement of archbishop Bourehier, who procured it
to be first settled at Oxford. This archbishop had
been a graduate of Nevil hall, in the parish of St.
John Baptist, in the university. He moved Hen. Vlth
to procure a printing mould (so 'tis called in a MS.
about this affair in Lambeth library) to be brought
into England. Mr. Robert Tournour, who was then
of the robes, and a great favourite of the king's, and
Mr. Caxton, a citizen of London, of good worth and
ability, who traded much to Holland, were the men
imployed ; and accordingly, with much difficulty, at
the expenee of 1500 marks, 300 of which were allowed
by the archbishop, and the rest by the king, they pre-
vailed upon Frederick Corsellis, one of the workmen
at Harlem, to come into England, conveying him pri-
vately away. The archbishop having been chancellor
of Oxford, sent him thither (it being not thought safe
to settle him at London) under a guard, which con-
stantly attended him to prevent his escape, till he had
made good his promise to teach this new art. When
Corsellis had performed the undertaking, he returned
to Flanders, and settled at Antwerp, whither he 'was
followed by Caxton, to be instructed by him, which
was about the year 1470. Hieronymi Expositio,
98 RELIQUIAE [1719
printed at Oxford, A° 1468, without doubt by Cor-
sellis, tho' no name be added, and is more ancient
than any Mr. Bagford hath met with printed with a
date, either at Harlem, Strasburgh, in France, Spain,
Flanders, or any other part of Europe, (Italy ex-
cepted.) and next (with this exception) to those
printed by John Faust and Peter SchfefFer. Some of
the Corsellis's retired into England in queen Eliza-
beth's time, where they have continued for the most
part merchandizing, and have been possessed of a
plentifull estate in the county of Essex, which is now
enjoyed by John Corsellis, esq. at this time member
of parliament for Colchester, in the same county.1
The next that exercised this art at Oxford was Theo-
dore Rood, of Colon. After they had sufficiently in-
structed them in the art, we find it was carried on at
Oxford to the year 1481, but from that time discon-
tinued, till Winken de Word came and re-established
it there, which was about the year 1500. He carried
it on in St. John's parish also, in a street called
Grope-lane, and from him Winken-street, and after-
wards (from a sign now standing) Magpie-lane,
(lxxvij. 1.)
Letter from Oliver Cromwell.
Loving Sir,
Make me so much your servant by being godfather
unto my child. I would my selfe haue come ouer
unto you, to haue made a more formall invitation,
but my occasions would not permitt, and therefore
hold me in that excused. The day of your trouble is
Thursday next, let me intreate your company 'on
Wednesday. By this tyme it appeares I am more apt
So in Mr. Bagford's Notes. T. H.
1719] HEARNIANjE. 99
to incroch upon you for new favours, then to shew
my thankefullness for the loue I haue already found,
but I know your patience, and your goodness cannot
be exhausted by
Your freind and servant,
Oliuek Cromwell.
Hunt, this 14 October, 1626.
To his approved good friend Mr. Henry
Downhale, att his chamber in St. John's
colledye, theise.
I copyed this (saith Mr. Ashmole) 5 March 16-i-g.,
from the originall, being then in the said Mr. Downall's
hands : the child above mentioned was named Richard,
who came to be lord protector, 1658. (lxxxii. 47.)
May 17. When I was about publishing Lelancts
Collectanea, my friend Browne Willis, esq. importuned
me to print a Catalogue of the Parliamentary Mitred
Abbats, with an account of the Abbeys themselves.
He had collected the Catalogue from Dr. Hutton's
papers. Accordingly he sent me the Catalogue, which,
upon perusal, I found very jejune, and full of faults,
upon which I was forced to examine the whole with
the original authors, and to write all over anew, by
which I made it for his credit, and afterwards 1
printed it. After this he undertook the reprinting it,
against my will and consent, and added to it the con-
ventual cathedral churches, and collections about other
abbies ; and the whole is just come out in two vols.
This work of my friend is a most strange rhapsody,
and nothing tolerable in it, only what he hath taken
from Leland, which however he hath strangely
mangled and spoiled ; and whereas he calls the second
vol. " The History of Abbies, volume II." contrary to
the title in the first vol. it is so far from deserving
100 RELIQTJIJE [1719
that title, that 'tis nothing like a history, being nothing
but confused, indigested scraps, done without the
least skill or judgment, for which I am sorry.
June G. Last Sunday died Edmund Dunch,1 of
1 The Dunehes were a family of great antiquity in the counties
of Berks and Oxford, where they possessed a very valuable pro-
perty. William Dunch, in the time of Hen. VIII. was auditor
of the mint, and married Mary, the daughter of John Barnes,
gentleman-porter of the castle of Guysnes, in France. He died in
1597, and was buried at Little Wittenham, in Berkshire. There
are several inscriptions to them in Ashmole's History of Berk-
shire, vol. i. p. 59, &c. See also Le Neve's Mon. Anglicana,
from 1650 to 1679, No. 496.
In the church of Newington, Oxfordshire, are the following
inscriptions to this family, which I do not believe have hitherto
been published:
Walter Dunch Esq. whose
memory is presented in ye
wall lieth bvried vnder
this stone. 1644.
Neare this place lyeth buried the body of
Walter Dunch late of this Parish Esq.
who deceased January the sixth 1644.
unto whose memory his beloved wife Mary
out of hir deare affection to him erected
this Monument Anno D~ui: 1650.
Here lyes the prop and glory of his race;
That no time may his memory deface,
His gratefvll WIPE, vnder this speaking stone
His ashes hid, to make his menu knowne.
Sprvng from an Opulent and worthy line
W'hos well vsd fortvn made their vertvs shine,
A rich example his faire life did giue,
How others shovld with their relations liue ;
1719] 1IEARN1ANJE. 101
Little Witenham, in Berks, esq. parliament man for
Wallingford, being about 40 years of age. He was
A piovs son, a hvsband, and a friend :
To neighbovrs to, his bovnty did extend
So far, that they lamented when he dyd
As if they all had been to him allyd.
His cvriovs yovth wovld men and maners know,
Which made him to the sovthern Nations goe,
Nearer the svn, tho they more ciuill seem,
Reueng and lvxvry has their esteem ;
Which well obseruing, he retvmd with more
Valve for England then he had before.
Her trve Religion and her Statvtes too
He practis did, no les then seek to know;
And the whole Covntry greiued for their ill fate
To loose so good, so jvst, a maiestrate.
To shed a tear may readers be inclind,
And pray for one he only left behind,
That shee, who does inherit his Estate,
May Vertve loue like him, and uices hate.
Bv Edmund Waller
This Epitaph does not appear in any edition of Waller's works.
H : S : E :
Henricus Dunch Arm :
Filius quartus
Edmundi Dunch de Wittenham Arm :
Et Bridgittae fil : &hsered: Ant: Hungerford mil:
De Downamney in Agro Glouc :
Vir qui Deo solum ac amicis notus,
Non aliud sibi monumentum exigere voluit,
Quod omni marmore perennius,
Bonorum mentib4 inhaereret,
Pia tamen conjux hoc posuit posterorum gratia,
Ut temporibus malis non desit exemplum
Constantis Viii ;
Qui erga Deum pietatis officia praestare,
Necessitudinibus Fidem liberare,
Pauperibus benignius subvenire,
Omnesque morum probitate ac modestiu sibi devincire :
102 RELIQUIAE [1719
a very great gamester, and had a little before lost
about 30 libs, in one night in gaming. He had other-
wise many good qualities. By gaming most of the
estate is gone. He was drawn into gaming purely to
please his lady. King James I. said to one of the
Dunches, (for 'tis an old family,) when his majesty
asked his name, and he answered Duneh, " Ay, (saith
" the king,) Dunch by name, and dunce by nature."
June 8. Upon one who was bribed while he was
Spretis et aliorum Illecebris et Re sua,
Ausus est.
Natus est \ . ™ f 1649
Obiit /An: Ch;l 1686
In Uxorem duxit Annam fil :
Will : Dormer de Ascott in agro Oxon :
ex qua
Duabus filiis suseeptis,
Elizubetham haeredem
Et sibi superstitem
H. S. E.
Anna Dunch Lectissima Fcemina,
Ac digna quae memoriaj hominum tradatur.
Animum ejus virtutes plurimsa, rariq ; exempli,
Corpus formse decor commendarunt.
Religionis illi atq ; animae servanda;
Praccipuum studium, deinde honestatis.
[ngeninm elegans, Modestia singularis.
Maritum habuit HENRICUM DUNCH,
Severae priscseq; Virtutis virum.
Quocum vixit ijsdem plane moribus,
Et voluntate nunquam dissimili.
Amisso Viro, reliquum vitae, quod quadriennio
Paulo minus fuit, Vidua transegit.
A Delicijs et licentia sceculi aliena.
Obijt in Id: Maij A.D. MDCXC.
V. A. xxxiv. M. 11.
Tabulam hanc Sepulchralem pientissima:
Filise moesta mater P. C.
1719] HEAENIANjE. 103
at prayers in the chapel, to vote contrary to his con-
One hand and eye erect, were close engag'd
In pray'r, and holy war with heaven wag'd ;
The other eye obliquely view'd the gold,
Which into t'other hand was slyly told.
What ! brib'd within the consecrated walls !
Strange magick pow'r of gold ! to hush the calls
Of sacred promises, dissolve the ties
Of oaths ! Was this thy morning sacrifice ?
Transcendent knave ! who could have closer trod
Thy friend Iscariot's steps, who sold his God ?
Transcript of Judas ! go, refund thy pelf,
Then, like thy great exemplar, hang thy self :
For while thou liv'st, the world will be surpriz'd
To meet a walking hell epitomiz'd.
June 20. King James is a great instance for an-
tipuritans, and a great prop to the episcopall cause.
It's alleadged of him, that hee hated puritans for
1 In order to understand these verses, the reader must be
told, that they relate to an election at Wadham college, for a
warden, on the death of Dr. Dunster. The two candidates were
Mr. Girdler, a very honest gentleman, as Hearne would have
called him, and Dr." Baker, archdeacon of Oxford, and afterwards
bishop of Bangor and Norwich. Mr. Girdler had three votes
including the subwarden ; Dr. Baker five; one of these had
before promised Girdler, and remained firm up to the moment of
going into chapel, where the election took place after morning
prayers. He then, to the surprise of all present, voted for
Dr." Baker, and so turned the election, which would otherwise
have been in favour of the tory interest ; for, had the votes been
even, the subwarden's casting voice would, of course, have given
the wardenship to Mr. Girdler. It was said, that this abandon-
ment of promise and principle was occasioned by a purse con-
taining fifty guineas being put into Mr. 'a hand, by an agent
of Dr. Baker's. The names of the other parties I purposely omit.
104 RELIQUIAE [1719
their hatred to episcopacie, and loved episcopacie for
it's amity to monarchic : his aphorisme was, No
bishop, no king.1
June 28. Mr. Joseph Addison, the poet, dying
lately, on Friday last, (June 26.) his corpse lay in
state in Jerusalem chamber, and at night was interred
in Westminster abbey.
July 24. Mr. Lewis " assures me, that my lord
Bullingbrooke is a great villain, and that king James
turned him out of his court for being a spy, and be-
traying his secrets. Indeed, as Mr. Lewis said, he
went over, by Marlborough's contrivance, purely to
be a spy, and tho' he opposed Oxford in England,
yet it was only out of pretence of being on king
James's side, not out of honesty ; Oxford indeed being
rather of that king's side, which is the true reason,
it may be, why Bullingbroke so much hated him.
But these are secrets. 'Tis certain Bullingbroke's
father is great in George's court, which 'tis believed
would not be, were his son for king James.
1 See a Discourse concerning Puritans, p. 13. Lond. 1641.
2 John Lewis was a bookseller in Covent-garden, and a papist.
lie was for many years servant to king James the second in
France, and afterwards to the pretender, with whom he sailed
for Scotland in queen Anne's time. Soon after Hearne saw him
at Oxford, Lewis was brought into trouble for causing a pamphlet,
entitled Vox Populi Vox Dei, to be printed. This was judged to
be a treasonable product inn, and the priuter being compelled to
disclose his employer, Lewis left off trade, and retired into Den-
bighshire, his native country, where, 1 fancy, he ended his days.
The printer, Matthews, was tried, and being convicted of high
treason, was hung at Tyburn, 6th Nov. 1719. The author of the
pamphlet in question was supposed to be. Mr. Brewster, a bar-
rister, and formerly a member of Balliol college, who died about
the time that Lewis absconded into Wales.
1 719] HEARNIAN^E. 105
Aug. 25. Mr. Prynn's books, having been made
use of for wast paper, begin now to be scarce, and
to be got into curious hands, purely for this reason,
because he commonly cites his vouchers for what he
delivers, and thereby gives his reader an opportunity
of examining the truth of them. Mr. Baker, of Cam-
bridge, believes his study hath more of Mr. Prynne's
books than any one of that university, and he well
remembers, that he sent up his Anti-Arminianism to
Mr. Strype, which he could not meet with at London,
when he was writing one of his books, and yet it has
two editions.
Sept. 8. On Saturday (Sept. 5) came to Oxford
two of the daughters of Richard Cromwell, son of
Oliver Cromwell, protector, one of which is married
to Dr. Gibson, the physician, who writ the Anatomy ;
the other is unmarried. They are both presbyterians,
as is also Dr. Gibson, who was with them. They
were at the presbyterian meeting-house in Oxford
on Sunday morning and evening ; and yesterday they,
and all the gang with them, dined at Dr. Gibson's,
provost of Queen's, who is related to them, and made
a great entertainment for them, exspecting something
from them, the physician being said to be worth
30,000 libs. They went from Oxford after dinner.
Dec. 3. Tho. Morgan, gent, writ a little thing,
printed in 4to. called The Welchmen s Jubilee : to the
honour of St. David, shewing the manner of that solemn
Celebration, which the Welchmen annually hold in honour
of St. David. Describing likewise the true and reall
cause why they wear that day a Leek on their Hats.
With an excellent merry Sonnet annexed unto it. He
thinks the true reason of wearing the leek is, be-
106 RELIQUIAE [1719-20
cause St. David always when he went into the field,
in martial exercise, carried a leek with him ; and
being once almost faint to death, he immediately re-
membered himself of the leek, and by that means
not only preserved his life, but also became victorious.
The author was some merry fellow, and writ it to get
a penny.
1719-20. Jan. 4. Sir Philip Sydenham tells me
that he hath had several estates belonging to the
church, and that he hath never had any satisfaction
or comfort with them, and that ever since their fa-
mily had them, they have been decreasing, but be-
fore flourishing and encreasing. He justly observes,
(in a letter to me, Dec. 26, 1719,) that sacrilege is
certainly a canker to all estates. But whereas their
bishop (Dr. Hooper, bishop of Bath and Wells) said,
in his hearing, that time wears out that sin, he
rightly judges that this is very doating. Mr. Eyston
was told by a man that lived within six miles of
Glastonbury, that the scite of the said abbey of Glas-
tonbury had not continued above twenty years toge-
ther in the same family since the dissolution.1
Feb. 7. This day sennight died Mrs. Mead, wife
1 General Monk (Duke of Albemarle) deemed it sacrilege to
possess any property that had been wrested from the church.
In pa^e 33 of Seth Ward's sermon at his funeral, entitled, The
Christian1 s Victory over Death,L<md. 1670, 4to.is this passage : "He
"(the duke) was a great detester otsacr Hedge; he hath often told
" me with joy and resolution, that he never had, or would have,
" in the compass of his estate, any part that had ever /urn devoted
" to pious uses." Hearne, in another vol. (lxxxvi. p. 95) makes
a very singular exception to his general rule on this subject.
" Tis an observation that abbey lands thrive in the hands of
" Roman Catholicks, tho'not in the hands of others ; Mr. Eyston
" says, that the abbey lands in his own family have prospered ! "
1719-20] HEARNIANj®. 107
of ray great and generous friend Dr. Richard Mead.
Many scandalous stories have been raised of this lady,
but I am well informed they are malicious and false.
For thus my worthy friend, Thomas Rawlinson, esq.
writes to me, in a letter, dated yesterday. ' Ever
" since Monday (for on Sunday Mrs. Mead died) I
" have bin with the doctor from morning to night,
" and never bin once at the coffee-house. She will
" be buried on Tuesday next, about which time, or
" thereabout, I hope to be abroad again. Mrs. Mead
" brought the doctor a very good fortune. She left
" him five children, four girls, and a son of about
" a yeare and a half old. 'Tis now a pretty many
" years I have had the honour to be intimately ac-
" quainted in the family, where I remarked him a
" good father and kind husband, and her a good
" wife. A deal of scandal ill people (Woodward or
" such fellowes) have uttered, but I never saw any
" grounds for it, tho' so constantly there. I found
" her an honourable friend without falsehood or dis-
" guise ; never heard worse things from her mouth,
" than such advice as a wise mother might give to
" even a favored son. I thought this due to her
" character now dead, who have defended it while
" she lived, if at any time I found it, or barbarously
" attacked, or more insidiously whispered away."
Feb. 8. It is a custome now in London for all the
tory clergy to wear their master's gowns, (if they
have proceeded in the degree of master of arts at
either of the universities,) which much displeases the
whiggs and the enemies of the universities, who all
go in pudding-sleeve gowns.
Feb. 18. Out of a letter from Mr. Baker, of Cam-
108 RELIQUIAE [1720
bridge, dated the lGth of this month. " It will be
" no news to tell you, that Dr. Snape (master of
" Eaton) is chosen provost of King's college, which,
" tho' it be a good choice,1 yet, 1 doubt, they may
" loose the court by it, and their hopefull expecta-
" tions of a new building. The late provost's*2 death
" was an unhappy blow to them ; all things were
" prepared and adjusted, and he only wanted the
" ceremony of being introduced, when his sudden
" death dasht all."
March 23. Mr. Eyston told me, that Dugdale's
Baronage cost him but about 30 shillings, whereas
now it is worth about five libs. I gave four libs, for
one myself. He said he bought Dugdale's Warwick-
shire for considerably under 30 shillings. The cata-
logue of the MSS. of England and Ireland was sold
two days since, in an auction at Oxford, for 8s. It is
worth 17s.
June 26. Paucis abhinc annis Oxoniam venit sartor
quidam Norvicensis, "Wilde nomine, commendatus ab
Humphr. Prideaux, et Thoma Tannero, hoc cancel-
lario, illo decano Norvicensi. Homo iste, occupatione
relicta, nunc lingua" Arabicse operam dat, quumque
sit plane indefessus mirum est quantum in eadem
profecerit. Atque hoc eo magis est mirandum, quod
linguae Latinos et Graccsc sit fere imperitus, uti ct
eruditionis expers.
1 Ilearne says, in another place, "On Thursday, May 26 last,
" the Rev. Dr. Andrew Snape resigned his place of head school-
" master of Eaton, upon bis being elected provost of King's
" college, Cambridge, at which time he made a most affectionate
" speech to the scholars, which drew tears from their eyes "
2 Dr. Adams, who writ of self murther against Dr. Donne.
T. H.
1720] HEARNIANJU. 109
June 27. Brownus Willis mihi retulit, se habere
exemplar Godwini de prsesulibus, in quo perplures
emendationes ac additiones MSS. Sunt etiam alia
id genus exemplaria. Horum ope editio nobilissima
posset proferri, una cum continuatione ad nostra usque
tempora. Sed prsesulum aliquot pravitas obstat quo
minus typis ejusmodi opus mandetur.
July 29. A friend told me, that being once with
Dr. Charlett, the doctor told him, that the father of
one Stanhope, coming to Trinity college, Oxon, to enter
his son, had a mind to talk with Anthony a Wood.
Anthony happened to be in the college at that time,
and Charlett brought him to him. Stanhope plaid
upon him, and grinned, and pretended to be witty,
especially when he found Anthony thick of hearing :
which Charlett minding, told him secretly, (there
being others in company,) Have a care, for tho' he
pretends to be deaf, he can hear sometimes what he
pleases. Stanhope goes on; And pray, Mr. Wood,
says he, what doe you remember of me ? Of you,
sir ? says Anthony. When was you entered of this
college ? Why, about such a time, says he. Very
well, replyes Anthony, " and one of your name whis-
" pered Ann Green in the ear, when she was hanged
" for murthering her bastard child." Stanhope was
nettled at this, and acknowledged that he was met
with by Anthony.
Aug. 7. Mr. Collins, of Magdalen college, tells me,
that Mr. Joseph Addison, of their college, (who was
afterwards secretary of state,) used to please himself
mightily with this prologue to a puppet-shew :
A certain king said to a beggar, What has't to eat?
Beans, qicoth the beggar. Beans ? quoth the king. Yea,
110 EELIQ UI^E [1720
beans, I say, and so forthwith we straight begin the play.
Strike up, player.
Mr. Collins told me of this verse about drinking
thrice before smoking :
Ter bibito primum, post osfac esse caminwn.
Mr. Collins told me, that he hath seen Mr. Josias
Howe's sermon, printed in red letters, and that Mr.
Jon. Beaucham, (commonly called Nie. Beaucham,)
late of Trinity college, had a copy.1
Whereas Mr. Wood, Ath. Oxon. vol. ii. col. 737,2
saith, that Mr. How was put out of his fellowship of
Trinity college by the parliamentarian visitors in 1618,
Mr. Collins thinks it is not so true. For he saith,
that Mr. How was then bursar of Trinity college ;
that he carried off all the books, and went to an estate
in Buckinghamshire, where he staid a good while ;
that Dr. Harris, who was then put in head of Trinity
college by the parliamentarians, when they wanted
the books, sent to him, to return to the college, pro-
mising to secure him. But an expulsion from the
powers was lodged in Harris's hands, and Harris
courted How so long, that at last he got the books
out of his hands, upon which he sighed and lamented
that he could not keep his promise to him, and keep
so ingenious a man in the college, and then producing
the expulsion, told him, he must leave the college
immediately, which accordingly he did, and this was
some time after 1648.
Aug. 8. There is a place at Chippenham in Wilts
called the Place House, thought by some to have
been a palace of one of the Saxon kings. It is
1 See Appendix, No. XIII.
2 Fasti Oxonknsts, vol. ii. i>. 'JC, ed. 4to.
1720] HEARNIANjE. Ill
certain that Chippenham was a royal vill, being men-
tioned as such in king JElfrid's will, where he gives
Villa de Chippenham to his youngest daughter.
Aug. 26. Account of the death of Lionell Walden,
esq. a very worthy young gentleman, formerly gen-
tleman commoner of Christ Church, and one of those
that were taken at Preston, and afterwards imprisoned
at London.
Good Mr. Hearn,
I have very much longed for some pretence of giving
you the trouble of a letter, but must express my deep
concern for the melancholly occasion offered at this
time, which serves to acquaint you, that your friend
Mr. Walden, formerly gentleman commoner of Christ
Church, and nephew to Mr. Cotton, was barbarously
murthered at this place by one Forbes, from whom,
in the heat of liquor, he had received very abusive
language, upon which blows ensued, for the gentle-
man in whose chamber they were had secured their
swords ; but Forbes observing that one of the com-
pany who sleep'd upon the bed, had his sword by his
side, in a treacherous manner laid himself down upon
the bed, without the least suspicion of the company,
who imagined he intended to sleep, while he was
intent only upon stealing softly the gentleman's sword
(who sleeped) out of the scabbard, with which he in
a furious manner run upon Mr. Walden, and gave
him five wounds before any of the company could
come to his rescue, of which wounds he dyed in a
quarter of an hour after. I, being the only acquaint-
ance he or his uncle had in this country, thought
myself oblidged to look after his body and effects,
amongst which I found his will, dated 20th last July,
which I have just transcribed, and sent the copy over
112 RELIQUIsE [1720
to his uncle, in which will he has left you a legacy of
100/. by the name of Mr. John Heron, late library-
keeper at Oxford, which is sufficient in law, because
you are described ; he has given Dr. Welton 2001. to
the Rev. Mr. Read, of Sheffield, 100/. to Mrs. Stone,
daughter to the under-warden of the Fleet prison,
100/. and 1000/. for two charity schools, one in the
Isle of Ely, another to be built in Huntington. * * *
Angers, 29 Nov. 1719.
Memorand. That after the receipt of this letter, I
writ to Mr. Cotton, and I was told by him that my
legacy would be paid me. Mr. Walden's body was
afterwards brought into England, and interred in
Sept. 3. This morning Mr. Holdsworth, lately fellow
of Magdalen college, and now a non-juror, called upon
me. He is a right worthy man, and hath been lately
at Rome. He shewed me the pictures of king James
III. and his queen. The queen is a very fine lady.
The king, he says, is a prince of admirable sense,
eheerfull, and finely shaped.
Sept. 20. Yesterday was a great foot-race at Wood-
stock, for 1400 libs, between a running footman of the
duke of Wharton's, and a running footman of Mr.
Diston's, of Woodstock, round the four mile course.
Mr. Diston's man being about 25 years of age, (and
the duke's about 45,) got it with ease, out distancing
the duke's near half a mile. They both ran naked,
there being not the least scrap of any thing to cover
them, not so much as shoes and pumps, which was
looked upon deservedly as the height of impudence,
and the greatest affront to the ladies, of which there
was a very great number.
i72o] HEARNIANJE. 113
Oct. 18. My friend Thomas Rawlinson, esq. writes
me word, that my mentioning the desecration of holy
bones, puts him in mind of the care his grandfather
Richard Tayler, esq. took at Chiswick, in Middlesex.
He, as the ill custom now is, purchased some ground
in the church for a vault for his family. In digging,
it appeared they dip'd on some old charnel house, or
where casualty, or in the plague in some other age,
had strewed the place with sculls, and other bones.
He, with all the piety imaginable, jussit defodi. He
was a plain man of little learning, the son of a yeoman
of Taunton Dean, in Somersetshire, but of good pene-
trating parts, and thought the flinging the bones of
the dead in dunghills or such vile places, (ut ple-
rumque fit,) the highth of wickedness. " This age
" (says my friend) wants monitors to goodness, God
" knows, nay, ev'n severe ones, to scare them out of
" ill practises. I do my part in speaking, you, whose
" pen is happier, by your immortal writings." My
friend writ this in a letter to me, upon occasion of
what I had said in my preface to Textus Roffensis,
which he had read with pleasure. " I have read
" (saith he) your preface, which I like for being long,
" for with Rutilius,
"Nil unquam longum est, quod sine fine placet."
Nov. 11. On Wednesday night last (Nov. 9) died,
in St. Giles's parish, Oxon, Dr. Hugh Wynne. This
worthy person, who took the degree of bachelor of
civil law, July 13, 1GG7, and that of doctor in the
same faculty, May 11, 1672, was deprived of his
fellowship of All Souls college, and of his chancellor-
ship of St. Asaph, upon the late wicked revolution,
for his loyalty, since which he lived privately, for the
most part, in Oxford. He was a learned man, but
ii. i
114 RELIQUIAE [1720
never published any thing. He was carried out of
town this morning to Blechingdon, six miles from
Oxon, and buried in the church there. He was the
first deprived in Oxford at the revolution, and the
thing was done about midnight, as I think I had it
from himself.1 I have often heard him complain of
the ingratitude of the present warden of All Souls,
Dr. Gardiner, whom he assisted very much in his en-
counters with the fellows, with relation to his negative
voice, the warden being not able to gain his point
without Dr. Wynnes directions, for which, however,
the warden afterwards slighted and despised him.
This worthy doctor was the man also that put a stop to
the selling of fellowships in All Souls college, as I
have often heard him say ; and I have as often heard
him likewise say, that he always voted for the poorest
candidates for fellowships in that college, provided
they were equally qualified in other respects ; a thing
not practised now.
Nov. 22. About a fortnight or three weeks since
died at London, the lady Holford, widow of sir Wil-
liam Holford, baronett. Her maiden name was Eli-
zabeth Lewis, being the daughter of one Lewis, a
coachman, of Stanton St. John's, near Oxford. Being
a handsome, plump, jolly wench, one Mr. Harbin, who
belonged to the custom house, and was a merchant,
and very rich, married her, and dying, all he had came
to her. For tho' she had a son by him, who was
gentleman commoner of Christ Church, (and the only
' Dr. Wynne, the non-juror, tells me, that he was ejected his
fellowship on the 1st of November, in 1691, at eleven clock at
night, without the least warning, or crime alledged against him.
He said he made no resignation, nor gave any consent to the.
tilling up his place. I told him I looked upon him as fellow-
still, and that they owed him several years rent. He said no-
thing. MS. Col.xxxvij. 163.
i72o] HEABNIANjE. 115
child, as I have been informed, she ever had,) yet he
died very young, to her great grief. After this, sir
William Holford married her, chiefly for her wealth,
(her beauty being then much decayed,) he being but
poor himself, but dyed before her, and what he had
came to his son, sir William Holford, who dyed not a
year agoe, being bachellor of arts, and fellow of New
college, a rakish, drunken sot, and would never ac-
knowledge his mother in law, for which she allowed
him nothing, and so he dyed poor. This woman dyed
very rich, (in the 70th year or thereabouts of her age,)
and hath left a vast deal to several charitable uses.
She was buried on Thursday night, (Nov. 17) in great
state, in the church of St. Alhallows, Stayning, near
that of sir William, her late husband. The blew-coat
boys belonging to Christ Hospital walked before the
corps in procession, singing of psalms ; and twenty-
seven clergymen attended at the funeral.
Nov. 30. The twenty-seven clergymen who at-
tended, on the 17th inst. at the funeral of the lady
Holford, had each a legacy of 10Z. left by her ladyship.
Besides which, she has left eleven exhibitions of
about twenty pounds yearly each, to be bestowed on
Charter House scholars only, such as were bred on
the foundation, and sent by the election of the gover-
nors of the Charter House to the university of Ox-
ford. Five of these exhibitions are to be in Christ
Church, two in Pembroke college, two in Worcester
college, and two in Hart hall. Any scholar bred in
the Charter House foundation, being an undergraduate
in what college soever, is capable of being chosen ;
and these elections are to be made after publick ex-
aminations of the candidates in the halls of the said
colleges, and the persons thus chosen are to hold the
said exhibitions no longer than eight years.
116 RELIQUIAE [1720-21
Dec. 28. Edmund archbishop of Canterbury, com-
monly called St. Edmund, founded the Virgin chapell '
in Oxford, as I find by a letter of the university of
Oxford to the pope, in an old MS. in sir Edward
Deering's library, lent me by Mr. Anstis, which MS.
contains matters about Canterbury.
1720-21. Jan. 12. Some years before I came to
Oxford, there was at Oxford and many other places
of England, a man that would eat all manner of flesh,
even the worst carrion, and never be satisfyed. Some
of Oxford have told me they have seen him take
stinking carrion from dunghills and devour it. Nor
would he matter whether it was raw or not. They
say that they never heard any other account of his
coming to this strange, unnatural habit, (for it was
not natural,) than that he once attempted to fast like
our Saviour all the 40 days of Lent, without eating
any thing, but that being not able to do it, he was
taken with this unnatural way of eating.2
Jan. 19. Last night 1 heard Mr. Samuel Parker
say, that some years agoe Mr. Jer. Collier said to this
effect, That we must come as near the papists as ive can,
that they may not hurt vs.
' The chapel of the blessed Virgin Mary is the second house
northwards from New College lane, and was purchased a few
years since by the delegates of the Clarendon press, in order to
increase that establishment. Some remains of its antiquity are
still visible, particularly the sculptures over the late entrance
(now a window), representing the Virgin, with attendant figures.
2 There is a very curious account of one Nicholas Wood, whose
propensity to devour all that came in his way was very similar
to what llearne records; this man was called " the great eater
"of Kent." and his life was written by Taylor, the water-) '.
and published under that title (Lond. 1630) in a thin quarto
pamphlet, to be found in St. John's college library.
1720-21] HEABNIANjE. 117
Jan. 21. I have been told, that in the last great
plague at London1 none that kept tobaconist's shops
1 The earliest treatise on the plague, in English, that I have
met with, is a quarto of twelve leaves, without date, place, or
printer's name, but in all probability printed by Machlinia, A
passing gode Utijll Poke necessarye and behouefull azenst the Pesti-
lence. It is a translation from the Latin of Ramicus, bishop of
Arusiens, in Dacia, Regimen contra Epidimiam siue Pestem, of
which there are two editions, printed in the Gothic character, in
the British Museum. The translation, printed by Machlinia, has
been noticed by Mr. Dibdin in his Typographical Antiq. ii. 19,
where a fac-simile plate of a second title, and an extract from the
work, are given : from this there appear to have been two editions
of the English book by the same printer, as Mr. Dibdin's plate
and extract differ in many typographical particulars from the
copy formerly in sir Hans Sloane's collection, and now in the
Museum. Among other remedies, cleanliness, constant washings,
and temperance are strictly enjoined, and the good bishop, well
knowing how much the well-being of the body depends upon the
ease of the mind, tells his patients, that " to be men' in the herte
" is a grete remedie for helth of the body : therfore in time of
" this grete infirmite beware yedrede not deth,but lyue merely
" and hope to lyue longe." This same work was afterwards
translated by Thomas Payuell, at that time canon regular of
Merton abbey, who, in addition to the matter to be found in the
former translation of Ramicus's book, gives a short paragraph on
urines, and another concerning a certain disease; the whole
printed by Berthelet in 1 534, small 8vo. Another early writer on
this subject was John Vandernote, sworn physician to the lord
Suffolk, and, as he himself boasts, " admitted by the kinge his
" highnes." His work was called The Goueraance and Preser-
nation of them ihatfeare the Plage : " now newly set forth at the
" request of William Barnard, of London, draper." Imprinted
at London by Wvllvam How, for Abraham Ueale, 156'J, Svo.
A large portion of Vandernote's book is taken from Ramicus, who
seems the grand source from which all succeeding writers drew
their information. But one of the most curious, as well as enter-
taining, tracts on this doleful subject, was, A Dialogue bothe plea-
saunt and pietifull, wherein is a godlie regiment against the Feuer
Pestilence. This was licensed in 1563, and was probably first
printed in 1564, the date of the dedication, although no earlier
edition of it is as yet known, than one, by Jhon Kingston, in 1573,
(erroneously registered by Herbert as 1578,) small 8vo. It was
written by William Bullein, a physician of eminence, practising,
118 RELIQUIJE [1720-21
had the plague. It is certain, that smoaking it was
looked upon as a most excellent preservative. In so
as Mackenzie says, at Durham, though I can find no evidence
to that effect. He was author of several other medical books,
most, if not all, of which are written in dialogue, and enlivened
by poetical digressions, and merry stories, together with much
good and profitable religious instruction. In the Dialogue on
the Pestilence is a curious allusion to some of our old English
poets, who, in compan}' with Homer, Hesiod, Ennius, and Lucan,
are depicted on " a sweete conduite in the middest'' of a rich
patient's garden. " And nere theim satte old Morall Goore, with
" pleasaunte penne in hande, commendyng honesteloue without
" luste, and pleasure without pride; holinesse in the cleargie
"without hypocrisie; no tyrannie in rulers, no falshode in
" lawiers, nousurie in marchauntes, no rebellion in the commons,
" and vnitie emong kyngdomes. Shelton satte in the corner of
" a piller, with a frostie bitten face, frownyng, and is scante yet
" cleane cooled of the cholour kindeled againste the cankered
" cardinall Wolsey; writyng many a sharpe disticons, with
" bloudie penne, againste hym, and sente theim by the infernall
" riuers Styx, Flegiton, and Acheron, by the feriinan of helle,
" called Charon, to the saied cardinail.
" How the cardinall came of nought,
" And his prelacie solde and bought,
'* And where suche prelates bee
" Sprong of lowe degree,
" And spiritual 1 dignitee,
" Farewell benignitee,
" Ferewell simplicitee,
" Farewell humanitee,
" Farewell good charitee.
" Thus paruum literatus
" Came from Rome gatus,
" Doctor Dawpatns
" Scante a bachelaratus :
" And thus Skelton did ende
" With Wolsey his frende.
" Wittie Chaucer satte in a chaire of gold couered with roses,
M writyng prose and risme, accompanied with the spirites of many
" kynges, knightes, and faire ladies, whom he pleasauntly be-
" sprinkeled with the sweete water of the welle, consecrated vnto
" the muses, ecleped Aganippe, and, as the heauenly spirite,
" commended his deare Brigham for the worthy entobyng of his
1720-21] II EARN 1 -ANjE. 119
much, that even children were obliged to smoak.
And I remember, that I heard formerly Tom Rogers,
" bones, worthie of memorie.in the long slepyng chamber of moste
" famous kinges. Euen so in tragedie he bewailed the sodaine
" resurrection of many a noble man before their time, in spoilvng
" of epitaphes, wherby nlany haueloste their inheritaunce. And
:' further thus he saied, lamentyng,
" Couetous men do catche all that thei maie haue,
" The felde and the flocke, the tombe and the graue.
" And as thei abuse riches and their graues that are gone,
" The same measure thei shall haue euery one.
" Yet no buriall hurteth holie men, though beastes them
" Nor riche graue preuaileth the wicked, for all yearthly power.
" Lamentyng Lidgate, lurking emong the lilie with a balde
" skons, with a garlande of willowes about his pate: booted he
" was after sainct Benets guise, and a blacke stamell robe, with
" a lothlie monsterous hoode hangyng backwarde, his stoopyng
" forward bewailyng euery estate, with the spirite of prouidence.
" Forseyng the falles of wicked men, and the slipprie seates of
" princes, the ebbyng and flowyng, the risyug and falling of men
" in auctoritie, and how vertue do aduance the simple, and vice
" ouerthrow the most noble of the worlde. And thus he said,
" Oh noble princes, conceiue and doe lere
" The fall of kynges for misgouernere,
" And prudently peisyng this matter,
" Vertue is stronger then either plate or maile:
" Therefore consider when wisedome do counsaile,
" Chief preseruatiue of princely magnificence
" Is to almightie God to doe due reuerence.
" Then Bartlet, with ahoopyng russet long coate, with a pretie
" hoode in his necke and fine knottes vpon his girdle, after
" Frances trickes. He was borne beyonde the cold riuer of
" Twede. He lodged vpon a swete bed of chamomile vnder the
" sinamum tree : about hym many shepherdes and shepe, with
" pleasaunte pipes : greatly abhorryng the life of courtiers, cite-
" zeins, usurers, and banckruptes, &c. whose olde daies are
" miserable. And the estate of shepherdes, and countrie people,
" he accoumpted moste happie and sure, saiyng,
" Who entreth the court in yong and tender age
" Are lightly blinded with folie and outrage:
L20 UELIQUIjE [1720-21
who was yeoman beadle, say, that when he was that
year, when the plague raged, a school-boy at Eaton,
all the boys of that school were obliged to smoak in
the school every morning, and that he was never
whipped so much in his life as he was one morning
for not smoaking.
Jan. 29. Mr. Rich. Baxter writ, at the request of
Edward Stephens, esq. Additional Notes on th Life
<ni<l Death of Sir Matthew Hale, printed at London,
L682, Svo. in which are some remarkable passages.
The said Mr. Stephens was the publisher of sir Mat-
thew's Contemplations, and his familiar friend.1 In
page 38, he observes, that sir Matthew had a great
distaste of the books called A Friendly Debate, &c.
and Ecclesiastical Polity. Page 40, he notes that he
greatly valued Mr. Selden, who was a great adver-
sary to Hobbs, whom he (Selden) would oppose so
earnestly, as either to depart from him, or drive him
out of the room. Page 43. What he was as a lawyer,
a judge, a Christian, is so well known, that I think
for me to pretend that my testimony is of any use,
were vain. I will only tell you what I have written
by his picture, in the front of the Great Bible which
1 bought with his legacy, in memory of his love and
name: viz. Sie Matthew Hale, that unwearied student.
" But suche as enter with witte and grauitie,
" Bowe not so sone to suche enormitie,
" But ere thei enter, if thei haue learned nought,
" Afterwardes vertue t he least of their thought."
In his Gouemement qf Healthe, 8vo. 15r>8, are several pieces
of Bullein's original poetry, particularly " Verses against sur-
" feting, contending moderate diet," which abound in good rules
not inelegantly expressed ; and in the same volume is an ori-
ginal wood-cut portrait of the author.
1 See page G4, vol. i.
1720-21] 11EABNIANJE. 121
that prudi nt man, that solid philosopher, that famous
lawyer, that pillar and basis of justice, (wlio would not
have done an unjust act for any worldly price or motive,)
the ornament of his majestie's government, and lionour of
England; the highest faculty of the soul of Westminster-
hall, and pattern to all the reverend and honourable
judges; that godly, serious, and practical Christian, the
lover of goodness and all good men; a lamenter of the
clergie's selfishness, and unfaithfulness, and discord, and of
the sad divisions following hereupon; an earnest desirer of
their reformation, concord, and the churclic's peace, and
of a reformed act of uniformity, as the best and
necessary means thereto; that great contemner of the
riches, pomp, and vanity of the world; that pattern of
honest plainness and humility, who, while he fled from the
honour that pursued him, was yet lord chief justice of
the king's bench, after his being long lord chief baron of the
exchequer ; living and dying, entring on, using, and
voluntarily surrendring his place of judicature, with the
most universal love, and honour, and praise, that ever
did English subject in this age, or any that just history
doth acquaint us with, fyc. §c. $-c. This man, so wise,
so good, so great, bequeathing me in his testament the
legacy of forty shillings, meerly as a testimony of his
respect and love, I thought this book, the testament of
Christ, the meetest purchase by that price, to remain in
memoried of the faithful love, which he bare to his in-
feriour and unworthy, but honouring friend, who thought
to have been with Christ before him, and waiteth for the
day of his perfect conjunction with the spirits of the just
made perfect. Richard Baxter.
Feb. 1. My friend the hon. Ben. Leonard Cal-
vert,1 esq. writes me word in a letter, (Jan. 17 last,)
1 Heame's great friend, the honourable Benedict Leonard
122 RE LI QUI JE [1720-21
that a gentleman of his acquaintance lately shew'd
him an Otho's coyn which was surreptitiously taken
from a collection abroad. It seems to have had a
greenish rust upon it, which is much worn off by the
gentleman's carrying it in his pocket. On one side
is Otho's head with the inscription : imp. otho.
caesae. atjg. tei. pot. On the other an altar with
soldiers joyning hands, with a priest or some other
person in a long robe. The inscription secveitas. p. e.,
at the bottom s. c. About the size of half a crown.
It is very fair and well struck.
Feb. 9. This morning died young squire Baskervile
of Bayworth near Sunningwell in Berkshire, son of
Calvert, was second son of Benedict Leonard George, fourth lord
Baltimore, by his wife the lady Charlotte, eldest daughter of
Edward Henry Lee, earl of Litchfield, and Charlotte Fitzrov, one
of the natural (laughters of king Charles the second, by Barbara
Yilliers, duchess of Cleveland. He was born Sept. 7, 1700,
appointed governor of Maryland in 1727, and died on his passage
home, June 1, 1732.
In June 1718, Mr. Calvert, with his brother lord Baltimore,
made a short tour in France. Previously to sailing from Wool-
wich, he wrote a few lines to his brother antiquary, which
Hearne stuck into one of his pocket-books, with the following
note: " I preserve this letter out of the great respect I have
" for him, upon account of his quality, his virtues, and his skill
" and diligence in antiquities. It is an addition to my troubles
" to lose the conversation of so accomplished a person. But I
" believe the journey may be for his benefit, and for that reason
" I am very content, lxvii. 86." Mr. C. returned to England
in August. "This night (Aug. 16) returned to Oxford very
" safe (for which I bless God) my dear, excellent friend, the
" honourable Benedict Leonard Calvert, esq. He hath been at
" Callais, Diep.'and other places. He hath made many pertinent
" remarks in his journey." In 1725, Mr. Calvert visited Paris.
He drew up an exact pedigree of his family, with their arms
tricked by his own pen, which he gave to Hearne. He ad-
dressed also some half-dozen metrical epitaphs to him, (none of
them worth preservation,) which will be found in vol. lxxxii.
130. See more under Aug. 7, 1732.
1 72o-2i] HEARNlANsE. 123
the late squire Baskervile of that place, who was com-
monly stiled the king of Jerusalem, which young
Baskervile being the only child left by his father, was
a beautifull handsome person, but most miserably
debauched, and so great a spendthrift that he soon
wasted a brave estate, being turned by him into an
annuity of four score libs, per annum to sir John
Stonehouse of Radley near Abbington. The father
was so whimsical a man as to call himself by the said
title of king of Jerusalem, and he would ramble about
all the country and pick up all strange, odd things,
good and bad, which he had written fair in two large
folios, which he designed to have printed, and for
that end had his picture engraved, which was to have
been prefixed as a frontispiece, and he had agreed
with Lichfield about the whole impression, but dyed
before it moved further than the agreement. The son
(who was never married, but hath left behind him
eighteen, if not more bastards, as they say) had the
books, but was shy of shewing them. This young
Baskervile died in the thirty-third year of his age.1
Feb. 14. Copy of an authentick MS. paper com-
municated to me to-day by Mr. John Leak the non-
juror :
« D. J. " Paris, January 25, 1721.
" The Chevalier de St. George's lady began to have
" pains and approaches from the 27th of Decr. N. S.,
" but they discontinued, and went off till the 30th :
•' from that morning she was in hard labour till the
" next evening, at 5 a clock, that she was brought to
" bed of a son. Great numbers of people of quality,
1 He was buried in Sunningwell church, Saturday night,
Feb. 11th.
124 RELIQUIAE [1720-21
" and amongst others the governour and magistrates
" of the city, waited and were present all those two
" days. The child was christned an houre after by
" the bishop of Montefiesconi, who had married the
'• parents. The pope had no meddling in the matter.
" The names of the child are chiefly four, Charles,
" Louis, Edward, Casimir. This last in regard to John
" Casimir Sobietzki, king of Poland. John would have
" lookt as an English name, and the Johns both of
" England were but unfortunate. The first of these
" four, Charles, is the name he is to goe by. This is
" reckon'd prudent enough. Charles the first is accept-
" able to the high church of England, and Charles the
" second to the gay and free spirited.
" He is said to be a healthy, beautifull, and vigorous
" child. All letters from there speak with rapture.
" And the Jacobites in this country are transported.
"They pretend that this answers the common objec-
" tion that was in Brittain, both among tories and
" whigs, Who will risk his all for a siuijle person or a
" single life ?
" The rejoicings have been great in many places of
" Italy and Savoy, and France. In Lyons, Avignon,
" Orleans, extraordinary. At St. Germains no wonder
"they should. The burgers' there, I mean the French,
" came under armes to the bonfires, to the number of
" 3000, and the troop of guards, of the due de Noailles,
'• which is the Scotish troop, went about and fir'd till
" three in the morning. The due lives there. The
" news came first to the court of France. When the
" mareschall de Villeroy read an account to the young
" king, the king jump'd and clap) his hands ; and when
" the mareschall read on, and came to that part, that
" the child was strong and vigorous, the king said,
" Ah, voila le bun endroit,
1720-21] IIEARNIAN^E. 125
" The regent said little, but even all his court were
" joyfull. The due de Chartres drank the prince of
" Wales's health to the princess of Conte, where he
" supt that night that the news came. Enfin, I can-
" not express the joy that is in this country.
" Severall communities have had Te Deums. The
" Scotts college a very handsom one ; where many
" ladies and others went, some no doubt out of
" curiosity, and to wait on the ladies. Protestants,
" you know, are not obligd to join in any words in
" worship but what they approve of, and Christians
" go to the mosques in Constantinople.
" I am telling you what these neutral people here
" say, for their curiosity to hear musick and see fire-
" works, and gallante ladies, so you need not be scan-
" daliz'd to hear of any body's being there.
" The princess, the mother of the child, was in a
" very good way, tho' she had sufFer'd much. She
" was brought to bed upon chairs, if that is not a
" bull."
Feb. 15. Wednesday night, the 8th instant, died
Mr. Timothy Child, a bookseller in St. Paul's church-
yard, brother-in-law to Dr. Hoadley, bishop of Bangor,
whose sister the said Child married. This Child was
a translator from French, and a writer of several books.
Feb. 19. The former part of this winter was the
warmest that ever I knew in my life, insomuch that
it was just like midsummer, and much beyond what
'tis generally at spring. Things sprung and blossom'd
most strangely, beans and pease, as well as other things :
insomuch, that a friend hath writ me word from Berk-
shire, that at Christmas last there was a pear tree
not far from Bracknell near Ockingham in that
126 RELIQUIAE [1720-21
county, that was in full bloom, as white as a sheet,
and a winter pear too. After this unseasonable warm
weather, it began to freeze very hard on Jan. 30th
last, and so continued without intermission till yes-
terday, Feb. 18.1
Feb. 24. On Thursday the 16th, about five in the
evening, died Mr. Secretary Craggs,2 of the small-pox.
This is the gentleman that put Dr. Mead upon writing
his excellent book about the plague, and the Dr. hath
dedicated it to him.
Feb. 26. Dr. Steward, on Thursday night, said that
Father Innys, at Paris, is about 50 years of age, and
a very great antiquarie, and that some years agoe
being in England and Scotland, he lost his papers in
Scotland (being an excellent collection made and
written by himself, a work of 10 years,) where the
house was beset upon account of his being a priest,
whereupon he leapt out of window, and his papers
were seized and burnt, they being left behind. He
bore this loss with great patience, being a man of an
excellent temper.
March 1. On Thursday last (Feb. 23) the barons
of the exchequer gave judgment in a cause which had
been several years depending between the duke of
Marlborough, and a number of masons, carpenters,
joiners, &c. on a demand of 7300/. and upwards, for
work done to Blenheim-house in Oxfordshire. It ap-
peared by the papers produced, that the duke had above
1 On Thursday, Feb. 23, it freez'd very hard again, and so
continued till Thursday, March '•>. T. II.
'l He was buried in Henry VIl's. chapel in Westminster
abbey, March 2, 1720.
1720-21] HEARNIANjE/ 127
230,000/. impass'd to him from her late majesty to
defray the expenee of building the said house. There
were eight council on a side. The barons of the ex-
chequer gave it as their opinion, that his grace ought
to pay the money, and not the crown, the workmen
having not any legal pretence to demand their wages
of any but his grace.
March 2. This day I walked over to Bayworth in
the parish of Sunningwell, near Abbington in Berks,
and took a view of Mr. Baskerville's house, which indeed
is a brave old thing, full of all conveniences, and as
pleasant a place as need be desired. What I chiefly
went for was to see the two folio MSS. written by old
Baskerville, which I have before mentioned.1 I was
shew'd them by Mrs. Giles, wife of one Mr. Giles, a
farrier of Oxford, which Mr. Giles was left executor
by young Mr. Baskerville. 'Tis a medley of merry
stuff, which shews the collector to have been a mad-
man ; but I cannot think he was quite so mad as to
have printed it, whatever he might give out. All
Sunningwell and Bayworth belonged to Baskerville,
as did also the presentation to the parsonage of Sun-
ningwell, but now all is come to sir John Stonehouse,
and God knows how long it may continue with him.
For being abbey land, I do not doubt but a curse will
go with it as long as it continues in lay-hands. 'Tis
true, old Baskerville, (who made the said collection,)
tho' a whimsical man, yet mightily improv'd the estate,
but then his son spent all, died heart-broken, (occa-
sion'd by thinking what he had done,) and now the
family is exstinct.
1 Sec some account of one of these volumes in the Appendix,
No. XIV.
March 28. It always grieves me when I go through
Queen's college, to see the ruins of the old chapell next
to High-street, the area of which now lyes open (the
building being most of it pull'd down) and trampled
upon by dogs, etc. as if the ground had been never
consecrated. Nor do the Queen's coll. people take
any care to hinder or preserve it from prophanation,
but rather laugh at it when 'tis mention'd, tho' 'tis
certain that much greater men are buried there than
ever will be buried in their new chapell.
April 22. This day sc'nnight between six and seven
in the evening, the pretended princess of Wales was
safely delivered of a prince (as he is called) at Leices-
ter-house ; the news of which was immediately pro-
claimed by discharging the park and tower guns ; the
people in several parts of the town express'd their
joy by bonfires, illuminations, and ringing of bells,
and on this occasion three or four hogsheads of wine
were given away at the gate of the said Leicester-house.
Monday. Humphrey Parsons, esq. alderman of Port-
soken-ward, and William Billers,esq.one of the sheriffs
for London and Middlesex, waited on his [pretended]
royal highness with the city's compliment of congra-
tulation, on account of the birth of his son. And in
the evening his [pretended] majesty [K.George] visited
her [pretended] royal highness and the [pretended]
young prince.
The next day the house of commons waited on the
pretended] king at St. James's, with an humble ad-
dress, to congratulate his [pretended] majesty on the
birth of his grandson. As did also the lord mayor
and court of aldermen. The house of commons like-
wise sent a congratulatory letter to their [pretended]
royal highnesses on this occasion.
1 72 1 ] HEAR Nl A NJE. 129
May 14. Being last night with Dr. Halley, he said
that he could wish to live seven years longer (if he
could be easy) that he might finish a work he had
begun, which he believed he could do in that time.
Being somewhat lame, he said he wished to have his
health perfect to the last without infirmities, and that
he would willingly die if such infirmities came on.
For why, said he, should a man live to be uneasy both
to himself and those about him ?
What the work above mentioned is neither my self
nor the other person with him asked.
The Dr. took occasion, as he did the time before I
was with him, and so I believe he does frequently, to
vilify the queen of Scots, as if what Buchanan had
said was true, and that which Camden hath said false.
May 15. Out of a letter I received last night from
Mr. Anstis :
" Pray was not the famous sir John Fastoff a bene-
" factor to your university in general, or at least to
" Magdalen college ? If you know any thing thereof,
" pray impart the same."
This day I went to Mr. Collins of Magdalen, and
mentioning the said querie to him, he told me he had
heard that sir John gave 1500 libs, per an. in Norfolk
and Suffolk to the college.
This, he said, is certain, that he gave to the seven
senior demies a penny a week for augmentation of
their vests, which being nowadays but a small pittance,
those that have it are call'd by such as have it not,
Fastoff' s buckram men.1
May 21. From the prints of last night : " On
1 See p. 131, under June 2.
130 EELIQUIjE [1721
" Tuesday last, (May 16,) the right hon. the house of
" lords heard a cause that had been long depending
" between the lord bishop of Rochester, appellant, and
'• Dr. Friend, respondent, about the place on which
'• the dormitory belonging to Westminster school shall
" be rebuilt : and their lordships gave it in favour of
" the former."
I am told the bishop of Rochester had twenty-eight,
and Dr. Friend twenty-six. It is very remarkable,
that, a considerable time since, Dr. Friend himself
was of the bishop's opinion in this case, and that he
quite came over to the bishop, but the bishop of
Chester and Dr. Stratford (who cannot endure the
bishop of Rochester) perswaded him to alter his mind,
and to push the matter on against the bishop, which
now is very justly given for the bishop, to the great
regret of the bishop of Chester, Dr. Stratford, and
sonic others.
May 23. Dr. King, principal of St. Mary hall, told
me yesterday, that Jordanus Bruno's book, which went
at such a prodigious price in Charles Bernard's auc-
tion, is translated into English, that he is acquainted
with the translator, (who, he said, is now in Oxford,
and is a Scotchman, as I think he added,) but that he
had not liberty of telling his name. He said the trans-
lator had presented him with a copy of it, and that
there were not above forty copies printed.1
1 The book here alluded to was the Spaceio <!<//nBesta Triom-
fante of Jordan Bruno, printed in 8vo. 1584, which was sold to
Mr. Walter Clavel, (Mr. Crynes says, " against Burnett") for
twenty-eight pounds. It was bound with another tract by the
same author, and stands No. 1005 of Bernard's Catalogue, 8vo.
1711. Bruno's work was (.ailed into notice by a letter from
Toland to Bayle ; Toland discovered a copy of it in 1696, which
i72i] HEARNIANJE. 131
• May 26. Mr. John Murray of London being in
Oxford, he told me last night, that he hath an edit,
of Fabian's Chronicle with wooden cuts, and that this
edit, was suppress'd by card. Wolsey. He told me,
that he hath got C'axton's Aurea Legenda, and that it
cost him above four pounds. He told me he gave a
guinea for Percie Enderbie's Hist, of Wales, which he
met with now since he was in Oxford. This is but
a poor book. He told me he gave three guineas for
Dugdale's Warwickshire. I bought two for fifty shil-
lings a-piece. He told me he gave a most noble copy
of the Bishops' Bible to Mr. Baker of Cambridge, and
that Mr. Baker in lieu of it gave him the Decern
Scriptores, which cost him 20s., tho' 'tis now worth
three libs. ; and that Mr. Baker let my lord Harley
have this Bible afterwards, with many other curious
he shewed, he says, to several persons, but never gave a copy of
it. Having represented it to be " as dangerous as impious, and
" proper only for such persons, who, by their good sense and
" strength of reason, are proof against all sophisms," it was natu-
rally diligently inquired after, and eagerly coveted when found.
It seems however, that the extreme danger apprehended by
Toland from the diffusion of Bruno's principles was unfounded,
for Brucker has clearly proved, that although his opinions were
fanciful and extravagant, they were in no degree atheistical.
His crime indeed was Lutheranism, a crime too atrocious to admit
of any clemency from the severity of a popish inquisition, and the
author was accordingly burnt at the stake, and his writings pro-
hibited. From the time that the innocence of Bruno's book was
made public, its value has decreased in proportion, and at Dr.
Mead's sale in 1754, it produced only from four to five guineas.
It had been sold for fifty. The curious reader will find a long
account of it, with several extracts, in the English Bale, under
the article Bruno, and a very masterly examination of the author's
principles and opinions in Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophies,
Lips. 1767. The English translation mentioned by Hearne was
printed in 1713, under the title of The Expulsion of the triumphant
Beast, a copy of which, at Mr. Perry's sale in 1822, produced
only nine shillings and sixpence. See vol. i. page 233.
132 RE LIQUIDS [172 i
books, being much importuned to do so. Mr. Murray
tells me that Thomas Jett, of London, esq. hath
Rich. Whyte de Basingstoddo's Hist. Angl. in ten books,
whereas I never heard before but' of nine. He gave
two guineas for it. Mr. Granger's copy of London
hath only nine books, and he gave 15s. for it.
June 2. The reason why they cannot give so good
an account of the benefaction of sir John Falstolf to
Magd. coll. is, because he gave it to the founder, and
left it to his management, so that 'tis suppos'd 'twas
swallow'd up in his own estate that he settled upon the
college. However, the college knows this, that the
Boar's Head in Southwark, which was then an inn,
and still retains the name, tho' divided into several
tenements, (which bring the college 150 libs, per
ann.) was part of sir John's gift. They also know,
that Caldecot mannour in Suffolk was another part
of his gift ; and some say, that he gave an estate in
the same county, now called Lovingland, but anciently
June 3. Mr. Laurence Eachard having published
the History <>( England in three volumes fob, and a
new edition being called for, hath put out a separate
appendix for the use of such as have the former edi-
tion. In which appendix, bearing date in Jan. 1 7
he notes, that he began to be a publisher of books in
the eighteenth year of his age, and that he was then
forty-eight; and he tells us withall, that he is so
regardless of fame, that lie is very desirous that his
own books should be utterly destroyed and forgotten,
upon condition better may appear in their places.
1 The said account I had this morning from Mr. Collins of
Magd coll. T. 11.
1 72i] HEABNIANjE. 133
This History of England is dedicated to king George.
'Tis but a slight performance, (tho' there are some
remarkable things in it as to later times,) as all
Mr. Eachard's things are, being done chiefly to please
novices, and not adapted to such as search deeply
into our histories and antiquities. The author hath
always made use of common printed books, and not
taken care to make himself acquainted with our old
MSS. and records.
June 17. We learn from the publick prints, that
Dr. Fiddes, who is publishing the life of Cardinal
Wolsey, by subscription, has this week put out a true
copy of the duke of Buckingham's epitaph, with a
vindication of it. The said epitaph, from the said
paper or book of the doctor's, is thus inserted in the
prints :
Pro rege ssepe
Pro republica semper.
Dubius, sed non improbus, vixi :
Incertus morior, sed inturbutus.
Humanum est errare, et nescire.
Christum adveneor, Deo confido
Omnipotenti, benevolentissimo.
Ens entium miserere mei.
Much for the prerogative,
Ever for my country.
I liv'd irregular, not abandon'd.
Though going to a state unknown,
I die resign'd.
Frailty and ignorance attend on human life.
Religiously I worship Christ : in God confide
Almighty, and most merciful.
0 ! thou Principle of all Beings, have pity on me !
L34 RELIQUIsE [1721
June 18. I thought, at first, that the said account
of Dr. Fiddes's performance had been a banter ; but
upon inquiry I found it true, a gentleman telling me,
that the Doctor had certainly published such a thing,
that he was a trifler, and, as he believes, put upon it
by Dr. Charlett.
July 7. I bought some years agoc the Scotch Black
Acts of Fletcher the bookseller, for 17s. for my friend
John Bridges, esq.1 I understand that 'tis worth
at least 10 libs, tho' Mr. Bateman, whom I take to
be the most understanding bookseller, (and he is a
man too of great honesty,) tells me, (he being now in
Oxford,) that 'tis not worth above 5 or 6 libs. Rymer's
Fcedera is now look'd upon as cheap at 100 libs.
July 23. Yesterday a man was whipped at the
cart's tail from Cairfax to East Gate in Oxford. He
was a perfect stranger, and some time since came
into Brasen-nose college common room, and into some
chambers of the same college, uninvited and against
all people's wills, took up the glass, and propos'd and
drank the healths of king James, the duke of Or-
mond, &c. on purpose to trepan gentlemen, upon
which a complaint being made to the vice-chancellor
he was apprehended and committed to the castle, and
being tryed this assizes he was sentenced to be whipt,
and 'tis found that he is a rogue, that goes about to
ensnare men.
Aug. 17. I am told that Dr. Robinson, the pre-
sent bishop of London, was of very mean parentage ;
that he went for some time to plough ; that after-
1 See the Appendix, No. XV.
i72i] HEARNIAN^E. 135
wards he was put to a trade, but his master rinding
him more inclin'd to books than business, got him
to Oxford to Brasennose college, where he was ser-
vitour to sir James Astrey, who was extremely kind
to him. Afterwards he became fellow of Oriel col-
lege, was agent and envoy in Sweden, made bishop
of Bristol and a plenepotentiary in Queen Anne's time,
which Queen also made him bishop of London. This
bishop, out of gratitude to sir James Astrey, hath
made Dr. Astrey (son to sir James, and late fellow of
Merton college) his chaplain, and given him two
livings. It must however be known, that notwith-
standing this bishop when young, as is said, was so
bookish, yet he is no great scholar, his head lying
really more to secular affairs than to learning. By
his imployments and preferments he hath heaped up
vast riches. He hath founded some scholarships at
Oriel college, and put up a piece of building there
for those scholars.
Aug. 18. There is just come out a little thing in
8vo. about Inoculating the Small Pox, it being the
opinion of some, that such as have it by inoculation
are nothing near so dangerously sick as otherwise.
Experiments are to be made upon some malefactors
in Newgate.
Sept. 1. Yesterday morning, about seven clock,
died in the 49th year of his age, John Keil, M.D.
and Savilian professor of astronomy in the university
of Oxford. He died at his house in Holywell, having
taken coach to go to-day with his wife to the Bath.
Some months since he happened to have a fall in his
house, and very much hurt his right arm : since
which time he hath not been right well. But that
L36 RE LIQUID [1721
which immediately contributed to his death (as is
said) was drinking late on Saturday night last at his
own house, where he entertained, with wine and
punch, the vice-chancellor, sir Tom Gifford, and some
others. He was at Holywell church with his wife
on Sunday last, and invited the minister home with
him to dinner. On Monday he was about the town,
but was taken extremely ill on Tuesday, and so con-
tinued. This Dr. Keil (who was incorporated M.A.
as a member of Balliol college,) from Edinborough
on Feb. 2, 1694, was an ingenious man and an ex-
cellent mathematician, and succeeded Mr. John Cas-
well in the astronomy professorship. He married
Moll Clements, who, tho' of mean education,1 yet
proved a very good wife to him, as he also proved a
good husband. He hath left a son behind him by the
said Moll Clements, and dying worth a great deal of
money (which came to him chiefly by his late brother,
who practis'd physick at Northampton,) there is no
question but there is good provision enough for both,
tho' 'tis said he hath left no will, and his widow
being young, airy, and handsome, 'tis probable may
meet with another fortune. This Dr. John Keil hath
written and published many things, among which
are two books against Whiston, (both printed at the
theatre,) Euclid's Elements, Lectures on Astronomy,
&c. The said Dr. Keil was buried in St. Marie's
church, on Saturday-night (at nine clock) Sept. 2,
Sept. 6. In the year 1 702 Queen Anne was at Ox-
ford, lay at Christ Church, and the next day dined in
1 She was daughter of James Clements, a book-hinder in Oxford,
and some five and twenty years younger than her husband.
1 72i] HEARNIANjE. 137
the theater with prince George, (her husband,) the
duke and dutchess of Marlborough, &c. ; Dr. Maunder
was vice-chancellor. She was very merry, and eat
most heartily. After dinner she passed through the
Ashmolean Museum, took coach, and so went out of
town for the Bath. Humphrey Wanley was at the same
time in Oxford, as I well remember, and then wore a
long wig, (tho' now he wears his own hair,) and
strutted mightily about. This Wanley hath reported
since he hath been now in Oxford, (a thing I had not
heard of before,) that he was sent for at that time on
purpose to shew the queen the curiosities of the Bod-
leian Library, had she went up thither, as she did not.
Thus this vain coxcombe. I suppose Arthur Charlett
might send for him, he being weak enough to do so.
But Wanley had no business then to shew any thing
in the library. For tho' some time before he did some
little matters there, by consent of the curators, (which
however was doing more hurt than good, for he plaid
odd tricks,) yet he never had any post in the library,
and was at that time quite discarded, Dr. Hudson
being head librarian, who therefore, and the second
librarian, and the janitor, had all the power of shewing
things in the library, and 'twas the height of impu-
dence for Wanley to pretend to any authority, unless
imploy'd (as he was not) either by Dr. Hudson or the
curators. It must be farther noted, that this Wanley
gives out that he was the man that put up Mr. Wallis
of Magd. coll. to stand to be librarian, against Dr.
(then Mr.) Hudson, and that many would have had
himself stood for it, but that he declin'd it, as not
thinking it beneficial enough ; which is another of his
saucy stories. For it cannot be supposed that he should
be fixt upon as librarian, being an undergraduate, (for
indeed he never took, even to this day, any degree in
138 RELIQUIAE [1721
any university,) and was therefore altogether in-
capable of standing ; tho' 'tis likely enough, that he
might be so impudent as to urge Wallis to appear for
it, and to do him what service possibly he coidd, in
hopes, it may be, of having some considerable power
in the library. The said Humphrey Wanley, who
hath belonged many years to the earl of Oxford, by
way of pensioner, hath drawn up six vols, in folio of
the Harley library, and is going on with others ; but
he takes such a method, (with no true judgment, as I
am told,) that 'tis probable he will never live to
finish it.
Sept. 10. Mr. Charles Eyston, of East Hendred, in
Berks, told me yesterday, that Mr. Ravenscroft, who
died about ten years since, had the best library for
Roman Catholick books of any Roman Catholick in Eng-
land. Being a Catholick, he was seized upon the score
of the Popish plot, and being to be tryed, he told them
that he requested the favour to defend himself in
Latin, because he had lived for the most part out of
England ; and so signing himself with the cross, he
made a most elegant speech in Latin, to the astonish-
ment and confusion of the court, who, finding them-
selves incapable of managing him in that language,
told him,'twas a tiling out of their way, and contrary
to the course of the court, and told him he must pro-
ceed in English. Yet, after all, he was brought off.
He was a great scholar, and well verst in Latin.
Sept. 25. Out of a letter from Mr. Baker, of Cam-
bridge, dated Sept. 19 last. "Mr. Math. Prior, sen.
" fellow of St. John's college, died yesterday, (Sept.
" 18th.) at my lord Harley's house atWymple, and is
(as 1 am told) to be buried at Westminster amongst
I72i] HEARNIAN^E. 139
" the poets, where he deserves a place. I believe he
" dies somewhat richer than is usuall with poets, for
" he was beginning to build a house in Essex."
Oct. 4. Yesterday I was told by an honest Scottish
gentleman, a captain, one of those taken at Preston,
that fought for king James III. that there was no
treachery in general Foster, or any of the rest, but
cowardice, Foster being a timorous man, and unwilling
to fight, or to shew the least part of a general, and so
surrendered his men ; whereas, had he been at all
courageous, the business had been certainly done for
the king.1 The same gentleman told me, that Mr.
Ruddiman, keeper of the advocates library at Edin-
burgh, is not only a learned, but a very honest man ;
but that Mr. Anderson, the antiquary, who writ about
the independency of Scotland upon England, is a pres-
byterian, and no friend to the king.
Oct. 8. Early on Sunday morning, (Oct. 1,) the
earl of Rochester's fine house at Petersham, in the
county of Surry, was burnt to the ground, and several
persons (we hear) were destroyed, either in the flames,
or by leaping from the windows to escape them. So
the news papers. I am told that 'tis thought this dismal
1 Thomas Foster, the person to whom the pretender sent his
commission of general of the forces, was son of sir William
Foster, of Balmsbury castle, Northumberland, and at the time of
Preston fight was member for that county. He was seized in
consequence of a message from the king, committed to Newgate,
expelled the house of commons, and would undoubtedly have
suffered, had he not contrived to escape from prison, and reached
the continent in safety. Lord Crewe, bishop of Durham, married
a sister of this Foster, who survived him. She was one of the
most beautiful women of her age, and known'in her own neigh-
bourhood as " pretty Dolly Foster."
140 BELIQUf/E [1721
fire was occasioned by some charcoal, the servants
having been ironing the clouts for my lady Essex's
lying-in at my lord Eochester's, where she now was,
and it being customary to drink (or, as they call it,
to liquor the clouts) upon such occasions, they were
all much disordered, and went to bed without taking
care of the fire. The said lady Essex is daughter to
the earl of Rochester, and since the fire she is brought
to bed of a daughter. Among other tilings was burnt
a fine collection of books, many of w^hieh had been
brought from my lord's fine library at Cornbury, near
Woodstock. And I am told my lord Clarendon's
History of his own Life was burnt also,1 (a work never
printed,) and his Exposition upon the Psalm,*, which
Mas likewise never printed.
Oct. 18. Mr. Trap's translation of Virgil into blanck
verse being scouted, and justly looked upon as a poor
performance, when the first volume (for it is in two)
came out, Dr. Evans, of St. John's college, was (as
'tis said) pleased to express himself thus :
Keep the commandments. Trap, and go no further,
For it is written, that thou shalt not murther.
Oct. 19. Last night I was many hours in company
with Mr. Hump. Wanley. He told me many things
about the Harley library, and of the MSS. and rare
printed books in it.
He was born at Coventry, being son of Mr. Nath.
1 This was a false rumour, for the MS. was preserved, and
presented to the university by lord Clarendon's heirs, as has been
before noticed. His lordship's Contemplations and Reflections
upon the Psalms qf David, applying those Devotions to the Troubles
of the Times, (dat«d Jersey, Dec. 26, 1647,)will be found in the
collection of his Tracts, printed at London, iu folio, 1727.
i72ij HEARNIAN^E. 141
Wanley, M. A. of Trinity college, in Cambridge, and
a minister in Coventry ; which Mr. Nath. Wanley writ
and published The History of Man, in folio, and trans-
lated into English a piece of IApsius. And this is all,
I think, he printed. But Humphrey told me he left
many MSS. behind him : but he knows not what
became of them, only one, viz. Divine Poems, he had
himself, but gave it to Mr, Brewster, a barrister of
law. Humphrey said, he is of opinion that the story
about Godiva's riding naked through Coventry is all
fiction. But he gave poor reasons for his opinion.
He said he did not take the university of Oxford to be
older than Hen. I. But this is so ridiculous a notion,
that it needs no confutation. Humphrey Wanley also
said, that he was the main instrument in getting Mr.
Bagford's papers for lord Harley, and that he laboured
hard for them, and had like, nevertheless, to have
missed of them. This was roguery. For they were
most certainly designed for me. But since they have
got them, they ought to digest those about printing,
and to publish them. This I mentioned to Wanley.
But he said his accounts were very imperfect, and so
put off the discourse, and seemed to declare that
nothing of that nature would be done ; himself, he
said, being taken up with other affairs. I told him,
had the papers come to me, I would have methodized
them, and published a book from them, for the ser-
vice of the publick, and the honour of Mr. Bagford.
Oct. 23. Last night I was several hours in company
of Mr. Martin Benson, archdeacon of Berks.1 There
were many besides with us. This Mr. Benson is a
1 Student of Christ Church: afterwards, in 1734, bishop of
142 RELIQUIAE [1721
most vile whig. He travelled lately into France and
Italy with my lord Lemster, as his tutor and gover-
nour. He hath spoiled his lordship; and indeed Mr.
Benson's chief design of travelling (besides lucre)
seems to have been as a spy, and to find out faults.
He spoke last night with the utmost disrespect of the
pope, and the whole college of cardinals, and called
all the antiquaries of Rome asses, and the cardinals
either fools or blockheads. Nay, he would hardly
allow that there was a learned man in all Italy or
France, except Bianchini and Monfaucon.
Nov. 1. Out of Mist's Journal, dated Saturday,
Oct. 28, 1721. Whereas a pretended Vindication
of John Wickleff has been published, under the name
of one Lewis, of Margate, by the incitement, as the
preface asserts, of the archbishop of Canterbury, and
in the same I am injuriously reflected upon as a
scurrilous writer. This is to inform the publick,
that I shall reserve the author for a more serious
whipping in my leisure hours ; and, in the mean
time, give him a short correction for his benefit, if
he has grace and sense to take it. He charges me
■with the errors of the translator and blunders of the
author, with which I am by no means concerned,
who only wrote the preface ; and when it comes out
afresh in the edition of my works, my vindication
will be as clear as the sun at noon day.
He insists upon charging me with falshood, in re-
lation to one Grimwood, whom he asserts to have
died infamously in his harvest, with a bursting forth
of his bowels; Mr. Lewis, with equal modesty, sup-
ports the story, with affirming it to be true.
But to shew how well this gentleman is furnished
with learning and abilities to write, and censure
i72i] HEARNIANjE. 143
others, Grimwood himself lived many years after,
even to an old age, and brought his action against a
minister, who, in his presence in the church, related
this story from him, as a remarkable instance of
God's judgment ; for evidence whereof, see Danver's
Abridgment, 163 ; Croke Car. 91 ; Coke, Mich. 3.
Jac. Agreed by Popham. and Rolle's Abridgment,
Action sur Case, p. 87.
I appeal to the world if this is not sufficient evi-
dence on my side of the question.
Lastly, why does this author perswade the world,
the late archbishop of Canterbury could have any
veneration for the memory of one who asserts, God
ought to obey the devil ; or, that he could be de-
sirous to open the impure fountains from whence the
filth of Bangorianism has been conveyed to us.
M. Earbukt.1
1 Earbery was a political writer of some renown. He was
born July 11, 1690, educated at St. John's college, Cambridge,
and exercised his pen with great spirit and courage in defence
of the Stuarts and the torv cause. The following is the most
complete list of his works I have been able to procure: Prin-
ciples of Church Unity considered. Lond. 1716. 8vo. An An-
swer to Mr. WTiiston's Dissertation on the Ignatian Epistles.
Lond. 1716, 8vo. History of the German Reformation, founded
upon Heresyeof John Wickliffe, John Huss, and Jerome of Prague,
1720. 8vo. History of the Clemency of our English Monarchs.
Lond. 1717 ; 1720, second edition. This was accounted a
seditious libel, upon which the author retreated into France, and
published, A Vindication of die History of Clemency, with Reflec-
tions upon the late Proceedings against the Author. Lond. 1720,
8vo. Upon Earbery's absconding from the kingdom, sentence
of outlawry was pronounced against bim, which was reversed in
the court of King's Bench, Dec. 2, 1725. An Admonition to
Dr. Kennet, appended to the earl of Nottingham's Answer to
Whiston. Lond. 1721. 8vo. Tho. Burnett of the State of the
Dead, and of those thai are to rise. Translated from the Latin.
With Remarks upon each Chapter, and an Answer to all the
Heresies therein. Lond. 1727. 8vo. The Occasional Historian,
144 RELIQUIAE [1721
Nov. 9. On Sunday morning died Charles Eyston,
of East Hendred, in Berks, esq. a gentleman of emi-
nent virtues, and my great acquaintance.1 He was
a Roman Catholick, and so charitable to the poor,
that he is lamented by all that knew any thing of
him. Insomuch, that on Saturday last, being the
day immediately before his death, I heard a woman
of Hendred say, that she had rather all the people in
Hendred (excepting her husband) should die, than
this gentleman. He Avas a man of a sweet temper,
and was an excellent scholar, but so modest, that he
did not care to have it at any time mentioned. The
last time I saw him was on Sept. 18 last, when he
rode on horseback from Hendred on purpose to see
me, and to converse with me a few hours. We dined
together at the Mitre, and Mr. Kimber, of Hallywell,
with us. Mr. Eyston was as well as I have known
him, and returned home that evening, but it seems
some time after he was seized with a diabetes, of
which he died, and was buried in Hendred church
This worthy gentleman lent me, on Saturday,
Sept. 23d last, a printed book, entitled, Memoires of
No. 1. Lond. 1730; Nos. 2 and 3, 1731 ; No. 4 and last, 1732.
This was written against the Craftsman, in pursuance of an ad-
vertisement inserted in the London Evening Post of Sept. 26,
1730. " Whereas the Craftsman has for sometime past openly
" declared himself to be a root and branch man, and has made
" several in just and scandalous reflections upon the family of
'' the Stuarts, not sparing even king Charles the first: this is
" to give notice, that if he reflects further upon any ONE of that
" line, I shall shake his rotten common-wealth principles into
" atoms. Matthias EAKBERT." lie died October 3, 1740.
There is a neat small portrait of him in gown and band, "jam
" politico denatus, postea resurrecturus cum patria," J. Cole,
sculp, from a picture by J. Fry.
1 Mr Eyston was fifty-four years old at the time of his death.
1 72i] HEARNIANJE. 145
the Family of the Stuarts, and the remarkable Provi-
dences of God towards them ; in an Histoncal Account
of the Lives of those his Majesty s Progenitors of that
name, that were Kings of Scotland. Lond. 1683, 8vo.
Mr. Eyston bought this book out of Mr. Ravenscroft's
study, and at the beginning of it he hath written,
" Charles Eyston,
" 1709.
" Quaere, whether this book was not written by sir
" George Mackensie, notwithstanding what is insi-
" nuated in the preface, as if it had been written by
" a Scotch minister?"
At the same time he sent me a letter, (being the
last I received from him,) dated at East Hendred,
Sept. 22, which I shall here insert at large :
East Hendred, Sept. 22, 1721.
Honrd Deare Sir,
I most humbly thank you for affording me so much
of your good company when I was last in Oxford. I
know how precious time is with you, so am the
more obliged to you for spending so much of it with
me. I also thank you for the loane of Robinson's
Anatomy. I herewith retourne it to you, and in it
you will find Mr. Latton's paper, which I can make
nothing of. I also send you the Memoires of the
Family of the Stewarts; which is the booke I men-
tioned to you, to have bought out of Mr. Ravenscroft's
library, whose catalogue, I feare, I have lost ; for I
have made a most diligent search after it, and cannot
find it. In the life this authour gives us of king
Robert the second, you'll not find he mentions any
children begotten by him extra matrimonium. Some
acquaintance of mine, of whom I had opinion, (but
who it was, I cannot call to mind,) told me it was
146 RELIQUIAE [1721
written by sir George Maekensy, which moved me to
put the querie you will find under my name in the
first leafe of the booke. I have also examined Spot-
wood and Heylin, and find they take no notice of any
such thing. So I humbly offer to your considera-
tion, whether it may not be proper for you to make
a marginal remarke upon that passage in Fordone,
where he speakes of children begotten by king Robert
the second upon the body of Elizabeth More, extra
matrimonium. For many, prejudiced to the family of
the Stewarts, may, from the report of so famous an
authour as Fordoune is, poyson the world with a no-
tion, that king James the first and his whole poste-
rity (not excepting the illustrious house of Hanover)
are of a spurious and illegitimate descent. Would
you please to come over, I could enlarge on this dis-
course, but doe not think proper to doe it by way of
letter. My whole family present you with theyr
best respects, and would bee heartily glad to see you.
I am, with affection and sincerity,
Deare sir,
Your most faithfull and obliged humble servant,
Charles Eyston.
I herewith send you Burnett's Record, and the
note you gave me of the History of Glastonbury.
I told my friend, in my answer to this letter, that
whatwassaid by the Scotch historians about Robertlll.
being illegitimate, is altogether false, and that I
should have many things in my edition of Fordun to
confute this assertion. I told him I designed to walk
over to Hendred, (as indeed I did speedily, had he
lived,) and desired him to get what he could against
my coming, that might be of use to me in this
very material affair. Upon Mr. Eyston's suggesting
1 72 1] HEARNIANjE. 147
that the abovementioned book was written by sir
George Mackenzy, I have made some inquiry as to
that point, but cannot find it true. Nor indeed does
Mr. Wood mention any such thing in his Athence
Oxon. or in the MSS. additions and corrections under
his own hand (many of which are not in the second
or spurious edition of the said Athence) in the Ash-
molean museum. Bishop Nieolson, in p. 153 of his
Scottish Historical Library, mentions some such book,
printed in 1683. "To this king's (Robert II.'s)
" reign," saith he, (" he having been the first that
" bore the name of Steward,) we may refer R. Wat-
" son's l Memoirs of the Family of the Stewards :
" with his Historical Account of the Lives of the Kings
" of that Name. The author, as his work sufficiently
" shews, was a peevish and discontented writer; having
" been, a little before his publishing of it, turned
" out of his ministry at Edinburg." But I take
this to be a different book from the former, in which
there is nothing peevish ; but as the author takes no
notice of Robert Illd's being illegitimate, (which he
knew was a false report,) so he speaks honourably
of Mary queen of Scots, and not like those peevish,
malapert writers, who have so maliciously asperst her.
Nov. 20. Money is so extreme scarce at present,
(occasioned by the South sea bubble,) that the like
was never known in this kingdom ; insomuch that the
news informs us, that London was never known to be
so thin within the memory of man ; not half of the
members of parliament being come up, and a bill is
seen upon almost every door.2
1 " 8vo. Lond. 1683."
2 This is corroborated by the following extract from the publick
148 EELIQUIJE [1721-22
Dec. 24. An English divine, in a sermon at St.
Marie's, in Cambridge, on 1 Sam. xvii. 7, once enter-
tained his auditory with a discourse concerning the
dimensions of Goliah's beame, which extorted this
expression from one then present, " The man hath
" not divinity enough to save the soul of a gnat."
1721-22. Jan. 28. Out of a letter to me from
John Bridges, esq. Jan. 25, 1721-22.
" Mr. Murray, with other of your friends, are very
" pressing with me to print the draught of your face,
" which Mr. Tillemans bjr stealth took for my satis-
" faction ; but I've no inclination to doe it without
" your consent ; and if that be had, I would readily
" be at the charge of its being taken again : for tho'
" under the disadvantages Tillemans was, he has made
" so lovely a representation, that every body knows it
" to be yours ; yet I think 'tis capable of being much
" improved ; and 'tis also my opinion the world should
" knowsomewhat of thefigure of one, to whose industry
" and learning our British antiquaries are so much
" obliged."
" To John Bridtjes, esq.
« Honrd Sir,
" I thank you for your well penned letter of the
" 25th inst. but I humbly beg leave to be excused
papers of Dec. 9. ;' Those who seem to know the town (London)
" very well, tell us, there cannot, upon a moderate computation,
" be allowed less than 30,000 people difference, between what
" are now in town and what were here this time twelvemonth.
" We perceive the town to grow thinner daily, and several
" families will fly into the country, under a pretence of keeping
" Christmas, who will not appear here again till next winter
" at soonest. We shall not be thought to reckon extravagantly,
" if we allow 20,000 more for this decrease."
1721-22] HEARNIAN^E. 149
" from giving my consent to what you so kindly pro-
" pose in it."
Feb. 5. Dr. Robert Harris, formerly head of Trinity
college, Oxon, being asked about the best editions,
used to say, that what was said of Homer was true of
the fathers and the first popish writers, viz. That was
the best still, which was least corrected.
Feb. 10. Whereas the university disputations on
Ash Wednesday should begin exactly at one o'clock,
they did not begin this year 'till two or after, which is
owing to several colleges having altered their hour of
dining from eleven to twelve, occasioned from people's
lying in bed longer than they used to do.
March 21. The parliament, which hath continued
seven years, being dispersed, and writs out for a new-
one, yesterday sir John Walters and young Tom
Rowney (for his father hath desired to be excused
from any longer being elected) were chosen burgesses
for the city of Oxon, in opposition to counsellor
Wright and counsellor Hawkins, who made just no-
thing at all of it.
March 22. Yesterday morning, at nine o'clock, was
a convocation for electing burgesses for the university.
The candidates were the two old members, Mr. Bromley
and Dr. Clarke ; but many having a mind to get Clarke
out, Dr. King, principal of St. Mary hall, was put up
against him.1 The convocation continued 'till about
1 Upon its being known that Dr. King's friends intended to
nominate him, in case of a general election, against Dr. Clarl<e,
the supporters of the sitting member were so angry, that a letter
was drawn up, signed by most of the heads of houses, and for-
150 RELIQUIJE [1721-22
half an hour after four in the afternoon, when it ap-
peared that Dr. King had lost it by a very great
majority, the poll standing thus, the number whereof
on the right hand signifies dubious votes :
Bromley .. 337 — 60
Clarke ... 278 — 49
King ... 159 — 36
Upon which the election was declared ; tho' a scru-
tiny being desired, the compleating of the business
was put off till this morning, when there was another
convocation. But there being such a vast dispropor-
tion, the throwing out the bad votes signified nothing
to the interest of Dr. King, who thereupon acquiesced,
and Mr. Bromley and Dr. Clarke are declared duly
elected. I heartily wish Dr. King had succeeded, he
being an honest man, and very zealous for king James,
whereas Clarke is a pitifull, proud sneaker, and an
warded to the chancellor, lord Arran, in which King was cha-
racterized as " a fomentor of differences, a disturber of the peace,
" and, (continues Hearne,) I know not what. Upon which some
" passages passed between my lord Arran and Dr. King, and the
" doctor resigned his secretaryship, (worth above 100 guineas a
" year, as I heard the doctor say,) and Mr. Henry Watkins,
" M. A. senior student of Christ Church, is made his lordship's
" secretary." I may be allowed to give my own opinion, that
Dr. King's resignation, and the " passages" that preceded it, did
not arise in consequence of the letter alluded to above, but from
an attempt on the part of the chancellor to dissuade Dr. King
from opposing the old members, a proceeding totally at variance
with the reputation and established usage of the university. But,
as Dr. Gibson tells us, in a letter addressed to a noble lord, and
printed on the occasion, " the secretary chose rather to resign
" his employment than desist." His friends became the more
zealous in consequence of this forced resignation, and, as well as
himself, resolved to persevere in their attempt, with what suc-
cess will be seen from Hearne's account of the election. The poll
was afterwards printed in 4to. Oxford, 172-2, under the super-
intendence of Joseph Bowles, M. A. keeper of the Bodleian, who
was writer for Mr. Bromley and Dr. Clarke.
1 722] HEARNIANJE. 151
enemy to true loyalty, and was one of those that
threw out the bill against occasional conformity in
queen Anne's time, and not only so, but canvassed the
court to lay the bill aside, he being then member of
parliament for East Lowe, in Cornwall, for which
reason he was afterwards put by for that borough.
Dr. King had 82 single votes in this election. One
hath told me since the election, that he could mention
fifty (or thereabouts) that had failed the doctor.
March 23. This week I bought Taylor the water
poet's little thing, called The Old, Old, very Old Man,
being the Life of Thomas Par ; but, tho' unbound, it
cost me two shillings, and is a very great rarity.
April 20. Last night I was in company of Dr.
Halley and Mr. Bradley, our two Savilian professors.
Dr. Halley hath a strange odd notion, that Stonehenge is
as old, at least almost as old, as Noah's floud. Dr.
Halley hath also an odd notion, and he is very posi-
tive in it, that Silchester, in Hampshire, is Antoninus's
Catteva. But when he is possessed of a notion, he
very hardly quits it.
June 3. On Friday last was pulled down the famous
Postern-Gate, in Oxford, called the Turl Gate com-
monly, (being a corruption for Thorold Gate,) which
was done by the means of one Dr. Walker, a physician,
who lives by it, and pretends that 'twas a detriment
to his house.
June 9. Yesterday, in my walks, I called upon my
friend John Powell, of Sandford, esq. who told me,
that the prioress and nunns of Littlemore used to
demand of the abbey of Abbington a good piece of
152 RELIQUIAE [1722
roast beef for every Sunday in the year. Mr. Powell
told me, Ant. a Wood used sometimes to call at his
house, on purpose to inquire of him about antiquities.
Old Ralph Sheldon, of Beoly, esq. (commonly called
Great Sheldon,) was Ant. a Wood's great friend, and
Anthony used sometimes to go and lye at his house.
When he was there one time, some young ladies
there, having a mind to make sport with Anthony,
put some antimony and something else into his liquor,
which made him so sick, that it was thought he would
"have died ; at which Mr. Sheldon was confounded
angry with the ladies, who did it out of a frolick,
Anthony being looked upon by them as a quere
June 24. Last night I was in company of Mr.
George Vertue, the ingraver, who is come from London
chiefly upon account of the Oxford almanack, that is to
be for the year 1723.
He shewed me a draught that he hath taken of
the picture of archbishop Sheldon, lately given to the
He also shewed me copies that he hath taken of
king Alfred's picture in the study of Dr. Charlett,
(nothing near so good as that I printed in Spelman's
life of that king.) of Junius 's picture by Van Dyck in
the Bodleian library, &c.
He said, he hath also copied sir Peter Lilly's pic-
ture of Selden in the Bodleian library.
He is collecting the heads of all the famous painters
and ingravers, in order to set out a book of them.
Aug. 8. Yesterday morning called upon me Mr.
Calamy, a young gentleman, son to Edm. Calamy, D. D.
This young gentleman is in Oxford for the sake of
1722] HEARNIANyE. 153
the Bodleian library, and is a companion of a forreign
gentleman, who is here also for the sake of his studies.
He told me the said forreign gentleman hath tran-
scribed a large MS. chronicle in the Bodleian library,
never yet printed. I suppose 'tis that among arch-
bishop Laud's MSS. which I have mentioned in my
edition of Eutropius. I wish it maybe printed. The
said forreign gentleman, who is very industrious, hath
consulted all fryar Bacon's pieces in Bodley, and yes-
terday he went to Merton college, to get access to the
fryar 's pieces that are there. He hath a design of
transcribing and printing what hath not yet been
published. I have often heard Dr. John Mill say that
bishop Fell intended to have printed all fryar Bacon's
pieces in two vols, in folio.
Aug. 14. On Thursday last the duke of Marlborough
was buried in Westminster, with the greatest pomp
and splendour ever any prince was buried there.
Mist, the journalist, had began to print an account
of the life of that compleat villain, the said duke, con-
taining many very remarkable things about his kna-
very, which so vexed the party, that they hindred
him from going on, seized his papers and materials,
and put what he had into the utmost confusion.
Aug. 20. Wednesday last, (Aug. 15,) a proclama-
tion offering a reward of 1000/. for apprehending Mr.
Thomas Cart, a non-juring clergyman, was issued out
by the government, information being given against
him for high treason.1 This Mr. Cart is a very in-
1 Carte made his escape into France, where he remained under
the assumed name of Philips, till queen Caroline, who was an
universal patroness of learned men, obtained leave for him to
154 RELIQUIAE [1722
genious man, and was of Brazen-Nose college in this
university.1 Many persons are taken up, and orders
given to take up others, a plot being to be laid before
the parliament at their meeting.
Aug. 24. Great Marlow, in Bucks, tho' a poor
market, and but a poor town, is yet very pleasantly
situated upon the Thames. There is plenty of fish,
corn, and wood there. Whence the people there
commonly say : Here is fish for catching, com for
matching, and wood for fetching.
Sept. 3. Several persons, whose disaffection is much
suspected, are putting themselves into mourning for
the death of the consort of prince James Sobieski,
mother-in-law to the chevalier de St. George.
At the latter end of last week a servant maid to a
distiller in London was committed to bridewell for
wishing that her hairs were so many dragoons to fight
for the chevalier.
Oct. 9. Dr. Stukley, fellow of the Royal Society, is
making searches about the Roman ways. He is a very
return home, which he did before 1730. It is singular, that the
proclamation, as advertised in the Gazette, gave a description of
Carte's person which was almost in direct contradiction to the
truth ; " About 32 years of age, a middle-sized, raw-boned man,
" goes a little stooping, sallow complexion, with a full grey or
" blue eye, his eye-lids fair, inclined to red, and commonly
" wears a light coloured peruque : descriptio eujus pene contra-
" rium est verum," says Dr. Rawlinson (in some of his own
Latin), who knew him well, and has been at some pains to collect
materials, for writing his Life, in the MS. continuation to the
1 He was matriculated of University college, at the age of
twelve, July 8, 1608, "Tho. Cart 12 Sam. C. Clifton super
" Dunmore, cler. f." Reg. JHatric. Univ. Oxon. AZ.
1722-23] HEARNIANJE. 155
fancifull man, and the things he hath published are
built upon fancy. He is looked upon as a man of no
great authority, and his reputation dwindles every day,
as I have learned from very good hands. He hath
published a draught of Old Verulam, with strange,
fancifull things. He hath published a draught of
Waltham Cross, all fancy, yet the cross is standing,
and Mr. Bridges hath published a true draught of it.
1722-23. Jan. 18. Last Monday, the 14th inst. (the
14th being always the day,) was All-Souls college
Mallard, at which time 'tis usual with the fellows
and their friends to have a supper, and to sit up all
night drinking and singing. Their song is the mal-
lard, and formerly they used to ramble about the
college with sticks and poles, &c. in quest of the mallard,
but this hath been left off many years. They tell you
the custom arose from a swinging old mallard, that
had been lost at the foundation of the college, and
found many years after in the sink.
Feb. 13. The first catalogue of books sold by auction
was the library of Dr. Seaman ; the second was that of
the Rev. Mr. Thomas Kidner, A.M. rector of Hitchin,
in Hartfordshire, beginning Feb. 6, 167f -1
Feb. 21. Ant. a Wood hath no account of Edw.
Halle, that writ the " Chronicle" 2 in his Athena Oxon.
1 On the progress of selling books by catalogues, see an article
by the late Mr. Gough, in Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. iii.
p! 608; and Dibdin's Bibliomania, 402, 408, 418, &c. Dr.
Lazarus Seaman's books sold for seven hundred pounds. Calaray,
Ejected Ministers, ii. 17.
2 " The said Edward Halle's Chronicle is a book that hath
" been sold for seven guineas or seven pounds." Jan. 21,
15(3 RELIQUIAE [1722-23
but in the spurious edition of these Athena? there is
an account of him, and there are two editions of that
Chronicle there mentioned, one in 1548, the other in
1550. I have this Chronicle, and it bears the latter
date. Bishop Nicholson, in the folio edition of his
English Historical Library, gives a poor, paultry, false
account of this Chronicle, and makes it to be dedi-
cated in a very flattering epistle to king Hen. VIII.
but all the copies (which indeed are but three) I have
yet seen are dedicated to Edw. VI. and the dedication
is far from being flattering. The materials of this
Chronicle are excellent, and the style masculine. One
would think bishop Nicholson had never seen the
book, at least not read it.
Feb. 27. It hath been an old custom in Oxford for
the scholars of all houses, on Shrove Tuesday, to go to
dinner at ten clock, (at which time the little bell,
called pan-cake bell, rings, or at least should ring, at
St. Maries,) and at four in the afternoon ; and it was
always followed in Edmund hall, as long as I have
been in Oxford, till yesterday, when they went to
dinner at twelve, and to supper at six, nor were there
any fritters at dinner, as there used always to be.
When laudable old customs alter, 'tis a sign learning
J[ai*ch 20. Last Sunday, in the afternoon, preached
at St. Peter's in the East, Oxon, before the university,
Mr. Will. Pcche, fellow of St. John's college. It was
remarkable, that his sermon was not above jiv^ ni'iani,,<
long, or very little more, and that it was shorter than
his prayer. This Mr. Peche is a very good scholar,
and was formerly a studious man.
April 6. My friend Mr. Murray, the curious col-
1723] HEARNIANyE. 157
lector of books, tells me he is 53 years old. He tells
me, one Mr. Aynsworth (who will not take the oaths)
understands our English coyns, he believes, as well,
if not better, than any man in England ; that he is
a mighty modest man, an excellent scholar, and hath
been about seven years about a Dictionary, in the
nature of Littleton's. He was author of the Cata-
logue (which is printed) of Mr. Kemp's Rarities, a
thick 8vo. But most of the said Rarities were a
cheat. He is a married man, and lives at Hackney,
near London.
April 7. I heard Mr. Bagford (some time before he
dyed) say, that he walked once into the country on
purpose to see the study of John Bunyan. When he
came, John received him very civilly and courteously,
but his study consisted only of a Bible and a parcell
of books, (the Pilgrim's Progress chiefly,) written by
himself, all lying on a shelf or shelves.
April 13. Mr. Murray told me t'other day, that my
collection of books was the oddest that ever he saw ;
and he said, if I were to sell them by auction, they
would bring as much money, (for the number of them,)
he believed, as ever any collection sold in England ;
nay, said he, I believe much more, considering the
character you have established.
Castelio, that very great and good humble man,
had nothing, when he dyed, to bury him, but a most
excellent study of books, and he was carryed to his
grave by his own scholars, who could not but admire
the excellencies of their master, who was so great a
despiser of money.
158 RELIQUIAE [1723
April 20. What is said about Lamb-day, in page
149 of Blount's Tenures, as belonging to Kicllington, in
Oxfordshire, is a mistake for Kirtleton ; unless the
same custom also belonged to Kidlington formerly,
and is discontinued since. It seems, on Monday after
Whitson week, there is a fat live lamb provided, and
the maids of the town, having their thumbs tyed
behind them, run after it, and she that with her
mouth takes, and holds, this lamb, is declared lady of
the lamb, which being dressed with the skin hanging
on, is carried on a long pole before the lady and her
companions to the green, attended with musick, and
a morisco dance of men, and another of women, where
the rest of the day is spent in dancing, mirth, and
jollity. The next day the lamb is part baked, part
boyled and rost, for the ladies' feast, where she sits
majestically, (and much respect is shewed to her,) at
the upper end of the table, and her companions with
her, with musick, and other attendants, which ends
the solemnity. Mr. Blount does not tell us the reason
of this custom, but I am told 'tis upon account of the
inhabitants being toll free in Oxford and other places.
I was told yesterday, that the same custom belonged
formerly to Wighlham, in Berks.
April 22. The editions of classicks of the first print,
(commonly called Editiones Principes,) that used to
go at prodigious prices, are now strangely lowered ;
occasioned, in good measure, by Mr. Tho. Rawlinson,
my friend's, being forced to sell many of his books,
in whose auction these books went cheap, tho' English
history and antiquities went dear : and yet this gen-
tleman was the chief man that raised many curious
and classical books so high, by his generous and
couragious way of bidding.
1723] HEARNIANvE. 159
April 30. On Wednesday last the sessions began at
the Old Baily, when Sally Salisbury was tryed for
an assault upon the hon. Mr. Finch, with an intent
to murder him : she was found guilty of the former,
and acquitted of the latter.1 This Sally Salisbury
(now 32 years of age) is the greatest w in
England. She is extreme handsome, and of a fluent
May 1. I am informed, that my friend Dr. Mead
hath lately purchased the head of a very old statue of
Homer. It is very fine, and represents him blind,
and is said to have been part of the Arundel collection.
What is become of the lower part, I know not. It
was valued at 300 guineas, but the doctor had it for
50 guineas.2
1 Sally Pretteyn, alias Sally Salisbury, having been convicted
of assaulting and wounding the hon. John Finch, esq. was to
pay 100/. to sutler twelve months imprisonment, and to find
securities for her good behaviour for two years after. Mist's
Journal, Monday, 29th April, 1723. In a subsequent place,
Hearne says, " There are two books in 8vo. come out about the
" Life of Mrs. Sally Salisbury, one of half a crown price, (with
" her picture before it,) the other of I2d. price, without her pic-
" ture. In the latter 'tis said the celebrated poet, Matthew
" Prior, esq. had to do with her, and that one of her admirers
" was the lord Bullingbroke, who indeed is noted for an amorous
" man." Vol. xcv. p. 127. See under October 12, 1724.
2 This valuable bronze is now in the British Museum, and
has been engraved in the second part of the ancient marbles
preserved in that national gallery, plate XXXIX. It was pur-
chased at Dr. Mead's sale, in 1755, by the earl of Exeter, and
presented to the Museum by that nobleman in 1760. Although
long considered as a bronze of Homer, Mr. Taylor Combe has
clearly shewn that it was intended for some other poet, and he
inclines to suppose it a portion of the statue of Pindar, placed
before the portico at Athens, and existing in the time of Pau-
sanias. The poet is represented as in extreme old age, the head
inclining forwards, with a short beard, hollow eyes, and crowned
with a narrow diadem.
160 RELIQUIAE [1723
May 13. A sham plot having been contrived, and
the bishop of Rochester (Dr. Francis Atterbury) being
accused as one in it, (they having forged three letters
in his name in cipher, which Wills, the decipherer,
hath interpreted.) last week his lordship was upon
his tryal, but was hindered making his defence. How-
ever, he spoke a most excellent speech of more than
two hours long, in delivering which he is said to have
fainted twice, having been strangely harrassed and
Charles Aldrich, D. D.1 rector of Henley upon
Thames, on the thanksgiving day, (for preserving us
from the plague,) on the 25th of April last, preached
before the house of commons, and his sermon (by
their order) is just printed ; but, which I am sorry
for, 'tis poor canting stuff, altogether whiggish and
flattering, against the poor king (James III.) and
honest men, and as much in praise of the duke of
Brunswick and his government, and those that are for
1 Charles Aldrich, nephew of the dean of Christ Church, was
educated at Westminster, elected to Christ Church as a student
in 1699, took the degrees of B.A. April 23, 170.3, M. A. Mareji
12, 1705. B. D. May 7, 1715, D.D. Oct. 13, 1722. He died of
apoplexy in the rectorial house of Henley upon Thames, Nov.
8, 1737, and was buried within the rails of the communion table,
in that church, on the I Oth of the same month. Bv his la^t will
he left his library to his successors at Henley for ever, in these
words : " I give and bequeath all my study of books to the rec-
" tory of Henley, being desirous to lay the foundation of a paro-
•' chial library, begging my successor, or the parish, to provide
" a room for them, if God should not spare my life to do so."
The books were originally deposited in the rectorial house, but
being placed in a damp room, sustained considerable injury, on
which account they were removed to the vestry, about the year
1777, where they now remain. There is no monument or in-
scription to Dr. Aldrich in the church, but a small stone in the
pavement of the chancel marks the spot of his interment.
1723] HEARNIANjE. 161
him. But poor Charles hath a bad, vexatious, furious
wife, that pushes him on to these things, being angry
that he is not preferred. There is also false history
in the sermon. For whereas he dates the firm esta-
blishment of the Protestant religion from the very
beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign, it is manifestly
wrong. For the popish religion continued for a con-
siderable time, her counsellors were popish, and the
liturgy too popish for several years.1
May 26. Some time last night died Dr. John Ham-
mond, canon of Christ Church, Oxford, aged about
84 years. He took the degree of M.A. Nov. 23, 1664,
that of B. D. Nov. 27, 1679, and that of D.D. May 8,
1680. He went out grand compounder for both these
last degrees. He dyed of a dropsy, and desired (for
he had his senses to the last) to be buried next
Tuesday, between seven and eight clock at night.2
When he was a young man, he was very weak and
infirm, and 'twas not exspected he would live long.
His physician advised him to use a horse, which he
submitted to, but was so very ill, that at first he could
hardly go through Christ Church quadrangle, (for in
those times horses and coaches were not suffered to
come into the quadrangle, tho' it be otherwise now,)
and was not able to get up the horse of himself ; but
after a little use, he grew strong and healthy, and so
continued ; tho' it was exercise that did it, (for he was
a very great rider and hunter,) which he was obliged,
1 It was singular that Aldrich sLould preach a sermon of this
description, as he had been appointed chaplain to bishop Atter-
bury not more than a fortnight before that prelate's apprehen-
sion, and was besides under considerable obligations to him.
2 Accordingly he was buried in the cathedral of Christ Church
on Tuesday night. T. H.
II. 31
162 RELIQUIAE [1723
through old age, to leave off for some time before he
died, otherwise he might have held out much longer.
Tis probable that his distemper, when young, might
be a dropsical humour, which was expelled by exercise,
and returned when he gave over exercise. He was a
man that did not read much, and was not noted for
any learning. When I came first to Oxford, I re-
member I heard him preach at Christ Church, (and I
do not know that he hath preached since,) when 'twas
said it was the best sermon he ever preached in his
life. His wife (who was a mighty fine woman) hath
been dead many years, I think near thirty. She was
a great gamester.
June 2. On Monday morning last, (May 24.) died
at his house at Godwood, in Sussex, Charles Lenox,
duke of Richmond, knight of the most noble order of
the garter. He was begotten by king Charles the
second on the body of Lovisa de Querovall, a lady of
French extraction, and an attendant on Henrietta
dutchess of Orleans, when she came into England to
give a visit to the king her brother, an. 1670. She
was afterwards made dutchess of Portsmouth. This
duke of Richmond, whom I saw some years agoe, and
conversed with in Oxford, was a man of very little un-
derstanding, and tho' the son of so great a king as king
Charles II. was a man that struck in with every thing
that was wliiggish and opposite to true monarchical
principles. He is succeeded in his honour and estate
by his son, Charles earl of March.
June 4. A pardon passed the seals last week for
the late lord Uolinbroke. By which it appears, that
what I formerly heard asserted by several, that this
lord is not a man of integrity, but a traitour, and that
1723] IIEARNlANsE. 163
he was one of those that hindered the restauration of
king James III. is true.
June 15. The late bishop Smalridge, when he was
dean of Christ Church, (for 'twas before he was bishop,)
being one night at the play, to hear Cato acted, there
was great notice taken, that a man of his order and
dignity should be there ; and sitting near some ladies
that laughed upon this occasion, the dean thereupon
spoke to one or two of his acquaintance that were by
him, and told them, that the ladies laughed at him,
adding. " Sure the ladies, by laughing so, think them-
" selves to be at church ;" which being heard by them,
they continued silent all the time after.
June 17. Mr. William Baxter died lately, in the
73d year of his age. He was nephew of the famous
presbyterian, Mr. Richard Baxter, and was himself
also first a presbyterian, but afterwards a pretended
convert to the church of England, tho' hardly any one
looked upon him as sincere on that account. He was
a learned, but whimsical, man. He published one
book against Mr. Dodwell, in defence of laymen's
administering the communion. He writ and published
notes upon Horace, but not very much esteemed by
the most curious men, tho' I have heard it commended
by some. He published also critical notes upon
Anacreon, but for that was taken to task by the famous
Mr. Joshua Barnes. When he did these two books,
he was a schoolmaster, which profession, I think, he
followed to the last. He hath written and published
other things, but the last that he printed (which wras
done at London in 1719, with his picture in a hat at
the beginning) was Glossarium Antiquitatum Britanni-
carum, an 8vo. book, dedicated to Dr. Mead. In this
164 RELIQUI^) [1723
book he brings all names of places from the British
language, and strangely indulges his fancy, which
makes his book therefore not much regarded by judi-
cious men.
June 22. On Tuesday last, (June 18,) between
twelve and one, the deprived bishop of Rochester,1 set
out from the Tower, in the navy barge, attended by
Mr. Morris, (the bishop's son in law,) and his lady,
(the bishop's daughter,) having a sign manual for that
purpose. Collonel Williamson, who had warders with
him, conducted him aboard the Aldborough man of
war, lying in Long Reach. Two footmen attended
his lordship in purple liveries, himself being clad in a
lay habit of grey cloth. Great numbers of people went
to see him take water, and to take their leave, many
of whom accompanied him down the river in barges
and boats. We hear that two messengers went on
board the man of war to see him landed at Ostend,
from whence, 'tis said, he will proceed to Aix la
Chapelle, after staying two or three months at Brus-
sels. The duke of Wharton made a present to the
late bishop of Rochester, before his departure, of a
rich sword, with the following mottoes on the blade,
viz. on one side. Draw me not uithottt reason ; and on
the other, Put me not up without honour.
June 29. Beyond High Bridge, (in the suburbs of
Oxford, by Rewly, is a little house, called Antiquity
Hall, which one Wise, of Trinity college, and one
Tristram, of Pembroke college, (both of them very
conceited fellows, and of little understanding, tho'
both are masters of arts,) have had a draught taken
1 Dr. Atterbury.
1 723] HEARNIANJE. 165
of, and printed, with very silly, ridiculous things and
words in it,1 for which they are much laughed at by
all people, who cannot but look upon it as one of the
weakest things ever done.
July 1. On Saturday morning last called upon me,
Mr. George Parker, the figure flinger, in his journey
out of Worcestershire, whither he had went about
three weeks before from London to see friends and
relations. This Mr. Parker was born at Shipton
upon Stour, in Worcestershire, and was apprenticed
to a cutler in London, (I think in or about Fetter-lane,)
but being much addicted to astrology, he gave over
his trade, and set up the trade of figure flinging, and
publishing of almanacks, and used in his almanacks to
make brave sport with John Patridge, a great repub-
lican, where as George Parker is an honest man, and a
great cavallier, and much superior to Patridge, who
hath been dead several years. In queen Anne's
time, George happened to print, in his almanack, the
pretender (as they call the chavallier de St. George)
and his sister (who is now dead) among the sovereign
princes of Europe, for which he was prosecuted, and
fined fifty libs, and hindered from printing almanacks.
Upon which he printed only an annual Ephemeris,
with the saints days, without doing it in the na-
ture of an almanack, tho' now the stationers let him
go on again (if he pleases) as he did before. His
1 The silly things and words which gave Hearne so much of-
fence, were inserted in order to ridicule some of his own plates,
in which he has given explanations of the objects, or what they
were intended to represent. Wise and Tristram have done
the same, and have introduced Tom himself as entering at the
court-yard, holding up his gown behind, according to his usual
manner of walking.
166 RELIQUIAE [1723
Ephemerides, and the account of the ecclipses, are the
best that come out, having in these matters the as-
sistance of Dr. Halley. Some years agoe he sold
drink, and many honest and ingenious men used to
frequent his house, among the rest, Mr. Edward
Thwaites, late fellow of Queen's college, when he
was in London a considerable time about his lame-
ness, and had his leg then cut off by Charles Ber-
nard the great chirurgeon, used George's house much,
and, I think, lay there for some time, and learned
astrology from George, who, after Mr. Thwaites re-
turned to Oxford, came over to Oxford, and stayed
there three weeks at least, and lodged in Queen's col-
lege, in one of Mr. Thwaites's rooms, who did this out
of gratitude to George, who had been very civil to Mr.
Thwaites in London. At this time I remember (al-
tho' 'tis many years agoe) George was on foot, and
walked from Oxford into Worcestershire ; the night be-
fore which journey, Mr. Thwaites and he and I being
together, (and none else with us,) George would often
go out of the room on purpose to observe the heavens,
and he told us 'twould rain the next day, at such a
time. Accordingly, there was, at the time he said,
a sharp shour, and George was in it himself, being
then footing it into Worcestershire, which being
noised about Oxford, made his name famous there.
He is a married man, and his wife living, being at
this time his companion in his journey.1
1 Parker, the astrologer, was originally in business as a cutler,
and professed the principles, and adopted the habits, ofaquaker.
Mis wife, however, being, at the time of her marriage, a zealmts
member of the church of England, laboured hard to convert her
husband, whilst he as strenuously endeavoured to bring her
ever to his own persuasion. The result was equally strange
and unintentional. Each was convinced by the other, George
1723] HEARNIANJE. 167
July 9. They have reprinted at London the cas-
trated sheets of Holinshead's Chronicle, but done so
as there is a great quarrell between some of the
London booksellers on this score, some of them having
one impression, and some another ; so that there are
two new impressions of these sheets, in one impres-
sion of which Fletcher Gyles, a bookseller, is con-
cerned, and he was urgent with me to correct them,
but I declined it, being sensible that the reprinting
them might disoblige some gentlemen, who had given
great prices for their books, as it seems it hath done.
But, however, the booksellers are not like to be very
great gainers by this work, the castrated Holling-
sheads being now like to be dearer than those that
are perfect.
July 10. There are two fairs a year at Wantage,
became a firm church-man, whilst his wife turned rigid quaker,
and so they continued to the last. I have this anecdote on
very good authority,* and it will not fail to remind the reader
of a similar discussion, attended with a similar double conver-
sion, recorded of the two Rainolds's, and thus celebrated by Dr.
Bella inter geminos plusquam civilia fratres
Traxerat ambiguus religionis apex :
Ille reformats fidei pro partibus instat,
Iste reformandam denegat esse fidem.
Propositis causae rationibus, alterutrinque
Concurrere pares, et cecidere pares.
Quod fuit in votis, fratrem capit alteruterque,
Quod fuit in fatis, perdit uterque fidem.
Captivi gemini sine captivaute fuerunt,
Et victor victi transfuga castra petit.
Quod genus hoc pugni est ! ubi victus gaudet uterque,
Et tamen alteruter se superasse dolet !
Wood, Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 139.
* Mr. Wallis, an acquaintance of Parker's, and brother to
Dr. Wallis, keeper of the archives, who related it to Hearne.
168 RELIQUIAE [1723
in Berks, the first on July 7, being the translation
of St. Thomas a Becket, and the second on the 6th
of October, being St. Faith's day. But this year,
the 7th of July being a Sunday, the fair was kept
last Monday, and 'twas a very great one ; and yes-
terday it was held too, when there was a very great
match of backsword or cudgell playing between the
hill-country and the vale-country, Barkshire men
being famous for this sport or exercise. And 'tis
remarkable, that at Childrey, by Wantage, lives one
old Vicars, a farmer, who hath been very excellent
at it, and hath now five sons, that are so expert in it,
that 'tis supposed they are a match for any five in
England. They always come off victors, and carry
off the hat, the reward of the conquest, so that they
have not bought any hats since they have been cele-
brated for this exercise. There is also another fair
at Wantage, (which is not above two years standing,)
called the Constable's fair, being granted by the high
constable, upon the town of Wantage's chosing him
out of Wantage.
July 12. Yesterday, at one clock, was a convoca-
tion about a poetry reader, or professor, who is to be
elected every five years, but the same person cannot
have it above ten. Mr. Trap, therefore, when five
years were expired, was elected without opposition,
but now there was a great struggle. For Mr. Warton
of Magdalen college's five years being expired, Dr.
Gardiner, of All Souls college, and the constitution
club, and many others, were resolved, if possible, to
hinder his re-election ; and accordingly Mr. Randolph,
follow of All Souls college, who hath written and
published some time agoe a poem in Latin, printed
at the Theater, about the South sea, was put up,
1 723] HEARNIAN^E. 169
which Mr. Warton's enemies thought might do, be-
cause this Randolph was formerly of Christ Church,
which might be likely to gain all Christ Church for
him. But when they came to vote, several of Christ
Church were for Mr. Warton, and several of Christ
Church did not appear at all, insomuch that Randolph
lost it by 36, Mr. Warton having 215, and Mr. Ran-
dolph 179 votes, at which honest men are pleased,
Mr. Warton having the character of a very honest,
ingenious, and good-natured man ; and nobody looks
upon Mr. Randolph's being put up to be any thing
else besides spight.
July 25. Yesterday, going into a shop, I saw an
8vo. book just published, intitled, Alfred, a poem in
xii. books, the a/uthor sir Richard Blackmore, a great
writer upon all subjects, so that he is looked upon as
a sort of madman. He formerly writ a poem in fol.
called Prince Arthur, to flatter the prince of Orange,
and then he writ one called Eliza, to flatter queen
Anne, and now this is to flatter the Hanover family ;
such is the poor spirit of the man, who, however,
when of Edmund hall, (where he had his education,)
was a great tutor, and much respected, as I have
often heard, for he had left that place some years
before I was matriculated.
July 28. Yesterday I saw Mr. Freebairne, of Scot-
land, who hath been several years with king James,
at Rome, being turned out of his printer's place at
Edinburgh, and for his honesty forced to go beyond
He told me, that for three years together he was
every day with the king.
He said, the young prince is a mighty lively brisk
170 RELIQUIJE [1723
He said, the king is very chearfull.
He said, the queen is the finest lady living, and
that none of the prints of her do her justice, she being
much handsomer than represented by them.
Mr. Freebairne had the use of the Vatican library
as he pleased, and transcrib'd a great many excellent
papers from thence relating to the English reforma-
tion, not taken notice of by our publick writers.
July 30. Some years agoe came out at Oxford, a
poem, called Merton Walks, the walks in the garden
of that place being every Sunday night, in the plea-
sant time of the year, thronged with young gentlemen
and young gentlewomen, which growing scandalous,
the garden gate was. at last, shut up quite, and there-
upon the young gentlemen and others betook them-
selves to Magdalen college walk, which is now every
Sunday night in summer time strangely filled, just
like a fair, which hath occasioned a printed letter,
giving an account of an accident that happened there
between a young gentleman and a young woman.
Aug. 7. Dr. Jasper Mayne was minister of Cassing-
ton, near Oxford, which he kept after he was canon
of Christ Church, giving this reason for it, Cassington
kept me, (that is in the bad times,) and I now will keep
Aug. 15. This morning this right rev. Dr. Thomas
Wilson, bishop of Man, called upon me, and staid with
me some time, at Edmund hall. He is a most worthy,
ingenious, learned, honest man. I never saw him
but once before. He told me, he had given my lord
Tlarley some historical MSS. This bishop hath done
abundance of good in his diocese, having lived there,
and instructed the inhabitants in the principles of
1723] HEARNIANsE. 171
the Christian religion, and published a book in the
Manks and English language upon the subject of the
Christian religion, being the first book ever printed
in the Manks language. He is a most excellent, good
natured, pleasant man, and hath a son, a commoner
of Christ Church, a pretty young gentleman. The
said bishop of Man hath written an account of the isle
of Man, which is printed in the second edition of
Gibson's English Camden.
Sept. 5. Yesterday, at two clock in the afternoon,
was a smoaking match over against the Theater in
Oxford, a scaffold being built up for it just at Fin-
more's, an alehouse. The conditions were, that any
one (man or woman) that could smoak out three ounces
of tobacco first, without drinking or going off the stage,
should have twelve shillings. Many tryed, and 'twas
thought that a journyman taylour, of St. Peters in the
East, would have been victor, he smoaking faster than,
and being many pipes before, the rest ; but at last he
was so sick, that 'twas thought he would have dyed ;
and an old man, that had been a souldier, and
smoaked gently, came off conquerour, smoaking the
three ounces quite out, and he told one, (from whom
I had it,) that, after it, he smoaked four or five pipes
the same evening.
Sept. 12. A matter of law being in debate between
two considerable tradesmen of Oxford, and it being to
be ended by a trial by a jury of twelve men, after the
jury had been many hours about the matter, and sent
back, and locked up together more than once, and
after all, being not unanimous, but seven against five ;
at last they agreed to end it by ballotting, so that he
should have it, who had that side to which the paper,
marked with such a dot, fell. Accordingly it fell to
172 EELIQUIJE [1723
the party of five, so that they all gave in their evidence
for that side. Afterwards one Williams, who was one
of the jury, and was the person that proposed this
method, talking of it, the thing took air, and a pro-
secution was designed to be carried on against them,
which one Brazier, another of the jury, understanding,
he was so terrified, that he presently answered upon
oath to interrogatories that were put to him, and con-
fessed that he was forsworn, as indeed all the twelve
were, in acting so contrary to all manner of jus-
tice ; it being against the method of our laws, de-
structive of all methods of judicature, and indeed
utterly to the prejudice of the person that had seven,
who certainly ought to have had the cause. The thing
being so, the suit is as it was, and these perjured
persons' verdict stands for nothing.
Sept. 13. Tho' the late Mr. Millington,1 of London,
bookseller, was certainly the best auctioneer in the
1 " Edward Millington will never be forgotten while his name
" is Ned, or he a man of remarkable elocution, wit, sense, and
" modesty — characters so eminently his, that he would be known
" by them among a thousand. Millington (from the time he
" sold Dr. Annesley's library) expressed a particular friendship
" to me. He was originally a bookseller, which he left off, being
" better cut out for an auctioneer. He had a quick wit, and a
" wonderful fluency of speech. There was usually as much
" comedy in his ' once, twice, thrice,' as can be met with in a
" modern play. ' Where,' said Millington, ' is your generous
" 'flame for learning? Who, but a sot or a blockhead, would
" 'have money in his pocket, and starve his brains?' Though,
" I suppose, he had but a round of jests, Dr. Cave once bidding
" too leisurely for a book, says Millington, ' Is this your Primi-
" ' the Christianity ?' Alluding to a book the honest doctor had
" published under that title. He died in Cambridge, and I
" hear they bestowed an elegy on his memory, and design to
" raise a monument to his ashes." Dunton's Life and Errors,
p. 236, ed. Nichols, Loud. 1818, 8vo.
1 723] HEABNIANjE. 173
world, being a man of great wit and fluency of speech,
and a thorough master of his trade, tho', at the same
time, very impudent and saucy, yet he could not, at
the end of auctions, be brought to give an account to
the persons that employed him, so that by that means
he allowed what he pleased, and no more, and kept a
great number of books, that were not sold, to himself.
Whence arose that vast stock of books, tho' most of
them but ordinary, that he had when he dyed, and
which, after his death, were sold by auction.
Sept. 21. They wrote from Dover, Sept. 14, that
the day before, col. Churchill, with two other gentle-
men, arrived there from Calais, by whom they received
the following account, viz. that on Thursday morning
last, Mr. Sebright and Mr. Davis being in one chaise,
and Mr. Mompesson and a servant in another chaise,
with one servant on horseback, pursuing their way to
Paris, were, about seven miles from Calais, attacked
by six ruffians, who demanded the three hundred
guineas, which they said were in their pockets and
portmanteaus. The gentlemen readily submitted, and
surrendered the money ; yet the villains, after a little
consultation, resolved to murder them, and thereupon
shot Mr. Sebright thro' the heart, and gave the word
for killing the rest : then Mr. Davis, who was in the
chaise with him, shot at one of them, missed the
fellow, but killed his horse ; upon which he was im-
mediately killed, being shot and stabb'd in several
places. Mr. Mompesson and the two servants were
likewise soon dispatched in a very barbarous manner.
During this bloudy scene, Mr. John Locke coming
down a hill within sight of them, in his return from
Paris, the ruffians sent two of their party to meet and
kill him ; which they did before the poor gentleman
174 RELIQUIAE [1723
was apprized of any danger ; but his man, who was
a Swiss, begging hard for his life, was spared. This
happening near a small village where they had taken
their second post, a peasant came by in the interim,
and was also murdered. They partly flead, and
otherwise mangled, the horse that was killed, to pre-
vent it's being known ; so that 'tis believed they did
not live far from Calais. The unfortunate gentlemen
afore mentioned, not being used to travel, had un-
warily discovered at Calais what sums they had about
them, by exchanging their guineas for louis d'ors,
which is supposed to have given occasion to this
dismal tragedy. On Monday the Junior arrived in
the river from Calais, having on board the bodies of
these unfortunate gentlemen, which were carried out
of town, to be interred in Hertfordshire, the servants
that were killed at the same time being buried in
' The following account appeared in one of the public papers
of the day, (Mist's Journal for Saturday, Nov. 2,) and is the
rather to be relied on, as it was written by Mr. Sebright's ser
vant, Richard Spindelow, who recovered from his wounds, and
returned to England in the latter end of the following October.
" On Tuesday, Sept. 10, about three in the afternoon, we set
" out from Calais for Bologne, in our way to Paris: my master
" Sebright (the best of masters) and Mr. Davies being in one
" chaise, and Mr. Monpesson and myself in another, and his own
" servant on horseback. About three quarters of a mile beyond
" tlic second post, being near seven miles from Calais, we were
" set upon by six highwaymen, who having stopped the postil-
" lions, came up to the chaises, and demanded our money, and
" the same was readily surrendered to them ; for we had no fire-
" arms with us to make resistance, and even the gentlemen's
" swords were taken from them. Then taking us out of our
" chaises, we were all commanded to lie down upon our faces,
" as were the postillions tooj which was presently obeyed. Upon
" which, one of the rogues came and rifled our pockets, and nar-
" rowly searched the wasts and linings of our breeches. This
" being done, I was ordered to get up and open the portmanteaus ;
1 723] UEABNIANJE. 175
The said Mr. Sebright was the only brother of my
friend Sir Thomas Sebright, of Beaehwood, in Hart-
" and as I was going to do it, I saw one of them pull the dead
" body of Mr. Locke out of the chaise in which he had been
" killed, in his return from Paris, at some small distance from
" us. This was a sad presage of what was like to follow. Mr.
" Locke's servant, who was a Swiss, was spared ; but made to lie
" on his face at the place where they met him. In rifling Mr.
" Sebright's portmanteau, they found some things wrapped up,
" which they suspected I endeavoured to conceal, which made
" them cut me with a sword, very dangerously, on the head.
" When they had done with my master's portmanteau, they
" ordered Mr. Monpesson to open his; who desired Mr. Sebright
'' to tell them in French, that his servant was gone before, and
'' had the key with him. This servant they had met not far
" off, and had shot him in the back ; but he not being dead, was
" ordered to lie down on his face ; and now they fetched him to
" open his master's portmanteau.
" When they had finished their search of the portmanteaus
" and cloak-bags, shaking every piece of linnen, for fear of mis-
" sing any money : then the barbarous ruffians gave the word
" to kill; whereupon one stabbed me in five places in the body,
" and left me for dead ; and, with the same sword, he struck at
" Mr. Davies several times, and cleft his skull. Who was but-
'' chered next, or what immediately followed, I cannot tell, being
" stunned by one of the villains, who came up to me, and
" stamped three times upon my head, as I was lying upon my
" face. As scon as I came a little to myself, I perceived by his
" groans that they were murdering Mr. Monpesson, whose throat
" they cut, and otherwise wounded him ; but he survived his
'' wounds for some time.
" About that time a peasant that was accidentally passing by,
" was brought in amongst us, and made to lie with his face to
" the ground ; who, perceiving what sort of work they were
" upon, got up, and attempted to run away ; but they rode after
" him, and shot him dead. After this, they visited me once
" more ; and having turned me about to see if I had any life re-
"' maining,but observing none, they left me there, weltering in my
" blood. The bloody scene being then ended, they packed up their
" booty, carrying away two cloak-bags filled with the best of the
" things; and having ahorse that was small and poor, they
" shot him themselves, and took away a better out of the chaises
'' iu his room.
" About a quarter of an hour after they were gone, we heard
176 RELIQUIAE [1723
fordshire, and was gentleman commoner of Balliol
college, and had his master of arts degree given him
" the peasants talking over the dead bodies ; and Mr. Monpesson
" and myself, lifting up our heads as well as we could, perceived
" they were earning away what things were left. We desired
" them to help us into the chaise, but they refused to do it; so,
" with much difficulty, Mr. Monpesson got himself in, and I
" crawled up to it, and got my body in, while my legs hung out ;
•' and in that posture we were carry ed to a little house three
" quarters of a mile from the place, and one of the peasants was
" so kind as to lead the chaise ; the people of the house brought
" us some straw, and laid us upon it, and there we lay in great
'' misery that night. Mr. Monpesson took notice in the night,
" that he thought the rogues were but indifferently paid for the
" drudgery of butchering so many, (five persons being then
" murthered, and himself, who died soon after, made the sixth,)
" For, saith he, besides watches, rings, linnen, &c. they had but
" 120 guineas amongst us all ; and the payment of the bills will
" be stopt at Paris.
" Mr. Sebright had changed at Calais about 25 guineas into
" silver, (not 300, as was given out,) to be;ir our expences upon
" the road. And whereas it was reported, that he said to the
" ruffians he knew one of them; which expression is supposed
" by some to have occasioned the sad catastrophe, which it might
" have done, had it been true; but the said report is»absolutely
" false and groundless, and highly injurious to the memory of
" that worthy, tho' unfortunate gentleman. The murther was,
" doubtless, pre-concerted among them, and resolved upon; and
" they tell us in that country, that some time before, a certain
" company had drank at a house upon the road an uncommon
" quantity of brandy, who are supposed to be this wicked gang,
" in order to work themselves up to a sufficient rage for the com-
:' mitting of so much barbarity.
" Next morning we were carried from our little cottage upon
" the road back to Calais, where several of the most able surgeons
" of the place were sent for to take care of us and dress our
" wounds. They sowed up Mr. Monpesson's throat, and finding
" he had a fever, bled him, but he died a few hours after.
'' Another report was spread here, and transmitted to France,
•' which in justice to truth and the injured person, I think mv-
" self obliged to contradict, viz. that the woman's son, at the
" Silver Lyon inn at Calais, was taken up on suspicion of having
" a hand in that horrid action, upon which account they have
" since been great sufferers at that house : but the said report is
1723] HEAENIANJE. 177
this last summer by the university. He had a very
good estate left him lately by an uncle. He was a
sweet natured gentleman, and had been at Paris more
than once.
Sept. 29. Roger Bacon guilty of a great error in
affirming, that Christians ought to keep fairs, ferientcr,
and work upon the Sabbath day, as is shewed by
Picus Mirandula Advers. Astrol. 1. ii. c. 5. For ought
I know, Bacon's notion might be the occasion, in some
measure, of fairs being so much kept on Sundays.
He thought Saturday should be a day of rest, because
Saturn is a star not agreeable to labour, stella rebus
agendis parum commoda etfelix.
Oct. 3. Notwithstanding the abominable wicked-
as false as any thing can be true ; on the contrary, these people
" bear the best of characters.
" I have here given the substance of the report I made, more
'•' at large, to the president at Calais, when I waited on him some
" days before I left that place, to thank him for the great care
" he had taken in this unhappy affair, and at the same time
" described to him the features of two of the rogues who had
" some things remarkable in their faces. What account the
" postillions gave of the matter, I know not ; but 'tis said to be
" little, and next to nothing.
" A person was some time since taken up at Lisle, and said to
" be the old man that was among them, for such there was in
" the gang; but upon his trial he did not appear to be the
:' same : however he was broken upon the wheel for a robbery
" committed by him four years ago.
" Auother person is taken up near Bologne, who is in gaol
" there, on account of some words that he spoke, as 'tis said, in
" a drunken frolick; so that 'tis much doubted that he was a
" person concerned, tho' he hath got a stone doublet by the
" bargain. But it is hoped that the perpetrators of so much
" wickedness will be apprehended, and in that case I expect to
" be sent for to France. Richard Spindelowe." See under
July 19, 1724.
178 RELIQUIAE [1723
ness of the abjuration oath, it is incredible what num-
bers of all kinds run in to swear ; abundance pre-
tending, that as 'tis a forced oath, they may do it,
especially since the imposers have no right to advance
such an oath, and they think therefore that all the
crime will fall upon them. But this reason wili bring
off any wickedness ; and as the writer of these mat-
ters can by no means commend it, so the best of men
abhor and abominate such evasions, which any pro-
fligate wretch may pretend on any other occasion.1
1 In addition to the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, the
following was, by a late act of parliament, to be taken by all
persons, as well men as women, above the age of eighteen : " I,
" A. B. do truly and sincerely acknowledge, profess, testify, and
" declare, in my conscience before God and the world, that our
" soveraign lord king George is lawful and rightful king of this
" realm, and all other his majestie's dominions and countries
" thereunto belonging : and I do solemnly and sincerely declare,
" that I do believe in my conscience, that the person pretended
•• to be the prince of Wales, during the life of the late king James,
" and since his decease, pretending to be, and taking upon him-
" self the stile and title of king of Ei gland, by the name of
" James the third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the
" eighth, or the stile or title of king of Great Britain, hath not
" any right or title whatsoever to the crown of this realm, or any
•' the dominions thereto belonging. And I do renounce, refuse,
•• and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him : and I do swear
" that I will bear faith and true allegiance to his majesty kin?
" George, and him will defend to the utmost of my power against
" all traiterous conspiracies, which I shall know to be against
'*' him, or any of them ; and I do faithfully promise to the utmost
" of my power, to support, maintain, and defend the succession
" of the crown against him the said James, and all other per-
" sons whatsoever; which succession, by an act, entituled, An
" Act fur farther Limitation of the Crown, and better securing
" the Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, is and stands limited
" to the princess Sophia, electressand dutchess dowager of Han-
•• over, and the heirs of her body, being protestants. And all
" these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear,
" according to these express words by me spoken, and according
" to the plain and common sense and understanding of the same
1723] HEARNIANJS. 179
Oct. 4. An epitaph in Banbury church yard upon
a young man, who dyed by a mortification which
seized in his toe, (his toe and leg both being cut off
before he died :)
All ! cruel death, to make three meals of one,
To taste, and eat, then eat till all was gon.
But know, thou tyrant, wn th' last trump shall call ;
He'll find his feet to stand, when thou shalt fall.
Oct. 19. Yesterday, in the afternoon, died in War-
wickshire, of the small pox, after five days illness, the
honourable Mr. Craven,1 brother to the right honour-
able the lord Craven, to the great reluctance of all
that knew any thing of him, he being a nobleman of
Magdalen coll. and one of the most beautifull youths
that have been seen, and his other qualities, with
respect to virtue and probity, were agreeable. The
female sex were in love with him, and many of them
used to say he was too handsome for a man. He
died in the 19th year of his age.
Oct. 21. The word jiseb, in the Saxon tongue, sig-
nifies counsel or advice, as 'tis used in some places to
this day : and fiaeb artebian with the Saxons was to
iittrice, and reade thy reade with us is, to take thy
counsel, as in these rhymes :"
" words, without any equivocation, mental evasion, or secret
" reservation whatsoever; and I do make this recognition, ac-
" knowledgment, abjuration, renunciation, and promise, heartily,
" willingly, and truly, upon the true faith of a Christian. So
" help me God."
1 Robert, third son of William second lord Craven, by Eliza-
beth, daughter of Humberston Skipwith, esq. sun and heir
of sir Fulwar Skipwith, bart. of Newbold hall, Warwickshire :
his mother died in child-birth of him, Ma}' 16, 1704.
2 Kay's English Proverbs, p. 293, ed. 2d.
180 RELIQUIAE [1723
With a red man reade thy read ;
With a brown man break thy bread :
At a pale man draw thy knife ;
From a black man keep thy wife.
Thomas Sternhold, therefore, in his translation of
the first Psalm into English meeter, hath wisely made
use of this word :
The man is blest that hath not bent,
to wicked reade his eare :
Nor led his life as sinners doe,
nor sate in seorner's chaire.
I say spurious editions, because not only here, but
quite throughout the whole book of Psalms, are
strange alterations, all for the worse. And yet, not-
withstanding, the title-page stands as it used to do,
and all (which is abominable in any book, much more
in a sacred work.) is ascribed to Thomas Sternhold.
John Hopkins, and others. And yet I am confident,
were Sternhold, Hopkins, and the other translators
now living, they would be so far from owning what is
ascribed to them, that they would proceed against the
innovators as cheats, especially too since the}' have,
in several places, changed the very initial letters that
were to represent the several parts of the Psalms, that
every one turned into meeter. This will very easily
be perceived from comparing the spurious edition
printed at London, 1723, (to be bound up with the
Oxford edition of the Bible printed the same year. )
with the old editions, which ought carefully to be
sought after, and kept as curiosities. Mr. Wood ob-
serves,1 that Thomas Sternhold (who died in 1549)
1 Athena: Oxon. vol. i. col. 62, ed. folio, 1691.
1723] HEARNIANJE. 181
turned into English meeter 51 of David's Psalms, and
caused musical notes to be set to them, and that all
those Psalms which he put into rhime have the letters
T. S. set before, to distinguish them from others.
Then, saith he, contemporary with Sternhold was Joh.
Hopkyns, who is stiled to be1 Brittannicorum poeta-
rum sui temporis non infimus, as indeed by the gene-
rality living in the reign of Edward VI. he was so, if
not more, esteemed. He turned into meeter 58 of
David's Psalms, which are to this day sung in churches ;
and in all editions of the said Psalms (it seems Mr.
Wood had observed no innovations) his (which he
translated) hath set before them two letters J. H.
And a little after, (col. 62.) he tells us, that, besides
these two, he found others to have had hands in
making the said Psalms to run in meeter, as Will.
Whittyngham, afterwards dean of Durham, and Thomas
Norton, of Sharpenhaule or Hharpenhoe, in Bedford-
shire, who seems to have been a barrister, made 27
of the said Psalms of David to run in rhime. Mr.
Wood afterwards gives (col. 152, &c.) a full and dis-
tinct account of the said Whittyngham, and, among
other things, hath these words : " At the same time
" also that Whittyngham and others at Geneva trans-
" lated the Bible into English, he (Whittyngham)
" turned into meter those Psalmes that we to this
" day sing in our churches, inscribed with W. W. :
" they are in number five, of which the 119th psalme
" is one, as large as 22 other psalmes, as also the ten
" commandments, and a prayer at the end of the book
" of Psalmes." But now if you look into what the
innovators have done, you will find that they have
ascribed the cxixth psalm to W. L. and not to W. W. ;
1 Baleus in Script. Maj. Britan. p. 113, inter cent. 12 et 13.
L82 EELIQUIjE [1723
to particularize no more of their intolerable alterations,
( and to say nothing- of their omissions,) a liberty which
ought by no means to be permitted or approved of by
such as are for uniformity, and have any regard for
the old English- Saxon tongue, of which there are
several words in the old editions of the singing Psalms,
notwithstanding changed by such as were not at all
versed in Saxon.
Oct. 22. Sunday last, being the coronation of the
duke of Brunswick, commonly called king George,
Mr. Streat, of Merton college, who is the senior head
proctor of the university, and his pro-proctor, Mr.
Briton, of the same college, Avere with others at a
tavern in Oxford, at an unseasonable hour. The vice
chaneellour walked that evening, and going into the
tavern, found them there, and dismissed them all
forthwith, to the great reluctance, to be sure, of Streat
and his friends.
Nov. 5. This being the powder plot, which is to
be observed as a thanksgiving, and the prince of
Orange's landing being joyned with it, tho' that
happened the day before, abundance of people seemed
very indifferent in the observance of it. Nor were
there in the evening so many bonfires as used to be,
many people beginning to disbelieve this plot, from
the sham plots that have been since, and looking
upon the prince of Orange's coming as an invasion.
and a monstrous injury (as it hath proved) to the
Nov. 7. Field's Bibles have always been looked
upon as very correct. I mean those printed at Cam-
bridge ; but then they were counterfeited both at
1723] HEARNIANjE. 183
London and beyond sea : which counterfeits may
easily be discovered by the letter (not so beautifull
as that of Cambridge) and the correctness.1
Nov. 12. The book called Festival!, printed by
Winken de Worde, which is very scarce, makes
Whitsontide to be so called from the wit and wis-
dome sent down that day by the Holy Ghost upon
the apostles ; and indeed the old way of writing the
word agrees to this derivation.2
1 Field, however correct in his large and more splendid edi-
tion, was not entirely free from the errors which Hearne attri-
butes to the counterfeits alone. In 1656 he was examined before
the sub-committee for religion, touching an impression in 24mo.
1653, of which he acknowledged to have printed to the number
of two thousand, but of which no less than seven thousand nine
hundred were secured by the committee. In this, among other
omissions and misprinting*, were the following: for '' the un-
" righteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God," the unrigh-
teous shall inherit: for " neither yield ye your members instru-
" ments of unrighteousness unto sin," instruments of righteousness,
besides other omissions and false readings. See Journals of the
House of Commons, vol. vii. page 554, 5. William Kilburne, (in his
tract, entituled, " Dangerous Errours in several late printed
" Bibles," 4to. printed at Finsbury, 1659, p. 7,) says, that the
first error above quoted, "is the foundation of a damnable doc-
" trine; for it hath been averred by a reverend doctor of divi-
" nity to several worthy persons, that many libertines and licen-
" tious people did produce and urge this text from the authority
•' of this corrupt Bible, against his mild reproof's, in justification
" of their vicious and inordinate conversations." Lilburne
enumerates various errors in other Bibles bearing Field's name,
particularly those printed at London in 1655 and 1656, at Cam-
bridge in 1657, "in 8vo. volume, which sels very much and
'' very dear, at least for 8s. 6d. per book." See also Cotton's
List of Bibles, 8vo. Oxford, 1821, page 33.
2 " Gode frendis as ye know well a saterday nexte comyng
" is Wytson euyn, & amonge the peple for to gete hem mete &
" drvnke. But yet as criste bad theym in his ascencyon. they
" wente in to the cite of Jherusalem 1 and there they were in a
'' halle of stage | and there they sat togyder | preyeng vnto god
184 EELIQUI^E [1723
Nov. 18. Last Sunday night (Oct. 27) died sir
Godfrey Kneller, knight, at his house in Queen's-
" wyth hole herte. and one spiryte | of helpe & socour. and some
" comforte in their diseace | Thenne as they were th9 preyenge
" togyder | sodeynly there was a grete clowde made in thaire
" like a blast of thondre. And euvn therewyth the holy ghost
" come emong hem | Et apparuerut illis dispertite lingue tan-
" quam ignis. And lighte come downe emonge hem in liknesse
" of tonges brenyng. and not smertyng | warmyng | and not
" harmyng | lightenvng | and not fly tervng Etrepleti sunt omnes
" spiritu sancto And f died hem ful of gostly wit. For as they were
,: to fore but lewde men of sighte | and vnlettred & very ydeottes
" I as of conning, and noo thyng cowde of clergy. Suddenly they
" were the wyseste men in the worlde | And anone they spake
" all maner langages vnder the sonne | And there as before her
" hertes weren colde for drede and fere of dethe. Thenne were
'• they soo comforted of the holy goost in brennyng loue | that
" the}' wente and preched | and taughte the worde of god |
" Sparvng for noo drede | but redy to take the dethe for cristis
" sake.""
The above is extracted from a copy of The Festival, (liber qui
vocatur festialis,) printed by Caxton, (Caxton me fieri fecit,) in
folio, sign, e iij. rev. The passage affords but slight ground
for Ilearne's conjecture: on the contrary, this festival of the
Christian church is called Whitsunday, or Whitesunday, be-
cause on this day, being one of the stated times for baptism in
the primitive church, those who were baptized put on white
garments as typical of that spiritual purity received in baptism.
These garments were afterwards laid up in the church, that they
might be evidence against such persons as violated or denied
the faith they had previously owned at the celebration of the
ceremony. Of this there is a remarkable instance related by
Victor Uticensis, (De Persecutione Vandalorum, in Bibliotheca
1'atium, torn. V. pars 3, pag. 662, edit. 1618.) Elpidophorus,
a citizen of Carthage, had long lived in the communion of the
church, but apostatizing afterwards to the Arians, became a
most bitter and implacable persecutor of the orthodox. Among
several whom he sentenced to the rack was one Murittas, a
venerable old deacon, who had himself received the apostate
from the font, and who, being ready to be placed on the rack,
pulled out the white garment with which Elpidophorus had
been cloathed at his baptism, and thus upbraided him : "These,
•• Elpidophorus, thou minister of error, these are the garments
" that shall accuse thee, when thou appearest before the majesty
1723] HEARNIANJE. 185
square. He was principal painter to his majesty ; to
which place a salary of two hundred pounds a year
is annexed.
Dec. 18. Mr. William Stone, LL.B. and principal
of New Inne hall, was so wise a man, and of so much
learning, knowledge, and probity, that Dr. Mill used
to say, " Now there are many men that think them-
" selves fit, and would fain be archbishops of Can-
" terbury, but I know no one so well qualifyed as
" Mr. Stone, tho' he thinks himself fit for no high
" station." He had been a traveller, and was founder
of St. Clement's hospital, on the east side of Oxford.1
He lies buried in St. Michael's church in Oxford, his
" of the great Judge ; these are they which girt thee, when thou
" earnest pure from the holy font ; and these are they which shall
" bitterly pursue thee, when thou shalt be cast into the flaming
" gulph, because thou hast cloathed thyself with cursing as with
" a garment, and hast cast off the sacred obligation of thy bap-
" tismal vow."
1 Stone's hospital, on the east side of the road leading through
St. Clement's to Headington hill, was originally intended for
eight clergymen's widows, each of whom was to have apart-
ments, a stipend of eight, since advanced to twelve, pounds
yearly, together with a ton and a half of coals, and a plot of
garden ground. The income of the hospital arises from an
estate, and about 200/. in the three per cents. On the front of
the building is this inscription:
" This Hospital, for the poor and sick, was founded by the
" Rev. William Stone, Principal of New Inn Hall, in hopes of
" thy assistance, Anno Dom. 1700."
The old inscription being decayed and rendered illegible, a
worthy native and eminent medical practitioner in Oxford,
Mr. Richard Curtis, repaired and restored it two vears since,
having, as he himself told me, always regarded the words, in
hopes of thy assistance, as peculiarly judicious and well chosen.
At the same time, in order to lend his aid to the benevolent in-
tention of the founder, he bestowed a benefaction, sufficient to
provide certain comforts for the inmates of the hospital, to he
distributed at the festival of Christmas, for ever.
186 RELIQUIAE [1723-24
lows :
monument being in the college chancel. 'Tis as fol
H. S. E.
GUILM9 STONE Dorsetensis LL. Bacc. Erudi-
tione, Iudicio, Pietate eximius, Ingenio vero adeo su-
pra fidem praecoci, ut, Juramento suscipiendo nondum
maturus, Gradum Academicum, quera abunde meruit,
difFerre cogeretur. Egregiam hanc Adolescentiae so-
lertiam pari profectu ad Senectutem usque praestitit.
Et quamprimum per aetatem licuit, Ecelesia* Wln-
burnensi, loco natalitio, summo cum Popidi Deside-
rio praeficiebatur. Glissente jam bello civili, Perdu-
ellium injurijs opportunus, in Exercitum Regium se
recepit. Ubi, per multos Labores, Damna, et Pericula,
Officio suo strenue functus est. Suecumbente tan-
dem Causa optima, exteras Regiones, insigni Pruden-
tiae et Doetrinae compendio, peragravit. Post feli-
cem Caroli 2(h reditum WinburruB suae restitutus
est, de amplioribus minimc solicitus. Dein, aetate
morbisque ingravescentibus, Oxoniam remigrans, Re-
quiem qualem qualem in Aulse Nov. IIosp. pra?fectura
(|u;i'sivit, Ubi din corpore infirmo contlietatus, me-
nioria tamen et judicio ad cxtremum vegetus, Opes
Egenis, Animam Coclo, tradidit X Kal. Vles. A. D.
1723-24. Jiiti. 21 . The wor&marry, for an assevera-
tion or assertion, used very commonly ; as, / marry,
sir, or ah marry, sir, is nothing but Marie, or an in-
vocation on the Virgin Marie, and so 'tis writ in an old
passage that I have published from Lidgate's Life
of the Virgin Mary, a MS. neatly written on vellam,
in a little folio, in the hands of my friend Thomas
Rawlinson, esij. in my Glossary to Rob. of Glouc.
1723-24] HEARNIANSE. 187
This clarke also, this wise Plinius,
Seith in Tauriche ther is an erth founde,
That of nature is so vertuouse,
That woll cure euery maner wounde.
Rjo-ht so Marie was the eurth founde
That oute chese God bi eleccion,
To bere the fruyte of oure redeinpcioun.
Jan. 22. When Borstal house was a garrison for
the king,1 at the time it was surrendered to the par-
liament forces, all happened to go out according to
articles, excepting one person, who, being asleep in
a chair in a little upper room, knew nothing of the
matter, but awaking as the enemy came up, and being
not apprised that the place was so surrendered, and
thinking that the enemy was got in by force, or else
by some treachery, he takes up his halberd, and
knocks 15 or 16 down, so that they were killed, which
makes the enemy fall back, and the king's forces, that
were marched out, understanding the matter, return
1 Borstal house, in Buckinghamshire, but immediately upon
the borders of Oxfordshire, was a strong station at the com-
mencement of the civil wars. Anthony a Wood was there in
1646, and represents it as " a garrison with high bulwarks about
" it, deep trenches, and pallisadoes." It was quite altered in
1668, when he again visited it; ''now (he adds) it had pleasant
" gardens about it, and several sets of trees well growne." {Life,
by himself, 8vo. 1772, p. 211.) There is a very interesting
plate of it by Burghers, representing it as it appeared at the end
of the seventeenth century, in Kennett's Parochial Antiquities.
Lord Clarendon tells us, the works and fortifications were de-
stroyed by the royal party, and the house itself evacuated, upon
which the parliament forces immediately possessed the place, and
gave so much trouble to Oxford, by intercepting the provisions
intended for that city, that colonel Gage was directed to retake
it, which was effected with very little loss, and proved a most
important acquisition. Hist, of the Rebellion, fol. vol. ii. p. 382.
Of the story, as related above by Hearne, I find no trace in any
account of the transactions of that period.
188 EELIQUIJE [1723-24
again thereupon, and take possession again of the
place, the parliament forces all the time thinking that
there had been treachery, and that it was a stratagem
only to destroy them. This story I had to-day from
Mr. Thomas Myn, the joyner, and he had it from his
Jan. 29. Mr. Josias How, late fellow of Trinity
coll. Oxon, a famous cavalier, and a very honest man,
who printed a sermon that I have, in red letters, was
born at Lower Winchenden, in Bucks, as Mr. Dyer
told me yesterday. He sold his hooks, when old,
some time before he dyed, being apprehensive that
after his death they would go for little, it being usual
to give but small prices for scholar's books when they
are dead, though the tools of other trades generally
bring a good sum.
Feb. 3. The Scots highlanders call their pladds
brcechams ; and brech, in that language, signifies
spotted, as their plaids are of many collours. That
the brachce of the old Gauls were not britches, I pre-
sume from Suetonius, who says in Vit& Caes. " Iidem
" in curia Galli bracas deposuerunt, ct latum clavum
" sumpserunt." p. 107, 4to. edit. Casaub.1
Feb. 10. Praying for the dead is most certainly a
very ancient and primitive custom, as appears from
the fathers. Our best English divines are also for it,
and many use it privately, tho' not publickly. Dr.
Isaac Barrow and Mr. Thorndyke were mightily for it.
1 So my late friend, Mr. John Urry, in a loose bit of paper I
found in Phil. Holland's Camden, that I bought out of Mr.
L'rrv's studv.
1723-24] HEARNIANsE. 189
It is justified from 2 Maccabees xii. 44, For if he (Judas
Maccabseus) had not hoped that they tlmt were slam
shouldhave risen again, if had been superfluous and vain
to pray for the dead. And in Matt. xii. 32, we have :
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man.
it shall be forgiven lain: but whosoever speaketh against
the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in
this world, neither in the world to come. This shews
some sins, of an inferiour nature, are forgiven in the
world to come.
Feb. 12. As the old Britains were a religious people,
so also they were very loyal, and used to adhere
firmly to their princes. This the Romans knew very
well, and therefore it was their interest, after Claudius
had gained Britain, to make them have a good opinion
of the Roman emperour, and of such as were to suc-
ceed him. This they endeavoured to do, by repre-
senting him as a prince mightily in favour with the
gods, and that he would be deified upon his death.
Hence the domvs divina, in the Chichester Inscription.
Tho' domvs avgvsta be looked upon as the same in
signification, yet the word divina was more proper,
upon account of the use it was to be of to the Britains.
This expression took place after Julius Caesar's apo-
theosis. It is of something a more sublime signifi-
cation than avgvsta, as shewing that Claudius was
not only of the imperial, but divine, family. And
were not the Roman an elective monarchy, I should
think it were to be restrained to those of the right
line, such as Robert of Gloucester calls of the hand.
Feb. 13. In the same Chichester Inscription we have
pro salvte. In many old Roman inscriptions, per-
. petva immediately follows saevte. And perhaps
190 RELIQUIAE [1723-24
some may think that word is to be understood here.
But had it been so, it would certainly have been ex-
pressed, the authors in this inscription aiming at per-
spicuity. But leaving this point, these broken words
...:::::: yyctoritat :::::::: cl iVD ::: : gidvbni
• m.c : : : : : : lgn briT.1 are of more moment. Indeed
it is the most considerable passage in the whole
monument. Dr. Bayly reads it thus : Ex Auctoritate
imp[eratoris Cli t Gogidubni regis Tnagni Brit[an-
nid.~] He rightly guesses Cogidubnusto be the same
with Tacitus's Cogidunus. The words in Tacitus are
these : " Qiuedam civitates Cogiduno regi donatse, is
" ad nostram usque memoriam fidissimus mansit,
" vetere ac jam pridem recepta populi Romani con-
" suetudine, ut haberct instrumenta servitutis et
" reges."2 Mr. Camden, in his account of the Regni,
(which he makes to have been Surry and Sussex, with
the sea coast of Hampshire,) had this passage in his
view. For thus he writes : " In etymo [vocis regni]
" quae animum subeunt, tacitus prretermittam, quia
" forsitan a veritate non fuerint ; non minus, ac si
" photoi Ptolemoco dictos existimarim, quod regnum
" esset et sub regio dominatu permanere permiscrint
" Romani. In hoc enim tractu Cogiduno regi Bri-
" tanno, ut habet Tacitus, quasdam civitates vetere
" pop. Romani consuetudine donatse, ut haberet in-
" strumenta servitutis et reges."3 i.e. "As touching
1 This inscription was published in the Philosophical Trans-
actions, No. 379, and in Stukeley's Itinerary. Hearne afterwards
gave a plate of it in Adamde Domeram, with Dr. E. Bayly's
remarks, written in a letter to a friend, and his own opinions on
it. The Rev. Mr. William Clarke, chancellor of Chichester, as
well as Horsley, who republished it. gave a different and more
probable reading to the words just quoted, viz. Cogidubni r. leg.
Aug. in Hi it.
2 Vita Agric. p. 423. 3 Britannia, pag. 211, ed. fol.
1723-24] HEARNIAN^E. 191
" the etymologie of this name [kegni] I will passe
" over my conceits in silence, because peradventure
"' they would carry no more truth with them, than
" if I should thinke they were by Ptolemy called
•' pefnoi, for that it was Regnum, that is, aJcingdome,
- and the Romans permitted the people thereof to re-
" maine under a regall government. For in this tract
" it was, that, as Tacitus writeth, certaine cities,
" according to an old custome of the people of Rome,
•' were given to Cogidunus, a British king, that they
" might have even kings also as instruments to draw
" others into bondage and servitude." So the words are
englished by Dr. Philemon Holland, whose transla-
tion is to be regarded, partly because the second
edition of it was revised and approved of, long before
it went to the press, by Mr. Camden himself, and
partly because Dr. Holland had a most admirable
knack in translating books, as appears from many
instances, several of the most obscure books being
translated by him, one of which was Plutarch's Morals,
which, tho' it consisted of above a ream of paper of
Philemon's writing, yet it was translated and writ by
him with one only pen, which was so very remarkable
and wonderfull a thing, that it occasioned his learned
son Henry Holland (author of that curious and rare
book called Herwologia Angliea) to write the follow-
ing distick upon the said pen :
This booke I wrote with one poore pen,
Made of a grey goosse cpiill :
A pen I found it, us'd before,
A pen I leave it still.
This pen was afterwards begged by an ancient gen-
tlewoman, (mother to a noble countess,) who garnished
it in silver, and kept it as a monument.
102 RELIQUIAE [1723-24
Feb. 15. The Persians looked upon their princes
as friends to the stars, and brethren of the sun and
moon. Hence Sapor, in his letter to Constantius the
emperour, styled himself thus : Rex regum Sapor,
parHceps syderum, fratersolis etlunce, Constantio Ccesari
fratri meo salutem?
Feb. 16. Yesterday Dr. Thomas Tanner was in-
stalled canon of Christ Church, in room of Dr. Egerton,
bishop of Hereford, who hath resigned. The said
Dr. Egerton was a noble man of New college. He is
young, and hath no learning. As for Dr. Tanner, he
owes this preferment to the spurious edition of Ant.
a Wood's Athence Oxon. Had he acted honestly and
fairly, and given us the third vol. of Anthony's book
just as Anthony left it, (as he should have done,) lie
would not have been prefer'd in this manner. He
hath had two wives, but both are dead. He hath one
child, a son, about six years old, by his second. His
first wife was one of the daughters of Dr. More, late
bishop of Norwich. She was a great brandy drinker,
and that killed her.
Feb. 17. On Tuesday morning (Feb. 11) died in
Newgate, the famous ]\Irs. Sally Salisbury; and the
same evening the coroner's inquest, consisting of cre-
ditable housekeepers in the neighbourhood, sate upon
the body, (as is always done, when any dies in the
gaol,) and brought in their verdict, that she died of
a fever, having been ill of a consumption of a long
time, which for several days preceeding her death
was attended with a violent fever, and had almost
1 E fragmento quotlam impresso Commentationum Apocalyp-
ticarum mihi dato a v. amiciss. Tho. Rawlinsono, arm. T. H.
1723-24] HEARNIANjE. 193
reduced her to a mere skeleton. This is that most
beautiful w — , that captivated so many fine gentle-
men. She hath been mentioned formerly.1
Feb. 19. Dr. William Baker, the present unworthy
bishop of Bangor, hath just printed a sermon he
preached before the house of lords, last 30th of Jan.
They desired him to print it, and they call it an ex-
cellent sermon. 'Tis, on the contrary, most sorry,
vile stuff, picked up from newspapers and tittle tattle,
full of lyes, abusing the rightfull king and his friends,
and flattering the usurper. 'Tis void of divinity and
reason. This Dr. Baker was always looked upon in
Wadham college as an ill-natured man, and they are
glad there that they are rid of him.
Feb. 21. This afternoon, upon my return from
my country walk, I had a great deal of discourse
with old Will. Bremicham, of St. Peter's parish in
the East, now in the 91st year of his age, being, as
he says, born a little after three clock in the morning,
on Valentine's day in the year 1632. His father
was a cavalier, and a souldier for king Charles the
first. He says, he used to supply his father's place
in the siege of Oxford sometimes, as a centinel. He
says, he hath many times seen king Charles the first
as he was walking, and that the generality of the
pictures of him represent him too full faced, and with
too much beard, he being a thin man, and of a little
picked beard, and little whiskers, though a strait
man, and of a majestick countenance. He says, he
served as centinel in that part of the fortifications,
where Buddard's garden, (as they call it,) by Wadham
1 See vol. ii, p 159.
11. 0
194 RELIQUIAE ['723-24
college, is now. He says, he had a mighty venera-
tion for that excellent prince, and that he received
several kindnesses from the king's souldiers. This
old man was formerly very brisk, and let horses.
He let horses to king Charles the second's men in
the parliament of Oxford, in the latter end of that
king's reign. He says, his wife is four days older
then he is, and that she was born somewhere about
Dover. He says, that the tradition used to be, that
Blake's oak (as we go to Abbington) was so called,
because Blake was hanged there upon it (he being
a great parliamentary villain) for betraying three
Christian kings. He said, this oak was older than
Magdalen oak, notwithstanding much smaller, both
being now in their decay. He was born in Oxford,
and never lived out of it, unless it were before he
was in breeches, when he was not two years of age,
that he staid a little while at Norleigh.
Feb. 22. Upon the top of Heddington hill, by
Oxford, on the left hand as we go to Heddington,
just at the brow of the branch of the Roman way,
that falls down upon Marston-lane, is an elm, that
is commonly called and known by the name of Jo.
Pullen's tree, it having been planted by the care of
the late Mr. Josiah Pullen, of Magdalen hall, who
used to Avalk to that place every day, sometimes
twice a day. if tolerable weather, from Magdalen hall
and back again, in the space of half an hour. This
gentleman was a great walker, and some walks he
would call <i mug of twopenny, and others a mug of
threepenny, &c. according to the difference of the air
of each place.
Feb, 23. Yesterday I bought, out of the study of
1723-24] HEARNIANsE. 195
the late Dr. Charlett, The Vision of Pierce Plowman,
wherevnto is annexed the Crede of Pierce Plowman,
neuer imprinted with the boolce before.1 I had before
1 The argument of this curious poem is so well given by Pope,
that 1 cannot but reprint it. " An ignorant plain man having
" learned his pater-noster and ave-mary, wants to learn the
" creed. He asks several religious men of the several orders to
" teach it him. First of a friar minor, who bids him beware of
" the Carmelites, and assures him they can teach him nothing,
" describing their faults, &c. But the friars minors shall save
" him, whether he learns his creed or not. He goes next to
" the friars preachers, whose magnificent monastery he describes :
" there he meets a fat friar, who declaims against the Augus-
" tines. He is shocked at his pride, and goes to the Augus-
" tines. They rail at the Minorites. He goes to the Carmes ;
" they abuse the Dominicans, but promise him salvation, with-
" out the creed, for money. He leaves them with indignation,
" and finds an honest, poor plowman in the field, and tells him
" how he was disappointed by the four orders. The plowman
" answers with a long invective against them." Such is the
argument of this curious piece of satire against the four orders
of mendicant friars, who were peculiarly obnoxious from the
ascendancy they had obtained, and the authority they assumed,
in the political, as well as the religious, world. The whole poem
is extremely interesting, describing, in very lively colours, the
hypocrisy and covetousness, the magnificence and pride, toge-
ther with the deceptions, of the religious societies it professes to
satirize, and had it not been reprinted of late years, under the
careful superintendence of Mr. Haslewood, would have formed a
good subject for a longer extract. As it is, the reader shall
only have a description of the plowman, which is a curious pic-
ture of the times.
Thanne turnede I me forth and talked to my selfe
Of the fashede of this folke, whow feythles thei weren
And as I wente by the way, weping for sorowe
And seigh a sely ma me by, open the plough hongen
His cote was of a cloute that cary was ycalled.
His hod was ful of holes, and his heare oute.
With his knoppede shon clouted ful thykke.
His ton toteden out, as he the lond tredede
His hosen ouer hongen his hokshynes, on euerich a syde
Al beslomered in fen, as he the plow folwede
Tweye myteynes as meter maad al of cloutes
The fyngres weren forwerd, and ful often honged
196 BELIQUIJS [1723-24
two copies of this very edition of Pierce Plowman,
one given me by Mr. West, of Balliol college, the other
by Mr. Graves, of Mickleton, in Gloucestershire, but
in both of them the Creed, notwithstanding mentioned
as annexed in the title-page, is wanting, being, it may
be, laid aside for some that had copies of a former
edition. This Crede is so great a rarity, that it was
formerly lent me by Thomas Rawlinson, esq. being
bound up by itself, and at that time I extracted some
things out of it, which I have made use of in my
edition of Guil. Neubrigensis, and in my glossary to
Robert of Gloucester, mentioning, in both places, that
it is a very great rarity. And in Guil. Neubrigensis
I have signifyed that it is a distinct book (altogether
different) from the book in meeter, commonly called
Piers Ploughman, the author whereof was Robert
Langlands. This book Dr. Charlett procured out of
the study of the late learned Mr. Will. Fulman, who
hath written the following particulars at the end of
the book : " The Creed seems to have been written
" somg yeares after the Vision, as appeares by the men-
" tion of Wicklef, who appeared not till the end of king
" Edward the third, and especially of Walter Brute,
This whit waselede in the feen, almost to the ancle
Foure rotheren hym beforne, that f'eble were worthi
Men mighte reknenich a ryb, so rentful they weren
His wiif walked hym with, with a long gode
In a eutted cote, cutted ful heoghe
Wrapped in a wynwe shete, to were hire fro wederes
Barfot on the bare iis that the blod folwede
And at the londes ende lath a little crom bolle
And theron lay a litel divide lapped in cloutes
And tweyne of tweie yeres olde, opon a nother syde
And al they songen o songe, that sorwe was to heren
They crieden alle o cry, a kareful note
The sely man sighed sore, and seyde, children beth stille.
This man lokede opon me, and leet the plough honden
And seyde :
1723-24] BEABNIANJE. 197
" who was later. Of Walter Brute, mentioned in the
" Creed, I. 1111, vide Fox, Act. Mori. p. 56G, ann.
" 1391. Bale calls him Britte, p. 503 ; Pits, Brithus,
" p. 547. The prayer and complaint of the Plowman
" extant in Fox, Act. Mori, seems to be of the same
From what I have said in p. 770 of Gull. Neubr.
it appears, that Piers Ploughman was written in the
year 1409, whence I should conclude that the Creed
is older than Pierce Ploughman, and yet, after all, I
have there insinuated, that Pierce the Ploughman's
Crede was so called, as other satyrical books were,
in imitation of the former ; so that I still am of opi-
nion and believe, that Pierce Ploughman's Vision is
the oldest, tho' not so old as Mr. Fulman seems to
take it. Towards the beginning of the Crede are
some MSS. glosses or explications.
It cost me (being prized no more) one shilling and
six pence only, and yet the book is well worth a
March 16. "; Mr. Selden was a great admirer of
Dr. Rob. Flud or Floyd, that noted Rosacrucian
physician, who, as he tells us, in his dedication of
his Titles of Honour, ed. 1. 4to. to Mr. Edward Hay-
ward, cured him of a dangerous and tedious sick-
ness, " being thence freed (are his words) by the
" bounteous humanitie and advice of that learned
" phisician doctor Robert Floyd, whom my memorie
1 " Pierce the Ploughman's Crede, 4to. Lond. 1553." Sale
Catalogue of the duke of Roxburghe, Lond. 1812. Numb. 3239,
where it produced ten guineas : the Vision, Crowley's edition of
1550, sold for six guineas and an half. Lord Spencer has a mag-
nificent copy of Crowley's edit, of the latter, printed upon
198 RELIQUIAE [1724
" ahvaies honors." Indeed Selden was a follower
of such sort of learning as the doctor profest himself,
and used very frequently to dive into the books of
astrologers and sooth-sayers. Whence 'tis that he
so often quotes Julius Firmicus and Vettius Valens,
(both old writers, and 'tis pity the latter is not pub-
lished,1) and divers besides, which makes many of
his writings hardly intelligible, he being fond of even
their very expressions, as he was certainly a very
careless writer, both in Latin and English, being
more fond of variety of learning, than elegant, or
even easy, expressions.
March 18. Yesterday I bought for six-pence, (tho'
it be worth five shillings,) out of Dr. Charlett's study,
Prynne's Signal Loyalty and Devotion of God's true-
Saints and pious Christians towards their Kings, &c.
Lond. 1660, 4to. in two parts. It must be now noted,
that Mr. Prynne's things beginn now to be scarce, and
are picked up by curious men. They are made rare, by
many of the copies being turned to wast paper. They
are valuable for the historical passages (provided his
citations and transcripts may be relyed on) out of a
great variety of authors, MSS. and printed.
April 1. Travelling, night and day, in Germany, is
by waggons, that go no faster at most than a foot-
pace. If travellers in a winter night get three or four
hours rest, noble-men and persons of quality, and
those of the most inferior rank, (men, women, and
children,) tumble all together in one room upon straw.
Api-il 29. Mr. Tayler, of University college, told me
1 See vol. i. p. 1.
1724] HEARNIANjE. 199
last night, that Ur. Clavering told him, that Dr.
Tanner, chancellor of Norwich, declared, that he much
wondered at the explication Mr. Denison and his
friends put upon the clause about electio canonica, in
University college statutes. He said there were three
canonical elections, electio per impirationem, electio per
compromissum, and electio per scrutinium. The two
former were exploded long since, the latter holds, and
Mr. Cockman was therefore legally, fairly, and ca-
nonically elected, as having the greater number of
April 30. Formerly it was usual to be buried in
winding-sheets without coffins, and the bodies were
laid on biers. And this custom was practised about
three score years agoe, tho' even then persons of rank
were buried in coffins, unless they ordered otherwise.
Thomas Neile, of Hart hall, in queen Elizabeth's time,
is represented in a winding sheet, in Cassington
church. It seems, therefore, he was not buried in a
coffin, especially since his effigies in the winding-
sheet there was put up in his life time. In the
monkish times stone coffins were much in vogue, es-
pecially for persons of quality, and for those other dis-
tinguishing titles, such as archbishops, bishops, abbots,
abbesses, &c. Even many of the inferior monks were
sometimes so buried, tho' otherwise the most common
way was a winding sheet. Yet even many persons of
distinction, instead of coffins, were wrapt up in leather,
as were sir William Trussell and his lady, founders
of Shottesbrooke church and chantry, in Berks, as may
be seen in my edition of LelancVs Itinerary, and 'twas
in such leathern sheets or bags that others were put
that were layed in the walls of churches.
May 10. Yesterday I saw in Oxford my friend Mr.
200 RELIQUIAE [1724
Richard Graves, of Miekleton, in Gloucestershire, who
told me that Mr. James Woodman, a London book-
seller, is going to reprint Caxton's Chronicle.
He also told me, that the Lathi Bible, printed in
folio, at Mentz, 1462, was sold in the sale of the
Count de Brienne's library, carrying on at London by
the said Woodman, for 112 libs, being bought by my
lord Harley, and that other books (the library being
extraordinary curious) bring vast prizes. The said
Bible is in two vols, vellum, and is noted in the cata-
logue to be the first Bible ever printed.
May 20. Yesterday, at two clock in the afternoon,
was a convocation, when a letter was read from king
George, (as the duke of Brunswick is stiled,) offering
the foundation of a new professorship to teach the
modern tongues and modern history, in which George
himself is to put in the professor, who is to have four
hundred pounds per an. but to give 100 libs, out of
it to two assistants, at 50 libs, a piece. So I hear,
and I was told at the same time, that an address of
thanks was returned to George, and that there was a
full house, a matter of 300, nemine dissentiente.1
' The king's letter to the two universities.
George R.
Trusty and well beloved, we greet you well. We being greatly
desirous to favour and encourage our two universities, those
ancient and laudable nurseries of piety and learning, and to
enable them more effectually to answer the end of their insti-
tution, by sending forth constant supplies of learned and able
men, to serve the publick both in church and state; and having
observed that no encouragement or provision has hitherto been
made in either of the said universities, for the study of modern
history, or modern languages, the knowledge of which is highly
necessary towards eompleatly qualifying the youth committed
to their care, for several stations, both in church and state, to
which they may be called: and having seriously weighed the
1 724] HEARNIAN^E. 201
June 5. Formerly wearing hats was looked upon as
a great crime, bonnets and thrums being then in
prejudice that has accrued to the said universities from this de-
fect, persons of foreign nations being often employed in the
education and tuition of youth, both at home and in their travels ;
and great numbers of the young nobility and gentry being either
sent abroad directly from school, or taken away from the uni-
versities before the course of their studies can be there com pleated,
and opportunities frequently lost to the crown of employing and
encouraging members of the two universities, by conferring on
them such employments, both at home and abroad, as necessa-
rily require a competent skill in writing and speaking the modern
languages. In order, therefore, to remedy these and the like
inconveniences, we have determined to appoint two persons of
sober conversation and prudent conduct, of the degree of master
of arts, or batchellor of laws, or of some higher degree in one of
the said universities, skilled in modern history, and in the know-
ledge of modern languages, to be nominated by us, to be our
professors of modern history, one for the university of Cambridge,
and the other for that of Oxford, who shall be obliged to read
lectures in the publick schools, at such times as shall hereafter
be appointed. And we have further determined, that each of the
said professors shall have a stipend of four hundred pounds per
annum, and out of the said stipend shall be obliged to maintain
with sufficient salaries, in the university where he shall be esta-
blished, two persons at least, well qualified to teach and instruct
in writing and speaking the said languages, which said teachers
shall be under the direction of the professors respectively, and
shall be obliged to instruct, gratis, in the modern languages,
twenty scholars in each university, to be nominated by us ; and
each scholar so nominated, shall be obliged to learn two at least
of the said languages, both the professors and teachers taking
especial care that the times and hours for instructing and teach-
ing the said scholars, be so ordered, as not to interfere with those
appointed for their academical studies : which professors and
teachers shall be obliged, once every year, to transmit an attested
account of theprogress made by each scholar committed to their care,
to our principal secretaries of state, to be laid before us, that we
may encourage the diligence and application of such amongst
them, as shall have qualified themselves for our service, by giving
them suitable employments either at home or abroad, as occasions
shall offer. And our royal will and pleasure is, that you forthwith,
upon the receipt hereof, call a congregation, in order to commu-
nicate these our royal intentions to the university. And so we
202 RE LIQUID [1724
fashion, and hats being of a late rise. So that such
as wore hats used then to be fined. Whence 'tis that
some of the parish of Marlborough, in Devonshire,
were fined twice for wearing hats, as appears from the
register book towards the beginning of queen Eliza-
beth's reign, as Mr. Dyer, of Oriel college, takes it,
from whom I had this information.
June 14. On Friday, June 5, in the evening, Dr.
Henry Sacheverell, rector of St. Andrews, Holbourn,
(worth about 700 libs, per an.) departed this life at
Highgate ; which rectory being in the gift of the duke
of Montague, his grace has been pleased to present the
same to the reverend Mr. Barton, a clergyman of the
country. The said Dr. Sacheverell is the person that
made so great a noise in the time of queen Anne. He
took the degree of M. A. March 16, 1696, that of B. D.
Feb. 4, 1707, and that of D.D. July 1, 1708. He
was a bold man, and of a good presence, and delivered
a thing better than a much more modest man, how-
bid you farewel. Given at our court at St. James's, the 16th
day of May, 1724, in the tenth year of our reign.
By his majesty's command,
Both universities, on this occasion, presented very dutiful and
loyal addresses. That from Oxford was transmitted to the lord
viscount Townshend, and by him presented to his majesty, who
was pleased to receive it very graciously. That from Cambridge
was presented by the vice-chancellor, (Dr. Snape, provost of
King's,) attended by the proctors and several other members,
who were introduced by the duke of Grafton, and received the
following answer :
I thank you for this dutiful and loyal address, and am glad
to find, that what I proposed to you in my letter meets with your
intiie approbation; and doubt not, with your assistance, my in-
tentions upon this occasion will prove an honour to the univer-
sity in general, as well as an advantage to the particular members
of that learned bodv.
1724] HEARNIANjE. 203
ever preferable in learning, could do. He was but an
indifferent scholar, but pretended to a great deal of
honesty, which I could never see in him, since he was
the forwardest to take the oaths, notwithstanding he
would formerly be so forward in speaking for, and
drinking the health of, king James III. He hath
printed several things ; but that which is really good,
viz. his speech at his tryal, was none of his own, but
was penned by Dr. Francis Atterbury, the deprived
bishop of Rochester. He died very rich. He had a
complication of disorders.
June 28. When Mr. Wm. Brome, of Ewithington,
near Hereford, was in town, in his return from Lon-
don, he told me, that the late earl of Oxford, not-
withstanding what had been reported, had the true
use of his understanding ever since he was in the
Tower ; that he had his senses intire to the last ; that
he died in a very quiet, composed manner, and that
he put his hand up and closed his own eyes, and fixed
his jaw. Mr. Brome was well acquainted with him,
rid out with him in his lordship's coach on the Mon-
day to make a visit, sat up with him till eleven clock
at night, when his lordship was well and cheerfull, and
died on the Wednesday following of a pleuretick leaver.
He said, his lordship had never had his true health
since he was stabbed. He told me, he believed he
was an honest man, and a true friend to king James
III. but that he could do nothing, finding those to be
knaves and villains, that should have been firm, and
have been assisting, such as lord Bullingbroke, who
most certainly is a R. having been discarded at king
James's court for betraying all his secrets, and some
others. I could not but give great attention to Mr.
Brome on this score, because he is a man of great
204 RELIQUIAE [1724
modesty and integrity ; and indeed I have heard some
other honest men say the same thing, tho' others have
asserted the contrary.
July 15. Mr. Hinton, rector of Lasham, in Hamp-
shire, calling upon me to-day, told me that the place
where Archbishop Abbot killed the keeper of the
park with an arrow, is Bramswell, in Hampshire,
where sir John Cope now lives. He said, that the
place where Walter Tyrrell passed over the river,
after he had killed William Rufus, is to this day
called Tyrrell's ford.
July 19. They write from Paris, that on the 14th
of July sentence was pronounced, and the same day
executed, upon Joseph Bisseau, who had taken the
name of Gratien D'Avanelle, merchant-jeweller, of
Leige, and Peter Lefebvre, merchant-jeweller, in the
following manner. A scaffold being erected in the
place called the Greve, in that city, they had their
arms, legs, thighs, and loins broken upon it ; and
then laid on a wheel, with their faces towards heaven,
where they remained till they dyed ; from whence
the dead bodies were to be conveyed, viz. that of
Joseph Bisseau to the highway near Calais, where
the English gentlemen were robbed and murthered ;J
and that of Peter Lefebvre to the highway near
Peronne, whereabouts the stage coach of Lisle was
robbed, and two that followed it murthered, there to
be exposed to view, each upon a wheel, for which
robberies and murthers they suffered the severe
punishments above mentioned.
July 21. Old Mr. Bremicham, of Oxford, tells me,
1 See vol. ii. p. 173.
1724] HEARNIAN^E. 205
that he very well remembers the siege of Oxford,
and the hanging up of one Blake upon an oak in the
way to Abbington, beyond the half-way gate, which
oak is still standing, but very much decayed. This
Blake was a traytour. Mr. Bremicham says, he be-
trayed three Christian kings, and was going to betray
the fourth, viz. king Charles the first, upon which he
was hanged, within two days after his design was
discovered, upon the said oak, which is called by no
other name than Blake's oak.
This Bremicham says, he well remembers the great
house in St. Clements, that is now down, but was
then called Bole-shipton farm.1 He says, he rented
part of the grounds formerly himself, that the farm
was 300 libs per an. and that all those grounds on
the left hand the way, as we go to Heddington hill,
are still called Bole-shipton.
He says, that, during the siege of Oxon, all parts
were drowned, excepting the north side, which could
not be drowned, and the way from Oxford to Ab-
bington, which lay open to bring in provisions, which
were constantly brought by waggons, &c. from Ab-
bington. He says, Oxford could never have been
taken, had not there been treachery. I suppose he
thinks there was treachery in the surrendry, whereas
it is looked upon as a very prudential thing.
Avg. 9. Dr. Atterbury, the deprived bishop of Ro-
1 At the very moment I am writing this note, the workmen
are clearing the ground for the erection of new houses, if not
new streets, in the field immediately adjoining the eastern side
of Cutler Boulter's alms houses. The remains of an ancient
building of considerable extent, chimney and hearth stones, as
well as many other evidences of a former erection, have already
been discovered ; and in one part, about four feet under ground,
a large area of a well-paved court yard, or somewhat similar,
was clearly discernible. April 3, 1822.
206 RELIQUIAE [1724
Chester, being now at Paris, they write from thence,
that since his arrival there, he hath passed his time
in examining the publick libraries, and other curio-
sities of that city ; and that he hath been visited by
most of the members of the royal academy of sciences,
by the famous father Monfaucon, and abbe Yertot,
and other persons of distinction and learning, who
seem to pay him a more than ordinary respect.
Sept. 2. Mr. Thomas Kimber, of Holywell, in the
north suburbs of Oxford, my friend, is a man of ex-
cellent sense, and versed in history and antiquities.
Being some hours in his company last night, and
only he and I together, and happening to discourse
of the Bodleian and other libraries, and how meanly
the Bodleian library is furnished with curious clas-
sical books, and books of our English history and
antiquities, I told him, the true reason was, the
neglect in former times that way, the original design
of the library being chiefly for books against the Ro-
man Catholicks. and accordingly Dr. Thomas James,
Mr. Rowse. and Dr. Barlow, (who were zealous
against the Catholicks,) made it their business to get
such kind of books, to say nothing of others. This,
he said, he never heard of before, but would be sure
to remember it, it being remarkable.
Sejit. 10. Yesterday, in the afternoon, called upon
me, William Stukeley, doctor of physick, whom I had
never seen before. He told me. he is about printing
a little folio book about curiosities. It is to be in-
titled, Itinera r'ru in Ouriosam : Centuria prima. Or,
An Account of the Antiquities in Nature or Art, ob-
served in Travel" through Great Britain. Illustrated
with one hundred folio prints in copper. He told
1 724] HEARNIANuE. 207
me, he designed other Centuries. This Dr. Stukeley
is a mighty conceited man, and 'tis observed by all
that I have talked with, that what he does hath no
manner of likeness to the originals. He goes all by
fancy. Hence his cut of Waltham cross is not one
bit like it, whereas that done by my late learned
friend, John Bridges, esq. is exact. Nor indeed is
the print of old Verulam, that he hath given, any
thing but meer fancy. In short, as he addicts him-
self to fancy altogether, what he does must have no
regard among judicious and truly ingenious men.
He told me he had been at Thame, thinking it was a
Roman city. Good God ! this is nothing but idle
dreaming. How is it possible to think at this rate ?
Had he said Heddington had been a Roman city,
any one of reason would have rather believed him,
there being a bit of a Roman way passing there. He
said, his work was to consist of every thing that was
curious, whether Roman, Grecian, ^Egyptian, Norman ;
and what not ? He said, he should have in it monas-
teries, and other religious houses, as occasion offered.
He pretended to have discovered a Roman amphi-
theatre at Silchester, a draught of the walls whereof
he shewed me. This is again fancy. I have been
at Silchester. There is nothing like it. The doctor
told me he had never been in Oxford but once before,
and that was fifteen years agoe. Tho' he be a phy-
sician, yet I am informed he knows very little, or
nothing, of the matter.
Sept. 15. Yesterday the right honourable Gerald
De Courcy, lord Kingsale, of the kingdom of Ireland,
did me the honour to call upon me, and to sit with
me some time, after which I was with him at his
lodgings at the Mitre several hours. This young
208 RELIQUIjE [1724
nobleman is a very honest, virtuous man, and hath
a very good skill in heraldry, history, and antiquities.
There came with him to my room, and were with
him afterwards, when I was there, at the Mitre,
three other very worthy, honest gentlemen, viz. Mr.
King, of Hertfordshire, Mr. Butler, of Ireland, and
Mr. Sexton, which Mr. Sexton is a man of excellent
learning, and acts as an attorney for many Roman
Catholicks. I had been six years ago with this
Mr. Sexton at the Mitre, with Mr. Blount, of Maple
Durham, and Mr. Blount's lady, and some other truly
virtuous, good people of the Roman Catholick pcr-
swasion. My lord Kingsale often mentioned my per-
formances in an honourable way, and pressed me
several times to write a History of England, no one,
says he, being so capable on many accounts. I ex-
cused myself, and told his lordship, that I had already
writ and published too many things of secret history,
since I had been so often troubled on that score.
He said (and the company agreed with him) that
Dr. Keating's History of Ireland, as published by
Mr. O'Connor, is a very poor work, and does not, by
any means, please, being a poor fabulous thing. His
lordship said, that captain Stephens's books about our
monasteries have several good things in them, but
that the whole work, taken together, is but indifferent,
and far from giving satisfaction, and so the company
said too. For my own part, I never had yet an
opportunity of reading these books over, and there-
fore I cannot, as yet, give my opinion about them.
They all wished that the work had fallen upon me.
I told them, if I had done it, it should have been
done in the manner Mr. Dodsworth and sir William
Dugdalo followed, and that I would have taken care
to have given originals, (instead of translations,) which
is the excellency of Dodsworth and Dugdale.
1 724] HE A R NIA NjE. 209
This young lord is not yet married, but a fine lady
is in his view, as Mr. Sexton told me.
Mr. King is godson to king James III. being the
very first the king stood for. This Mr. King is a per-
sonable man, and hath a fine lady. He often drinks,
Betty of Hearts, meaning, I believe, king James the
third's queen, that most beautifull lady.
Oct. 12. Mr. Murray, being in Oxford, told me,
that he happened once, with two or three gentlemen,
to see the celebrated Sally Salisbury, while she was
under confinement, being the only time he saw her.
They found her with two or three others drinking a
bowle of punch, of about fifteen or sixteen shillings.
Mr. Murray and his companions sate at another table.
But Mr. Murray being a great lover of punch, and
expressing himself as if he desired to taste of it, he
was very civilly accommodated. He said, she seemed
to him to be about fourty years of age, tho' she must
be less, if, according to her life, she was born about
1690, or 1691. He said, she dressed plain but neat,
that she had the finest hand his eyes ever beheld, and
that she had been most certainly a compleat beauty.1
Nov. 16. Dr. Carter, provost of Oriel college, having
entered a young gentleman some time ago from Hart
hall, the principal of Hart hall, Dr. Newton, hath
made a great stir in the matter, because the young
gentleman had no discessit from the hall, as the sta-
tutes require ; tho', after all, Dr. Carter forfeits only
40 shillings for such entrance by the statutes, which
Newton would have raised to 40 libs. Newton is
famous for talking much, Carter for saying nothing.
1 See vol. ii. p. 192.
210 BELIQUI^J [1724
Somebody upon this occasion hath made the following
verses. I rather think they were done by Mr. Jones,
of Balliol, that translated Oppian into English.
Newton, with open mouth, demands a stray,
Carter looks wisely, and will nothing say. ■
Newton remonstrates, Carter's wondrous shy :
Newton then prints, but Carter won't reply.
O ! endless question, should it last, so long,
Till Carter speaks, or Newton holds his tongue.
Dec. 1. On Wednesday last, at night, died of the
stone,1 my very worthy friend, the reverend and
learned Mr. Hilkiah Bedford, M.A. and formerly
fellow of St. John's college, in Cambridge.2 This
great and good man died one of the firm and steddy
confessors of the church of England. He was author
and translator of many learned books, two of which
deserve a particular mention, viz. his Vindication of
the Church of England, in Defence of the Clause in tin
20th Article about Ceremonies, against Mr. Collins's
vile pamphlet, called Priestcraft in Perfection, and
his book called Hereditary Right, printed in folio in
1 Dec. 7. Mr. Baker, of Cambridge, writes me word, that
Mr. Bedford died November 25th last, about ten at night, of
the stone. He had been probed twice, and no stone could be
discovered ; but after his death, his body being opened, a stone
\v;is found and taken out larger than a hen's egg. By his
will, he has left his wife and eldest son executors. He was
buried on Sunday, Nov. 29, in St. Margaret's, Westminster,
the pall being held up by six friends of his own principles, and
the oilice read by another. T. II.
2 Hilkiah Bedford, natu Londino, filius Hilkise B. mathematici
mechanici, Uteris institutus in schola infra Bradley in com. Snff.
sub m'ro Ilarwood, retatis 10, admissus est subsizator pro d're
Watson, tutore et fidejussors ejus, Oct. S, 1679. Jlej. Coll. Jo.
MS. note by Mr. Baker to his copy of Barwick's Life, in
English, now in the Bodleian.
1724] HEARNIANsE. 211
queen Anne's time, which made a great noise, and
Mr. Bedford was imprisoned three years for it, and
fined high, but his fine was at last, with much diffi-
culty, remitted.1 His name is not put to any of his
books, that I know of. .Dr. Hickes left him his own
books and a legacy in money, desiring that Mr.
Bedford might write his life, which accordingly he
undertook, but I know not whether he finished it.
The two last things Mr. Bedford published were, Dr.
John Barwick' s Life, writ in Latin by his brother Dr.
Peter Barwick. This Mr. Bedford put out in Latin. .
After which, this very year,2 he put out the same
Life, translated by Mr. Bedford himself, in English,
with many notes and illustrations, wanting in the Latin
Dec. 4. Tho' king Charles II. was very amorous,
and much addicted to women, (which was his chief
failing, and appeared most of all after his restaura-
tion,) yet he was not guilty of swearing, but on the
contrary would reprove such as used it : an instance
of which Mr. Blount, in p. 2o of the second part of
his Boscobel,gives us, when the king was in his disguise
at Hampshire, at Hambledon, at the house of Mr.
Symonds, who entertained his majesty, who then
went under the name of Will. Jackson, when, it seems,
1 See vol. ii. p. 60, under April 23, 1718.
2 London, printed by J. Bettenham, M.DCC.XXIV. 8vo. This
volume, I know not why, has not of late years been sought after
by collectors with the avidity displayed in the attainment of
other works of a similar nature, printed at the same period. It
is however a very valuable book, and contains a fund of amuse-
ment and information which will well reward the purchaser, even
if he gives a trifle more for his bargain than has been usually
required. There are some copies on large paper, and both papers
should have portraits of Peter and John Barwick, engraved by
212 RELIQUIAE [1724
Mr. Symons letting fall an oath by chance, the king
(whom Mr. Symonds did not know to be such) took
occasion modestly to reprove him.
Dec. 5. Samuel Gale, esq. writes me word, in a
letter dated from London, the 3d inst. that he hath
lately and accidentally purchased an antient, but fine,
picture of the beautiful Rosamond. Tis painted on
a pannel of wainscott, and represents her in a three
quarter proportion, dressed in the habit of the times,
a streight bodyed gown of changeable red velvet, with
large square sleeves of black flowered damask face-
ings, turned up above the bend of her arms, and close
sleeves of a pearl coloured sattin puffed out, but but-
toned at the rist, appearing from under the large
ones. She has several rings set with pretious stones
on her fingers. Her breast covered with a fine flow-
ered linnen, gathered close at the neck, like a ruff.
Her face is charmingly fair, with a fine blush in her
cheeks ; her hair of a dark brown, parted with a seam
from the middle of her forhead upwards under her
coifure, which is very plain, but a gold lace appears
above it, and that covered with a small cap of black
silk. She is looking very intently upon the fatal cup,
which she holds in one hand, and the cover in the
other, as going to drink it. Before her is a table
covered with black damask, on which there lies a
prayer book open, writtin the antient black character.
The whole piece is ext reamly well preserved. Mr. Gale
takes it to have been done about Harry the seventh's
Dec. 12. Magliabecchi, the late duke of Tuscany's
librarian, was a very strange man. Nobody had such
a memory for books. He was a common repertory.
1724] HEAENIANuE. 213
If any wanted to know what books were writ upon
any subject, he could tell immediately. He wore no
shirt, and lived upon pudding and hard eggs. In the
latter part of his life, he lived altogether in the library.
He was never but once out of town, and that was but
ten miles off. . So I have heard Mr. Cockman, and
his brother, the physician, Dr. John Cockman, who
have been at Florence, say. Magliabecchi, however,
(notwithstanding the severity of his life,) was a mighty
complaisant, civil, obliging man. A medal was struck
to him.
Dec. 18. In the year 16G0, was printed in 12mo.
at London, OromweWs Bloody Slaughter-house; or, his
damnable Designes laid and practised by him and his
Negros, in contriving the murther of his sacred majesty
King Charles, discovered. By a Person of Honour.
With Cromwell's picture at the beginning, offering up
the royal crown to the scaffold, on which scaffold is
the executioner in a vizard, with H. P. over his head,
signifying that Hugh Peters was the disguised person
that beheaded the king ; and the same is also asserted
in p. 33 of the book, where 'tis said — " Through
" that power and influence, which by their lyes,
" soceries, and hypocrisies, they with the help of that
" mongrel minister, that military priest, that modern
" Simon Magus, that disguised executioner, that
" bloody butcher of the king, H — P — , they have
" gained upon the common souldiery/' I purchased
this book lately, and tho' it be but a very small thing,
yet I value it at least a crown. I know not who was
the author. This loyal treatise (as is insinuated in
the stationer's preface to the reader) was pen'd many
years before it was printed, and sent over from the
Hague to be printed here, for his majestie's service ; but
214 RELIQUIAE [1724-25
the printing of it was hindered upon this occasion :
the printer, to whose care it was commended, fell into
some trouble for some other acts of loyalty, which
were then called treason ; such as were the printing
of king Charles the first's incomparable book, entituled,
'EIKH N BA2IAI'KH\ in English, Latin, French,
and Italian ; Salmasii Defensio Regia ; Elenchus
Motuum nuperorum in Anglia, by Dr. Bates ; and
some other things of the like nature. He was com-
mitted to Newgate, his press and other materials
seized upon and carryed away by Hunscott ; his wife
and children turned out of doors ; and threatned to
be tried by an high court of in-justice. This was
the reason of letting this tract lye dormant 'till better
1724-25. Jan. 1. I am told by old Mr. Nich. Cox,
the bookseller, who was once querister of New college,
at least went to school there when a boy, that he
remembers bishop Ken a bachcllor of arts of that
college, and that he was even then, when young, very
pious and charitable, and used always to have small
money to give away constantly as he walked the
streets, in pence or two pences, or more at a time, as
he saw proper objects.
Jan. 16. Edge hill fight happened on a Sunday, in
the afternoon, Oct. 23, 1042, the fight beginning
about the beginning of evening service, at two clock,
at which time prince Rupert having quite routed the
enemie's left wing, and his men being busy in the
plunder, he there found several letters and advisoes
from one Blake, then of his bed-chamber, to the earl
of Essex, (general of the parliamentarian army, and
commander of their main battle in this fight,) whereby
1724-25] HEARNIANjE. 215
he understood his counsels were betrayed ; for which
the said Blake was afterwards hanged in the mid-way
betwixt Oxford and Abington, in an oak, as the king's
army marched to a rendezvous.1
Jan. 19. They have a custom at Northmore, near
Witney, in Oxfordshire, for men and women, every
Easter Sunday after evening service, to throw in the
church-yard great quantities of apples, and those that
have been married that year are to throw three times
as many as any of the rest. After which all go to the
minister's house, and eat bread and cheese, (he is
obliged to have the best cheese he can get,) and drink
They have a custom in St. Aldgate's parish, Oxford,
for people of the parish to eat sugar sopps out of the
font in the church, every holy Thursday, and this is
done in the morning.
Jan. 30. Memorand. That Mr. Whiteside, keeper
of the Ashmolean museum, went this morning by
Haynes's flying coach, at four clock, to London,3 about
some ordinary business relating to his experiments.
1 So in a little book, intitled, The History of the Commons
Warre of England, Lond. 1662, p. 17. N. B. This oak is still
in being, tho' very old, and many of the boughs cut off. It is
but a small tree, is commonly called Blake's oak, and is within
two little miles of Abbington. T. H.
2 This custom still prevails: and my good friend the present
professor of Anglo-Saxon, who is vicar of Northmore, tells me,
that on Easter Sunday last, (1822,) being ignorant of the usual
warfare, and so neglecting to make good his retreat after even-
ing service, he came in contact with a stray shot or two, much
to the entertainment of his parishioners ; all of whom, old as well
as young, religiously take part in the contest.
3 There is nothing in which we have obtained a more decisive
216 RELIQUIAE [1724-25
I am well informed, that the great and most cele-
brated mathematician, sir Isaac Newton, does not un-
derstand a bit of classical learning, but hath apply'd
himself altogether to the mathematicks, only some-
times for diversion, and for relaxation of his spirits,
he hath studied chronology.1
I heard a man, who bears a good character, and
lives now at Horton, near Oxford, say yesterday, that
Mr. Edward Eustace, formerly of University college,
and lately minister of Beckley, a man well beloved in
his parish, being once to preach a funeral sermon at
Beckley, happened to forget his sermon, and thereupon
went home, at some distance, to fetch it just as the
psalm was begun to be sung, upon which he desired
the clarke to keep on singing till his return, so that
the whole 119th psalm was sung out, a thing never,
I believe, heard of before.
Feb. 7. By our letters from Rome, we are advised,
advantage over our predecessors, than in the expedition and
convenience with which we now travel. At the present time we
are conveyed from Oxford to London with ease and safety in
somewhat less than seven hours, a journey performed, not quite
a century since, in two days. The coach, from Michaelmas to
Lady Day, started at four o'clock in the morning, and was to
reach Oxford in the evening of the second day. During the
summer half year, they ran only three days a week, leaving
Oxford and London at nine o'clock, and performing the distance
in one day only. The same improvement manifests itself in
every species of public conveyance. In 1707, the only regular
carriage between Oxford and Bath was by a carrier once a fort-
night; the same to Birmingham and to Beading: to Shrewsbury
once in a month; to Exeter once in five weeks; and to West-
moreland thrice a year.
1 Pope said of sir Isaac Newton, that though so deep in algebra
and fluxions, he could not readily make up a common account:
and, when he was master of the mint, used to get somebody to
make up his accounts for him. Speuce's Anecdotes, p. 175.
1724-25] HEARNIAN^E. 217
that the pope has not only commanded the inferior
clergy to recommend to the people the reading of the
holy scriptures in the vulgar tongue, but that he
designs to employ men of skill and learning in making
a more correct translation of the holy Bible than is
yet extant. It is said, that he has also declared, that
as customs and ceremonies are not matter of faith,
he is willing the church should lay aside part of her
drapery, that the reformed may no longer have a pre-
tence of quarrelling with their ancient mother, (as
they call her at Rome,) nay, some have gone so far as
to say, that he has some design of calling a general
council, and that thus, by meeting the protestants, as
it were, half-way, he is not without hopes of drawing
all Christendom under one form of church discipline.
So that tho' he is a person of singular piety, he appears
to be no bigot. This unexpected news has made so
much noise in the world, that in the protestant courts
of Europe it is the common saying now, that the pope
is turned protestant. It is certain, that for a time
there has been a chappel allowed in the palace of the
chevalier de St. George, where divine service is regu-
larly performed according to the rites of the church
of England, and that two ministers of good reputation
for learning, officiate there. It is observed also, that
the frightful notion the common people entertained of
a heretick is quite worn off, and that when a pro-
testant now dies in Rome, he is admitted to be bury'd
in consecrated ground, which is a new privilege. This
favour, as well as the kind dispositions the pope him-
self seems to entertain of a union amongst theChristian
churches, is supposed to come from the influence of
the English, who reside in the Roman territories.1
1 The substance of this is taken from Mist's Journal, No. 328,
Feb. 6, 1724-25.
218 RELIQUIAE [1724-25
Feb. 9. At Sunningwell, near Abbington in Berks,
they have a custom, (which I suppose was formerly
in other places, tho' I do not know of any else where
it is now,) every Shrove Tuesday, at night, in the dusk
of the evening, for the boys and girls to say these
verses about the village,
Beef and bacon's
out of season,
I want a pan
to parch my peason.
which they repeat several times, and then throw stones
at all people's doors, which makes the people generally
to shut up their doors that evening, the custom begin-
ning much about the dusk thereof.
Feb. 17. My friend Mr. James West, in a letter
of the 11th inst. from London, told me he had met
with John Fox's Book of Martyrs, in Latin, printed
at Basil, 1559, fol. which (says Mr. West) contains
many things not in the English editions, and is ex-
ceeding scarce.1
1 Feb. 18. To James West, esq. at No. 7, in Fig-tree court, in
the Inner Temple, London.
Dear Sir, If John Fox's Commentaries he a hook that is scarce,
'tis grown so of late. For some few years ago it was very com-
mon and very cheap. Yet I never endeavoured to make myself
master of it, thinking that the English book, which I have,
would serve my turn. I never had the curiosity of comparing
the Latin with any English edition ; and therefore cannot of
myself account for the differences, which, however, I have been
told are very great, and indeed the first English edition (which
is in Magdalen college library, of the author's own gift, with a
Latin epistle before it, of his own penning, never yet printed)*
varies very much from those that were set out afterwards. Mr.
* Hearne afterwards printed it in Adam de Domerham, append,
ad prajf. num. v. p. lxiv.
1724-25] HEARNIANJE. 219
Feb. 23. Last night I received a letter of the 20th
inst. from Mr. Ward, of Longbridge, near Warwick, in
which he desires my opinion about organs, he having
lately met with the following remark, which he was
glad of the opportunity to communicate to me, viz.
" That there never were any organs in cathedrall or
" collegiate churches in England before king Henry
" VIII. altho' there were vicar choralls, clerks, (or
" singing men,) and choristers : for no organists are
" foundation men, (but only as informator choris-
" tarum,) and are admitted as clerks, and not as
" organists in those churches." I am since informed,
(saith Mr. Ward,) there was provision made for an
organist at All-Souls, Oxon, long before that time. But
Fox was a diligent learned man ; but being calvinistically in-
clined, and too zealous against those of another perswasion, he
imployed a good part of his time in collecting stories, that served
any way to lessen the credit of such as he looked upon as enemies ;
and being of a very credulous temper, he very easily believed
the reports that were sent in to him ; so that the credit of his
work hath been deservedly called in question by many learned
and judicious men, protestants as well as papists, who were all
very sensible that as he was withall of a very great memory,
so he trusted too much to it, and, in putting down stories, would
wholly depend upon that, even at such times as he might have
transcribed immediately from books and papers ; a fault which
several other great men have been guilty of, not excepting the
famous John Tzetzes, who after he had read over a great variety
of authors, was so far nevertheless from extracting from them
verbatim, (as Photius did, who is therefore the more valuable,)
that he rely'd intirely upon his memory, which was prodigious,
in the many curious historical passages (from those authors) in
his Chiliads; and he is very full of himself for having such a
memory, as it he endeavoured thereby to recommend his work
the better to posterity, which certainly would have been of greater
esteem if he had heen a faithfull transcriber. For tho' after he
had read the books he tells us several times that he was afiifiXog,
yet this was only to shew what a memory he had, there being no
doubt but he might have had constant access to the very same
books he had already perused. But tho' it would have been a
220 RELIQUIAE [1724-25
you may soon learn the truth of this, which will in-
finitely oblige, Sir, your very humble servant,
Tho. Ward.
As for this notion of there being no organs in
cathedral and collegiate churches 'till Hen. VIHth's
time, it is very odd and groundless. I know not the
provisions in colleges and cathedrals on that account,
but 'tis certain, that organs in churches were very early,
as Durantus hath shewed, De Ritibus Ecclcsiw, 1. 1, c.
13. King Edgar founded many churches, and organs
were placed in them ; particularly in his time organs
are mentioned to be in the church of Glastonbury, by
John of Glastonbury, in his MS. Chronicle ; and since
Glastonbury was the mother church of this isle, there
more valuable work had he been an exact transcriber, yet most
of his authors being lost, as it is, it is of great account, and I
could wish, for that reason, that it were reprinted, it being become
now exceeding scarce. Such works would be more for the credit
of scholars to set out, than books that are very common, and
whereof there are daily editions coming out. And methinks
societies should engage in some great works, either never yet
printed, or, if printed, are become either almost or quite as rare
as MSS. This I mention upon account of two prints you lately
mentioned, the publishing of which might have been proper
enough for some single person, whose abilities would not reach
higher, but, I think, they do not redound much to the honour
of the members that jointly concerned themselves, unless they
had published them in some great work, such as a continuation
of Weever, in which all monuments of this nature might be in-
serted. Neither would the Arundelian statues, in my lord
Lempster's gardens, be improper for them, especially if they
would undertake to illustrate them with other pieces of anti-
quity. For to print them alone without improvements, might
he more lit for a single person than a body of men. I am glad
Mr. Anstis's book is out, and am,
Dear Sir,
Your most obliged humble servant,
Edm. Hull. Oxford, TlIO. HEAKNE.
Febr. 18,1724.
My service to Mr. Murray.
1724-25] HEARNIANsE. 221
is no doubt but other churches followed her in in-
strumental musick, as well as other things.
Feb. 28. Mr. now Dr. Ralph Bridges informed me
by letter from South weald, in Essex, April 10, 1724,
his late brother John Bridges, esq.'s collections, about
Northamptonshire, are very large and curious, and
could a workman be found of abilities equal to the
materials, the publick might some time or other hope
to be the better for them, he having by his last will
ordered them to be carefully preserved in his family.
But his library is appointed to be sold.
March 1. Wm. Budaeus did not learn Greek 'till he
was of an advanced age, but when he engaged in that
study he became very eminent, so as to be deservedly
looked upon as one of the best Grecians that latter
times have produced. Tho' Erasmus exceeded him
in Latin, yet Budaeus was far superior to Erasmus in
Greek. He could both speak and write it elegantly,
as if it were his mother tongue. He was extremely
critical in it, and to know the various ways of writing
and pronouncing, he was very inquisitive after old
MSS. and inscriptions. But inscriptions were not so
common then as now, when great treasures have been
discovered in Asia Minor, which have illustrated many
things relating to the ancient magistrates, and to the
Greek customs, as also have coyns, though coyns are
not so serviceable as the former, by reason of the
little room on them for expressing any circumstance
in history.
March 7. Memorandum. That in the Oxford Alma-
nack for the year 1725, there is a catalogue of the
deans of Christ Church, in which, however, is very
222 RELIQUIAE [1725
partially left out Mr. Dean Massey, who nevertheless
was as much a dean of that house as ever any one
was, he having been appointed by a rightful king,
king James II. and being installed and lived amongst
them with great respect, (for he was an ingenious,
good natured man,) 'till he was forced to go off. He
hath not been dead long, if he be indeed dead yet. A
few years since, Mr. Middleton, chaplain of Merton
college, (of which college dean Massey had been,) told
me he saw him in France, at Paris, in a very chcarfull
May 29. On Monday last (May 24) was hanged at
Tyburne, Mr. Jonathan Wylde, the famous thief-
taker. This man was looked upon, and deservedly, as
one of the greatest, if not the very greatest, rogue in
England. He was the prince of thieves and villains.
Oaths were taken to him, and all things were at his
direction. He knew, and had hand in, all robberies,
thefts, &c. and had his proportion ; but then 'twas
usual with him to discover many a man, and to get
them taken off, such as he did not like, or proved
otherwise than he would have them. He helped
many to their own again, but not without great re-
wards, and 'twas this that brought him to the gallowcs.
June 13. Dr. John Wallis, tho' he used no exercise,
(at least very little,) was however very healthy, and
died in the 87th year of his age. He was a very hard
student even to the last, and (which is remarkable)
used no spectacles, insomuch that I saw him, a little
before he died, in the Bodleian library, (in one of the
darkest places thereof,) reading a book of a small
letter without spectacles, at which time he writ the
note mentioned in vol. i. p. 14, about the Madrid Index
1725] HEARNIANuE. 223
Expurgatorius. He would usually sit at his studies
12 or 14 hours together.
July 15. On this day se'nnight (viz. Thursday, July
8) died at London, the Rev. Dr. Richard Fiddes, rector
of Halsham, near Hull, in Yorkshire, and author of
A Body of Divinity, in two folios, of An Annual Course
of Sermons, in one folio, of the Life of Cardinal Wolsey,
in one folio, and of some books in 8vo. one whereof
is an Essay concerning Homer. He was originally of
University college, in Oxford, and was collector for
the Lent disputations. He left the college, took holy
orders, and married, and hath left several children
and his wife behind him. Some years since, he lost
the use of his voice, and dedicating some sermons to
Dr. Smalridge, printed in 8vo., the doctor got him
the degree of bachellor of divinity (tho' he was not
master of arts) conferred on him, which was done
with difficulty, there being great opposition in the
convocation house, and afterwards he was created
doctor in the said faculty. He had a living also given
him by the university, but that he could not hold, by
reason the person (who was pretended to be a Roman
cathoiick, and therefore not qualified to present) con-
tested the matter, and was too hard for Fiddes. He
was a man that had a good command enough of Eng-
lish, but had not much learning, especially in our
history and antiquities, (to which he, at last, meerly
to get a penny, for his wife and children reduced
him to penury, addicted himself,) for which reason
his Life of Cardinal Wolsey is a very poor, injudicious,
weak performance, as would also (without doubt) have
been his Life of bishop Fisher, and his Life of sir
Thomas More, both of which he had also undertaken,
but I know not what progress he had made in them, tho'
224 RELIQUIJE [1725
he had excellent materials from Mr. Baker of Cambridge,
Mr. Anstis, and some others. The doctor was little
more than fifty years of age. 'Tis thought his heart
was broke with the troubles of his family, and some
other misfortunes, and it may be he was affected not
a little to find his Life of Cardinal Wolsey slighted, as
it deserves. I was told one remarkable thing of this
doctor, namely, that he could write (and did therefore
use to write) as well in company as out of company.1
Jul// 22. Sir Philip Sydenham has part of a letter
wrote by Oliver Cromwell himself, in these words, to
general Monk. 'Tis said there is a cunning fellow in
Scotland called George Monk, who lyes in wait there to
serve Charles Stuart; pray use your diligence to take
him, and send him up to me.
In the same letter sir Philip observes, that general
Monk's lady, sister to Dr. Clarges, (tho' sir Philip
believes he never was doctor,) had a gown called the
treason-gown, which she often put on, and had the
liberty to paint out the tyrants of Westminster in
their bloudy, rebellious colours, and this she did, says
the historian, (so sir Philip writes.) with a great deal
of wit, and often influenced her husband.
1 Aug. 8. I had made enquiries after Dr. Fiddes at Oxford for
Mr. Baker, who had lent him two MSS., hut could not tell
where he was any otherwise than at London, and at last I un-
derstood he was dead. Mr. Baker, in a letter of July 31, thanks
me for these enquiries, and tells me, he hath an account of
Dr. Fiddes's death, from Mr. Anstis, at whose house at Putney
he died, being invited thither, upon Dr. Mead's advising him
to use the country air, in hopes of relief. He came in a weak
condition, walked in the garden that day, and went out in the
chariot; the next day walked again, and died in the evening,
lie was buried at Fulham, betwixt two bishops, Compton and
Kobinson. T. II.
1725] HEARNIANjE. 225
July 31. My friend Thomas Rawlinson, esq. writ
me word, a little more than a week since, that his
wife x is "a poor, good-natured, honest, persecuted
" creature," alluding to the troubles in which they
are both involved, occasioned by his creditors.
He hath but an indifferent opinion of my friend
John Murray, whom I and others look upon as a very
honest man, as without doubt he is, but my friend
Mr. Rawlinson is disgusted. Mr. Rawlinson calls
him, immcaic quoddam monstrum, says he only knows
how to be sly, and that he was educated under his
Houndsditch pawn-broking father.
At the same time he tells me, John Bagford, as he
takes it, was a much honester man than John Murray,
and more knowing, and that the other has
instead of it.2
Mr. Rawlinson, at the same time, hinted, that
Dr. Mead, <fec. are only my pretended friends, " and
" have encouraged my studies seemingly to make
" themselves glory." 3
He says, " the lord Oxford, that fat booby calf, as
" they call him, is a rascall : that he knew Mr. Raw-
" linson meant an epitaph on poor John Bagford, yet
1 Tom Rawlinson married his servant, Amy Frewin, who had
been his housemaid for some years. He did not own his mar-
riage till about twelve months after it had taken place, when, to
the dismay of his brother, and the entire dissatisfaction of his
creditors, who had justcompleated an arrangement astohis affairs,
he confessed the union.
2 N.B. Mr. Rawlinson owes Mr. Murray money, an hundred
pounds I am told, upon bond, which Mr. Murray is urgent now,
upon Mr. Rawlinson's marriage, to have again, which puts my
friend Mr. Rawlinson out of humour. T. H.
3 I must beg his pardon. Dr. Mead, &c. profess true friend-
ship, and I have received signal instances of it, and I have not
as yet found any cause to be jealous. T. H,
ir. a
226 BELIQUIJE [1725
" slighted him, (Mr. R.) and has given none him-
" self." »
Mr. Rawlinson says, he " doubts Lenthall's pic-
" ture of sir Thomas More's family (mentioned in
" my preface to Roper) for an original," and signifies,
that " a pretty picture is in a drunken, sorry wretche's
" hand ; one Souther by he thinks they call the crea-
" ture." ~
Sept. 4. On Friday, Aug. 6, 1725, about ten a
clock in the morning, died in London my dear friend
Thomas Rawlinson, esq. (and not, as the printed
papers have it, on Thursday, Aug. 5,) and was buried
on Thursday night following, Aug. 12, as I am in-
formed, by letter of the said 12th of Aug. written by
Mr. Sam. May, of London house, (in Aldersgate-
street) in which Mr. Rawlinson died, he having for
several years before rented lodgings there. Mr. May,
(who is a wealthy druggist,) added, " it is not easy
" to tell his distemper," but Mr. Murray, from whom
I had a letter from London of the same date, viz.
Aug. 12, said that he died " after a languishing ill—
" ness." Mr. Murray, in the same letter, said that
Mr. Rawlinson " made a will two days before he
" died, wherein it is said he has ordered his debts
" to be paid, and, in order to it, his books are to
" be sold as soon as possible. I hear (adds he), he
" has left his wife 150 pounds a year for life." Tho'
1 My lord hath shewed me many particular instances of friend-
ship, and I am willing to believe him sincere. T. H.
'2 This is Mr. James Sotheby, whom I have mentioned in my
books more than once, as an ingenious man ; and indeed he was
curious formerly, and was much assisted L>y Mr. Bagford; but
it seems he is grown an idle, useless sot, as 1 have been also in-
formed by Mr. Murray. T. H.
1725] HEAENIANJE. 227
Mr. May observed, as I have noted, that 'tis not easy
to tell his distemper, yet I believe the immediate
cause of it was a great concern he had upon account
of his debts, which were very considerable. For
after his marrying Mrs. Amy Frewin, that was a ser-
vant to him, his creditors were very angry with him,
and united to give him trouble, particularly Dr. Mead,
(whom he owed, as I have been informed, live hundred
pounds,) and Mr. John Murray, (whom he owed upon
bond lOOlibs.) were very clamorous, which affected him
so much, that he broke into such language, as perhaps
will not be looked upon as decent, considering that
'twas a very great obligation that he owed to them
for lending him money in his want, and staying many
years for it.
At the same time that his creditors came upon
him, I was also desired to joyn with them for what
he owed me, which was a pretty many pounds, but
this I absolutely declined, notwithstanding he left
me at liberty (for I informed him what I had been
moved to) to do as I pleased, which he took extreme
kindly, and I could wish that Dr. Mead and Mr. Mur-
ray had acted with the same moderation, since
Mr. Rawlinson was all along contriving and endea-
vouring to do the best that every one should be paid,
as himself told me, and he assured me in parti-
cular, that he never designed (nor did I ever think
he did) that I should lose anything by him, and so
he said in effect with respect to others.
But notwithstanding the justness of the debts, I
am of opinion, that such as were not under an urgent
necessity, should have been less violent towards him,
especially booksellers, for whom he had done eminent
service. For, being a man of a brave, noble spirit,
and being a great lover of books, in wdiich I never
228 RELIQUIAE [1725
knew any one whatsoever better skilled, he took all
opportunities of being present at, or at least giving
commissions at sales and auctions, and by his high
bidding he strangely advanced the prices of books,
which he likewise did in booksellers shops, so that
I have heard it said long ago, (and I am of the same
mind,) that the booksellers ought to erect a statue
to him. And yet so ingratefull were they, that one
of them arrested him for an inconsiderable sum
(and yet he was a person that Mr. Rawlinson had
particularly obliged.) which was the beginning of his
troubles, and occasioned him to keep in, so that he
hath hardly been out many years, and during that
time he wore his beard for the most part long, and
appeared very negligent of himself, which conduced
in no small measure to the impairing of his health.
When he was a school-boy at Eaton school, his
grandfather, by the mother's side, Richard Tayler, esq.
settled upon him an annuity of fourteen pounds per
annum for his life, to buy books with, which he not
only fully expended, and nobly answered the end of the
donor, but indeed laid out his whole fortune this May,
so as to acquire a collection of books both for number
and value, harldly to be equalled by any one study in
England, which was what really run him aground,
and brought him at last into so much trouble. For
he was not a lewd vicious man, but, on the contrary,
very virtuous, temperate, and sober, and never mar-
ried till a little before he died. Had he lived some
years longer, (which he might have done by the
course of nature, for he was not, I think, more than
forty-five or forty-six years of age.) 'tis probable he
might have extricated himself, and lived comfortably.
For an estate (I am told of six hundred pounds per
an.) came to him a few months since by the death of
1725] IIEARNIAN.E. 22'.)
his mother, and he had begun to sell his books in
order to pay his debts, and printed several catalogues
(six octavo little volumes, the last of which was printed
just as he died,) in which are many rare, excellent,
and uncommon books, tho' the chief of his collection
was not comprehended in these catalogues.
Mr. Rawlinson was a man of very great integrity
and honour, and so loyal, that he would have done any
thing for the interest of king James, that now lives in
exile beyond sea; he died in communion of the non-
juring Church of England, being a perfect hater of all
new-fangled doctrines. And 'twas the happiness of
•his father, (to whom he was eldest son,) sir Thomas
Rawlinson, kt. who was sheriff and lord mayor of
London, to be also very honest and loyal, insomuch
that sir Thomas Kensey (who had married the sister
of Mr. Rawlinson's grandmother by the mother's side)
and Mr. Rawlinson's father, spent, in two years'
space, ten thousand pounds to keep king James II.
on the throne. Mr. Rawlinson had seen his father's
expence under his own hand, and it amounted to
4(J00 libs. Sir Thomas Kensey was sheriff of London
in king James the second's time, the year before
Mr. Rawlinson's father, and as he was a great friend
to the said king, so he was personally acquainted with
him, and was a brave, bold man, till he broke his
health, by breaking his leg, when he languished till
the time of his death.
Mr. Rawlinson loving to be free in his discourse,
(for as he was born to the freedom of an Englishman,
so he said he would make use of it,) it proved of no
small disservice to him, because he did not observe
the wise man's caution, There is a (hue to keep silence,
and a time to speak. Insomuch, that Avhen he was
among such as were of different principles from him-
230 BE LIQUID: [1725
self, (and could do him much mischief,) he would,
without distinguishing the seasons, make use of such
girding expressions, as made the persons touched take
all opportunities of shewing their resentment, and
giving him trouble, tho' some did it in a sly way.
Hence 'twas that even Dr. Mead, who had otherwise
shewed himself a friend to Mr. Rawlinson, discovered
a great deal of indifference towards him for a good
while before his death, and avoyded his conversation ;
which is purely owing to the too great freedom of
Mr. Rawlinson. For the doctor having been bred a
presbyterian, (as his brothers were also, his elder
brother Samuel Mead having been a tub-preaeher,
tho' they are otherwise now,) Mr. Rawlinson, who
was the doctor's companion, and used to dine and
sup at his house, and to go up and down in the
doctor's coach with him, (such an affection did the
doctor shew towards him.) took all occasions what-
ever of twitting him with this, and that too before
company, and of adding other occasional reflections,
by no means prudent, as made the doctor withdraw
his kindness, and to express himself in a different
manner from what he had done. This I have heard
spoke of by some of Mr. Rawlinson's friends with a
sort of concern : and truly 'twas with no small con-
cern that I heard thereof at first, easily perceiving
what the consequence would be.
Some gave out, and published it too in printed
papers, that Mr. Kawlinson understood the editions and
the title-pages of books only, without any other skill
in them, and thereupon they stiled himToii Folio. But
these were only buffoons, and persons of very shallow
learning. 'Tis certain that Mr. Rawlinson understood
the editions and titles of books better than any man
I ever knew, (for he had a very great memory,) but
1 72 5] HEARNIANsE. 231
then besides this, he was a great reader, and had
read abundance of the best writers, ancient and mo-
dern, throughout, and was intirely master of the
learning contained in them. He had digested the
classicks so well as to be able readily and upon all
occasions (what I have very often admired) to make
use of passages from them very pertinently, what I
never knew in so great perfection in any other person
On Friday, August 27, 1725, after I had writ down
the foregoing particulars, Mr. William Oldisworth told
me, that Mr. Rawlinson (what I had not heard of
before, nor could I have imagined it,) had put his
money into the South Sea stock, and was one of those
that lost, all by that wicked scheme, in which so many
thousands were utterly undone, whilst others were as
great gainers. He said this was certainly true, (for I
doubted about it.) and was what ruined his fortune and
forced him to run so much in debt, and was the prin-
cipal occasion of all his miseries.1
Sept. 10. Mr. Anstis (garter king of arms) being in
Oxford, (with Mr. Maittaire,) I spent the evening with
them last night, and Mr. Burton, of Corpus Christi
college, (who is tutor to a son of Mr. Anstis's just
entered gentleman commoner of that college.) and
Mr. West, of Balliol college, were with us, Mr. Mait-
taire then told me, that Mr. Rawlinson made his will
in June last ; that one Mr. Ford is his executor ; that
he hath ordered all his books to be sold in order to
pay his debts ; that he hath left 120 (I had before
1 Upon inquiry since, I am apt to think (and indeed am pretty
well assured of it) that Mr. Oldisworth's information is wrong.
T. H.
232 RELIQUIAE [1725
been told 150) libs, per an. to his wife during life ;
that he hath left on two legacies, viz. 150 libs, to Mr.
John Griffin, of Saresden, in Oxfordshire (the person
who married them,) and 100 libs, to Mr. Clavell, (I
suppose Walter Clavell, of the Inner Temple, esq.) and
that he hath died (the interest and principle being to
be reckoned together) ten thousand libs, in debt,1
Mr. Maittaire said. Mr. Rawlinson was apprehensive
and spoke of it, (at least) a year before, that he should
live but a little while. He said he was perfectly
raving, and in a strange delirium for many hours be-
fore he died. Neither Mr. Anstis nor Mr. Mattaire
seem to have any good opinion of Mr. Rawlinson's
widow. Mr. Rawlinson, however, spoke well of her,
and I see no reason (as yet at least) to think any thing
ill of her. Mr. Rawlinson owed Mr. Anstis something
more than 30 libs. Mr. Anstis does not seem to think
that he shall ever be paid. What must I then think
of mine, which is more than twice 30 libs. tho'I had left
part of it to Mr. Rawlinson's liberty, considering what
circumstances he was in ; and yet, if there be enough,
there is no reason but I ought (and Mr. Rawlinson
assured me he never designed I should be a looser by
him, and he was certainly very honest,) to be paid the
whole, and some would insist too, upon interest, which
I never thought of. Mr. Maittaire said Mr. Rawlinson
was grown (and I have reason to think it very true)
so very satyrieal and free with his tongue, that he
spoke ill of every body whatsoever, excepting only
Dr. Richard Hale, and yet of him too, at last he began
to find fault.
Sept. 12. Last night Mr. Anstis (garter king of
1 Of this it was said he had borrowed three thousand of his
brother Richard upon mortgage.
1725] HEARNIANjE. 233
arms) called upon me at Edmund hall, with Mr. Mat-
taire and Mr. West, and we afterwards went out and
spent the evening together with Mr. Whiteside, in
Cat-street. Mr. Anstis said, he was of Exeter col-
lege, and was entered there almost fourty years ago.
Mr. Mattaire told us (and he said he did not care
how publick it was made,) that Roger Gale (who in-
deed is but a poor stingy man,) served him a very dirty
trick. Mr. Hare, it seems, had undertaken to publish
The Honour of Richmond, from a MS. in the Cotton
library. But upon his death Mr. Gale undertook it,
and accordingly had it printed very pompously in folio,
in the manner Mr. Hare proposed it, and to the whole
is prefixed a large preface of about seven or eight
sheets of paper, which Mr. Anstis said last night was
handsomely done in good Latin, but as for the book
itself, he observed that 'twas no great matter, being
what any one else could have done in that manner.
Upon this Mr. Mattaire said, that the said preface
was writ in English, and that he (the said Mr. Mat-
taire,) by the interest of the earl of Pembroke, trans-
lated it into Latin for Mr. Gale ; that it being desired
to be done with speed, he did it in about a fortnight's
time, (tho' it was a piece of learning out of his way,
his studies not lying in English history and antiqui-
ties,) and that Mr. Gale, to whom he carried it, upon
delivery, put into his hand a paper, with somewhat in
it, that Mr. Mattaire did not look upon till he came
home, when he found it to be only three guineas,
whereas he said 'twas worth ten to write it, and he
declared now, that he would not do the same again
for twenty guineas. What Mr. Mattaire resents the
more is, that Mr. Gale did not so much as give him
a book, which indeed is very mean. This Roger Gale
(however) hath shewed himself in several respects to
234 RELIQUIAE [1725
be a friend to the writer of these matters, in commu-
nicating- his Fordun, and several particulars relating
to learning, tho' 'tis very well known that he is a very
great whig, a man of a very stingy temper, notwith-
standing he be very rich, and is in a wealthy post.
I before thought that he could have writ Latin him-
self, I find now he cannot.
Sept. 13. At the same time Mr. Mattaire told us,
that Dr. Atterbury, the deprived bishop of Rochester
(who was my very good friend and acquaintance,) was
always, both at Christ Church and afterwards, his
bitter enemy, and that 'twas chiefly by his contrivance
that he (Mr. Mattaire) was turned out from being
second master of Westminster school to make way for
Mr. now Dr. Robert Friend. His enemies gave out
that Mr. Mattaire was a whig, but were forced to be
silent, when he appeared to be as he is, a non-juror.
They would have had Mr. Mattaire to resign, but
this he declined, and told them, he would not leave
the place unless he were turned out, and if they did
turn him out, that he would then publickly declare it to
the world, which accordingly he did in the beginning
of his Vitce Stephanorum. Upon occasion of which, I
cannot but here mention what I spoke of formerly,
viz. that Dr. Hudson and others would have had me
to resign my post of second librarian of the Bodleian
library, but this 1 would not do, (to their great vexa-
tion,) upon which they proceeded violently, and 1 was
not only debarred that place, (for I have still the old
keys by me,) but deprived of whatever belonged to me
there, and all was given to others.
Sept. 18. On Wednesday night. Sept. 8. L725, be-
tween eleven and twelve a clock, the people were
1 72 5] IIEARNLANJE. 235
greatly alarmed at a fire, which broke out at the south
end of London bridge, where the houses being all of
wood, burned with uncommon vehemence on both
sides, till about fifty or sixty were laid in ashes, eighteen
whereof were upon the bridge, and the rest in Tooley-
street ; and if a stop had not been put to it by the old
stone gate, which stood between the second and third
arches, the flame must have unavoidably extended as
fur as the draw-bridge at least.1 We do not hear of
any lives lost, but the damage in merchandizes is very
great. Some compute the loss at a hundred thousand
pound; but most of the houses and goods being in-
sured, it will tall very heavy upon the insurance. The
bridge, we are told, has suffered but little damage ;
however, it is at present impassable for carts and
coaches, which are obliged to ferry over the river at
Colonel Turner, about 18 years ago, having received
a hurt on his forhead, a bunch grew thereon, which
was supposed to have occasioned the distemper of the
falling sickness ; he had been for late years importuned
to have it opened, but would not consent to it, 'till a
few days ago, when an eminent surgeon made an
operation with that success, that he found the point
of a sword in his skull of an inch long, which he took
out, and since that the colonel is very easy, and in a
fair way of recovery. Mr. Whiteside tells me, he
knows the colonel, and that the hurt happened at the
battle of Almanza, when he had a fall from his horse.2
1 This intelligence is copied from the Northampton Mercury,
a provincial newspaper of uncommon merit in its day, and appa-
rently a great favourite, particularly with the honest party, in
the university.
2 From the Northampton Mercury of Sept. 20. " Whereas it
236 RELIQUIAE [1725
Sept. 22. The street which goes from Christ Church,
by Christ Church almeshouse to Littlegate, is com-
monly called Brewer's-lane. and oftentimes Slaughter-
lane. The people commonly say 'twas called Slaugh-
ter-lane from the scholars being killed there ; but
that is a mistake. 'Twas so denominated from slaying
the cattle there, as being removed from the body of
the university. The true name of this lane or street,
when the Dominican and Franciscan frieries nourished,
and after, was Friers-street, or Friers-lane, tho' that
name be now quite forgot, the Dominican friery being
on the south, and the Franciscan on the west, side of
it ; and indeed both these houses were brave places,
and many noble and very excellent personages were
buried in the churches of each, and even to this day,
in the place where the Dominican church stood, are
bones dug up. I heard of some very lately, and of a
piece of gold, (I know not what,) but I do not hear
that such are so frequently dug up at the place of the
Franciscan church. Nor have any reliques been dis-
covered for many years at the place where the Peni-
tentiarian friery, (commonly called the friers of
penance, of sackcloth, &c.) stood, which was at the
west end of Paradice-garden, and 'twas, when dissolved
in 1307, united to the Franciscan friery, in which
year all the friers of penance were abolished.
" was said, that Edmund Turner, esq. late lieutenant-colonel of
" the second troop of horse grenadiers', received his wound by a
" fall from his horse at the battle of Almanza, Ave are since in-
" formed, that it happened near the end of Pail-Mall in a ren-
" counter; and that the piece of sword extracted from within
" his scull, was one inch and |ths of an inch long." N. B.
Shewing this passage yesterday to Mr. Whiteside, who knows
the colonel, he told me 'twas false, and that the collonel received
his damage at Almanza, and he thinks this passage is inserted,
that it might not be believed that the collonel fled at Almanza.
T. H.
i725] IIEABNIANsE. 237
Lond. Sept, 25, 1725. We hear, that the famous
ostrich died a few days ago at Sturbridge-fair ; and
that his body was afterwards dissected at Cambridge
by Mr. Warren, the surgeon. He cut above six
inches deep in fat. Many stones, and nails, and half-
pence, and some small pieces of silver, all turned black,
were taken out of the crop and gizzard. The silver
and copper pieces were very visibly wasted, especially
about the edges.1
Oct. 22. This morning called upon me, which he
had never done before, Mr. Henry Dodwcll, of Mag-
dalen hall, son of the late very learned Mr. Henry
Dodwell. He called about Mr. Vansittart's subscribing
to Peter Langtoft and John of Glastonbury. He told
me he was almost three years standing. I got him to
stay almost a quarter of an hour. I had discoursed
him before. I had heard, and so it appeared to me,
that he is a changeling. He is, however, good na-
tured, and may, and I hope he will, make a good man ;
but having not (most certainly as I take it,) a capa-
city, I cannot see how he can make any thing of the
nsmre in learning that his father did. But I must
suspend my opinion and leave it to after times. I
asked him about his father's MSS. He said he had
not seen them, nor did I find that he had seen or
knew much of his printed books. He mentioned Dr.
Heywood and Mr. Parker, the former about his father's
copy of Thomas a Kempis, the latter about his father's
Dissertation upon Ireneeus. He had heard, he said,
1 Northampton 3Iercury, Sept. 27. N. B. This ostrich was in
Oxford, this last summer, and was there shewed for many d;i\ s.
What killed it, was cramming of it too much, particularly with
iron, stones, &c. which (notwithstanding what they say) it could
not digest. T. H.
238 BE LIQUID [1725
Dr. Heywood speak of Kempis. I told him I had
seen it, and that I had made publick mention of it.
He said Mr. Parker had told him the Dissertation upon
Irenaeus would bear reprinting. I told him I had
heard his father's lectures were reprinted. He said
he had heard (he knew not from whom) the same.
After this I met Mr. Leake and Mr. Parker. The
former said he was not at all acquainted with this young
man, naj- did not know him by sight. Mr. Parker
said he knew him, but had not seen him of late ; (in-
deed he hath been in the country, coming up yester-
day;) but they both agreed (Mr. Leake only from
what he had heard) that he would never make a
scholar, whatever he might with respect to being a
good man. Mr. Leake observed, that he understood
he wanted both parts and application.
Nov. 1. On Friday last (Oct. 29) were planted four
j-ew trees upon the top of Heddington hill, round the
elm tree which is commonly called Jo. Pullen's tree.1
1 This tree, mutilated though it be, is still (1S56) standing,
and may in every sense be deemed university property. First,
from the associations belonging to it, and the numerous visitants
of early days, as well as of modern times, who have made it their
almost daily boundary of exercise: next, because the late Mr.
Whorwood of Ileadington House gave it, although informally,
to the university authorities, which to the credit of the present
owner of the property, Mr. Davenport, was no sooner made known
to him, than he declared nothing should induce him to destroy
it, (it had been doomed to the axe,) and there it remains still,
an illustration to these Remains. The property at Headington,
as did that at Hoi ton Park, belonged for a long period to the
old family of the Whorwoods, one of the most ancient and re-
spectable in the county of Oxford, and was severed from its ori-
ginal lords, owing to a series of improvident proprietors. Not
so however the last owner, the Rev. Thomas Henry Whorwood,
fellow of Magdalen college, who disposed of the remnant of this
fine estate from a nice sense of honour, ami from a desire to get
1725] HEARNIAN^E. 239
They are given by Mr. Tilman Bobart, brother of the
late Mr. Jacob Bobart.
Nov. 15. About Thursday last Dr. Francis Gastrell
canon of Christ Church, of the seventh stall, and bishop
of Chester was seized very violently with the gout in
his head. He was told that if he would take a bottle
of Port wine it would drive it back, but this he abso-
lutely declined, saying he had much rather die than
drink a whole bottle of that wine. Accordingly he
died some time last night at his lodgings in Christ
Church, and the bells went for him this morning,
being much lamented. Indeed he was the very best
of all the bishops, excepting Dr. Hooper bishop of Bath
and Wells, and had many excellent qualities, among
some bad ones. I am told he died in the sixty third
or grand climacterical year of his age. He took the
degree of M. A. April the 20th, 1687, that of B. D.
June 23, 1G94, and that of D. D. July 13, 1700. On
Jan. 5, 1702, he was instituted canon of Christ Church,
and on April 4, 1714, he was consecrated bishop of
Chester. He hath written and published several books,
and was looked upon as a man of a good rational head,
and in several things he shewed himself honest, not-
withstanding he was a complyer.
Nov. 20. Yesterday at four o'clock in the afternoon
was buried in Christ Church cathedral Dr. Gastrell
bishop of Chester, when Mr. George Wigan spoke the
rid altogether of incumbrances laid on the estate by those who
had gone before him, and which, at the moment, he saw no other
means of surmounting, but by a sacrifice painful to himself, and
regretted by all his friends ; by none more than the writer of
this note.
240 RELIQUIAE [1725
Nov. 22. Tho' Mr. Willis of Whaddon be justly
blamed for some indiscreet things he hath published
full of gross blunders and mistakes, yet he hath done
many things that deserve commendation, and par-
ticularly what he is endeavouring now to have done,
viz. the erecting a church or chapell at Fenny Strat-
ford, in reference to which I had a letter from him
yesterday, dated at Whaddon hall the 19th instant,
which he tells me came to give thanks for my gene-
rous gift to their chapell, that they doubt not of my
good offices in the university, and hope I spoke to
Mr. Whiteside, to whom, he saith, he hath wrote two
letters without answers, and so desires me to jogg his
memory, and begg him to favour him with aline. He
hopes he will follow my example, for they are, as he
says, a true object of charity. This week, he says,
they shall get up a bell in the tower ; and a clock
they hope for by Christmas : if he is pretty well, he
says, he shall go in about a fortnight to London to put
his eldest son to Westminster school.
Nov. 23. The answer I writ to Mr. Willis was as
Honoured Sir,
What you are doing for the town of Fenny Stratford
(and indeed for the Church of England) is very gene-
rous, and can never be sufficiently commended. What
Mr. Whiteside and others do in it, I know not, farther
than that I have several times heard them speak very
honourably of it. Some ages ago affairs of this nature
did not require such earnest petitions. They were then
as willing, as they arc backward now. to promote such
good, Christian, charitable offices. I wish you would
not mention my little mite. As small as it was, I hope
a blessing will attend it. I am glad you are going to
1 725J REARNIANM. 241
put your eldest son to Westminster school, under so
truly excellent a master as Dr. Freind, for whom I have
always had a very great honour, though I am an utter
stranger to him. I wish your son all possible success,
that he may prove a good scholar, and (which is far above
all learning) a good honest man.
I am, dear honoured sir,
your most humble servant,
Tho. Hearne.
Edm. Hall, Oxford,
Nov. 21, 1725.
Nov. 27. Tho' what Mr. Willis is doing for Fenny
Stratford towards the building of the chapell, whereof
he hath himself given an hundred pounds, (as he laid
out some years ago five hundred pounds at least upon
Bletchley church, in procuring a good ring of bells
and repairing and beautifying the chancell,) be very
generous, laudable, and charitable, yet Mr. West tells
me that he is maligned and ridiculed for it, and not
thanked, and even Mr. West himself seems mightily
to blame him for it, saying that his children (which
are eight in number, four boys and four girls, the
two eldest of which girls, now about seventeen years
of age, are twins) will be bound to curse him for giving
away that hundred pounds out of their fortunes, his
estate being not, as Mr. Willis says, hardly a thousand
pounds per annum. But let them say what they will,
'tis a commendable undertaking, and I cannot think
Mr. Willis or his children will be ever a whit the
poorer : on the contrary, I hope God Almighty will
bless them on this account.
Dec. 6. Somner's Saxon Dictionary is now reck-
oned cheap at three guineas, or three pounds three
shillings, which is the price Fletcher Gyles puts it at
II. e
242 RELIQUIAE 1725-26
in his sale, that he is now carrying on at London. I
bought one some time since for forty-five shillings.
I remember one sold for a crown.
Dec. 8. There is printed and published at London
;in Svo. pamphlet every month called Memoirs of
Literature, the author whereof. I am told by Mr. John
Innys of London, bookseller, who with his elder
brother Mr. William Innys prints it, is Mr. la Roch.
Mr. John Innys informs me by letter of the 1st in-
stant that that for November was then published,
and that in it is an account of Peter Langtoft's Chro-
nicle, that I put out, and that they have desired
Mr. la Roch always to give an account of what books
I shall favour the world with.
Dec. 9. " London, Nov. 30 (Tuesd.) 1725. This
" day Mr. Curl, the bookseller, was found guilty in the
" King's bench court, of two indictments, for printing
<< obscene pamphlets." (Northampton Mercury for
Monday, Dec. 6th, 1725).
N.B. This is that villain Curl, that was so severely
whipt some years since, for his rogueries, in West-
minster school, by the schoolboys of that place.
Dec. 29. I am told Fletcher Gyles asks 3/. 10s. for
the Dauphin Cicero de Orat. I know not what should
make the Dauphin books so dear, there being nothing
hardly of learning in any of them, but Pliny's Nat.
History, which indeed was done for glory, and much
pains and learning (tho' the old ed. exceeds it in
some respects) are shewed in it, and it made the
editor Harduin distracted.
1725-26. Jan. 12. The famous Mr. Thomas Creech
took the degree of M. A. as a member of Wadham
1725-26] HEARNIAN^. 243
college, June 13, 1683, after which he became fellow of
All Souls' college, as a member of which he proceeded
to B.D. March 18th, 1690, and after that hanged
himself at Mr. Ives the apothecary's, where he lodged.
He was found dead in a garret there on July 19th,
1700, (the day Dr. White Kennett went out Dr. of
Div.) but he had hung some days, as was guessed, for
the body then stunk. He is said to have been me-
lancholy for some time before, occasioned (as 'tis dis-
coursed) upon account of a mistress. He was cer-
tainly a most ingenious man, as appears from his
incomparable English translation of Lucretius, and
from many other pieces. And when he was of Wad-
ham college (where he was chum with Mr., afterwards
Dr. Humphrey Hody) he was observed to be a most
severe student, as he was afterwards for some time
at All Souls, tho' he grew lazy at last. He had pro-
mised an edition of Justin Martyr's works, in order
to which many sheets (above fifty) of notes were found
among his papers after his death, which Dr. Grabe
borrowed, and I have heard him say they were excel-
lent, tho' some things were amiss in them. This
Mr. Creech was a very proud, morose, sour man, and
no good company.
Feb. 15. My late friend John Bridges esqr.'s books
being now selling by auction in London, (they began
to be sold on Monday the 7th inst.,) I hear they go
very high, being fair books, in good condition, and
most of them finely bound. This afternoon I was
told of a gentleman of All Souls' college, I suppose
Dr. Clarke, that gave a commission of 8s. for an Homer
in 2 vols., a small 8vo. if not 12mo. But it went for
six guineas. People are in love with good binding
more than good reading.
244 RELIQUIAE [1725-26
Feb. 23. Mr. Upton, a schoolmaster in the West
of England, in which country he was born, was of
Eaton School, and afterwards fellow of King's college
in Cambridge. His father was gardiner to old sir
Philip Sydenham, father to the present sir Philip
Sydenham. I am told his father designed him to be
an hostler, or for some mean imployment, and was
going towards London with that intent, when sir
Philip was carrying his son to Eaton. Sir Philip
understanding his mind, told him he should have
some better business, viz. that he should be servant
to his son at Eaton school, which accordingly he was,
and so became a scholar in the school himself, though
many years older than sir Philip's son, (I have heard
it said he was 25 when he came to Eaton, which I
suppose is a mistake, it may be he was so old when
he went from it to King's,) and grew a good gram-
matical scholar, and young Mr. Sydenham proved his
true and great friend. At length he became one of
the masters at Eaton, and marrying, was afterwards,
as now, an eminent schoolmaster in the west, and
was preferred to a living by his patron sir Philip
Sydenham, to whom Mr. Upton had dedicated Dio-
m/sius Halicamass. de Structura Omtlonis. Mr. Upton,
who is a very good scholar, hath also published
Aseham's /Schoolmaster, with notes, but he hath altered
the language. He is upon an edition of Hephcestion,
which Mr. Steers of Christ Church (who was his
scholar) told me last night is to be a thin folio at 20s.
per book, and that Mr. Upton shewed him a printed
specimen of it this last summer. Mr. Mattaire hath
likewise a design to print Hephcesthon. It should be
a small book, being but little itself.
April 2. Yesterday about three clock in the after-
1 726] 1IEARNIANJE. 245
noon fell down the tower of St. Peter's church in the
Bailly, Oxon, and beat down the church with it, es-
pecially all the north part, leaving only part of the
walls of the south side, and all the east walls of the
chancell, which chancell, at least the east part of it,
had been repaired or indeed rather rebuilt, within
these thirt}' years, by contributions raised chiefly
from scholars, but as for the whole church itself, I
take it to be the same mentioned by me lately in my
notes to Guil. Neubrigensis, from an old MS. Chro-
nicle. In which notes, pag. 710, is this remark,
MCXIIII. Hie f nit fun data nova ecclesia Sancti Petri,
Oxon. This was in the fifteenth year of K. Hen. I.
They have expected the tower to fall for some years,
and 'tis pity therefore, that, since 'twas very plain
it could not stand long, they had not pulled it down,
by which many things would have been saved. The
tower stood in the middle of the church.
April 7. I was told last night by Mr. Whiteside,
and I suppose 'tis what others think and say also,
that sir Isaac Newton took his famous book called
Pnncipia Mathematica, another edition whereof is
just come out, from hints given him by the late Dr.
Hook (many of whose papers cannot now be found)
as well as from others that he received from sir
Christopher Wren, both of which were equally as
great men as sir Isaac, who, by the way, understands
not one bit of classical learning, nor can he, as I
hear, write Latin, but is beholden to others to do that
for him, although his books be only mathematical
Jtme 4. On Thursday last, in the afternoon, called
upon me, father Cuthbert Parkinson, who came from
246 RELIQUIAE [1726
East Hendred in Berks on purpose to see me. His
nephew Mr. Fetherstone came along with him, and
yesterday I spent the greatest part of the day with
them. Mr. Parkinson told me, that he himself is the
author of Collectanea Angb-Minoritica, or, a Collection
of the Antiquities of the English Franciscans, or Friers
Minors, commonly called Gray Friars, in two parts. With
an Appendix concerning the English Nuns of the order
of Saint Clare. Lond. 1726. 4to. He compiled this
work, as he told me, by the help of books in the study
of my late excellent friend Charles Eyston of East
Hendred, esq. Mr. Parkinson, (who is a Franciscan
himself) is now in the 59th year of his age, as he
told me himself. He is a very worthy learned man,
and of an excellent good natured temper. The said
book is what my letter x of May 22 relates to ; which
1 To Mr. Parkinson, at Mr. Eyston's at East Hendred,
near Wantage in Berks.
I thank you very kindly for your valuable present of the An-
tiquities of the English Franciscans. The excellent author (to
whom my very humble service) hath taken a great deal of
pains, and shewed much skill in compiling this work, which I
peruse and read with much delight. I cannot think, that anv
one can be against it, that hath any regard for true devotion.
'Tis from such books, that we learn the piety, sanctity, and
generosity of our ancestors. And 'tis therefore a very useful
piece of service to collect anything upon such subjects." When
I had the happiness of seeing you last here, I mentioned to you
a MS. of John of Glastonbury, that belonged formerly to sir
Richard Tycheburn. I know not whether you have thought of
it since. This author I am now printing, and the work is prettv
near being finished. I was very sorry to hear some time since of
the death of Mr. Robt. Eyston. I am, with my respects to my
friend, Sir,
your obi. and most
faithfull humble servt.
Edm. Hall, Oxford, Tho. Hearne.
May 22, 1726.
1726] HEARNIAN^E. 247
letter they are urgent with me to give leave to be
printed, to be prefixed to some of the copies. Ac-
cordingly I gave them liberty to do with it as they
June 13. There are such differences now in the
university of Oxford, (hardly one college but where
all the members are busied in law businesses and
quarrels, not at all relating to the promoting of
learning,) that good letters miserably decay every
day, insomuch that this last ordination, on Trinity
Sunday, at Oxford, there were no fewer (as I am
informed) than fifteen denied orders for insufficiency,
which is the more to be noted, because our bishops,
and those employed by them, are themselves generally
illiterate men.
June 22. On Friday, June 10, about 11 o'clock, as
the Rev. Mr. Anthony Alsop, prebendary of Win-
chester, and rector of Brightwell, near Wallingford, in
Berks, was walking by a small brook called the Lock
Bourne, near the college of Winchester, the ground
gave way under his feet, which threw him into the
brook, where he was found dead the next morning.
The rectory of Brightwell being in the gift of the
bishop of Winchester, his lordship has been pleased
to give it to the Eev. Mr. Morgan, one of his lord-
ship's chaplains ; a living worth about 500 libs, per
annum. As for Mr. Anthony Alsop, he was one of
the oldest, and one of the most ingenious acquaint-
ance I had. He was a man of a most ready wit, of
excellent learning, a fine preacher, and of rare good
nature. He was looked upon to be the best writer
of lyrick verses in the world. He was a Derbyshire
man, was bred up at Westminster school, and from
248 RELIQUIAE [1726
thence elected student of Christ Church. He took
the degree of master of arts March 23, 1696, and
that of bach, of div. Dec. 12, 1706. Many years
agoe he published, from the Theater Press, in Greek
and Latin, ^Esop's Fables in 8vo., which is an ex-
cellent edition. He was a neat writer of Epitaphs,
and did many things that way and in poetry, most of
which are unknown. He was about 55 years of
age when his unfortunate death happened, which was
occasioned by the workmen's having loosened the
ground, in order to new pitch it, what Mr. Alsop did
not know of. He was going that by-way to his
lodging, having parted (I am told) with a friend at
the college great gate, which being not readily opened,
Mr. Alsop said, he would not stay, but go the by-way,
which he unhappily did. His death is much la-
July 8. St. Grymbald's obit. The said St. Grym-
bald is the same that was monk and prior of the fa-
1 In a former volume (for 1717) Hearne gives the following
account of the action against Alsop which is mentioned in Bp.
Atterbury's letters, which compelled him for a time to leave
" Mr. Alsop, rector of Brightwell in Berks, being married to
" the widow of Dr. Bernard, late rector of that place, one Mrs.
" Astrey commences a suit against him, as having made a con-
" tract of marriage with her. The matter hath been tryed at
'" London, and given against Mr. Alsop, who is to allow her two
" thousand pounds damage, and to pay all charges. The said
" Mrs. Astrey is daughter in law to Dr. Smith, late principal of
" Hart hall. Some merry letters of Mr. Alsop's were produced.
" She is a very light body, as some say, and the witnesses were
" suborned, and 'tis look'dupon by honest men as a party business,
" carryed on chiefly by one Dr. Lasher a notorious Whigg, who
" is uncle to the girl Which Dr. Lasher hath been also a very
" loose man. Yet it must not be denyed but that Mr. Alsop is
" to be blamed for having had, even in an innocent wav, any
" thing to do with her." (July 18, 1717.)
Dr. Pearson, Princ. of Edm. hall, told me last night that the
1 726] HE A R NIA NJE. 249
mous monastery of St. Bertin in Flanders, and being
sent for over by K. Alfred, assisted that great king in
the restoring of learning at Oxford, being one of the
first professors in that place, and 'twas at Oxford that
he built the famous church of St. Peter's in the East,
under which, at the east end, he made a vault, with
a design to have been buried in it himself, but, upon
account of the great disturbance between the old
scholars and the new, he retired to Winchester, and
died there on July 8, A°. 904, and was buried in the
abbey there, (built by K. Alfred,) of which he was
abbat, according to William of Malmsbury, as I have
cited him in sir John Spelman's Life of K. iElfred.
July 10. On Wednesday morning last (July 6th1)
died at London Mr. Humphrey Wanley of a dropsy.
He was born at Coventry on March 21, 1671, being
the son of the Rev. Mr. Nath. Wanley, that writ the
history of Man, and some other books. He was put
an apprentice at Coventry, I think first to a limner,
and afterwards to some other trade, as I have heard,
but the late bishop of Worcester, Dr. William Lloyd,
at that time bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, under-
standing that he had some skill in MSS., and that he
writ an excellent hand, as he came once thro' Co-
ventry, he had a mind to try him. And finding what
was reported to be true, he took care to take him
from his trade, and to send him to Oxford to his
original of the proceedings against Mr. Alsop was purely malice,
and that no wise man believed any thing of a real serious con-
tract of marriage, but the contrary. (July 19.)
The jury against Mr. Alsop were most of them, I hear, pres-
byterians. The judge was Ld. ch. Justice Parker, a notorious
Whigg. (July 20.)
1 The newspapers say July 5th being Tuesday, but Mr. Mur-
ray's letter to me said July 6th.
250 RELIQUIjE [1726
friend Dr. John Mill, principal of Edmund hall, thinking
that the Dr. by his care might make him a useful
serviceable man in matters relating to learning. He
was entered batler of that hall, but becoming soon
acquainted with that busy man Dr. Charlett, master
of University college, Dr. Mill could not have his
design, which was to have well grounded him in
Greek and Latin, (what Wanley wanted much,) and
in some academical learning. But Charlett wheedling
him, and Wanley being naturally of an unsettled
temper, presently left Edmund hall, having been but
at one lecture with his tutor, and that was in logic,
which he swrore he could not comprehend, saying,
" By G — Mr. Milles. (for he was then vice-principal
" under Dr. Mill,) I do not, nor cannot understand
" it," and so came no more, and entered himself of
University college under Dr. Charlett, in whose lodg-
ings he lay. Being now at Dr. Charlett's command,
he was employed in writing trivial things, and in
talking big, (for Wanley was very impudent with
Charlett,) so that he got no true learning. After a
little time he was made an assistant keeper of the
Bodleian Library, where he did a vast deal of mis-
chief, which I had much ado to rectify after Dr. Hud-
son became librarian, and I was employed for that
purpose. After a while he left Oxford, went to
London, and became secretary to the religious so-
cieties, and at length librarian to secretary Harley,
he that was afterwards earl of Oxford, which post he
held even under the present earl of Oxford, son to
the other, to his dying day. He was a man of good
parts, and might have been considerable, had he stuck
to any one thing, but then he very much wanted
steadiness and judgment. He was employed by Dr.
Hi ekes to draw up the catalogue of Saxon and other
1 726] HEARNIANJE. 251
Northern MSS. in the said Dr.'s Thesaurus, which
Wanley accordingly did, and dedicated it to secretary
Harley, but his Remarks were writ in English, and
translated into Latin by the care, as I remember, of
Mr. Thwaites, who got it done for Wanley, tho' per-
haps some things were done in Latin by Wanley him-
self, who, however, was very meanly skill'd in that
business, as may appear from his preface to the Ox-
ford Catalogue of MSS. relating to the Indexes of that
work, which Wanley did ; tho' the Index to the Cat.
of Bodleian MSS. is built upon an index, now in MS.
far better done by Mr. Emanuel Pritchard, janitor
of the Bodleian Library. Mr. Wanley, besides what
hath been mentioned, published one book, a transla-
tion, for the use of the religious societies. He was a
very great sot, and by that means broke to pieces his
otherwise very strong constitution. He married a
widow woman in London (that had several children)
who died a few years since suddenly, but Wanley had
no child by her. He had begun a catalogue of the
earl of Oxford's MSS. but he took such an injudicious
method, that, had he lived many years longer, it
would never have been finished. He had completed
six, if not seven vols, in folio, taking in whole pas-
sages out of the respective pieces, on purpose to swell
the work, for which he was often in my hearing much
blamed, and an epitome of what he had done was
intended, and another method design'd for what re-
main'd. He married another wife (a very young
creature) just a fortnight before he died, and by that
means she had what he had, which was considerable.
He is buried in Marybone church.
July 23. Yesterday, as I was walking to Godstowe,
near St. John's college I met with Mr. Anderson, a
252 RELIQUIAE [1726
Scottish man, whose brother is professor of divinity
at Aberdeen. He is related, he told me, to Mr. James
Anderson, the Scottish historian and antiquary. I
have seen this gent, several times some years ago.
Saith he, " Mr. James Anderson often asks after yon,
" and what you are doing. Be sure," saith he, " when
" you go to Oxford, always inquire how Tom Hearne
" does, and what he is upon." This gent, told
me, that the said Mr. James Anderson is upon pub-
lishing a collection of all things pro and con relating
to Mary queen of Scots, and that his other great
work, being a sort of Formulare Seoticanum, as yet
in MS., is prodigious.
Just as I was parting from this Mr. Anderson, he
whispers me in the ear, in the hearing however of
another Scottish gentleman that was with him, " You
" are the only honest man," saith he, "in Oxford.
" You want a larger gullet to swallow damned cramp
" oaths."
July 27. This is the day kept in honour of the
Seven Sleepers, so called, because in the reign of
Theodosius the second, about the year 449, when the
resurrection (as we have it from Greg. Turon.) came
to be doubted by many, seven persons, who had been
buried alive in a cave at Ephesus by Decius the em-
peror, in the time of his persecution against the Chris-
tians, and had slept for about 200 years, awoke and
testified the truth of this doctrine, to the great amaze-
ment of all. But Baronius does not seem to approve
of this account, but to lean rather to those who will
have them so called, from their being shut in a cave
by Decius, where they died or slept (for the death of
the martyrs is called sleep), and near 200 years after
were found, their bodies incorrupt and fresh as if
alive, when in the time of Theodosius II. the cave
was opened.
Aug. 4. These verses following were communicated
to me by Edward Prideaux Gwyn, esq.
Upon sir James Baker's death.
Here lies a knight who now is dead,
But when alive wore ribband red ;
In grief for which his brethren two
Have turn'd their red ones into blue.
Upon sir Robert Walpole's being made knight of the
Sir Robert, his credit and int'rest to shew,
Has drop't his red ribband, and took up a blue.
To two strings already the knight is preferr'd ;
Odd numbers are lucky — we pray for a third.
Aug. 6. Yesterday my friend the hon. B. Leonard
Calvert, esq. left Oxford for Ditchley to see his uncle
and aunt, the earl of Litchfield and his countess.
Mr. Calvert gave me a medal of the famous Maglia-
bechi, which is an extraordinary curiosity. This
Magliabechi was a very great man, and was librarian
to the great duke of Florence. He was never (as I
have been told) above ten miles out of Florence in
his life, and then he walked. He lived upon hard
eggs, and wore no shirt. He used to lie in the li-
brary at last, and he dined at the duke's table. His
memory was so prodigious, that he could, (when at
any time consulted) immediately tell what authors
had writ upon any subject. He did not understand
Greek, and I am told could not write Latin. He was,
notwithstanding his severe way of living, a man of
254 RELIQUIAE [1726
great humanity and complaisance, and particularly
civil to strangers.
Aug. 15. Last night came to Oxford from War-
wickshire, where he hath been to view his estate, my
friend Dr. Richard Rawlinson, and I was with him
at the Miter several hours. He hath been travelling
several years. He was four years together at Rome.
He was present at the queen's delivery of her first
child the prince of Wales, and was then very near
the queen. This prince is an extraordinaiy fine child.
The duke of York is too young to judge of him yet.
The king is a man that is by no means a bigot to the
church of Rome. He is a man of an excellent un-
derstanding. Yet he is unfortunate in making Scotch
and Irish his confidents, and those too of the meanest
sort. Which thing is of very great disservice. The
queen is a zealous Roman Catholic, but hath, as well
as the king, a prodigious affection for the English.
Aug. 23. Yesterday morning came to Oxford, with
Mr. John Murray, Mr. Thomas Granger of London.
The said Mr. Granger is a curious good-humoured
gentleman, and hath an excellent collection of books
in English history and antiquities, as well as a fine
collection of coins and medals. Mr. John Sturt of
London is also now in Oxford with Mr. Bateman and
Mr. Granger. This Mr. Sturt hath been one of the
most eminent, indeed the eminentest engraver for
writing of this last age. He is a man now (as he
saith) of sixty-eight years of age. His own writing
is also as good as his engraving. The things he hath
done are prodigious. Mr. Murray told me formerly
that he (Mr. M.) began to collect books at eleven,
now he says at thirteen, years of age. I thought
1 726] HEABNIANjE. 255
Mr. Murray had kept all his curiosities together, ever
since he began collecting, excepting duplicates ; but
he tells me now, that besides duplicates, he hath
parted, upon occasion, with a vast number of things,
and I find he lets any one that wants have what books
he hath, and 'tis this way that he gets his support.
Mr. Christopher Bateman is a Westmorland man by
birth. Mr. Thomas Granger was born at Brayles in
Warwickshire. Mr. Murray told me, that formerly
he gave 10s. for Barnabee's Journal, which was after-
wards (a few years since) reprinted, and sold for very
Aug. 28. At Campden in Gloucestershire lives one
Mr. Ballard a taylor, who hath a daughter, a very
pretty girl, of about fourteen years of age, that hath
an extraordinary genius for coins, and hath made an
odd collection of them. Mr. Granger (who came
from thence last night in his return to London) saw
her, and speaks much of her, which I took the more
notice of, because he is himself a good judge of coins,
and hath an admirable collection of them, especially
of English ones. But, it seems, this young girl is
chiefly delighted with those that are Roman.
Sept. 8. When Mr. Murray and Mr. Bateman were
lately in Oxford, Mr. Murray put into my hands, for
a few days, a paper MS. in fol. with the arms of
England and France on both sides of the binding,
being Norden's Description of Cornwall. He desired
me to look it over, and to give my opinion of it, it
being, he said, Christopher Bateman's, who, he said,
gave 20 libs, for it, and he added that Kit, being in
but bad circumstances, would print it, to raise some
money, and had been at the charges of engraving the
256 RELIQUIAE [1726
draughts in it, of which proofs lay in the book, tho'
I found the engravings wrong in many particulars.
But the maps were wanting in the MS., I mean the
county maps. I do not know but this is the MS. that
belonged to St. James's library. Yet there being
several faults in the writing, I cannot tell whether
it be the original. Roger Gale, esq. hath a MS. of
this work, but Mr. Murray said, 'tis only a copy of
this MS. of Mr. Bateman's. He confessed, however,
that Mr. Gale hath the maps, but added that he
would lend them Kit Bateman to be published.
Copy of my letter to Mr. Murray, when I returned
the MS. to Norden.
Mr. Norden's character is well known from what is
already printed of his Speculum Britannia. Yet I think
nothing of his that I have seen equals his Topographical
and Historical Description of Cornwall, that you lodg'd
with me for a few days. But the mapps being wanting
in the MS. I cannot imlrre of the whole. He took a right
method to trace the originall of places, by making him-
self acquainted, in some degree, with the Saxon tongue.
Nor did he neglect even the Brittish language. Even
Geffry of Monmouth was, in many respects, a favourite
author with him. And that justly, since 'tis certain, that
Geffry is in many things an author of credit. The most
early accounts in other countries, as well as our own, were
brought down by tradition. And therefore 'tis rather a
wonder, that there are no more inconsistencies in Geffry.
Mr. Norden being sensible of this, hath modestly apolo-
gized for him. And so, without doubt, had he seen it, he
would have done for the British Chronicle in Jesus Colleire
Library, which contains more historical facts than arc in
Geffry, and ought to be printed by such as are versed in
the British language. There are many other pieces as yet
1 726] HEARNlANsE. 257
unpublished of Norden. I hope these may be retrieved
also, and I think his Preparative to the whole should be
reprinted, as it was first published at London in 1596 in
31 pages in 8vo. But this little thing I never yet saw,
only I have some MSS. extracts from it, that were given
me by a friend. But I leave this, and other matters of
this kind, to more proper judges than, Sir,
your most obliged
humble servant,
Edmund Hall, Oxford, Tho. Hearne.
Sept. 6. 1726.
Sept. 9. Yesterday Mr. Layng of Balliol college
gave me a fine copy of Coryat's Crudities, which is
a most rare book. As there are abundance of very
weak, idle things in that book, so there are withal
very many observations that are very good and use-
full, as was long since noted by Purchas and some
others. The author kept a diary, in which he en-
tered whatever notes he thought memorable, for many
years, but what became of it after his death is un-
certain, tho' 'tis probable, that his mother Gertrude,
who lived divers years after his death, and died at an
extreme old age, destroyed it. One would wish
to have seen that* Diary, in which, without doubt,
were many remarks of English affairs, particularly
before he travelled beyond sea, which was not till he
was turned of thirty.
Sept. 14. (From the Reading Post, Sept. 12, 172(3.)
" Lisbon, Aug. 31, 1726, N. S. One Welton, a non-
" juring English clergyman, who some time ago ar-
" rived here from Philadelphia, died lately of a dropsy.
" During his illness he refused the assistance of the
" English minister here, alledging he was not of his
" communion, though as for himself he declared he
II. s
" was of the church of England as reformed hy arch-
" bishop Cranmer. After his death, among his things
" were found an episcopal seal, which he had made
" use of in Pensylvania, whereas he assumed and
" exercised privily and by stealth the character and
" functions of a bishop. Information of such his
" practices having been transmitted from Pensylvania
" last year to the Lords Justices of Great Britain,
" they ordered a writ of privy seal to be sent to him,
" commanding him to return home; which writ being
" served upon him in January last at Philadelphia,
" he chose rather than pay obedience to it, to retire
" hither."
N. B. This is the famous Dr. Welton, minister of
White-chappel, who suffered much for his honesty,
and was, it seems, a bishop, and is now above the
malice of all his enemies.
Sept. 28. Mr. Roger Bourchier, fellow of Worcester
college, is a man of great reading in various sorts of
learning. He hath been always of that place, having
been entered there when it was a hall, at his first
coming to Oxford. He is not in orders. Mr. Colley
of Christ Church says he is the greatest man in Eng-
land for divinity. This Mr. Colley is an apocalyptical
man, being much given to books upon the Revelation,
reading, besides Mede, other things that he meets
with upon that subject, and he is particularly strangely
taken with a great folio upon the Revelation, written
by Mr. Daubuz (that same that wrote a Latin 8vo.
book upon the passage in Josephus relating to our
Saviour) and published since his death, which Mr.
Colley saith is the most learned book by much that
ever he read. I have not seen this book of Daubuz's,
but Mr. Colley having recommended it to Bourchier,
1726] HEARNIANJE. 259
the said Bourchier also now mightily commends it.
By this you may guess, that these two gentlemen are
fanciful, as they are also esteemed to be.1
Oct. 5. The following paper was communicated to
me yesterday by Mr. Isham, fellow of Lincoln college,
In the register of St. Martin's parish, Leicester, Feb.
5, 18 Eliz. : — " Tho. Tilsly and Ursula Russet were
" married, and because he was and is naturally deaf
" and dumb, could not for his part observe the order
" of the form of marriage, after the approbation had
" from Thomas the bishop of Lincoln, John Chippen-
" dale, LL.D. and commissary, and Mr. Rich. Davys,
" mayor of Leicester, and others of his brethren with
" the rest of the parish ; the sayd Thomas for ex-
" pressing of his mind instead of words, of his own
" accord used these signs ; first he embrae'd her with
;' his arms, took her by the hand and put a ring on
" her finger, and laid his hand upon his heart, and
" held up his hands towards heaven, and to shew his
" continuance to dwell with her to his lives end, he
" did it by closing his eyes with his hands and digging
" the earth with his feet, and pulling as tho' he would
" ring a bell, with other signs approv'd." — Concordat
cum originali.
Oct. G. Lond. Sept. 29. Thursd. the rev. Mr. Francis
Wise was lately presented to the vicarage of Harlow
in the county of Essex. (This from the Reading-
Post for Oct. 3. N. B. This Wise hath a donative
1 Roger Bourchier, son of Thomas B. a poor person of the city
of Oxford, was matriculated as servitor of Gloucester hall, July
14, 1695, being then fourteen. Reg. Matric. AZ.
260 EELIQUIjB [1726
besides, and is fellow of Trinity coll. Oxon. Gustos
archivorum of the university, and the intruding second
librarian of the Bodleian library, which is really my
Oct. 12. In August last past a person unknown came
to Cutt-IIedge-Inn in the liberty of Long-parish near
Andover, Hampshire, very well drcst, and mounted
on a steed worth 20 guineas, and having two small
twigs in his hand, he came in and desired the land-
lord (Mr. Robert Webb) to give him correction, which
the landlord at first seemed unwilling to comply with,
but at the gentleman's further intreaty, he called in
a lusty porter, which was at the house, and the gen-
tleman (having himself untrust his breeches) caused
the porter to take him at his back, and the landlord
with the twigs aforesaid paid him on the bare buttocks
until the blood ran : for which the gentleman was
very thankful ; which, the better to express, he treated
the landlord and porter, and so went off unknown.1
Oct. 19. Wedn. 14° Kal. Nov. Oxonii in Anglia
Sanctae Fredesuuindre virginis. Mart. Rom. St. Frides-
wide flourished about the year 740. She was the
ornament and patroness of the most illustrious city
and university of Oxford. Her father's name Didan,
a person of noble quality, and her mother's Safrida.
From her infancy she had an aversion from all deli-
cacies. She usually lay upon the hard pavement. A
great part of the night she spent upon her knees, or
1 In the collection of letters attributed, although falsely, to
lord Lyttelton, the following singular narrative is recorded. It
forms a fitting companion to Hearne's Cutt-IIedge-Inn story,
from which it may probably have taken rise. — See Appendix,
No. XVI.
1 726] II EARN I AN JE. 261
prostrate upon the ground. Her ordinary diet was
barley-bread, with a few herbes and roots, and her
drink only water. By her example twelve other
virgins forsook the world. She dedicated herself
wholly to religion by her parents' leave. By the muni-
ficence of the king she built a monastery, into which
she entred with her companions, and passed the
greatest part of her time in prayer and fasting. Alard
or Algar, a young prince, being smitten with her
beauty, she leaves the monastery, and flies to Oxford,
whither Algar pursued her, but was struck blind as he
entered the city, but restored to sight by her means,
at his repentance. Princes were afterwards scrupu-
lous about entering the city at that gate. Out of
thankfulness she built another monastery, in which
she spent the remainder of her life in purity and
divine contemplation. This was at Oxford, and there
she was buried, and after her death her immaculate
body reposing there, became the principal ornament
of the city. There is a shrine, called St. Frideswide's
shrine, now at Christ Church.
Plate in the treasury of the Monastery of Faversham.
(From a MS. in the hands of i\lr. West.)
1. One piece of the holy crosse closed in gold, and set
with stones.
•2. A crucifix silver and gilt weight 50 5 .
3. A mitre with pearl.
4. A staffe with a crosse. The staffe silver parcel
gilt. The crosse silver gilt and enamel'd.
5. A pontifical ring of gold with 4 other gold rings,
3 iii et dimid.
6. II ouches of silver set with pearl.
7. IX chalices with their patents of silver gilt, pond.
150 5.
202 RELIQUIAE [1726
8. II censers of silver and gilt, pond. 140 5.
9. A navet of silver, pond. 5 16.
10. A bell of silver. II paxes of silver parcel gilt,
5 x. and IV crewets of silver, pond. 26 5.
Plate in the Abbots chamber.
1. A standing peice all gilt with a cover, pond. 5
2. A flat peice of silver with a cover, pond. 5 xii.
3. A salt of silver with a cover, 3 16.
4. II gilt spoons, pond. 5 i.
5. VI spoons of silver with knobs like strawberryes,
pond. 5 vi.
6. V niasors with covers, pond. 5 xiiii.
Plate in the f rater ij.
1. VII masors with III covers, pond. 5 i.xxxi.
2. VI silver spoons, pond. 5 iiii.
Plate in the portery.
1. A masor, pond, q ii.
2. A salt of silver with a cover, pond. 5 vi.
Summe total of the silver plate was 5 454~.
Of gold in rings, 5 iii.
Besides the piece of the Holy Crosse, the Crucefix,
mitre, staff and 2 ouches of silver set with pearl.
The price of the Horses in the Stables.
In ye first stable VI horses, price
In ye 2d stable V horses, price
In ye 3d stable V horses, price
In ye 4th stable IV horses, price
Item 2 mures price
2 mares price
Horses and mares 24 price 14 6 8
1726] HEARNIANJE. 263
Oct. 20. This being the coronation-day of George
duke of Brunswick, commonly called king George,
there was mighty jambling of bells very early in the
morning at several places in Oxford.
To James West, esq. at N°. 7 in Figtree court, in the
Inner Temple, London.
Dear Sir,
I hope after you went from Oxford' on Thursday last,
you, and the young gentleman that accompanied you, met
with a pleasant entertainment at Tetsworth, and that
the next day, after you had parted with that young
gentleman, you got safe to London. I fear 'twill be
long before I shall have the happiness of seeing you
again. I have paid the four shillings you left with me
for Jerry at Godstow, and the same day (as I often do)
I drank (as I most heartily wish and desire) your health
at that place.
The little book you gave me of the third order of St.
Francis, called the order of Poenance, is a curiosity. But
then 'tis nothing near so rare as the little book of three
sheets of paper, De Scriptorum Britannicorum paucitate,
written by Nic. Carr, which you shew'd me at Godstowe,
and which I looked over with much pleasure. This Can-
was an elegant writer, and 'tis a curious subject that this
little book treats of. But I was disappointed in reading
it ; for I expected, that he would have spoken of the
havock made of our writers at the dissolution : but this,
as I remember, he does not so much as touch upon. At
that time perished also a great many Tabulce, in which
were recorded the foundations and transactions in several
religious houses. They used to be hung up either in their
refectories, or some other publick places, where they might
Oct. 21. Yesterday I delivered back into Mr. West's own
hands, his MS. Brute of England, after which Mr. West went
for London in the afternoon, lying last night at Tetsworth.
264 RELIQUIJE [1726
be seen and read by those of the respective societies, as
well as by strangers. Of this kind were the tabula of St.
Frideswide, formerly much read by the scholars and
townsmen of Oxford, of which place she was the ornament
and patroness.
Y\ hen you see Mr. Granger and Mr. Murray, pray give
them my humble service, and be pleased to accept the
same yourself from, Dear Sir,
your most obliged
and most humble servant,
Edm. Hall, Oxford, Tho. Hearne.
Oct. 23, 1726.
Oct. 29. On Thursday night last Mr. Graves of
Mickleton in Gloucestershire, who is now in Oxford,
shewed me a copper coin of Theodora, the second
wife of Constantius Chlorus. It is small. He said
he was told it was found near Campden in Glouces-
tershire. It is a great rarity ; all her coins are scarce.
On one side is FL- MAX THEODORA AYG Theodora;
caput diad. On the reverse PIETAS ROMANA
Figura muliebris, stans cum puerulo lactente: infra
My friend Mr. Graves was born on April 22, 1677,
as he told me last night. He hath an aunt, that is
an hundred and one years of age, as I heard him say.
She is still a woman that is vigorous, and hath her
senses perfect. She is a tall upright woman, and
still comely, she having been formerly very handsome.
Mr. Graves said, that Dr. Knight (if he survives her)
is to preach her funeral sermon, he being very great
with her.
The said Dr. Knight is different from Dr. Knight
that was of St. John's college, Oxford. He was a
Cambridge man, and hath published one vile whiggish
1726] HEARNIANJE. 265
sermon, if not more. He hath likewise scriblecl and
published the lives of Dean Colet and Erasmus, both
in 8vo. volumes, and are but miserable stuff. There
are indeed divers cuts in them, but they are to please
women and children. The life of Erasmus is worse
than that of Dean Colct.
Nov. 2. Valerius Andreas in BibUotheca Belgica, p.
866, ed. Lovanii, 1643, 4°. gives an account of Richard
Whyte of Basingstoke and his writings, but mentions
no more than nine books of his History, so that even
then the tenth and eleventh books, which my friend Mr.
West hath, were extremely scarce.
Dr. Rawlinson (in a letter from London of Nov. 1)
tells me that my reflections on Mr. Moyle, at the end
of John of Glastonbury, have raised on me a nest of
hornets, but he says, by what is already printed, their
satyr is as edgeless, as their endeavour strong, to say
something spiteful and unreasonable : such a Cory-
phaeus of the party must be defended at all events,
and every thing sacrificed to such an occasion to
spleen. " Some pretended," says the Dr., " to affirm
" that there was not only venom in your works, but
" rank treason. One La Roche, a French Huguenot,
" who patches for the booksellers a piece he terms
" Memoirs of Literature, I am informed," continues
the Dr., " intends not to let you pass by unremarked
" in his next labours for bread, but hackney writers,
" and such kind of cattle, are mushrooms of an hour's
" growth, and forgot almost as soon as born. These,"
adds the Dr., " are some notices I picked up in con-
" versation, as one cannot always chuse one's com-
" pany, and one lays under obligations to bear with
" impertinencies."
266 RELIQUIAE [1726
Mr. Creech, fellow of All Souls' college, hanged
himself in the year 1700. He was one of the most
applauded wits we had, and for several curious pieces
deserved well of the commonwealth of learning. By
the coroner's inquest he was found non compos mentis.
The evidence for it was very good, being such as had
observed him to be melancholly for a some considerable
time. He was upon a new edition of the ancient
father Justine Martyr, and had prepared several ma-
terials for it.
Nov. 5. Sir Norton Knatchbull had a folio MS.
which must be of great use, thus intit. in sir Norton's
Auction Catalogue, " Dr. Rich. Zouehe's Privileges
" of the University of Oxford, collected into a body,
" 1659." And in p. 8, there is mentioned to be among
his MSS. " A Chronicle of England in English verse,"
on paper, fol. and num. 157, "John Norden's Ab-
stract of the General Survej' of the Soke of Lindesey
in the county of Lincoln, with all the mannors, town-
ships, lands and tenements, within, or belonging to
the same, being a parcel of the dutchy of Cornwall,
1616, fol.1
Nov. 6. Mr. Willis of Whaddon-hall told me last
night, that Mr. Francis Peck, who is printing the
antiquities of Stanford in Lincolnshire, which he calls
Accidentia tertia Anglicana, was formerly his servant.
For being a poor servitor of St. John's coll. in Cam-
bridge (I think Mr. 'Willis said, his mother was a
poor woman, that worked for her bread, being a sort
of semstrcss), Mr. Willis took him to his house at
1 The original MS., or a contemporary copy, is among the
Moore MSS. in the Public Library at Cambridge. E. Peacock,
1 726] HEABNIANJE. 267
Whaddon, before Slyford was with him, where he
wrote for him, and drew some things, he being an
expeditious scribe, and good at drawing. After some
time Mr. Willis discovered him to be a ******* ;
for he not only preached in a certain church without
being in orders, but betrayed the family concerns of
Mr. Willis, who thereupon quite discarded him. He
is a batchelour of arts, and is now a clergyman. He
hath got some good papers of other men's, particu-
larly of one that is dead, and formerly undertook the
antiquities of Stanford, and by the help of these he
may make a good book, he being himself (what
Mr. Willis acknowledges) a man of parts, and no
mean scholar, tho' very conceited.1
Mr. John Dryden, the great poet, was buried in
Westminster abbey among the old poets in May 1700,
being carried from the college of Physicians, where
an oration was pronounced by the famous Dr. Garth,
in which he did not mention one word of Jesus
Christ, but made an oration as an apostrophe to the
great god Apollo, to influence the minds of the audi-
tors with a wise, but, without doubt, poetical under-
standing, and, as a conclusion, instead of a psalm of
David, repeated the 30th ode of the third book of
Horace's odes, beginning, Exegi monument um, &c. He
made a great many blunders in the pronunciation.2
1 For an account of'Peck see Nichols's History of Leicestershire,
and Anecdotes of TAterature, as well as some additional particu-
lars in Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary. Neither of these
writers was aware of Peck's obligations in early life to Browne
Willis, nor of their subsequent disagreement. Peck, in after
life, mentions Willis with respect, dedicating a plate in his
History of Stanford to him, in which he is termed " that curious
" and communicative antiquary Browne Willis, esq."
2 See au interesting account of Dryden's funeral in Malone's
268 RELIQUIJE [1726
Nov. 13. On Thursday the 3d of this month was
hanged at Tyburn e Anthony Drury, for robberies on
the highway, (he having particularly robbed the Bis-
seter waggon of a great sum of money, &e.) in the
28th year of his age. After the death of Mr. Har-
rison, late chaplain of Christ Church and minister of
Magdalen parish in Oxford, his widow, (an elderly
body, though Mr. Harrison was a young man,) who
was daughter of Mr. Arthur Violet, (who had been
esq. Beadle of Div. of the univ. of Oxford.) was mar-
ried to this Drury, who married her purely for her
money, a great deal of which he soon spent, and so
left her. He was a person of good natural under-
standing, and might have lived in great reputation,
and very happily, he being very famous for curing
smoaky chimnies, for which reason he was commonly
called the Chimney Doctor, and got considerably by
this practise. But after he was married to Mrs. Har-
rison, she thought such a profession too low, and
would therefore have had him to leave it, which he
declined. This and the difference of their age, (she
Life prefixed to the Prose works of that illustrious writer. The
extract from Hearne given above corroborates, in great mea-
sure, Malone's confutation of the false statements of what took
place on that occasion, related in one of Curll's compilations
(the Memoirs of Congreve), said to have been written by a
Charles Wilson, esq., but really penned by Mrs. Elizabeth
Thomas. Hearne, who jvas no admirer of Garth, would have
delighted in the story of the grave physician's falling into the
" old beer barrel " in the midst of his oration, had such an event
ever taken place. See Malone's Life of Dr;/il<>i,p. 361. In a sub-
sequent vol. (1 15, p. 17) Hearne write-, on Tuesday, April 30th,
1 700, about nine o'clock in the evening died John Dryden, esq.
the celebrated poet, aged 69, leaving behind him 80 libs, per
annum to his wife, and as much to his son, with a new comedy
in MS. About two days before his death he finished a satyr
against sir Richard Blackmore, with as much spirit and vigour,
as if it. had been wrote in the flower of his age.
1 726] 1IEARNIANJE. 269
being an old woman to him.) as well as her cross
ugly humours, (which killed her first husband, who
was a mighty goodnatured man,) made him very un-
easy, and conduced to his ruin, to say nothing of his
having another wife, with which he was charged in
Newgate by the minister, but waved it, and would
not give a direct answer. He was born at Norwich
of honest creditable parents, who gave him good
education for business, and instructed him in the
principles of religion. At the place of execution he
appeared with abundance of courage ; he said King
the waggoner was the only person who put him upon
robbing the Bisseter waggon, as also the Banbury
waggon, and his own wife of £4, but that he only
got two or three shillings from her. He complained
of his wife's unkindness, but forgave her. He called
to a gentleman at the place of execution, and gave
him some directions relating to his estate. He also
gave several advices to the spectators, desiring them
to live holy, virtuous, and godly lives ; and he hoped
to be saved thro' the merits of Jesus Christ, and died
apparently penitent.
About the year 1704 a young gentleman (a com-
moner) of Magd. hall in this university, who was son
to the learned Dr. Inett, being drinking with three
others, after they had drunk ale for some time 'twas
concluded to drink brandy upon it ; which they did
in such a quantity, that they all fell asleep. After
some time, three of them awoke, and found the other,
Inett, quite dead, and he could never be recovered,
the strength of both liquors exhausting his spirits.
Richard Barlow of the parish of White Waltham died
a.d. 1705 suddenly, having before drunk consider-
able quantity of ale and brandy.
270 RELIQUIjE [1726
Nov. 15. On November 9th last called upon me
Edward ITarley esq. late gentleman commoner and
master of arts of Christ Church, (son of auditor
Harley,) he being going with his lady (sister of Mr.
Morgan of Tredegar) into Wales. This Mr. Harley
is a fine gentleman, being much given to books, and
a friend to scholars. He hath one son (being his
first child) about a quarter of a year old, by his lady,
who is a very great fortune to him. [He hath an-
other son since, December 6, 1727.]
Nov. 19. " Some days since died at his chambers
" in Gray's Inn, the Rev. Mr. Bishop, a nonjuring
" clergyman." N.B. This Mr. Bishop, whose Christian
name was William, was a very honest man, and was
of Trinity college Oxford, as a member of which he
took the degree of M.A. Feb. 19, 1683. Dr. Charlett
used to call him his cousin Bishop. He did not like
Anthony Wood's way of writing lives, so that being
once talking with Anthony, Anthony told Mr. Bishop
he would write his life. Prithee, Anthony, says
Mr. Bishop, hast a mind to have a good cudgel ? upon
which Anthony forebore.
Nov. 21. Mr. West tells me, in a letter, that he
had seen that day a noble book finely printed, with
a great number of beautiful cutts, in a large folio,
which because he takes it to be a very great rarity,
he hath sent the title, vk. Succint genealogies of the
noble and antient house* of Alno or deAlneto. Brocof
Shephale. Latimer of Duntish. Drayton of Drayton.
Mauduit of Wermin&ter. (/now of Drayton. Vere
of Addington. Fitz Lewes of Westhomedon. Howard
of Effingham, and Mordannt of Turvey justified by public
records, antient and extant charters, histories and other
1 726] HEARNIANJE. 271
authentic proofs, and enrichted with divers sculptures of
tombs, images, seales and other curiosities by Robert
Halstead." London, printed in the year of our Lord
MDCLXXXV. Mr. West judges rightly that the said
book is a very great rarity. I do not remember any
thing distinctly about it ; but I think I have seen it.
I would fain have some short account of this Hal-
stead, who and what he was,1 and whether he was a
man of learning.
iVTor. 30. One Mrs. Anne Toft, wife of William
Toft clothworker of the town of Godliman within
three miles of Guilford in Surrey, was delivered of
nine creatures resembling rabbits at several times in
the month of October last, and since that time she
hath been delivered of eight more, in all seventeen.
All papers are full of this, as are also many private
letters, and 'tis so well attested by several chirurgeons,
physicians, and others, (among which is Mr. John
Howard, chirurgeon and man-midwife in Guilford,
who delivered her, women midwives being after one
rabbit came from her afraid to proceed.) that no
doubt is made about the truth of the fact.2 Dec. 8.
The woman that has been delivered of seventeen rab-
1 This Halstead is supposed to be a fictitious name; and
the book, in reality, to have been compiled by Henry earl of
Peterborough. See a good account of it in Lowndes' Biblio-
grapher's Manual 11, 862. The British Museum certainly
has two copies, one of which came amongst the library formed
by that zealous book collector king George the Third, and
given to the nation by king George the Fourth : the second
by the late Mr. Grenville. For further mention of this rarity,
and the libraries in which it may be found, see Gough's British
Topograph)/, and that most useful, but now nearly forgotten,
book the Censura Literaria.
s Hearne concludes this subject Apr. 21, 1727. Mary Toft,
the Godalmin rabbit woman was (April 8) discharged from her
recognizance at the quarter sessions, Westminster, there being
no prosecution.
bits at Godalmin is come to town by order of his ma-
jesty, and is lodged in the Bagnio in Long Acre,
where there is a great resort to see her. Dec. 23.
Mary Toft, the rabbit-woman from Godliman, is
ordered to be prosecuted upon the statute of Edw. III.
for being a vile cheat and impostor. There is a very
great resort of all manners of people to see her in
Tothill Fields, Bridewell.
Dec. 5. On Friday last in the afternoon was a
convocation for electing a minister of some west
country living,1 which falls to the university upon
1 This was the rectory of Loxore in Devonshire. Hearne's
account is curious, as shewing us the combinations of colleges in
his day. It will be interesting to Oxford men if I take this
opportunity of recording the results of a few elections in the
university which I have casually met with in my academical
University contests f
1759. Lord Westmore-
1750. Sir R. Newdigate
Mr. Harley . .
Sir E. Turner
land ....
Bp. of Durham .
1762. Lord Litchfield .
Lord Foley . .
1809. Lord Grenville .
Lord Eldon
Duke of Beaufort.
1768. Sir R. Newdigate
Mr. Page . . .
Mr. Jenkinson
Dr. Hay . . .
1806. Sir Wm. Scott .
Rt. Hon. C. Abbot
Mr. Heber . .
1821. Mr. Heber . .
1679. Dr. Perrott . .
Sir John Nicholl .
Sir Leoline Jen-
1829. Sir R. II. Inglia .
kins ....
Rt. Hon. R. Peel.
Dr. Oldys . . .
1847. Sir K. II. Inglis .
Hon. Mr. Lane .
Rt Hon. W. E.
1705. Mr. Bromley
Sir Win. W'hitloek 214
Mr. Round
Sir Hugh Mack-
1852. Sir R. II. Inglis .
Rt. Hon. W. E.
1721. Mr. Bromley .
Gladstone .
Dr. Clarke " .
Dr. Marsham
Dr. King . .
1853. Rt. Hon. W. E.
1736. Mr. Bromley .
Gladstone . .
Mr. Trevor
Mr. Perceval . .
account of the patron's being a Roman catholic, in
the room of Mr. Charles Reeve M.A. late of New
Margaret Professor.
1691. Dr. Maurice . . 40
Mr. Sykes ... 35
1705. Mr. Wynne . . 33
Dr. Baron ... 27
1728. Mr. Jenner . . 34
Dr. Leigh ... 24
1783. Dr. Neve ... 77
Dr. Bandinel . . 53
1827. Mr. Faussett . . 42
Dr. Nares ... 33
Mr. Shuttleworth 19
1833. Mr. Heurtley . . 53
Mr. Woodgate . 46
Mr. Hansell . . 22
Mr. Foulkes . . 20
Camden's Professor of History.
1688. Mr. Dodwell . . 104
Hon. Mr. Finch . 98
Dr. Aldworth . . 86
1720. Dr. Harrison . . 177
Mr. Denison . . 104
Mr. White . . 92
1772. Mr. Scott ... 140
Mr. Bandinel . 115
Mr. Napleton . 99
1785. Mr. Warton . . 186
Mr. Wiustanley . 107
Bodleifs Librarian.
1701. Dr. Hudson . . 194
Dr. Wallis . . 173
1719. Mr. Bowles . . 106
Mr. Hall ... 77
1768. Mr. Price . "1
Mr. Cleaver . / e(*ual
Custos Archivorum.
1777. Dr. Buckler . . 266
Mr. Raw bone . 97
Mr. Price ... 26
1781. Hon. T. F. Wen-
man .... 221
Dr. Monkhouse . 191
1818. Mr. Cooke . . 180
Mr. Bliss ... 122
Mr. Heyes . . 107
Professor of Poetry.
1741. Mr. Lowth . .
Mr. Lisle . . .
1751. Mr Hawkins . .
Mr. Thompson
1793. Mr. Hurdis . .
Mr. Rett . . .
1842 (no poll but on a
statement of votes
Mr. Garbett . .
Mr. Williams
Vinerian Professor.
1777. Mr. Woodeson
Mr. Kooke . .
Clinical Professor.
1785. Dr. Wall . . .
Dr. Vivian
Aldrichian Physic.
1803. Dr. Bourne . . 323
Dr. Williams . 238
Curator of the Tlteatn
Dr. Butler . .
Dr. Shippen .
Public Orator.
1697. Mr. Wyatt . .
Dr. Penton . .
Mr. Waple . .
Mr. Manningham
1745. Mr. Lisle . .
Mr. Hind . .
1760. Mr. Nowell . .
Mr. Vivian
1784. Mr. Crowe . .
Mr. Tatham . .
Mr. Burrington .
Mr. Sergrove
274 RELIQUIJ5 [1726
college, who is dead. This Mr. Reeve took the said
degree of M.A. June 14, 1707. He married one
Mrs. White, sister of Mr. White the chymist of Holy-
well in Oxford. He drank very hard, which ended
his life. His wife is living. Candidates were Mr.
Bourn, chaplain of Corpus Xti. coll., and Mr. Quicke
of Christ Church. Mr. Bourn is much the senior.
They are both masters of arts. Mr. Bourn had 130
votes and Mr. Quicke only 98. Magd. coll. and Univ.
coll. struck in with Corpus. Mr. Bourn had been
formerly of Univ. coll. ; Dr. Charlett being his uncle.
Balliol coll. struck in with Christ Church.
A.D. 1698. A charter passed the seals for the
making Gloucester hall in Oxford a college, by the
name of Worcester college. Sir Thos. Cook gave for
that end £10,000, and Dr. Woodrof pretended to be
a great benefactor. Sir Thos. committed the care of
that business to the bp. of Worcester, Dr. Stilling-
fleet, but Dr. Woodrof put into the charter that the
king should have liberty to put in and turn out the
fellows at his pleasure, which displeased the bishop
very much, who said that kings have already had
enough to do with our colleges. Upon this it was
reported the bishop would alter his purposes, and
give the money to some other place in this university.
And Dr. Mill, principal of Edmund hall, said, that if
it should so fall out, he did not question but that he
should get it for Edm. hall ; for bp. Stillingfleet no-
minated that place at first as most fit ; and Dr. Mill
had abundance of more interest too with the bp. than
Dr. Woodrof. But soon after I heard that things
were settled again between the bp. and Dr. Woodrof,
by reason of a paper drawn up which annulled what
was inserted in the charter with relation to the king ;
1726] HEABNIANJE. 275
and thereupon the business went forward, and after
some years it was fully ended, and Gloucester hall
became a college, notwithstanding the contrivances
of the late Dr. Lancaster to have it at Magdalen
Dec. 15. Sept. 26th Mr. Calvert told me that he
hath an uncle called Mr. Paston, who is a very curious
gentleman. He is a Roman catholic. He lives at
Pauntly in Gloucestershire. He married Mr. Cal-
vert's aunt, viz. the lady Anne Calvert. She is his
second wife. His estate (at least the greatest part)
is abbey lands, and thrives with him, as it is a gene-
ral observation that abbey lands thrive in Roman
catholic hands, though not in others.1 Mr. Charles
Hyde is chaplain to him. Mr. Paston's son married
Mrs. Courtney, a lady of great understanding and
virtue. They were married in 1725. Her brother
(who is a protestant) hath many old valuable writings.
1 Hearne's remark on the prosperity attending the possession
of abbey lands by Roman catholic proprietors is rather unfortu-
nate in this instance. The Paston name, at once one of the
most ancient and respectable in England, is, I fancy, now ex-
tinct. The last of the family lived at Horton, and becoming
involved fell into the hands of an attorney in the neighbour-
hood, to whom he ultimately became so indebted, that dving,
he paid his debt by leaving the estate to this gentleman. There
was, if I remember rightly, a suit at law in consequence, which
at the time occasioned a great sensation in the county, and on
the production of the will, which (having been proved in some
consistory court in the country, and erroneously sought for in
the prerogative court in London only) was supposed not to exist,
the cause was immediately decided in favour of the attorney.
Hearne, subsequently, gives many extracts from charters and
other documents, relative to the Pastons, which I only omit as
not being of general interest. Thev may however be found in
the Diary, under 1726, by the curious inquirer. See a reference
to a sir William Paston in Russell's Memorials of Thomas Fuller,
Lond. Pickering, 1844, page 32. I cannot refer to a more in-
teresting or accurate little volume.
276 RELIQUIAE [1726
Mr. Calvert then told me that the great tithes of
Kissling near Richmond in Yorkshire belonged to the
priory of St. Agatha, i. e. Richmond juxta. The fore-
said young Mr. Paston (William Paston esq.) lives at
Horton near Badminton in Gloucestershire. This
Horton belonged to the church of Salisbury.
Dec. 23. " London Dee. 13. On Friday night the
" vestry of St. Martin's in the Fields chose the Rev.
il Mr. Horseley their second reader to succeed Mr.
" Ellison, deceased, as clerk of the said parish, which
" is returned worth about £300 per annum." Reading
Post, Dec. 19, 1726.
" London, Dec. 13. Dr. John Cockman of Maid-
•' stone was lately marryed to Mrs. Dyke, sister to
" sir Thomas Dyke of Sussex, bart. This Dr. Cock-
man, who is younger brother to Mr. Thomas Cock-
man, master of University college, is a man of a
sweet temper, and is ingenious. He had a great
practice in his profession of physick at Maidstone,
but his first wife being a great fortune to him, upon
her death, or rather before, he left off his practice,
and came and lived in Univ. college in Oxford, of
which he had been formerly a member. By the said
first wife (a pretty woman) he had only one child, a
daughter, (a pretty young girl,) now living. As for
sir Thomas Dyke's sister, she is not very young, but
very agreeable, both in her person and temper, and
though younger than the doctor, who is about forty-
six years of age, yet she is of an age suitable to his.
Sir Thos. Dyke was a young nobleman of Christ
Church a few years since.
Dec. 25. One Mr. Zachary Pearce, a Cambridge
gentlemaDj who some time since put out a piece of
1 726] HEABNIANJE. 277
Tally with a fulsome dedication, hath just published
a sermon in Svo. preached by him at London at the
consecration of some new church there (viz. in London)
by bp. Gibson, at the end of which he hath added an
essay about the original of temples. In which essay
he often quotes Dr. Potter bp. of Oxford's Antiquities
of Greece, as if Potter had anything extraordinary,
not observed before by Meursius, whereas indeed
Potter is nothing but Eouse improved from Meursius,
as any one may immediately perceive that will give
himself the trouble of considering impartially. And
whereas many very curious new observations might
have been made, (several relating to the Greek coins,)
Potter hath not made so much as one ; the study of
those coins &c. being quite out of his way. This
Pearce also speaks of sir Isaac Newton as the genius
and glory of this isle, and makes him as great a
chronologer as he is a mathematician. There is no
doubt that sir Isaac is a very great mathematician,
but in chronology he advanced paradoxes and new
opinions, and being no classical scholar, (as I am well
assured he is not,) he must be at a loss for reading,
to know what the ancients delivered of such and such
affairs, and 'tis too late to begin reading now at his
great age, though I cannot find that he thinks much
of death.
1727. Yesterday I was told by Mr. Francis Gwyn
of All Souls college, that Dr. Pearce Dod told him,
that when the college of physicians at London waited
lately in a body on the queen, as they call George the
present elector of Hanover's wife, she said, in the
hearing of the said Dr. Dod, to one by her, by way
of sneer, enough to kill a whole nation, which words
are much resented, especially by some, and indeed
278 RELIQUIyE [1726-27
many, particularly the tories, are much nettled at
the present proceedings, this George II. continuing
things as they were before, and in all probability
will act, if we may judge from his beginning, with
an higher hand than George I. His late speech to
the parliament gives great offence to the tories, be-
cause he commends the last parliament, and would
have such another chosen, speaks well of the dis-
senters, &c. But king James may be glad of this,
since, if matters go on so, his interest must needs be
thereby much strengthened. For the tories will be
thereby forced to be for him, whereas if they should
be now put in place, they would be all against him,
as I heard one of them say myself very lately. As
for George I. 'tis very remarkable that he died on the
10th of June (the 21st in that country), being the
birthday of king James, and not at one clock in the
morning on June 11th, as the world is made to be-
lieve on purpose that it might not be thought he went
out of this life on so remarkable a day as king James's
birthday, whose kingdoms he had so long and so un-
justly usurped. The said George I. was quite rotten
and eat up with whoring.
172G-27. Jan. 3. Dr. Humphry Hody died on Jan.
21, 170G, in the 45th year of his age, at which time I
heard Dr. Grabe say that he was an older man than
Dr. Hody. so that Dr. Grabe must have been at least
51 years of age when he died. The said Dr. Grabe
was a Prussian by birth, and in his own country
a Lutheran, but disliking some tilings of that persua-
sion, he writ a book or two in his own language,
shewing his dissent from some particulars, which, as
I think, being answered, and he being uneasy, he
came into England, and coming acquainted with Dr.
1726-27] HEARNIANsE. 279
Mill, principal of Edmund hall, he proposed to publish
several books, one of which was to shew, that the
church of England excells all other churches. But
Dr. Mill and others put him by this design, as think-
ing (and very rightly) that he was very unqualified
for such an undertaking, as he was a foreigner not
thoroughly acquainted with our affairs, and being still
in some things a Lutheran. Instead therefore of
writing upon the church of England, they put him
upon Spicileg'mm Patrum, which he had also proposed,
and accordingly he printed two vols, of that work in
8vo. during his residence at Edmund hall. After
which, being made chaplain of Christ Church, he laid
by that design, (for he was a very fickle, unsettled
whimsical man,) and put out an 8vo. vol, of a piece
of Justin Martyr, and intended other parts, but did
not, leaving the rest for others, which accordingly
was done, and then he set upon an edition of Irenaeus,
and finished it, though had it been to consist of several
volumes, he would certainly have laid it aside. After
this, leaving his chaplainship, he settled at London,
and put out bp. Bull's works in folio, but without
the bp.'s leave, adding many things of his own, which
are far inferior to the bp.'s. Then he set upon
the Septuagint according to the Alexandrian MS.,
and printed some parts of it, and prepared the rest
for the press, which hath been since published by
Mr. George Wigan, now principal of New Inn hall.
But Dr. Grabe was so weary of this work of the Sep-
tuagint, that I have often heard him say, he wished
he had never undertaken it. However, his friends
prevailed with him to go on, though during his being
upon it he made an excursion into matters of contro-
versy, and writ and published a little 8vo. book against
Mr. Whiston, printed first in the Theater at Oxford,
280 RELIQUIuE [1726-27
and since the Dr.'s death at London. In order to the
writing of which book against Mr. Whistoii, (which
was afterwards answered by Mr. Whiston,) he was
obliged to take one or more journeys to Oxford to
consult MSS., in one of which journeys he happened
to receive a bruise in his breast from the coach,
which occasioned his death. The Dr., after he had
left his chaplainship of Christ Church, where he never
officiated, had an hundred a year pension settled
upon him from queen Anne, but 'twas very rarely
paid him, as I have heard him complain more than
once, in so much that he wanted money, and would
often borrow of friends, and 'twas his general com-
plaint that he could not get generous subscribers
heartily to promote and encourage his learned la-
bours. Tis certain he was a worthy man, and what
he hath done in ecclesiastical affairs is extraordinary.
Yet he was far from being that great man some have
extolled him for. He had no classical learning. His
judgement was not great; his stile was poor. He
received orders as of the church of England, of Dr.
Wm. Lloyd, bp. of Worcester, but he did not then
receive the sacrament, nor did the bp. offer it him.
Indeed Dr. Grabe (who was intircly for consubstan-
tiation) never communicated with us. When he was
of Edm. hall and of Christ Church, lie would frequent
(lie ehapell prayers, as he would constantly go to the
publick churches, but then he would never receive
the sacrament at any of those times, but he used
to go to London, and for some time he received at
the hands of Mr. Edward Stevens, after the manner
of the Greek church, and after Stevens' death, I have
been told, from some Lutheran ; but how he received
at his death, I have not learned, tho' some have said
he received from Dr. Hickes. In short, I could
1726-27] HEARNIANJE. 281
never understand otherwise, but that Dr. Grabe was
very unsettled, and was for setting up a religion of
his own framing. In some things he was a Lutheran,
in others for the church of England, in others a
papist ; I mean he was for some of the errours of the
church of Rome, though at the same time I have
heard him at a public coffee house bitterly rail (for
which he was checked) against the pope, calling him
antichrist &c. He was in many things very credulous
and very superstitious, and for some time (though he
changed his mind afterwards) he used to keep saints'
days as strictly as Sundays, and was unwilling to
work himself or to let others work for him on those
days. He had strange fancies about spirits, and when
he heard of a fire, (as there was one at Edm. hall
while he was there,) he would presently cry out that
there were spirits. His way of writing was to have
a bottle of ale, brandy, or wine stand by him, and
every three or four lines of his writing he would
drink thereof. He was a man that mightily delighted
in women's company, and he was very sweet upon
them, in so much that at last he mightily desired a
wife, and he had made his addresses to a daughter of
sir Sebastian Smith's of Oxford, but she was married
to Dr. Gardiner of All Souls' instead of Dr. Grabe,
who had then other young women in his view. Dr.
Grabe died (as I have noted elsewhere) in a dubious
condition, and cowardly, if what Mr. Samuel Gale
told me be true. The earl of Oxford sent him money
upon his death-bed. What he did for him before, I
know not ; it hath been said, very little. The erect-
ing a monument is popular, befitting such as make
court to the house of Hanover. I have heard Dr.
Grabe say, that he preached and read lectures, though
not in orders, for about eleven years before he came
282 RE LIQUID [1726-27
to England. When he was here I very much assisted
him in things relating to MSS., and transcribed from
old MSS. a vast number of sheets for him, some of
which he printed, and some are now among his MS.
papers in the Bodleian library. At the same time I
was also a great assistant to Dr. Mill, Dr. Hudson,
&c. When Dr. Grabe came first to Oxford, he had
not much Greek, but at length, by Dr. Mill's help, he
became well versed in such Greek as is used in eccle-
siastical writings. So I have often heard Dr. Mill
say. He was withal a man of so much vanity as
mightily to court and desire applause, and would talk
of obelisks and asterisks, and of his own undertakings
before all persons, even such as were perfectly igno-
rant and illiterate, on purpose that he might be com-
mended by them. He always wore a wig while he
was with us, at least as long as I knew any thing of
him, which I note, because Mr. West hath observed,
that he is in the statue represented in his own hair.
He was a man of a mean presence, and by no means
personable. His eyes were so fixed as rf he looked
two ways at once. Yet he would fain be thought an
handsome man. These are many of the severe re-
marks that used to be made upon Dr. Grabe, and
among the rest even by his friend Dr. John Mill, to
whom (what I should have observed before) he wrote
a letter that is printed in 4to. about the Septuagint.
Notwithstanding all which, Dr. Grabe was certainly
a good, pious man, and what he did with respect to
ecclesiastical learning is prodigious.
Jan. 4. Last Friday was a tryal ( that lasted several
hours) at St. Mary's in Oxford about presenting to
Cherlebury in Oxfordshire, vacant by the death of
Dr. Brabourn. Upon which vacancy St. John's col-
1726-27] H EARN IAN JE. 283
lege put in their claim, though they had never pre-
sented before, it belonging (it seems) to them after
such a number of years had been expired, which
happened now to be the case. Dr. Heywood of St.
John's college was presented by the college soon
after Dr. Brabourn's death. But a caveat was put in
against his institution by one Saunders of Glouces-
tershire, who pretended to the right of presentation
because they had had it before, and Brabourn's wife
was a Saunders, and would fain have had it in behalf
of her son, young Brabourn. On Friday morning
the said Turner presented one Allen in opposition to
St. John's college. Both the bp. of Oxford and his
archdeacon, as well as Dr. Irish, judge of the court,
sate. There was a great auditory. Council from
London for both sides came down, viz. Dr. Wills for
St. John's college, and serjeant Hawkins for Turner.
Many gave out that 'twould certainly go for Turner
in behalf of Brabourn. But the matter appeared too
plain for the college, and the jury brought it in for
St. John's college, to the confusion of Brabourn and
all that were for him.
Jan. 5. Memorand. that formerly the Theater
printers at Oxford kept no other holydays at Christ-
mas but the three daj^s immediately following Christ-
mas day, and the Circumcision, commonly called
New Year's day. The other days, excepting Christ-
mas day itself, they used to work, not so much as
keeping Epiphany, or Twelfth day, holy day, only at
night they did not use candles, a thing of note,
because the custom hath of late been altered, so as
little work is done during the 12 days.
Jan. 7. The parsonage of Blechingdon near Wood-
284 RELIQUIyE [1726-27
stock was given to Queen's coll. in Oxford at the
request of the founder, Robt. Englefield, by king
Edw. III. 9 Jul. anno regni 17, a.d. 1343, and the
year following 27th March (viz. a.d. 1344) he gave
the said college the wardenship of the Hospital of St.
Julian at Southampton, commonly called God's house.
This hospital was almost destroyed by fire by the
rebels temp. Car. I. Robt. Englefield himself was
warden of that hospital.
Wm. Muskham, rector of the church of Dereham
in Cumberland, built Queen's coll. gate next Edm.
hall, and certain chambers on the north side of the
said gate temp. Edw. III. before the year 1352 :
the said gate is still standing, as also the chamber
over it, built likewise by Muskham, which chamber
was the very chamber in which prince Henry (after-
wards Henry V.) lived when he was a member of
that college. John Ross in his history of England,
that I printed, hath noted this. And there is a note
about it in one of the windows of the chamber. My
late friend, Charles Eyston of East Hendred in
Berks, esq., not long before he died, being in Oxford
with one or two other honest, wrorthy gentlemen,
and understanding from me that that was king
Henry Vth's chamber, had a mighty desire of seeing
the inside, which accordingly I obtained, and Mr.
Eyston earnestly desired of the gentleman then re-
siding in it, that he would use his interest that this
chamber might not be pulled down with the rest,
now at this time of erecting new buildings in the
college. But what will be done I know not, though
I fear the worst ; especially since they have pulled
down the old refectory which was on the west side
of the old quadrangle, and was a fine old structure
that I used to admire much, and should have ad-
1726-27] II EARN IAN yE. 285
mired it the more had I seen the old ^enigmatical in-
scriptions, and the arms of the several benefactors of
the college, with which it was once adorned. But
these were destroyed long before the refectory, whicli
was lately pulled down, and the name of Muskham
(who gave 1G0 marks for building it) quite forgot,
as is also that of one John Wharton, who gave 4
pounds to the refectory, in order to repair and adorn
it, in the time of King Henry Vllth.
Jan. 9. The abbat of Abington used to keep court
in an house on Grandpont bridge in St. Aldate's
parish, Oxford. St. Aldate was bishop of Gloucester,
and cut Hengist king of the Saxons in pieces.
Grandpont bridge consists of above forty stone arches.
Brian Twyne looks upon Friar Bacon's study on
Grandpont bridge as a fiction. Without doubt he
had an observatory in that place. The lower part is
very old, though the upper part be new. It is now
the waterworks. I have spoke of this study in my
glossary to Peter Langtoft. East Bridge street in
St. Clement's parish, by Oxford. Magdalen bridge,
Oxon, was built by Wm. Waynfleet, founder of Magd.
coll., yet there was an older bridge according to
Twyne, who tells us from the book of the hospital
of St. John Baptist, that king Henry III. founded
the said hospital, not far from the bridge. He con-
firms it from Florilegus. But Leland tells us of a
ferry only then. If there was a bridge, 'twas only
a foot-bridge, as indeed there is a tradition that for-
merly there was only a foot-bridge there.
Jan. 10. Yesterday morning died old Mr. Michael
Burghers, of St. Peter's parish in the East, Oxford.
He was born at Amsterdam in Holland, and being
286 RELIQUIAE [1726-27
an engraver, when young he came into England, and
after some time settling in Oxford, he worked as a
journeyman to Mr. David Loggan the university en-
graver. Upon Loggan's death Burghers himself was
made the university engraver. He was looked upon
as the best general engraver in England, and had
always till very lately, within these two or three
years, a vast deal of business, so that being withal a
very industrious man, he got a vast deal of money,
and purchased a pretty estate in Oxford. His wife
hath been dead several years. His only daughter
(and I think only child now living) is the wife of one
Welman a barber in St. Peter's parish. The old
man was so foolish as to make all he had over to
them some time ago, whereupon they wanted to be
rid of him, and for some time they kept him a
prisoner in his own house ; for he and the}7 lived
all together in a house of his by East gate ; and gave
out one while that he was gone to Holland, and an-
other that he was at Hackbourne in Berks, where
his son in law Welman hath some estate, and all this
that he might not come out to pay his debts. For
they having got all, the old man was reduced so as
to borrow money, and run in debt other ways. It is
true, the old man was, in many respects, a great
villain, and a very debauched person. Yet for all
that, they should have taken all possible care of him,
and not have starved him as they did. Had he had
the comforts of life, he might have held out (as all
think) ten or a dozen years longer, and yet was
about fourscore when he died. He was a very strong
man, and had a vast stomack. He was struck with
a palsy a few days before he died, which if it had
been known to physicians and apothecaries in good
time, they might (as I am well assured) in all pro-
1726-27] IIEABNIAN^E. 287
bability have recovered him so as he might have held
out a good while longer, but, it seems, they thought
their father had lived too long already.
Jan. 14. In an old imperfect Psalter in English
which I have in 4to. used in the 2nd year of Queen
Elizabeth's reign, is this written at the beginning :
" Popery was not quite downe, till the third yeare
of Qu. Eliz. This Psalter was the Liturgy used in
the second yeare of her reigne."
" The papists frequented the churches untill her
seventh yeare."
Jan. 24. The famous Dr. Pocock assisted Mr. Sel-
den very much, as Selden himself is pleased to ac-
knowledge in several places, particularly in his edi-
tion of Eutychius' Oriyines Ecclesiai Alexandrine,
which Origines is only a small inconsiderable frag-
ment of Eutychius' Annales that Pocock himself
afterwards published in Arabic and Latin. Indeed
Selden, notwithstanding his great pretences, had but
little skill in Arabic, and he made use of others'
help in that, as in many other things. His design
of printing these Annals was purely out of his hatred
to episcopacy. His Commentary upon them, which
is large, is a mere rhapsody, learned indeed and full
of reading, but generally like his other performances
injudicious. His efforts against episcopacy are but
weak, and yet he did what he was able.
Jan. 25. On the 5th July 1724, Dr. Rawlinson
writ me a letter from Rome, at which time my
friend the Honble Benedict Leonard Calvert, esq. was
there also, to whom the Dr., as Mr. Calvert hath
since told me, was antiquary at Rome. The Dr.
288 RELIQUIAE [1726-27
speaks of that great variety of agreeable objects
which daily, not to say hourly, are the entertain-
ments at that place of the curious. Books indeed
describe, and travellers talk, but Horace's rule, he
observes, is exactly true, that
" Segnius irritant amnios demissa per aures,
" Quam qua? sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus."
The Dr. roved, as himself says, out of the common
road of travellers. He made excursions into Sicily,
where every spot of ground, every rock or wave of
the sea, recalled to his mind either Homer, Virgil,
Claudian tfcc. If I admire, says he, the grandeur of
old Rome in its great remains, I pity the fate of
more antient and more spacious Syracuse, whose
ruins and vast circumference strike with terrour, and
in viewing Rome I only review Sicily plundered of
her treasures by Marcellus, who by the spoils carryed
thence enriched and adorned this capital. With
what astonishment do we behold the subterraneous
grottos and catacombs of Rome ? No less, continues
the Doctor, am I amazed in curiously prying into
those of the Syracusan tyrant, where he spent a life
in the greatest profuseness and luxury, but alass !
this city, this wonder of the world, has suffered
more from violence than time. The frequent earth-
quakes and convulsions of nature may be added as a
melancholy circumstance. In those countries the
works of nature are equal, if not superior, to those
of art. Mount ^Etna is to be seen, not described.
Heights almost inaccessible, precipices horrible, and
streams of fire which strike terrour into the hardest.
The condition the Dr. saw it, when thereon, gave
reason to fear to forty miles around. Of the ravage
and destruction which attend those dreadfull erup-
1726-27] HEARNIANJE. 289
tions the antient and modern story is full. All the
country around abounds with fabulous history, the
rape of Proserpine, the planting of corn by Ceres &c.
are too trite but barely to mention. Old Homer's
Cyclops seem still to sweat at their forges, and the
Cyclopum scopuli near Catania remind the famed
escape of Ulysses. The doctor goes still on, and
speaks of his brother's going into Arabia, of the
pleasures in travell, and of the satisfaction himself
enjoyed on that score. This, says he, and much
more was not able to satisfy the appetite of my more
curious brother, who now perhaps traverses the burn-
ing sands of Arabia, or rather visits some sacred
ruin recorded in holy writ. It is his good fortune
to see some at least of those seven golden candle-
sticks whose lights once shone so bright as to dazzle
and confound errour and paganism. Constantinople,
the seat of the Eastern empire, he has viewed doubt-
less with pleasure, though quantum mutatus ab ilia as
in the time of Constantine. I cannot but own, I
innocently envy him the pleasure one must naturally
receive from a visit to parts of the world, from what
we see here so widely different, and with much im-
patience I await his return here for the holy year, to
gratify my curiosity with the bare repetition. The
itch of curiosity none know but those who feel it,
and none feel it more terribly than the traveller : at
first setting out, foreign countries are only a change
of air, but when a little language is attained, and
some knowledge of the customs &c. of the nations
we converse with, the terrible notion of absence
gradually wears off, and we only admire the folly of
our former way of thinking : Omne solum forti patria
est may be applyed to the contented and easy, as well
as the heroes, and the notion of banishment only is a
11. v
290 RELIQUIAE [1726-27
sting to us : this consideration will sweeten, and a
due reflexion will render not only easy, but delight-
ful, even such a state of life to those whose unhappy
circumstances oblige it. As to myself, continues he,
a voluntary absence is highly agreeable, a few books,
and fewer friends occupy all my hours : sometimes I
retire to some shady ruin, and frame ideas of its
anticnt grandeur, or with father Kircher build an
imaginary palace in the air ; other times read a page
in an old author, and force a stone or two, the
slender remains of what he enlarges on, to speak
perhaps even more than ever he designed, or so much
as dreamt of. Dr. Rawlinson tells me that my ob-
servations at the end of John of Glastonbury on Mr.
Moyle's works have raised, he hears, a nest of hornetts,
or rather waspes against me ; such are the antagonists
of our * * * * and the patrons of Moyle, from Avhom,
the Dr. says, I may expect severity, though probably
no shadow of arguments ; the poyson such sort of
creatures spit. Mr. Serjeant of the tower published
two vols, of Moyle's works, as he is informed, (and
indeed I had been told so before by Dr. Woodward,
Mr. Serjeant's name being also subjoyned to the
preface.) though contrary to the knowledge say some,
others against the consent of Moyle's son, now on
his travels. Arthur Hammond (known formerly for
his noisy tory eloquence, since a Proteus, since a
beggar, said to have attempted the life of the chevalier
on his Scotch cmbarcation, at present a prisoner for
debt in the King's Bench, and prostitutor of his pen
for bread) has added a third of Mr. Moyle's works by
himself formerly reprinted. The Dr. at the same
time takes notice, that they see there lately published
I he Memoirs of John Kerr, esq., an honest Scott, or,
in Burnett's phrase, a true Scott, in which he severely
1726-27] IIEARNIANJE. 291
lashes a German ministry which he with great as-
surance affirms us governed by, and that all our
offices are sold &c, and many more reflections, which,
the Dr. says, he dares not stain his paper with, as he
knows not what terms like those of Mr. Kerr might
even here bear. The author, says the Doctor, is
dead, the truth of the MS. is sworn to as left by him,
and such a warrant, prefixed to the first part, of
leave to keep company with the late queen's enemies
on purpose to betray them, such an instance hardly
to be produced in history.
Feb. 3. I hear that complaint being made to the
Vice-Chancellour Dr. Mather by some, particularly
by one Mr. Ayscue of the Vice-Chancellour's own
college (Corpus Christi), of some passages in Mr.
Coningsby's 30th of Jan. sermon, there was a meet-
ing on that occasion on Wednesday last, of the Vice-
Chancellour and some other heads of houses and
doctors, some of which I hear were Dr. Shippen,
principal of Brazenose coll., Dr. Dobson president of
Trin. coll., Dr. Butler president of Magd. coll., Dr.
Holland warden of Merton coll., Dr. Gibson provost
of Queen's coll., Dr. Felton principal of Edm. hall,
Dr. Terry canon of Christ Church ; and that Mr.
Coningsby being called, he appeared, but his notes
being demanded, he pretended he had lost them,
upon which he was ordered to preach no more before
the university for two years. What the passages of
offence were I hear no further than that he should,
in commending king Charles I., say that he was a
prince that was not an alien by birth, and that he
preferred to dignities in the church men of true
worth and learning. Also that he said, all rebellion
was unlawfull. From such expressions K. George
292 BELIQUIJ3 [1726-27
(^as he is stiled) was looked upon as reflected upon
for preferring such as he does, and the revolution to
he branded. I am told Mr. Coningsby's sermon was
well delivered, that 'twas a good honest discourse,
and that all were very attentive (that heard it) with-
out the least smile, as often happens when any sting-
ing passage comes from a sermon.
Yesterday in the afternoon Mr. Prujean of St. Cle-
ment's parish near Oxford, an honest sensible Roman
catholick, telling me that the day before, viz. Shrove
Tuesday, the workmen, as they were digging for
gravell on the north side of Holywell church, in the
garden between the holy well and the church, they
had found several human bones, I went down thither
upon that occasion with him. When we came they
had filled up part of one of the holes, and so covered
a good number of the bones, viz. the skull and some
others, but I saw the two shank bones of a man in
the gravell, which they covered Avith it again, and I
am of opinion (and I think there can be no doubt
made of it, what I have also formerly mentioned)
that the north wing of the church hath been down
many years, which when standing it made the church
(which is dedicated to the holy cross) to be in form
(as without doubt it formerly was) of a cross, and 1
believe that the said wing might come as far as this
skeleton now discovered, tho' part of the churchyard
was also on this north side. For westward under
the tower in the same garden, as the workmen dug
at the same time another hole for a necessary house
or house of ease, they found other human bones
in the gravel, several of which (one being a piece
of a skull) I saw yesterday, and, two or three of
the workmen being there, I could not but exclaim
against this act of building an house of case upon
1726-27] HEARNIANsE. 293
sacred ground, and declare my resentment that part
of the churchyard should be turned into a cabbage
garden, that being the use to which the whole gar-
den is at present imployed, as part of other church-
yards lying to the north side of the respective
churches are also turned into cabbage gardens, par-
ticularly part of the churchyard of St. Peter's in the
East, Oxford. I wish we could learn how far the
churchyard of Holywell extended northward, and
that care were taken to make some separation from
the rest of the ground, that hereafter what belonged
to the church and churchyard might not be turned
to a prophane use. But I fear my wish is in vain :
how long since the bodies were buried, to which the
bones now discovered belonged, I cannot learn, but
it could not be before Henry Vlth's time, because
till his time the inhabitants both of Holywell and
Wolvercote used to burie their dead at St. Peter's
in the East, to which Holywell and Wolvereote are
chapells of ease. I well remember the burying of
two, viz. old Rich. Heatlifield a shoemaker and his
wife, who both died within half an hour of one an-
other, in that part of the churchyard, that is on the
north side of St. Peter's church, according to their
own desire, though there be now no sign of their
grave. No fragments of any coffin nor no stone
coffin appearing where the bones at Holywell were
found, I am of opinion, that the bodies were buried
in winding sheets only, a practice much in use for-
merly, even in queen Elizabeth's time.
Feb. 20. About ten days since I met with and
purchased for 2d. (though for its rarity and curiosity
it be worth a crown) a little printed thing in English
verse with a dedication in prose before it, intituled
294 RELIQUIsE [1726-27
In honour of Abingdon, or on the seaventh day of Sep-
tember's solemnization 1641. By John Richardson
serjeant of Abingdon in the county of Berks. Printed
in the yearc 1641, 4to. It is dedicated to the wor-
shipful the major, bayliffs, and burgesses of Abingdon.
The king and parliament had published and decreed,
that on the said 7th of Sept. 1641, every parish
should keep a festival (religiously to be performed)
in honour of the great peacemaker, upon account
of an accommodation with the Scots. Calena is
here made to be Oxford. K. Cissa is made to be
founder of the abbey. Many of the ruined battle-
ments of the abbey then (1641) to be seen. The
cros.se then standing, which is here called nnparralleled
and harmless, but threatned to be destroyed. St.
Helen's bells (what I never heard before) are called
Aaron's bells. Christ's hospitall near the churchyard
wall. Where were also Royse's fruitfull nurseries,
out of which the carle of Pembroke's gardens were
supplied. There is now no nursery, nor any tradition
of one. The said 7th day was a Tuesday. The festival
was proclaimed, because a joyfull peace was concluded
betwixt the Scots and us. St. Nicholas' bells called
honest Nick's low bells. The hundred and sixth Ps.
sung by two thousand quoristcrs at the crosse. The
figure of K. David upon the crosse, though afterwards
destroyed by hairbrained separatists, an epithet mado
for that crew by the author. Mention of the skilfull
serjeant Corderoy. Mention of the well-known ante-
lope in Abingdon. A great deal of money collected
that day for the poor. The author a cavalier.
Feb. 21. Mr. Baker sends me in a letter the title
of the first edit, of Fox's Martyrs, as he took it from
a perfect copy, viz. :
1726-27] HEARNIANYE. 295
" Actes and monuments of these latter and perilous
" days touching matters of the churche, wherein
" are comprehended and described the great per-
" secuting and horrible troubles that have bene
" wrought and practised by the Romishe prelates,
" speciallye in this realme of England and Scotland
" from the yeare of our Lorde a thousande, unto the
" time now present <fcc, gathered and collected ac-
" cordinge to the true copies and wrytinges certifi-
" catorie, as well of the parties themselves that suf-
" fered, as also out of the bishops' registers, which
" were the doers thereof; By John Fox. Imprinted
" at London by John Day, dwelling over Aldersgate
" beneth St. Martins', Anno 1563, the 20 of March.
" Cum gratia et privilegio Regise Majestatis."
Mr. Baker never saw more than one perfect copy
of this book, and that among the late bishop of Ely's
(Dr. Mora's) books, now out of its place, for he can-
not find it, as before.1
Feb. 23. John Ward of Hackney, esq., having on
the 11th instant received his sentence at the King's
Bench bar, Westminster, to pay a fine of 500/., to
stand an hour in the pillory, and to give security for
his good behaviour for seven years, accordingly he
stood in the pillory on Friday the 17th before West-
minster Hall gate, pursuant to his sentence. It seems
it was for forgery ; being prosecuted by the duchess
of Buckingham, he having added to some writing a
cipher too much. A vast concourse of people was
1 The copy, given by the author, at Magdalen college has
been already noticed at p. 218. There is a copy among arch-
bishop Wake's books at Christ Church, aud others will be found
in Douce's collection in the Bodleian.
296 RELIQUIAE . [1726-27
assembled on this occasion, and a soldier was sent to
the house of correction for throwing an egg at him.
At his being taken down he fainted, being extremely
weak. I have been told he had been before expelled
the Parliament house.
Feb. 26. The following extracts from a register at
Abingdon were sent me by Mr. James West of Balliol
coll. on Feb. 17, 1726. He being then at London.
Who made them I know not, but they were taken
anno 1638.
Abingdon com. Berkes.
Taken out of a kind of legger booke remayning in
the New Hospitall of Christ in Abingdon upon the
xiiiithday of Sept. 1638, which booke was written by
one Francis Little, sometymes maior there, the 20th
of September, Anno Domini 1627.
The monastery of the Blessed Virgin St. Mary of
Abingdon was buylt by Cissa. king of the West
Saxons about the veare of our Lord Christ 600. It
was destroyed by the Danes Ingor and Hubba about
the yeare 871. It wasreedified by Edrcd thexxviith
king of the West Saxons about the yeare 926. [F. 956
vel potius 955.]
It was dissolved by king Henry the Eight in the
yeare 1538 in the xxixth yeare of his raigne. The
revenewes thereof were yearely 20421. iis. Sd. }.
In the 12th yeare of Rychard the second, the
brotherhood of the Holy Crosse in St. Helen's was
at Abingdon. It is supposed the inhabitantes of
Abingdon founded it very antiently. It was first a
fratcrnitye and an hospitall of the Hoi)- Crosse, then
after the suppression it was made the hospitall of
1726-27] HEARNIANsE. 297
Borford and Culham bridges were remade over
Teames by licence of king Henry the fift in the fourth
yeare of his raigne, Ano. 1416.
John Huchion and John Banbury compounded
with the abbot of Abingdon for the ground whereon
to buyld the bridges and to make the waye. Upon
St. Alban's daye John Huchion layed the first stone
in the king Henry the fifte's name, witnes the west
windowe in St. Katharines Isle in St. Helen's church.
King Henry the fift was founder of the bridges.
Jeffrey Barbour, a marchant of Bristoll, was a
benefactor to the buylding of the bridges. This
Jeffrey Barbour was buried on the xxist day of Aprill,
1417, in the monastery of the blessed Virgin Mary
of Abingdon.
At the dissolution of the abbey the brethren of the
Holy Crosse perceaving that amongst the rest of those
strong and statlye buyldinges the fayre and goodly
church of the sayd monastery should be throwen
down, and the monuments therein utterly defaced,
they therefore, out of a thankful and Xtian respect
to the memory of this bountifull benefactor to the
buylding of the bridges, removed the monument of
stone under which his body had layne buried 121
yeares, and translated his bones with great solemnitye
unto St. Helen's church, and there interred them in
St. Katharynes ile with the former monument over
them which remayneth to this daye with this inscrip-
tion. " Hie Jacet Galfridus Barbour mercator de
" Abendon quondam Balivus Bristolise qui obiit vi-
" cesimo primo die Aprilis An". Dn1 1417, cujus
" anime propitietur Deus."
Sir Peter Besils of Besils leigh com. Berk, knight,
a principal benefactor to the buylding of the bridges,
by his will dated the xxiiird of October, 1424. 3rd
298 RELIQUIAE [1726-27
Henry vith. gave landes to the maintenance of the
sayd bridges. He gave his executors 60CU. to make
restitution for any wrong that lie or his ancestors
had done to any man, and if nothing was required,
then that mony to be given to the poore and to re-
payre high wayes ; he appoynted his body to be
buried in the church of the preching friars in Ox-
ford, unto which church he gave 120^. to make six
windowes in the north ile.
Sir John Golafre was a principall benefactor to the
fraternitye of the Holy Crosse, for xiii. Henry vith,
1434, he gave his manor of St. Helen's and divers
other lands com. Berks, for the relief of the pooro
and other workes of mercye.
Henry the sixt, 20th of October, in the 20th yeare
of his raygne 1441, by his letters patentes appoynted
the sayd John Golafre amongst others, to be one of
the founders for making the fraternity a corporation.
This John Golafre builded at his owne charges the
new bridge in Oxfordshire ; his fame grew princi-
pally by martiall deedes, but spread and settled itself
by good workes, and not long before his death was
knighted. He was owner of seventene manors in
Oxford and Berkes. He lyeth buried in Fyfeild
church, com. Berkes, in a monument of stone as a
warelik knight, he had issue one only daughter and
hcyre maried to John de la Pole, erle of Lyncolne,
sonne to John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, and Eliza-
beth, sister to Edward the fourth and Rychard the
third, who proclaymed the sayd erle his nephew heyre
apparent to the crowne of England after the death of
his owne sonne. It is very probable that in the tyme
of Henry vi. the fraternitye of the Holy Crosse built
the crosse now standing in the market place as a
monument of theyre name, and for an ornament of
1 726-2 7] 11 EARN 1 'AN ' SE. 299
the towne. And it is the more likely, for that at
the late repayring thereof the eoate of armes be-
longinge to sir John Golafre, knight, who lived about
those tymes, was found in a scutchion upon the sayd
crosse. and no doubt at the buylding thereof was a
speciall benefactor thereunto, and had his armes
placed there to honor his name, and to retayne his
memory for his bounty and liberalitye. Besides he
was one of the commissioners which were appoynted
by Henry vi. his letters patentes to found and make
the sayd fraternitye a corporation as before declared,
which crosse or monument was repayred, gilt and
garnished, an. 1605, (3rd Jacobi) in the tyme of
Thomas Mayot, gent., maior of the towne, fey the
benevolence of the knightes, esqres and gentlemen
of Berkes and other countyes (whose coates of armes
are set up in sehuehions upon the sayd monument)
together with some contribution of the inhabitantes
of the townes and other country villages adjoyning,
by the paynes of the relater, vizt. Francis Little, with
the expence of more than thirty poundes of his owne
mony, about the cost and charge thereof.
The fraternitye of the Holy Crosse in Abingdon
in Henry vi. tyme, being there where now the hos-
pitall is, did every yeare keepe a feast, and then they
used to have twelve preistes to singe a dirige, for
which they had geven them four pence a peece. They
had also twelve minstrells, some from Coventrye and
some from Maydenhith, who had two shillinges three
pence a peece besides theyre dyet and horse meat ;
this was in the raigne of Henry vi. Observe that in
those dayes they payd theyre minstrells better then
theyre preistes.
Theyre feast they kept yearely on the Invention of
the Holy Crosse, vizt. the third of Maye. They had
300 RE LIQUID [1726-27
at theyre feast six calves Ms. Md. a peace ; sixteen
lambes xiicZ. a peace ; 80 geese 2d. ob. a peece ; 800
egges which cost five pence the hundred, and many
marrowe bones, much fruit, spice, a great quantity
of mylk, creame and floure (wheat was then at xiicZ.
the quarter in the 23rd of Henry vi.) besides what
theyre servantes and others brought in, and pageantes
and playes and May games to captivat the sences of
the zelous beholders, and to allure the people to the
greater liberalitye, for they did not make theyre
feastes without profit, for those that sate at dyner
payed one rate and those that stood payed another.
Sir John Mason, knight, whose father was a cow-
herd of Abingdon, and his mother sister to a monke
of Abingdon abbey, which monke brought him up a
scholler, provided him a place in Oxford in All Soules,
where he was fellowe, procured the erection of the
hospitall and the incorporation of the towne as at
large is set downe, with his risinges and the great ad-
vancementes he had under king Henry viii. and other
the kings and queens succeeding. He was chancellor of
Oxford, embassador twice or thrice, imprisoned once
upon suspition of treason, sett free by Henry the
eight, and in great favour, and a privy counsellor ;
excellently well learned, much liked of by sir Thos.
More, who entreated king Henry viii. to place him
at Paris in the university there out of hope he had
he would prove a great commonwealth's man, and so
he did. He was master of the hospitall twelve yeares
eleven moneths and three dayes, he lived sixty-three
yeares, sawe five princes reigning in this realme, viz.
Henry vii., Henry viii., Edw. vi., Mary and Elizabeth.
He died the xxth day of April, 1566, 8th of Eliza-
beth, and lieth buried in the north chancell of St.
Paules in London.
1726-27] HEABNIANjE. 301
Jeffrey Barbour and sir John Mason, two especiall
benefactors, died both upon the same day of the
moneth, 149 yeares asunder.
Barbour gave money to buyld the bridges, and
Mason procured meanes to maynteyne them.
Upon Mason's tombe are engraven certeyne verses
in Latin which this relator hath caused to be Englished
thus :
If ere a wise and faythful statesman were,
If any to his countrymen were deare,
If ere were fit ambassador elected,
Who truth and goodnes for themselves respected,
Mason was he. All England can this prove,
By the nobles' favour, and the comons' love.
Five several princes in his time did live,
To some of which good counsell he did give :
Threescore and three he lived : his ashes rest
Here in this earth ; his soule in heaven blest. \
An°. 1566.
His wif for Mason did this tombe ordayne,
Where after death she shall be joyned agayne :
A son and nephew did these verses make
For both his father and his uncle's sake.
March 1. Dr. William Nicholson having been lately
made archbp. of Cashel, died a few days afterwards as
he sate in his chair in his study. He was a bold,
confident man, and his historical libraries are full of
gross mistakes, which however he cared not to ac-
knowledge. He was of a large size as to his person.
Dr. Hickes complimented him much for his skill in
the Runic language.
302 RELIQUIJS [1726-27
March 2. On Tuesday last called upon me Mr.
Wilson,1 bach, of arts of Christ Church, son of Dr.
Wilson bp. of Man. He is lately come from that
island, where he hath been detained a good while,
(almost two years,) which hindered him (he having
been like to have been drowned) from coming to
Oxford to determine last year, for which reason he
determines this Lent. He told me of a new sort of
money, (silver and brass,) coyned lately for that
island. It seems before they had only brass, of which
there was only three hundred pound worth coyned,
which makes it scarce. He told me that his father
is about publishing the N. T. in Manks and English,
a thing never done before. He told me his father
sent bp. Gibson a compleat tract of the Isle of Man
written by himself, but that 'tis strangely mangled
by Gibson in his late second ed. of Camden's Brit.
I wish the bp. of Man would give it separately.
March 3. The Friers of Brethren of the Holy Tri-
nity, for the redemption of Captives. This order had
its beginning A°. 1198 under the pontificate of pope
1 See p. 170. This Mr. Wilson, after be had graduated as
a D. D. at Christ Church, removed to St. Mary hall, where is a
good whole length portrait of him. lie was an eccentric, but
very benevolent man, a furious politician, tfie friend of Wilkes,
and a great admirer of Mrs. Macaulev. See an account of him
in Nichols's Literary Anecdotes. I believe he ended his days at
Bath, where his valuable library, which abounded in curious
books, was afterwards dispersed. There is a very pleasing
anecdote of him on record. Hearing of a clergyman in distress,
he gave some friend a sum of money for his relief. " Thank you,
" Dr. Wilson, for your liberality ; I will go the first thing in the
" morning, and this will indeed be a consolatory message to
c: poor ." " In the morning, my dear ?" said Dr.
Wilson ; " think how many hours of painful suffering his mind
" mav endure through the night, if you delay your visit; no,
" my kind friend, go this very evening ; go at once ! "
1726-27] IIEARNIAN^. 303
Innocent III., St. John de Marta and St. Felix de
Valois being the founders. They seem to have been
first brought into England by Robert Rokesley, who
built them a monastery at Motinden in Kent a.d.
1224. Edm. Plantagenist or Plantagenet, (son of
Richard king of Almain ifcc.,) earl of Cornwall, was a
great patron of the religious, particularly of the Trini-
tarian friers, who came to and settled at Oxford a.d.
1291, 19 Edw. I., being mightily encouraged thereto
by the said earl of Cornwall, who obtained for them
at Oxford certain tenements of the brethren of St. John
Baptist's hospital, on condition that they gave yearly
one pound of incense. These tenements stood be-
tween East gate and St. Frideswide's gate, on the
way that leads into Merton coll. fields, which way is
now called Trinity lane, though more commonly Rose
lane, from one Rose dwelling there formerly. Earl
Edmund's charter bears date at Beckley, on St. John
Baptist's day, An°. 21 Edw. I. a.d. 1293. He
founded this place (dedicated to St. Mary) for them
to pray for his soul, the souls of his father Richard,
and his mother Schenchia, and for the health of the
soul of king Edw. &c. William de Hamine was at
that time provincial of the order. Earl Edmund or-
dained that the provincial and his brethren should
find five chaplains for ever. Soon after this the inn
and chapell being quite built, king Edw. I., at the
request of Edmund, confirmed the grant to the fore-
said brethren and their successors for ever. About
the same time, the warden and fellows of Merton
coll., and the vicar of St. Peter's parish in the East,
(in which parish the inn and chappell stood,) gave
them liberty of having an oratory, a chantry and a
cemetery, to bury the bodies of the fraternity in,
which was confirmed by the bp. of Lincoln. After
304 BELIQUIsE [1726-27
this, being desirous to enlarge their hounds, they
obtained of the mayor and townsmen of Oxford a
small piece of ground, with the houses upon it, upon
this condition, that they should pay yearly 13s. 4dJ.
to them. Cut this rent being not paid for some
years, a.d. 1314, 8 of king Edw. II., an agreement
was made, that if it were afterwards neglected, the
mayor and townsmen might have power to seize their
It must now be known, that within East gate on
the north side, was a very old chappel dedicated to
the Holy Trinity, which the friers very much ho-
noured, and for that reason they had a great desire
to go thither, and to leave their first habitation as
too narrow. It belonged to the prior and canons of
St. Frideswide, who at first were against their having
it, but at last they obtained their desire, and got
moreover two or three plots of ground besides. This
was a good accession, and was confirmed to them bjr
k. Edw. II. in the 2nd year of his reign. But not
long after, viz. in the fourth year of the same king's
reign, they procured a greater addition, and that was
from the mayor and townsmen of Oxford, viz. three
plots of ground lying under the walls of the town.
The first of which plots extended from a postern gate
near Smith gate to the area or court of Trinity chapell,
near East gate, which area or court was annexed to
the said chappell, and was given to the friers for
ever by the prior and canons of St. Frideswide. And
as for the said postern gate, it was opposite to the
present refectory of Hart hall, or rather to Black hall
lately pulled down. The other two plots lay on the
south side of the area or court of the said chap-
pell, and reached a little tower or turret that was
the boundary of the court of Runcevall hall, for all
1726-27] HE A R XI A NJE. 305
which three plots or pieces of ground they gave
13s. 4d. per annum to the prior and canons of St.
Frideswide. Some time after this, by the licence of
king Edw. II. confirmed by king Edw. III., they
translated themselves thither ; but then this licence
Mas granted them, on condition that they built a
chantery in the foresaid chappel for their founder
and benefactors, &c. So that, going to this new place,
the friers let the area or court lying on the south
side of the former chappell to the warden and fellows
of Merton coll. for 50 years. Which area or court or
plot of ground extended in length from the front of
Runeevall hall southwards, to a little tower or turret
near the end of the area or court of the said hall,
and in breadth between the area or court of the said
hall on one side, and the wall of the village of Oxford
on the other. These friers flourished very much after
this, 'till about the year 1351. When a pestilence
happening, they were all cut off to a man, and so the
inn and chappell without East gate escheated to
k. Edw. III., in whose time and afterwards the mi-
nister of these friers at Hundeslowe (for at Hundes-
lowe on the west side thereof they had an house)
transmitted hither one frier to read prayers and to
perform other sacred offices. But after this, William
of Wickham intending to build a college at Oxford,
bought these two plots of ground of the Friers, which
they had before purchased of the town of Oxford ;
viz. An°. 3°. Rich. II. Dom. 1379. I mean those
two plots, one of which lay under the walls of the
town on the inside of the same, and reached from
the postern gate opposite to Smith gate, to the N. E.
corner of the said walls, extending from thence
southwards to Trinity chapell. But the other reached
from the said chapell southwards to the area or
11. x
306 RELIQUIAE [1726-27
court that had been formerly let to the warden and
scholars of Merton coll. The first of these plots
therefore being inclosed by the founder of New
coll. (viz. that on which is built the wall that sur-
rounds the college) and the other lying on the south
side of the chappel being restored by the same
founder to the mayor and townsmen of Oxford, upon
some agreement the 12th year of k. Richard II.,
(1 mean that plot on which, within East gate botli
on the right and left hand, houses are now built,) as
many of the friers as remained, because they had a
chappell only within the walls, having first of all
obtained power of the king, transplanted themselves
to the old inn and chappel situated beyond the gate,
both which had, as escheats, belonged to the king
for the space of forty years, viz. from 25 Edw. III.
Dom. 1351, to the 15th of Rich. II. Dom. 1391.
But now the mayor and townsmen layd a heavy
complaint before the king, that the friers had not
for many years paid them the yearly rent of 13s. 4d.
The king therefore ordered in the 15th year of his
reign his escheator Thos. Barentine to permit the
mayor and burgesses to seize the inn and chappell,
which accordingly they did, and after that time both
of them belonged to them, notwithstanding when
the founder of New coll. purchased the foresaid area
or plots within the wall, they had remitted to the
friers the aforesaid 13s. 4d. The friers afterwards
endeavoured to recover them, and for that end ap-
plyed to the university ; but the town kept what
they had got, and afterwards reserved only one
dwelling for a single priest to perform divine offices
in, and the resl of the chambers the)- let out to scho-
- who studied there under a principal, and it went
by the name of Trinity hall, under which denomina-
i ion it paid certain nuts to the town.
1726-27] H EARN I AN J?. 307
Now as to the two mansions or dwelling houses of
these friers at Oxford, I have already noted that
Edmund earl of Cornwall founded the first which
adjoyned to the lane that leads from Magdalen coll.
to the field behind Merton coll. This was by the
papal indulgences exempt from tithes and offerings.
But as to the other dwelling house, I know not who
was the founder ; but it fell to ruin after the founder
of New coll. had procured the neighbouring spots of
ground. I doubt not but once there was some brass
lamina in it to signify who the founder both of the
inn and chapell here was, much such another as that
at Glastonbury, at least the founder, according to an
antient laudable custom, now laid aside, used to be
commemorated in some Prone. As to the two chap-
pels, the most antient of them, viz. that Avithout
East gate, was built by Edm. earl of Cornwall, where
for some time certain chaplains celebrated mass for
his soul. After it came to the town of Oxford, it
was used for the new mayor every year, when he re-
turned home from being sworn in the exchequer at
London, (for in old time that was customary,) to
stop at this chapell and return thanks to God Al-
mighty for his safe return, and to give an alms to
the person who read the office, after which he was
received by the townsmen, and conducted into the
city with great huzzaings and rejoicing. At the
altar of this chapell a lamp or wax candle continually
burned. And this chapell was an asylum or refuge
for criminals. But as for the other chapell, I know
not who built it, though it belonged originally to St.
Frideswide's, but after the Trinitarian friers begun
to dwindle, and theadjoyning area or plots of ground
fell to New coll., it quite sunk by degrees, and the
very place where it stood is now altogether forgot.
308 RELIQUIAE [1726-27
When it was that this fraternity was dissolved, I
know not for certain. For it does not appear among
the convents that were destroyed in the time of
Henry Y1IL, it being very probable that it escaped
then, upon account of it's being called an hall. How-
ever it be, this is certain, that when the other fra-
ternities were destroyed. John Amery, a Trinitarian
frier, was principal, and at that time certain poor
scholars were here educated from stipends, that, ac-
cording to an old custom, they received of the col-
leges in Oxford, and here then lived an old hermit or
priest, where also he afterwards died. Cut at last,
towards the end of k. Henry Vlllth's reign, Robert
Perrot, bachelor of musick, was principal of this hall,
at which time the mayor and townsmen letting him
the hall and ehappell, he pulled both down, and in
the same place built a barn, a stable and hogstie.
March 16. Last Monday (13th) the honble Dr.
Henry Bridges, visitor of Balliol coll., gave judge-
ment about the mastership of that college ; when he
declared his nephew Dr. Theopliilus Lee duly elected,
to the great confusion of Mr. Best and his friends r,
but Mr. Best &c. may thank Dr. Bourchier for this,
whom they employed on this occasion as a coun-
sellor, and, he advising them to a new May of elect-
ing, by that means Mr. Best (who took that way)
lost his point, whereas Mr. Lee's friends, following
the old method, (which was to go out of the chappel,
and so to come in again one by one and vote, and
after voting to recede.) thereby obtained the cause
for him. Nor do I doubt but this was the old way
in other elections. I find it was so in the abbies,
when in elections in their chapter houses they used
to retire, when they had severally given their votes,
1726-27] HEARNIANjE. 309
that thereby matters might be carried on (as they
ought) secretly. This I told Mr. Sandford of Balliol
coll. and some other of Mr. Lee's friends of, and I
hear they made use of what I said, and I am in-
formed, that my book of Adam de Domerham (in
which is the form of electing an abbat of Glaston-
bury) was quoted on the occasion, I having men-
tioned to Mr. Sandford &c. that form, who therefore
made some application to me for the first volume, in
which this form is, but the book being still under the
press, I could not grant this favour. This Mr. Theo-
philus Lee bears the character of a good honest man.
I wish he may prove such.1
Sir Isaac Newton was certainly a very great ma-
thematician, and he is justly famed for his Principia
Mathematiea &c, but I cannot learn that he had any
other learning, unless it be that he made some sallies
by way of diversion into chronology, though I fear
his chronological knowledge was no better than Dr.
Wallis's, which was but mean, considering his great
skill in mathematicks, and many other branches of
learning, as appears by what he hath done at the end
of bp. Fell's St. Cyprian. When I came first to
Oxford, Mr. Francis Thompson, fellow of Queen's
coll., was much cried up by many in that college for
1 Hearne afterwards (March 22nd) says, "I hear, that when
'•judgement came to be given on the said 13th March, the
'•judge and both the assessors agreed that Mr. Best's election
'•' was invalid, and that one of the assessors would not allow
" Mr. Lee's election good, but that the judge (viz. Dr. Bridges)
" and the other assessor agreed that it was valid, and thereupon
" the judge declared him duly elected. Mr. Best desired the
"judge's reasons; but the judge, as he ought, declined giving
" any. This business being over, Mr. Lee came into Oxford,
"March 21, (being Tuesday,) about five o'clock, with a vast
" attendance, and immediately took possession."
310 EEL I QUI sE [1727
understanding the foresaid sir Isaac Newton's Prin-
cipia Maihematiea, some maintaining that he under-
stood them better than the author then did himself.
This Mr. Thompson was a sober man, and a great
tutor. He did the college several signal services.
The statutes, which I have seen, require an actual
fellow to be head, and accordingly he. being actual
fellow, stood, upon the death of Dr. Timothy Halton,
but instead of an actual fellow they chose Dr. Lan-
caster, that had left his fellowship many years. This
election occasioned a pamphlet, printed by Leonard
Litchfield, drawn up partly by honest Dr. Crosthwayt
(who always maintained that none but an actual
fellow ought to be elected provost.) and partly by
Mr. Thompson himself. Some time after a parsonage
fell to Mr. Thompson, and he retired to it, and I
think he is still living at it, free from the noise,
trouble, and mischiefs of elections. Sir Isaac New-
ton was formerly fellow of Trinity coll. in Cambridge.
He died a batehelour. Some years since I heard an
eminent mathematician (since deceased) say, that he
could mention another person then living, every way
equal in mathematicks to sir Isaac Newton, though
he had not published. We asked him (for there was
one more, a very virtuous gentleman, with us) who
this should be. He replied, sir Christopher Wren,
who was indeed a very extraordinary man, being an
admirable architect, a profound mathematician, and
well versed (what sir Isaac was not) in classical
learning. It is remarkable, that sir Isaac owed much
to some papers he had got of Dr. Hooke's.
March 28. Dr. Rawlinson in a letter from Rome
(July 18th 0. S. but July 7 N. S. 1724) told me,
that among a great quantity of history and antiquities
1727] HEARNIAN2E. 311
which he had collected in all parts where his cu-
riosity led him, it is highly probable some duplicates
will arise to gratify friends. The money others
lavish in equipage, coaches, and embroidery, he put
to use this way, and deprived of those gaudy appear-
ances, he had notwithstanding entered as far, and
seen as much, perhaps more, than some of our pea-
cocks. Of the remarkable accidents that happened
within four years past, which were very extraordi-
nary, he had been a witness. The holy year then
approaching, he said, would put an end to his cu-
riosity as to Rome. He said, he highly approved
the foundation of the new professorships at Oxford
and Cambridge for the modern languages, as certainly
useful, if for nothing but to curtail the benefit of
tutorage to our young nobility and gentry, from im-
pudent and ignorant French Hugonots and Scotch
pedlers. With the languages they will come out with
great advantage. For, to our shame at present be it
spoken, both tutors and pupils come and go very little
skilled in the languages, and that little they often
know of the learned languages is useless, as the
pronunciation, especially in Italy, is widely different
from ours, in a manner unintelligible to us and
them, as the Dr., he says, found by experience.
April 4. I hear sir Isaac Newton died intestate,
tho', besides a considerable paternal estate, he was
worth in money twenty-seven thousand pounds. He
had promised to be a benefactor to the Royal society,
but failed. Some time before he died, a great quarrel
happened between him and Dr. Halley, so as they
fell to bad language. This, 'tis thought, so much
discomposed sir Isaac as to hasten his end. Sir Isaac
died in great pain, though he was not sick, which
312 RELIQUIAE [1727
pain proceeded from some inward decay, as appeared
from opening him. lie is buried in Westminster
abbey. Sir Isaac was a man of no promising aspect.
He was a short well-set man. He was full of thought,
and spoke very little in company, so that his conver-
sation was not agreeable. When he rode in his
coach, one arm would be out of the coach on one side,
and the other on the other. He hath left behind him
a MS. chronology compleat, and ordered it to be
printed. Some years ago sir Isaac was much troubled
with a lethargy, occasioned by too much thinking,
but he had got it off pretty well before he died.
From the Reading Post for April 3rd. "The
" corpse of sir Isaac Newton, which was buried on
" Tuesday (March 28) in the abbey, from the Jeru-
" salem chamber, was followed to the grave by a
" great many persons of quality and distinction, to
" shew the respect they bore to that unquestionably
" great man, and six noble peers supported the pall.
" Yesterday (March 29) John Conduit, esq., M.P.
" for Whitchurch, received his patent constituting
" him master worker of his majesty's mint in the
" Tower, in the room of sir Isaac Newton deceased."
April 24. There being a great flaw in the east end
of Carfax church, Oxon, this day they began to pull
part of the said east end down, in order to repair it.
April 25. Mr. West tells me, in a letter from
London of the 22nd inst., that being lately in Cam-
bridgeshire, he spent two days in that university, both
which times he had the pleasure of seeing my friend
Mr. Baker, who was pleased to walk with him. and
shew him his college, the library, &c. What hath
been given to the library by Mr. Baker himself, is no
1727] HEARNIANsE. 313
small addition to it ; Mr. Baker being turned out of
his fellowship for his honesty and integrity, (as I
have also lost my places for the same reason, in not
taking the wicked oaths,) writes himself in all his
books socius ejectus. His goodness and humanity are
as charming, to those who have the happiness of his
conversation, as his learning is% profitable to his cor-
respondents. The university library is not yet put
into any order. They just saw it in heaps. The
college libraries make a very indifferent show, com-
pared with our Oxford ones. Mr. West had not time
to see abp. Parker's MSS. in Corpus college, but what
he was most pleased with, was Mr. Secretary Pepys'
library given to Magd. coll. There is a very pretty
collection of English history, among which is great
store of antient ballads, several vols, of English heads
of learned men, 3 large vols, of original letters of our
great men in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edw. VI.,
queen Mary and queen Elizabeth. The whole con-
tains about 2700 books. He has left them under
severe restrictions. They are kept in a room sepa-
rate from the college library, and are not on any
account whatever to receive the addition of one book,
which in case they do, the whole collection is forfeited
to Trinity coll. Cant.
May 4. Anno 1074, sir Robert Doilley built the
collegiate church of St. George, in the castle of
Oxford, for secular canons of the order of St. Austin.
They were afterwards translated to Osney abbey, and
then the house in the castle became an inn for scholars,
who were subject to the chancellour of Oxford. Many
brave persons were buried both at St. George's and at
Osney ; but alas ! no notice is now taken of them, but
they are utterly forgot.
314 UELIQUIsE [1727
May 5. Yesterday Mr. Graves of Mickleton called
upon me. He told me that young Ballard the taylor
of Campden is out of his time, and hatli very good
business at his trade, but that he is now learning
Latin, going twice a day for that end to the school-
master there, and that he hath a great mind to come
and enter of some college or hall in Oxford, but Mr.
Graves gives him no encouragement : judgeing it better
(and I think so too) to keep to his trade. This young
Ballard's great uncle was a doctor of physick. ' Mr.
Graves hath promised to send me some account of
May 0. About the year 1075 the Jews began to
come much to Oxford. After they were settled, they
procured a great many houses, particularly in the
parishes of St. Martin, St. Edward, and St. Aldate,
and heaped up vast wealth. Their dwellings in St.
Edward's and St. Aldate's were so considerable as to
be stiled the old and new Jewry, and in St. Aldate's
parish they had a synagogue, where they had masters
that taught the Hebrew tongue, to the great advan-
tage of the university; as there were scholars that
afterwards taught in Jewish houses, stiled from thence
Lombard hall, Mossey hall, Jacob hall &c., having their
names, without doubt, from Jews to whom they had
formerly belonged.
May 21. Dr. Tanner told me on Thursday last. when
I called upon him, that he had never seen Thos. Key's
defence of his Assertio Antiquitatis Academice Oxon. I
told him I had it, and that Anthony Wood had seen
1 I lie best account of Ballard (including Hearne's memoranda)
will be found in Dr. Iiloxa.m'&Magdalen College Register," Clerks,"
pp. 95-102.
1 727] HEARNIANyE. 315
it, and mentions it under the title of Examen &c, but
that he could not tell what became of it afterwards.
The Dr. said 'tis very probable Anthony had it, but
perhaps did not care to own it, Anthony being shy of
letting people know what he had about Oxford, that,
it might not be discovered what assistance he had re-
ceived from others, which certainly were very great.
The Dr. said, what Anthony had done ought by no
means to be despised, but Brian Twyne (he said, and
indeed very justly) was far superior to him.
May 22. Anno 1076 Wm. the Conqueror was at
the abbey of Abingdon for some time, with which
place (especiall the isle of Andersey, so called from
it's being sacred to St. Andrew) he was wonderfully
delighted, and therefore both he and his son William
Kufus came there often. Here some tell us he first
heard of exhibitions settled by k. Alfred on the univ.
of Oxford, with which he was much displeased, and
therefore took them away, for fear they might en-
courage the scholars to keep still to the Saxon tongue.
But this I look upon as a poor occasion for his with-
drawing them, since he had confirmed k. Edward's
laws, by which it was established that no scholars nor
those of the clergy for any cause should be injured.
I look upon the scholars' firmness to Edgar Atheling
to be the true reason. As for Andersey at Abingdon,
there was in old time a church in that isle, dedicated
to St. Andrew, and there was in the Saxon times also
a royal palace.
May 29. This being the Restoration of k. Charles
II., there was very great and very good ringing of
bells in Oxford, but very little and very poor yester-
day, which was the birth-day of the duke of Bruns-
316 RELIQUIAE [1727
wick, commonly called king George. The sermon
this day, before the university at St. Mary's, was
preached by Mr. Greenaway of Hart hall. Mr. Jona-
than Colley being chanter of Christ Ch., he yesterday
set a penitential anthem, which enraged the dean,
Dr. Bradshaw, to that degree, that after service he
sent for and reprimanded him.
May 30. There is just come out in 8vo. an English
book, being the life of Robert Dudley, earl of Ley-
cester ; the author's name is not added, but I am
well assured 'tis Mr. Jebb. who hath done in the same
manner (without putting his name) the life of Mary
queen of Scots, and that of sir Thos. More. This Mr.
Jebb, who pretends to many parts of learning, and is
a pretended non-juror also, though 'tis feared he is
far from being sincere, (which I am very sony for,)
is a man that bears but an indifferent character. He
is turned a meer hackney writer. His collection
called Sedecim Scriptores, about Mary q. of Scots, is
not much inquired after, as I am told. He makes use of
several things from my books, some with, and others
(as if he had been the first discoverer) without ac-
June 12. On the 10th of May last, came on in
Westminster hall the final hearing of Univ. coll. case,
and after a whole day's examining into that affair, 'twas
declared by the judges that the king is visitor of that
college, and that consequently, what the Viee-Chanccl-
lor. proctors, and drs. of div. lately did. under pretence
of being visitors, is null and void; so that Mr. Denison's
plea of being put in by the visitors is quite extin-
guished, and Mr. Coekraan, having been duly elected
and duly admitted, is head, and accordingly came
1727] HE All XI AN 2E. 317
down on Wednesday last, and the next day and since
hath in every point acted as head, and so will do.
His enemies, who made a most wretched injudicious
defence in Westminster hall, are so strangely exaspe-
rated and nettled at this victory, that yesterday morn-
ing Mr. George Ward, commonly called Jolly Ward,
('tis supposed by the direction of Dr. Bourchier and
Mr. Denison,)got into chappell sooner than ordinary in
his surplice, usurped the master's seat, read prayers,
and afterwards sent for the buttery book, struck Mr.
Cockman's name out from being master, and convej'ed
away out of the hall or publick refectory the master's
chair, and this he did as senior resident fellow, which
piece of villainy makes many people laugh, who now
plainly see the weakness of Denison's cause, when
they come to such tricks as this. Mr. Denison does
not now seem to stir in the college, he having cut
himself out from be'ng fellow, and his fellowship
being also vacant, as he is married. Yet, I hear, my
lord Arran, as chancellor of the university, hath
entered a caveat directed to the duke of Newcastle,
secretary of state, petitioning his grace that he would
not admit Mr. Cockman (now k. George, as they stile
the duke of Brunswick, is beyond sea) as master, till
the university hath tryed their right of a visitorial
power of that college. But I understand this caveat
is only laughed at, as being ridiculous, this matter
having been already tryed in Westminster hall, and
the king proved to be visitor.
June 25. I was told last night that Jolly Ward of
Univ. coll. did on Sunday, June 18th, usurp the
master of Univ. coll.'s seat again, and read prayers,
insisting to have Mr. Cockman shew something signed
either by the king or by the university or some body
313 RELIQUIAE [1727
else before he submits, and this he had also told Mr.
Cockman the master before. As for the university,
Mr. Cockman hath denyed the doctor's power, and
the matter hath been tryed in Westminster hall, and
the king is declared visitor. As Mr. Cockman was
statutably elected and statutably admitted, there is
no occasion for the visitor's hand, tho', I suppose, if
they continue refractory and disobedient a proper
method will be taken to reduce them to good manners;
indeed Ward and such debauchees are not fit for any
July 1st. Yesterday I walked from Oxford through
Bagley Wood to Bagworth, which, though it be a very
pleasant place, yet the old house of the Baskervilles
is now almost quite gone to ruin, the family of the
Baskervilles being (as I have noted formerly) exstinct.
Thence I walked (leaving Beaulieu farm on the right
hand) to Norcot, where are two old barns, one of
which hath several buttresses, and on both at the
cast end are the remains of a cross, whence I gather
that they have been formerly ehappels, at least I take
that with buttresses to have been a chappell, and per-
haps the other might have been an infirmary. This
Norcot is very pleasant, and the prior and sometimes
the abbat of Abingdon used to be here. Thence I
walked to Abingdon, from Abingdon I walked to
Radley or Rodley, where sir John Stonehouse hath
built a new brick house, but 'tis nothing near so
pleasant nor snug as the old large house, most of
which (they say) is to he pulled down. The inside
and the gardens &c. of the new house are not quite
finished. An old woman told me that sir John ami
his lady are very charitable to the poor, though I had
heard the contrary from others. Sir John's eldest
1727] HEABNlANsE. 319
daughter by this lady, (whose maiden name was
Penelope Dashwood,) viz. Mrs. Penelope Stonehouse,
(a fine creature,) is married to sir Henry Adkins.
Walking from Radley I overtook a man with hoops
on his back, who told me he had been at work at
Radley, and that he was going to Sunningwell, where
(he said) he lives. I understood afterwards that 'twas
Mr. Thomas Ellys who was prenticed to a wine-
cooper in London, where he lived till very lately,
when he came into the country for his health, he
being consumptive. He is a mighty sober young
man, and is brother to the late Mr. William Ellys, of
whom I have made mention formerly. Parting with
the said Mr. Thomas Ellys I walked to Sandford
ferry, and crossing the water, after some little re-
freshment at Sandford mill, I walked to Mr. Powell's
at Sandford, but I did not speak with him, as I de-
signed, he being private in a room by himself taking
a knap (tho' his lady being in the country (Worces-
tershire) where she hath been at least two months,
I looked upon this as the most proper time for some
conversation with Mr. Powell, who is a very worthy
good man, and much beloved). From Sandford I
walked to Iffley and so to Oxford.
Sept. 16. On Thursday last (Sept. 14) St. Marie's
great bell rang out in the evening, as did some other
bells, for Mr. Stephen Fletcher of the said parish of
St. Marie's, in Oxford, bookseller, who died (I think
on Tuesday last) at London of a violent feaver, aged
47, being born a°. 1080. He had lived for some
time at London, coming down, however, sometimes
to Oxford, where his wife and five children lived in
his shop. And he kept a shop in Westminster, he
having in all a great stock of books, the best of which
he had removed to London. About a month since he
was in Oxford, and went thence about three weeks
ago ; but being ill, his wife went up to him about a
fortnight since. He was born at Salisbury, was
prenticcd to old Mr. Oxland of St. Peter's in the
East, Oxford, as a bookbinder (Mr. Oxland being both
a bookbinder and bookseller), but being out of his
time, he never followed the binding trade, but wholly
betook himself to bookselling, and marrying a good-
natured young woman, he first lived by the Turl
gate in Oxford, and afterwards removed to St. Marie's
parish. He was a very proud, confident, ill-natured,
impudent, ignorant fellow, peevish and froward to his
-wife (whom he used to beat), a great sot, and a
whoring prostituted -wretch, and of no credit, though
he always made a great stir and bustle.
Santa Barbara